SecondSightDating (11 page)

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Authors: Marianne Stephens

BOOK: SecondSightDating
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Chapter Ten


“Is it warm in here or is it me?” The temperature in the
restaurant’s dining room had Serena fanning herself with her hand.

It could just be the closeness of the tables, too many
people giving off body heat.
It could be the wine.
She’d chugged down a glass
while casting aside any resemblance to ladylike grace, triggering her body to
warm up with a wonderful, cozy feeling of tranquility.
Then again, it could be
Dan’s never-ending stare, raking her body up and down since they met for

With one eyebrow quirked up in a definite arch, he riveted
his attention to her face.
“Seems fine to me.
Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.
Just commenting on being hot.”

In a sensual voice he suggested, “Is my being here a problem
for you?
Am I too close?”

Dan…a problem?



Serena debated which answer to give to either question.

On one hand, her brain screamed out a resounding, “Yes!”
My body reacts to your presence, regardless of every effort I make to treat you
like just another client.

On the other hand, she’d have to give a defensive answer,
“No.” Don’t flatter yourself.
I’m nervous about being here with you because I’m
not sure I can trust you.

Dan…too close?

Come closer, take me in your arms and to hell with the

Move your butt across the table from me, instead of
sitting next to me.

Dizziness settled in from the contradicting opinions warring
in her head.
Serena opted for the coward’s way out.
“Never mind.
It’s just me.
Too much wine on an empty stomach.”

“Then let’s eat.
I’m starved.
We can discuss your business
after we order.”

He transferred his gaze to the menu, allowing Serena to
breathe a sigh of relief as his attention drifted from her to something,
anything, else.
Dan made a few comments about some of the entrees, mentioning
ones he’d had and rating their quality.


Hell, any of those descriptions would fit him to a “T”.
eyes were drawn to him and the more she stared, the more entranced Serena
His pale blue shirt created the perfect background for a blood red tie,
it blazed with the word “coordination”, as if they’d planned to match his tie
with her dress.

She’d always adored men in suits.
The classy, elegant look
accentuated his features.
Dark blue suit, even the smart red handkerchief
hanging slightly out of his top pocket, announced his presence.

Lord, keep my hands where they belong.
Touching him would
turn her world upside down.
Combining that craving with his nearness and looks
would launch her mind to spin farther and farther from sanity.

One word came to mind…lust.
The depth of desire for Dan
shook her to the core.
Never had she experienced a wanton passion with Alan.
He’d held her back from making her needs known, convinced her any real desire
on her part labeled her a nymphomaniac.

With Dan, restraining her sexual cravings tested her
The word lust had many synonyms and Serena could use all of them to
describe her amorous need for Dan.
She needed to refocus her attention
elsewhere before she jumped him right then and there.

She grabbed her glass, now full again after Dan had refilled
it and swirled the liquid slightly before sipping her wine.
Serena focused on
the light reflecting off its shiny surface.
Clearing her throat while regaining
control of her thoughts, she offered, “I know what I want to order.
Here comes
our waiter.”

Only occasional comments between them interrupted their
dinner, most of their conversation concentrating on their meals.
herself for forgetting the real reason for being there in the first place,
Serena resolved to put her plan into action.

She was a woman on an undercover mission to unveil the true
Dan Reese and needed to unleash her sex appeal and unveil her seductive charms.
Serena tried her best to bat her eyelashes now and then, smiling a cute,
sickening kind of smile she’d mimicked after observing another obviously
amorous couple two tables over.

The woman simpered and sighed at her date and he reacted
like a lovesick puppy basking in her adoring sunshine.
Trying not to choke at
the lovers playing their game but emulate the woman’s actions at a less intense
level tied Serena’s stomach in knots.
The food had to be wonderful, she just
hadn’t tasted it with her full concentration diverted elsewhere.

Dan ate with relish, obviously enjoying and savoring his
He’d eyed her with a look of surprise at her attempt at flirting, but
quickly presented a charming smile accompanied by a wink.
Flirting and aiming
attention in his direction had affected him, although Serena couldn’t be sure
it would be a positive notch for her in scoring points.

“So, tell me about yourself and your business.” Dan had
finished eating, wiped his mouth with his napkin and now directed his full
attention to her.
His timing wasn’t impeccable…she’d just shoved a forkful of
dessert into her mouth.

Swallowing too quickly, she began to cough.
Dan poured more
wine into her glass and she welcomed its cool, calming effect on her throat.

“I didn’t mean to make that sound stressful.
How about we
just talk about ourselves first, business later.”

His quick, nonchalant comment lulled her senses.
into any kind of conversation with Dan would seem as natural as breathing.
eyes mesmerized her, his voice soothed her nerves.

Or, maybe it was all that damn wine.

Serena needed a momentary mental shake to bring her back
into the here and now, ready to deal on an equal level with Dan.
She was
supposed to be doing the interview, asking the questions.
When did he gain

Clearing her throat, she replied with confidence, “You start
I only know what you put down on your information sheet.
Wait a minute.
I have some questions written down…” She rummaged in her purse and came up with
the list Mike had given her.

“Uh, have you dated a lot?
What kind of women?” Serena’s
face warmed at these questions as she rushed out the words and wondered
whatever possessed her to agree to Mike’s line of questioning in the first
She shifted in her seat as a twinge of curiosity spurred her forward.
“How long has your longest relationship lasted?
Any serious commitments?”

She refolded her list, slumped back against her chair and
focused on Dan.

“This sounds more like a laundry list of questions coming
from a jealous would-be lover.” His voice held a sensuous tone as he uttered
his comment.
His hand slipped over to one of hers and covered it in a warm,
masterful protective squeeze.

Totally embarrassed, Serena wrenched back her hand.
Too many
letters danced in her head, all spelling out the word “sex”.
He had to stop
touching her even if her body craved each and every stroke.

“I, umm, want things to be open and honest between us.
you answer my questions, I’ll answer yours.
If we decide to become partners, we
need to know and trust each other.
Since this is a dating service, I want to
know your experience in relationships, even, say, if I do all the matchmaking.”

“Can I trust you, Serena?” His eyes narrowed and he
whispered, “Don’t you trust me?”

Every instinct, sense, yearning in her body screamed
in unison, “Trust him.” The only thing holding her back from grabbing him and a
planting one hell of a passionate kiss on his lips was an annoying curiosity
that flickered in her brain.
He didn’t seem genuine.
Something about him didn’t
ring true.

“I’d feel more comfortable if you’d answer my questions.
can’t just latch onto anyone who walks into my office as a client and then
decides he wants a piece of my business.
I worked very hard to get where I am
now and I don’t want to make any mistake, even if you’d only remain a silent,
financial partner.”

“You need to relax more.
I’m a reasonable guy, once you get
to know me.
I’m not a total loser where women are concerned.”

Irritation edged his comments.
Serena pressed forward, her
own annoyance at his uneasiness with her line of questions making him appear
more suspicious.
“I’m just asking these questions because you’re the one who
came to me, looking for a match.” She rolled her shoulders.
“I don’t want a
partner interested in trying his hand at matchmaking, the premise of my whole
That part’s my domain and I won’t allow anyone else to butt in.”

After he frowned, his face softened with a half-smile.
not interested in matching people, although I’d be curious to learn more on how
you do this.”

Serena relaxed at his statement, her mind at ease for the
“I’m not sure I can explain the process.
It’s a gift I have, reading
other people’s feelings about what type of match they’re looking for.
It’s just
a spontaneous thing I’ve always been able to do.” She tried to convey a plea
with her eyes and voice.
“Can you understand this?
The spontaneity of my gift?”

He signaled for the waiter.
“I know spontaneous.
And, to
prove it to you, watch this.”

Serena sank back in her chair, wondering what his next move
would be.
His disastrous meeting with Monica showed his lack
in charming or interesting a date.
Of course, Serena knew Dan and Monica
wouldn’t really work.

A waiter came to their table and Dan whispered something
into his ear that brought a smile to his face.
The young man walked away but
soon returned with another waiter.
He winked at Dan and then startled Serena by
breaking out into a song…in Italian.

Serena recognized the tune as one of her
favorites, having been brought up by an Italian mother who inundated her
offspring with opera music.
By the time she was ten Serena could sing the
words—albeit off-key—to most of the popular Italian operas.


She found herself humming along, so engrossed in the song
that she never realized the moment when Dan took her hand in his.

Captivated by the music, ambiance and the tingle of soft
kisses being planted on her hand by Dan, Serena’s world tumbled into one of
complete compliance.
The moment she shared with Dan touched her soul and, with
each kiss, his letters slowly ambled across her brain.

Heart beating a rapid tattoo in her chest, Serena reveled in
his undivided attention and sweet gesture.
Could a man like Dan, so caring and
charming, have an ulterior motive?
Was she too paranoid to accept the
possibility that he might be a great catch just waiting to happen?

One for her and not for a client?

“So,” he whispered in her ear, “did I surprise you?
I’m a
nice guy, if you’d just give me a chance.”

“I…I love opera.
Thank you.” She regained some control of
her shaking voice and senses as the waiters bowed at their applause and moved

Dan didn’t argue when she insisted they split the bill.
just gave an affirming nod and said, “Of course, if that’s what you want.
should go somewhere quiet to continue discussing business.”

Giving herself a mental kick in the pants, Serena willed her
brain to jolt into gear.
Of course, business.
That’s what their
dinner and meeting was supposed to be about.
Nothing more.

A jab of disappointment worked its way through her psyche.
She’d wanted more, allowed her guard to slip and desires to surface.
visions of spending a night with Dan flashed in her head and she savored the
What was wrong with her?

Serena wouldn’t suggest going to his apartment and she
couldn’t take the chance of running into Mike at hers.
She opted on a better
“My office is quiet.
No one will disturb us there.”

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