Second Song Cowboy (Second Chance) (13 page)

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“Let me get this straight. She cheated on Dillon with you?” She absorbed the facts
as her heart fluttered. Had Dante sunk to a horrible level to be with a woman? “And you betrayed your brother?” Her chest tightened and she didn’t apprehend that her fingers clenched the arms of the chair until her skin stung.

He brought his face around, his eyes
gleaming in the moonlight. “They had broken up, had been for a while, and things happened. At the time, I’ll admit, I wasn’t thinking with the right part of my body, but I also didn’t mean to hurt Dillon.”

April’s frown froze on her f
ace. “Did he see it that way?”

e busted my jaw. Things started coming into perspective after that,” he admitted.

“Boy, this Cassie must be some piece of ass to sink her claws into the backs of two Brooke men.
I hope Deckland is immune.” Jealousy sliced through her. To think of another woman’s hands on Dante did weird things to the pit of her stomach.

“So, do you think I’m a jerk?”

“We’ve all made mistakes and poor decisions. But I think it’s obvious Dillon has forgiven you. I bet he’s even grateful that you showed him what type of woman this Cassie is.”

He blinked. “Most women would say I’m a bastard.”

“I know how much you love both of your brothers. Sometimes we hurt those we love the most.” She’d learned this by example. Her parents loved her, she knew, but they were selfish in that love. They’d always put their careers and traveling before her needs. They weren’t bad parents, but they were absent when she was a child.

“I guess we do.”

“I know I love being here among all of you. There’s so much caring and affection. Makes me wonder what life would have been like if I’d done things differently. I could easily forget that I have another life far away from here.” April had always wanted siblings. She’d missed having someone to tell secrets to.

“No one in town is giving you trouble? Asking for autographs?” he asked.

She laughed. “Several people looked at me, but besides the usual friendly smile or wave, no. They respect one’s privacy.”

“They respected your grandpa, even now.”

Her heart sped up. “Dante, you’re lucky you have the family you do. I remember how loving your parents were and how nice and helpful they were to Gramps. And your brothers, they’ve always had your back. Now you have a sister in Peyton.”

“I know you’ve always wanted your parents to change, sweetheart.” He placed his large, callused palm over her hand. Shards of electrical current splintered up her arm.

She stared at their hands, his tanned complexion made her skin appear paler. “Some people don’t change. They don’t have the capability.”

“Everyone can if they choose. Lord knows I’ve had my ups and downs, but I’m finding my way.”

“We should talk in private, Dante.” Question filled his gaze. “Want to go for a ride? Like we used to?”

He gave her a
side-glance. “This doesn’t sound good.”

April laughed. “No
, it’s not bad. It’s such a beautiful night. Let’s not waste it.”

His eyes twinkled with undisguised laughter. “I’d like th
at. Let me tell Dillon and Peyton they have the place to themselves.”

A few minutes later, t
hey were standing in the driveway looking from his massive truck to her smaller one. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the keys and tossed them. He caught them into his chest. “You want me to drive your Grampa’s truck?”

“Don’t act like you haven’t before. Or have you forgotten?” Wriggling her eyebrows, she laughed when his hand came up and rubbed his neck. “No, of course you haven’t
.” Her excitement shook her voice. They’d shared a handful of hot moments in the back of the truck.

“I remember how shocked I was that he let me take his truck out
for a spin.” Dante admitted once he was behind the wheel and pulling out onto the road. “It was his pride and glory.”

“He thought a lot of yo
u. I remember how disappointed he was when I told him we broke up.”

“And I
appreciated him,” he said as he turned right. “Even after you’d left I would visit him. He had more stories than a library. He’d keep me entertained for hours. I wish I could have helped him more.”

I’m sure he was grateful, and so was I,” she admitted. “Life was good in those days—when skinny dipping was the day’s enjoyment—easy and fun.” April stared out of the window, not seeing any of the scenery in the darkness.

“And living your dreams isn’t
fun?” She heard the confusion in his voice.

“When I’d
sat down at sixteen and wrote my bucket list, becoming a singer was at the top. Stardom wasn’t. I just wanted to sing, to do what I loved. If only I’d known how tough my skin would need to be.”

“What other things were on that so-called list?”

“Some of the things I’d written down are almost laughable now. Smoking a cigarette, only one of course. Running stark naked down a city street. Flipping off a police officer. Playing my guitar at the County Fair. I had such a naïve imagination back in those days.” Swallowing her giggle, she shook her head. Her chances of raising a little hell ended the second she had people watching her, ready to tear her from limb to limb. April’s cheeks puffed as she exhaled. “I even had kids somewhere on that list.”

“I know first-hand that you’ve done a few of those things. I was with you.”

“I’ve never smoked a cigarette,” she said.

You’re not missing anything.” He turned and caught her gaze a mere second.

“I did sneak my Gramps’s pipe once. I threw up and learned my lesson.”

“You always were full of curiosity.”

She turned in the seat.
“I haven’t had an ice cream cone in five years.”

One brow snapped up
. “Why the hell not?”

Swallowing back the bitter taste of shame, she exhaled. “The paparazzi snapped a picture of me while I was eating
a cone. The caption read, ‘April Rayne should lift the weights, not the cone.’”

“Pfft! Are you serious?” His grip tightened on the steering wheel
as he shook his head. “Damned son-of-a-guns.”

“I guess
they needed something to pick on. I’ve learned not to give a shit. I’m not running for office. I’m a musician.”

“Then why not eat what you want?” he asked.

“It sucks how people can say things that can leak into our minds, leaving poison. Every time I would think about eating ice cream I’d get angry.”

He slammed on the brakes. “A slight detour.”
Reversing the truck, he took the road on the left. “And in my opinion, if it means anything, I think your curves speak an erotic novel.”

A chuckle bubbled up inside of her. “Best thing I’ve heard in years.”



Chapter Eleven


PARKED ON A gravel back road along Brooke Creek with ice cream cones in hand, Dante watched April relax into the worn seat and take another bite of the sweet, chocolate goodness.

“I can’t believe I’ve waited this long. What the hell was
I thinking?” A drop of the concoction dripped down onto her bottom lip. He started to reach out on instinct, but she licked it off.

The air swooshed from his lungs as his
body ached. He’d assured himself when they left the driveway that he’d take the hands-off approach. No ogling. No fantasizing. And certainly no touching.

He’d broken rule number one.

His eyes automatically went to the deep crevice between her breasts and he wondered what her vanilla scented skin dipped in chocolate would taste like?

Rule two down the drain.

No longer able to swallow comfortably, he tossed his half-eaten cone out of the window.

“I remember
how we used to come out here all of the time, listening to music and talking until the sun rose. Where does time fly?”

Right out the window.”

“Do you ever think of that first time we shared
…well, you know what I’m talking about?”

He smoothed his palms down his jean-covered thighs. “On occasion.”
“I don’t want to live in regret.” A somber tone thickened her voice. She tossed the last bite of cone into her mouth.

etter to live life fully than with any re—” He snapped his mouth shut when she crawled on top of him, anchoring her knees next to his thighs. She was so close he could smell the chocolate. His mouth salivated.

“I couldn’t have
said it better.” She crushed her mouth to his, driving her tongue deep.

And he was a goner.

Tangling his fingers into the hair at the back of her neck, he held her close as they met each other, kiss for kiss. Her sweetness melted in his mouth as he licked every crevice, tugging her bottom lip between his teeth and gently scraping her full pout. Her fingers clawed at the material of his shirt—yanking, pulling until she lifted it off his chest and over his head.

“My God, you are a perfect man.” A smile
crept across her lips as she flicked one flat nipple with the tip of her fingernail, and then gave the other bud the same attention. Every muscle jerked as she tiptoed her fingers down his abs to his belt buckle. “Are we too old for this?” Her pants were heavy and warm.

Depends on what you’re referring to.” He forced the words between clenched teeth. The apex of her thighs rolled across his compressed zipper, filling him with a mixture of bittersweet agony.

“I don’t think I need to spell it out, do I?” One thin brow popped up as she tugged at his belt buckle, sending it flying open and she quickly undid his fly. She buried her
fingers past his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his cock, gently squeezing his tip between her fingers. “You’re as ready as I am.”

He sucked back a moan. “I think we can still maneuver this.”

She slid off him and he watched while she pushed her jeans and panties down her shapely thighs that looked like silk in the pale light of the moon. While she finished pushing them over her calves, he drove his fingers into her already-slick opening, using one finger, and then adding another. Her breathing grew heavier and his heartbeat picked up pace.

Pants thrown somewhere in the cab of the truck, her bottom half was naked and he knew
he was headed to complete bliss. He brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the wetness from his digits. “I’m addicted to your taste.”

A whimper fell from her parte
d lips as she came back to him, spreading her legs into a wide V above his hips. He drove his hands up under her shirt and molded her soft mounds. He loved having her in his palms.

Feeling her fingers on his girth again, she guided him to her slit
and rubbed. With a roll of her behind, she slid downward as a moan escaped deep within her chest. Her slick opening eased over him until she dropped her ass against his thighs, burying him inside of her precious cove.

Hands on her breasts,
he massaged while her fingers clutched his bare shoulders. She brought their mouths together again, tongues tangling. He’d never known a sweeter kiss as she moved her tongue along the curve of his lips, suckling, sampling, grazing her teeth across the sensitive skin. Pushing her tongue past his, a moan vibrated her throat as she rolled her body around his cock. He felt her muscles pulsate and he knew she was nearing her point of abyss.

his hand to the apex of her thighs, he swiped the pad of his thumb across the moist flesh. She sucked in a ragged breath as she buried her head into his shoulder, clinging to him as he began a rhythm, flicking and plucking her clit.

body shook, tickling his cock. “Y-Yes!” she whispered against his neck.

Knowing she was there, right where he wanted her, her juices flowing, drove him over the edge. He grabbed her bottom and with another deep thrust, he emptied himself into her.

“I’m sorry, April. I—I didn’t use protection.” He’d never ridden bareback. Even with Cassie, he’d used a rubber each and every time.

Her breathing was returning to normal and
she lifted her head. “This may not be the best time to tell you, but I’m pregnant.”

He brought his gaze up to meet hers. He didn’t see a flicker of humor
, but she worked a poker face, always had. “Yeah, I get it. You’re proving a point.” He chuckled. “I didn’t think this would happen and I wasn’t prepared.”

Apparently protection doesn’t always work.” Her eyes remained connected with his, somber and fixed.

Any remaining after-sex bliss disappeared as his gut clenched.
Pain of reality skipped through his veins. “What are you saying?”

The night in Houston. One of the condoms must have been defective because—” Her tongue came out and swept across her trembling bottom lip. “—well, I’m pregnant.”

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