Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (68 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

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All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.


AC field excitation, 52, 71–72, 101, 103–6, 109–111, 136–37,
160–63, 201, 211, 251–52, 267, 274, 316, 319–21, 324, 334–35, 337–38, 352
Advanced Technology Bomber.
See B-2
Aero-Space Plane, 389–91, 394, 460–61
air-drag reduction, 143–45, 153, 357, 390, 393–94
Alfvén, Hannes, 128
Allende, Carlos, 30–31
antenna, RF, 104, 333–38, 348
    half-wave radiator, 104, 338
    quarter-wave oscillation, 105, 134, 137, 333–34
antigravity, 47, 66–67, 72, 78–79, 81–82 87, 95, 106–8, 110, 112–13, 129, 142,
147–48, 163–64, 190–93, 250, 257, 263–64, 302, 389, 401–3
See also
electrogravitic, electrogravitics,
electrokinetics, force, gravity wave
antimatter, 119, 126, 284, 287, 292, 387
Area 51, 147, 280–83, 286–87, 291
Art’s Parts, 249, 273–78
Assis, André, 330
atomic bomb, 66, 184, 258, 400
Aviation Studies, 65–67, 72–73, 78, 80, 112, 114–15, 147, 154, 160, 390, 411–17
Aviation Report
, 66, 69–74, 78, 114, 154–55, 427–39
Aviation Week
, 115, 142–49, 154, 164, 259, 267, 270

B-2 bomber, 67, 112, 115, 142–164, 265–67, 356–57, 394
Bahnson, Agnew H, 87, 109–10, 161, 252
BAE Systems (British Aerospace), 163, 171, 218, 393–94
ball bearing motor effect, 307, 311–14, 321
barium titanate, 21, 84, 94, 105, 138, 161–63, 211, 225, 227, 229–35, 242, 251,
373, 375–77
Barrett, P.
L., 300, 325–28
Basiago, Andrew, 147
Bell Aircraft, 72–73, 75, 78–79, 420, 436, 438
Bell, Art, 273–74
Bell, Lawrence, 73, 76, 79, 420, 436
Berlitz, Charles, 30, 36
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 124
Bertrandias, Victor, 45–46
Biefeld-Brown effect, 4, 47, 85, 114, 116, 175, 191, 195, 352, 370
bismuth, negative index, 275–78
Boeing, 79, 164, 171, 191, 200, 218, 420, 437
Bondi, Hermann, 123
Brown, Thomas Townsend, 1–69, 77–112, 116–17, 133–57, 161–62, 175, 191–92,
200–201, 209–11, 250–52, 338–39, 350–63, 375, 384, 393, 405–9, 415–16, 421,
    letters to Turman, 405–10
    nervous collapse, 36, 40
Brusselator, 118
Brush, Charles, 25
Burridge, Gaston, 50, 52, 349
Bush, Vannevar, 27, 271–72
Bush, George H.
W., 378

Cady, Will, 47–48, 94
Cameron, Jeff, 365
Campbell, Jonathan, 392–93
capacitor, asymmetrical, 95, 99–102, 106, 125–26, 129, 134–37, 162, 350, 353,
355–56, 367, 370–76, 392–93
    See also
Biefeld-Brown effect,
        dielectrics, electrogravitic: force,
        force: unbalanced
Carew, Charles, 108, 112
Caroline Group, 27–28
    mass coupling, 11–13, 121–24, 141, 236
    production of, 121–22, 140
See also
conservation law, electrogravitics
chemical kinetics, 121
classified, physics, 115–17
    research and technology, 2, 22, 26, 33, 35, 40, 50, 64–65,
82, 95, 106–7, 111, 113, 143, 146–48, 164, 195, 201, 224, 243, 245, 270, 380,
389, 400–401, 455
Cleaver, A.
V., 85, 107
Columbia disaster
, 391–93
Compton wavelength, 120, 329, 418
Cook, Nick, 171
conservation law, violation of,
    charge, 119
    energy, 17, 95, 119, 250, 374
    momentum, 9, 172, 361, 374–75, 385
Cornille, Patrick, 9, 361–65, 369
Corum, K.
L., 31
Coulomb wave, 116, 179

Deavenport, Larry, 357–59
Defense Sciences Office, 202–3
See invisibility
dielectric, 3, 7–8, 12, 16, 22, 24, 85, 90, 94, 96–106, 129–139, 148, 151, 200,
223, 230–31, 250–52, 275, 291, 342, 353
    absorption, 8, 149
    constant, 20–21, 25–26, 62, 79, 94, 96, 133, 138–39, 375, 421
    massive, high-K, 20, 22, 49, 62, 66, 71–72, 79, 84, 95,
102–3, 160–63, 211, 221, 251, 359–60, 373, 377, 416, 429
    opposing dipole moment, 7–9, 44, 105, 133, 161, 377
    permittivity, 138, 201, 220, 276, 346, 351
    polarization of, 7–8, 161
    relaxation, 7–8
DiDomenico, Leo, 245
Dimitriou, Stavros, 206, 209, 214, 333–48
disc airfoils.
See flying discs
dissipative structures, 24
Don (anonymous informant), 216, 219, 223–26, 230, 232, 235–36, 238–41, 446–50
Douglas Aircraft, 45, 78, 420, 432, 438
See Area 51

Einstein, Albert, 10–11, 27, 33, 75, 114, 116, 128, 177, 185,
415, 419, 422, 429, 431–36, 444
Eisenhower, Dwight, 273
electric charge density (real), 13–14, 122, 133,
    surface charge density, 98, 370–71
electric flux density, 85, 97, 99, 151
    vector, 130–32, 137
electric displacement, 131
    communication, 62–65
    force, 2–16, 20–22, 25, 43–45, 48, 57–58, 67–68, 72, 85, 91,
97–98, 104–6, 123, 131–41, 147, 150, 156, 168–76, 180, 186–87, 194–95, 204–9,
213, 223, 236–38, 251–52, 260–61, 277–78, 324–329, 334–35, 339–48, 359–64, 415
    motors, 16–20, 59, 62, 64, 68, 374
electrogravitic impulse waves, 167–76
    generation of, 172–75
    for space flight, 185–89
    superluminal speed of, 172, 177–85
electrogravitics, 73, 125–30, 243–59
    charge-mass coupling.
See charge-mass coupling
    quantified, 13–16
    systems, 66–68, 151, 191, 390, 413–441, 456
    theory of, 9–16, 50, 98, 115–141, 148, 418
    vacuum tests.
See vacuum chamber tests
electrohydrodynamics, 59, 89–94, 102, 161–62, 362, 375
electrokinetic apparatus, 87, 94–106, 110, 134–37, 144, 161, 200, 223, 267, 302,
316, 324, 338, 355, 360, 362, 365, 371
    phase conjugating capabilities, 250–52
electrokinetics, 49, 349, 392
    corporation, 59, 89, 90, 110–111, 154
    creation of.
See matter creation
    gravitational mass of, 12, 123
    wave nature of, 120
electrostatic charge, 48–49, 90–94, 98–103, 106, 126, 151–53, 358, 367–76
See force
electrostatic potential field, concept of.
See field
    gradient, 60, 85, 98–99, 101–3, 105, 126, 129, 137, 184, 251,
316, 321, 346–47, 368, 371–72
    inside a particle, 68, 104–6
    nonlinear gradient, 85, 96–97, 102, 131, 149–51, 200, 204
    outside a particle, 68, 77, 92–94, 104–6
    conservation violation,
    efficiency, high, 254–55, 308, 337, 374
    entrainment, 247, 253–57, 319–24
    over-unity power, 17, 254
See also
zero-point energy
    reversal of, 250, 255–56, 320
    law, violation of, 301
    concentration gradient, 63, 118, 127–33, 140, 167, 189,
325–26, 338
    concentration patterns, 64, 119–21
    critical threshold, 331
    currents, 167
    diffusion coefficient, 129, 141
    evidence for, 127, 185
    fluctuation, 119, 323–24
    kinetic constants, 118
    Model G, 117–18
    as open system, 118–19
    as organic whole, 16–17
    physics, 116, 404
    reaction-diffusion process, 117–18, 121
    reactions, 118–19, 124
    rest frame, 177, 308
    reverse reactions, 121
    superluminal velocity of, 188
    theory, 50, 64, 117–41, 167
    transmuting, 118
    vortex, 325
    wind, 174, 177, 180–84, 188
    flux of, 121, 128, 130, 132, 134, 325–26
    types of, 117
See also
flux vector

Faraday disc generator effect, 307–11
Feynman, Richard, 123
    concept of, 98–99, 101, 125
See electrostatic
    as ether concentration, 64, 129
    faser effect, 253, 259, 320–21
See gravitational
See also
unified field theory
    field-induced soliton phenomenon.
flame-jet generator, 56–58, 60–61, 79, 86, 144, 154–58, 160, 264
flux vector, divergence of, 129–34
flying discs, 42–55, 81, 83, 95, 147, 270, 349–50, 354–56, 384
See electrostatic
See electrogravitic
    field intensity, 125–26, 370–71
    levitating, 32, 55, 61, 68, 87–106, 109–110, 148, 154,
161–63, 235–36, 243, 245, 250–52, 262, 296–302, 305, 329, 331, 352, 365–70
    production of, 124–25
    thrust-to-power ratio, 5, 92–95, 162, 187, 340, 373–74
    unbalanced, 98–103, 106, 125–26, 352, 367–76
four-wave mixer, 226–29, 234, 240–43

galactic center, 20, 23–24, 26–27
General Electric, 78, 154–55, 163, 110–11, 420, 435, 456
general system theory, 117
Glenn Martin, 28, 72, 75, 77–78, 108, 114, 420–21, 434, 438
    See also
Lockheed Martin
Godin, Serge, 302–7, 310, 313, 317–18, 321–22, 329, 332
    acceleration, 15, 59, 125, 170, 186–88, 269, 334–35, 342–43,
345–47, 419
    bending of light, 127, 330
    clock retardation, 116, 127, 141
    effect on inertial mass, 329–30
    effect on length, 116, 329–30
    precession of orbiting masses, 127, 330
    unbalanced forces, 16
    vortex, 18–19
See also
mass, electrogravitic force
gravitational potential field,
    gradient, 11–12, 14–15, 44, 57, 94, 98, 106, 124–27, 132,
136–40, 149, 157, 173–81, 206–8, 325–28, 337–38, 362–65
    hill, 11–12, 44, 123
    production of, 121–23
    well, 11–12, 14, 44, 63, 122–23, 141
See also
charge, electrogravitics, field
gravitator, 3–10, 16–17, 20–21, 42, 62
gravito-electric measurements, 19–25, 38, 63
    sidereal electrometer, 21–23
gravity, control of, 68, 427
    screening of, 327–28, 333–39
gravity impulse beam, 167–76
See also
gravity waves, 24, 45, 63–64, 85, 169–77, 180, 186, 204–9, 213, 236–38, 242,
251–52, 260–62, 268, 284–86, 289–90, 292–93, 339–48
    theoretical model of, 63–64
gravity wave
    amplifier, 210–12, 219–22, 240, 289–90
    beam propulsion, 174, 185–89, 193–246, 284
    experiments, 333–47
    generator, 286, 293
    radiation, cosmic, 24–25
See also
electrogravitic impulse waves, gravity waves,
Greer, Steven, 395
Greg, 257–58
Grumman, 108, 144
    See also
Northrop Grumman
Gunn diode, 215–19, 223, 225, 232–36, 238, 242, 250, 256, 264, 285, 289, 445
Gunn effect, 216–17

Hare, Donna, 394–95
Hill, Paul, 260–62
Hlavaty, Vaclav, 75, 415, 422, 424, 431
holographic grating, 227, 230–31, 234, 240, 251, 291
Hughes Corp., 108, 152–53, 218, 243–45, 252
Hughes, Joe, 383–84, 458–59
Hutchison, John, 32–33
hydrogen bomb, 75, 271–72

IMPATT diode, 216–18, 289
interstellar travel.
See space travel
invisibility or dematerialization
    created magnetically, 31
    created electrically, 33–34, 331
    engine, 187
    sheath shock buffering, 144–45, 393
    space charge, 43–44, 49, 57–58, 150–53, 362–65, 368
    vortex, 61
    wind thrust, 48, 54–56, 61, 83–84, 86, 89, 92–93, 352, 356,
360, 362, 367–70, 375

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