Read Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2) Online

Authors: Mary Wasowski

Tags: #Forever

Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2)
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“Daddy, what about clothes and things we will need? I haven’t packed for the tropics.”

“Riley, you may pick up anything you need when we arrive at our destination. So please, enough with the questions, finish eating, and let’s get ready to go.”

I sat there in silence and picked at my food.
This is not happening. I can’t go away with Samuel for the next four days.
Today was Freddy’s fashion show in Central Park, and Marsha had arranged for me to go backstage to see him. I couldn’t let her down after all she’d done for me. And what about Walker? He was expecting to see me today, and how do I tell him that Samuel whisked us away to an island to save our marriage?
Oh my god! This is a mind fuck of a situation, and I’m completely trapped.

“Will you excuse me for a moment; I have to gather my things in the next room.” I clutched my cell phone in my pocket and hurried into the bedroom. I pulled out my phone to text Walker, as Samuel entered the room, causing me to jump.

“What are you doing, Reese? I thought you were going to pack.” He startled me, not giving me a moment to breathe.

“Samuel, you showing up here today is a complete surprise, and I’m sure Riley is thrilled, but…”

“You’re not? Reese, I’ve been a fool that has seen the light. Please let me make this up to you. I know I can be a better husband than I’ve been, but you need to give me that chance to do so.”

“I meant what I said back in Maryland. I want a divorce. In time you will see that our marriage has run its course, and now you will have a chance to be truly happy with someone who deserves not just pieces of you, but all of you.”

“No! Reese, you’re my wife, and you will stay my wife. Now don’t push me. Gather your things, and let’s go.” His voice was laced with anger and dominance. I had to get a message to Walker and to Marsha.

“Samuel, will you sit with me for a few minutes?” He reluctantly did, but was still scowling at me. “Riley believes that we are having a spa day, but the truth is that I am taking her to Central Park to see a fashion show.”

“A fashion show? Really, Reese? That time in your life is over. Now let’s stop this nonsense and pack.”

“Samuel, it was never over for me!” I found my voice. “You made me quit. I enjoyed modeling and I met amazing people while doing it. Do you remember Marsha, my agent? I’ve been talking to her recently, and I planned on seeing Freddy today.”

“You can’t be serious, Reese.”

“I’m completely serious, Samuel. He was my best friend until I completely crushed him by cutting him out of my life. I miss my friend, and I want to see him. Marsha is waiting on me right now.”

“Well, Marsha and Freddy, will have to wait until you return from our trip. Now this conversation is over. Pack your things and be ready in ten minutes.” He cupped my face and kissed me on my lips. It was a warning not to argue with him anymore. He turned and left the room while calling out to Riley.

“Riley, get your things together now. We have to leave for the airport.”

“Daddy, the trip you’ve planned sounds wonderful, but I have plans with Jackson, and how can I leave New York without saying goodbye to him?”

“Listen, Riley, you had your fun in New York, and with your boyfriend. We are leaving right now, and when we return home, you can call your boyfriend. Hand me your cell phone right now! We are cutting off the rest of the world, and we’re going to spend quality time as a family. We need this time together.”

“Daddy, I’m not giving you my cell phone. I need to be in contact with Jackson. I’m calling him right now and letting him know what’s going on.”

“The hell you are! Now give me your damn phone right now, Riley Taylor Briggs.”

“Samuel, please calm down. Riley, please listen to your father, and hand him your phone. Once we get settled at our hotel, you may phone Jackson.” My daughter was now in tears. She had never defied her father nor had he ever raised his voice to her in that way before.

Riley gave me her phone and ignored Samuel altogether. She continued to cry and gathered her bags while I was left to face Samuel and his anger. This was my fault; he was mad at me, not Riley. He had come there to work on our marriage, and I wouldn’t discuss it with him.

“Reese, I’m sorry. I just wanted to take you away and spend some time with the two of you. This is not how I wanted today to be. Once we board the plane, I will talk to Riley.”

“You scared her. I know you’re angry, but don’t take it out on our daughter.”

“I said I was sorry Reese, and I meant it. We will work it all out, but first things first. Get your things.”

Samuel checked us out of our hotel, and we made our way to the airport. Samuel had been watching my every move since our argument, and I couldn’t check my phone if I wanted to. I was just praying that once I spoke to Walker, he would understand why we had to leave so abruptly. Riley was miserable and giving her father the silent treatment. Samuel gripped my thigh, and I just sat as still as I could throughout the deafening silence.

“You will see, Reese, this trip is going to be wonderful for our family. I have so much planned for us when we arrive. Please put a smile on that beautiful face of yours.”

Samuel raised my hand to his lips and kissed me softly. I jerked my hand back from him and he only reached for it again, this time holding it a bit tighter.

“I can be a very patient man, Reese, but you will only try my patience for so long before I have had enough. Please remember that, my love.” I nodded my response and closed my eyes.

We arrived at the Parrot Cay Resort and Spa on the Caribbean Island of Turks and Caicos. Samuel had rented a private villa for us away from the tourists. We had our own private beach and pool. A hot tub was on our private deck, and no one surrounded us. He thought of everything to truly conceal us from the outside world.

It was early evening, and Walker must have been out of his mind with worry. I had to reach a phone to contact him, but how was I going to manage that with Samuel watching my every move?

“What do you think? This place is beautiful. This resort came highly recommended by several of my colleagues at the hospital. We can swim, snorkel, and take the sailboat out on the water. Anything we want to do for the next four days is at our disposal.”

“Daddy, I need to call Jackson. He’s not going to understand why I left without saying goodbye to him. Please let me call him.”

“Riley, this discussion is not up for debate. I’m over it already. Do not bring up your boyfriend again to me. You will just suck it up and enjoy yourself while we’re here, do you understand me?”

“Yes, daddy.” Grabbing her bag, Riley ran into her bedroom.

“Let me talk to her,” I said.

“No, let her be. You’ve coddled her enough for one day. Let’s shower, then dinner will arrive, and after that we can take a walk on the beach.”

“You can go first, and I’ll unpack our things.”

“Reese, when I said shower I had meant the two of us. Now let’s go.” Samuel pulled me in to the bathroom with him and began to unbutton my blouse.
Please let the marks that Walker left on me be gone.
I was shaking with Samuel’s deftly fingers making their way down my chest. He slid my blouse down and let it drop to the floor. He then unzipped my slacks and slowly pulled them down. Samuel’s eyes skimmed my body as he licked his lips and pulled me closer to him. “I want you, Reese. I love you, and all I want to do is make us right again. Please allow me to show you how much you mean to me?”

Walker, Walker, Walker, please forgive me for what I’m about to do.
I relaxed and closed my eyes as Samuel held me and removed my bra and panties. He quickly removed his clothing and led me into the scalding hot shower. Samuel lifted my leg and wrapped it around his waist. He held me to the shower wall and crushed himself into me. I hated every second of it. I felt like I was betraying Walker by fucking Samuel. I didn’t want this, but he was in a volatile mood and I could push him no more. When it was over, I pasted a smile on my face, wincing as he pulled out of me.

Samuel lathered me with body wash and caressed the same areas where Walker had been. I had some faint marks still left, but they went unnoticed by Samuel. He stepped out of the shower while I finished. I held my hand over my mouth as I cried, letting the water wash away my shame and guilt, silently praying that Samuel wouldn’t hear my cries.

WORKING ON LITTLE sleep after staying up half the night with my distraught son, I finally managed to get some rest of my own. Jackson only managed to sleep for a short while, and then his headache became worse. I phoned our personal physician to come by and examine him. Jackson gave me a hard time at first, but then conceded when I insisted. Dr. O’Larien concluded that it was merely a migraine brought on from stress. He prescribed a stronger medicine and urged Jackson to rest until it passed.

“Walker, you’re going to find yourself in an early grave if you don’t calm down. Jackson is fine, and his scans always come up clean.”

“Liam, I will never waver when it comes to Jackson’s health, especially when I have the means to prevent it.”

“Walker, will you listen for a minute? You’re not God. You can’t stop the inevitable from happening. What happened to Elizabeth was extremely rare. Jackson is young and in good health. The headaches he gets are normal, although this one I will admit was stronger than I’ve seen before. The medicine I prescribed will help, and as long as he relaxes, then all will be fine.”

“Liam, Elizabeth was just as healthy and young too. I ignored the signs with her, and she paid the price with her life.”

“You need to let that go, Walker, once and for all. We have been over this many times. As of right now, your son does not appear to have CM-AVM. Try not to worry. Sometimes a headache is just a headache.”

The sun was just beginning to rise above New York and greet the day. My jet was fueled and ready to go, destination unknown. I paced my office waiting for my phone to ring. Another fifteen minutes later, the call I had been waiting for was patched through.

“Sir, I have located Mrs. Briggs, along with her husband and daughter. They are on the Caribbean island of Turks and Caicos. They are staying in a private villa and the only means of transportation is by boat.”

“Excellent work, Stephen. Do you have your men on them now?”

“Yes sir, I do. How do you want me to proceed?”

“Keep on them, I’m on my way. Once I arrive, I will contact you. Any attempts they make on leaving, I must know right away.”

I guess the good doctor Samuel Briggs was one step ahead of me, but not for long. Maybe this was just a coincidence that he had swooped in and taken them away, but it seemed all too convenient now. What Reese told me is that he had been an absent figure in their marriage for quite a while now, but as soon as she asked him for a divorce, he’s back with a vengeance. This didn’t make sense, but I promised Reese that I would never let her go, and I intended to keep my word.

I rushed into Jackson’s room, and he was still sleeping. “Jackson, wake up son. You need to get dressed.” My son finally stirred and blinked up at me a few times. “Jackson, talk to me. Are you alright? Do you have a headache?” I asked him nervously, hoping that what Liam prescribed had helped him.

“No, dad, my head is fine now. It’s my heart that’s hurting. Do you know how many times I tried calling Riley? Try thirty two times. Her voicemail box is full, and I lost count with my text messages. I don’t understand any of this, dad. What did I do wrong?”

Now it’s my heart that’s hurting. Listening to my son cry his heart out for his girlfriend brings it all back to when I discovered Reese missing. He’s me, seventeen years ago, and I had no choice but to tell him the complete truth about my history with Reese.

He’s going to keep beating himself up over this, and I can’t bear to see my son in this amount of unnecessary pain. Jackson can’t go through what he did last night; his pain level was nearly a ten, and it took forever for him to calm down and get some relief. Every time I see my son get a headache, my memory flashes back to Elizabeth when she grasped her head when she went into labor with Jackson. We never had any idea that she had a ticking time bomb inside of her brain, and the stress of the labor caused the stroke which ultimately took my son’s mother from him. Calling our physician to examine him last night was necessary. As much as Liam tried to calm me, I didn’t believe I would ever be totally calm about it. I spared no expense when it came to Jackson. His yearly check-ups along with a scan calmed me temporarily. Apprehension was always present until I received the results.

BOOK: Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2)
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