Seat Of The Soul (16 page)

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Authors: Gary Zukav

BOOK: Seat Of The Soul
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Great souls, such as the soul that was Gandhi, for example, run the risk of great contamination. At the level of soul contact, a great soul deals not only with its own fear, its personal fear, but it also takes on the evolution of the collective fear of the species. The weight of that is where a great soul risks contamination on a great level, but its possibility of releasing the fear from the collective consciousness of the species becomes also possible.

The consciousness of a great soul is symbolic of the larger consciousness, the macro consciousness, that holds the same values and fears and guilt. That macro consciousness might be the collective consciousness of the United States, or the Soviet Union, or Ethiopia. The many souls that form that collective are in continual dialogue with its own. The great soul is the person who has taken on the task of change. If he or she is able to transcend fear, to act out of courage, the whole of its group will benefit and each one, in his or her own life, will be suddenly more courageous, though they may not see how or why.

Not all souls accomplish the tasks that they have set for themselves. As you look at the individuals who are in major positions of influence upon our planet you can see whether or not they are succeeding in their tasks of advancing humanity by the choices that they have made. Some have chosen to align themselves, like mannequins, with the dying consciousness of the fivesensory human that has existed within the collective consciousness of each of our nations. They have chosen, in other words, to represent a system that is disintegrating, and so their own systems are disintegrating before their eyes. Their comrades are corrupt. Their governments are corrupt.

These souls represent a form of power that is no longer effective, but they have failed to understand that. They draw to themselves those whose consciousnesses are aligned symbolically and in terms of beliefs to their own. They choose to walk the shifting pattern of fear and selfishness. They exhibit great paranoiac energy, and, therefore, they attract to themselves, their governments and their militaries fellow human beings that have the same paranoiac desire to destroy life, as if the destruction of life will save our planet, but it will not.

Through the decisions that they have made, these souls have refused to acknowledge that the older forms of power, the perception of power as external, no longer will be tolerated upon the Earth. Nonetheless, the evolution from external power to authentic power is occurring now in full force, and so their decisions affect only how that shift will take place. They have chosen the path of fear and doubt, of trauma and pain.

The difference between a great soul that aligns itself with openness and growth and interdependence, that transcends its fear on behalf of itself and its collective, and one that does not is that the soul that chooses openness has a different active level of courage and insight and wisdom, and the one that does not has consistently weakened under the impact of the fear of the collective. Choice to choice to choice to choice, negativity upon negativity, and a Hitler is created. The soul that was Hitler had great potential as well.


Every soul that agrees consciously to bring to a level of human interaction the love and compassion and wisdom that it has acquired is trying through his or her own energy to challenge the fear patterns of that collective. This is the archetypical pattern that was put into place within our species by the Teacher, Jesus. It is what He symbolized as He moved through His lifetime in the way that He did. He released the negative karmic patterns of the collective unconscious that had accumulated to His time. In each great soul it is the same pattern-the pattern of taking on the whole through the power of his or her own consciousness to transform it.

When a soul reaches for authentic power and chooses consciously to bring that power into the levels of interaction that it shares with other souls, it enters this dynamic. It brings to a collective energy system the consciousness of authentic power, and through that power engages in the transformation of that collective.

Your evolution toward authentic power, therefore, affects not only you. As the frequency of your consciousness increases, as the quality of your consciousness reflects the clarity, humbleness, forgiveness and love of authentic power, it touches more and more around you. As your temptations become greater, so does your ability to make responsible choices. As you shine brighter, as your Light and power increase with each responsible choice, so does your world.


Each human being has a soul. The journey toward individual soul-hood is what distinguishes the human kingdom from the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom. Only the human kingdom has the experience of individual soul-hood. That is why its powers of creation are great.

The soul process moves through degrees of awareness. Animals, for example, do not have individual souls. They have group souls. Each animal is a part of a group soul. Each horse is a part of the group soul of horse, each cat is a part of the group soul of cat, and so on. A group soul is not the same as an individual soul.

Consider, for example, the group soul of buffalo. There is one group soul of enormous impersonal energy that is called, “buffalo.” It is an enormous expansive sphere of impersonal energy that is buffalo consciousness. It exists at a level of simply energy dynamics, not individual selfhood. That energy is in continual movement. As it heightens in frequency, it can spill over into the next level, and it also can absorb other frequencies from a lower level, so the soul continues. It is a group soul, not individual. There are not individual buffalo souls within a whole. There is only one soul energy system wherein there is no individual-hood. Instinctual behavior is the way of the group soul.

Picture a movement that looks like the mouth of the Mississippi River. As you walk up the river from that place, the river grows more and more and more narrow until it reaches but a point of power. The open mouth area is analogous to a group soul. The size of it, the collective nature of it, is the group soul. This is the nature of the souls in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. In other words, “cat” is a cat soul, “dolphin” is a dolphin soul, and so on.

Within the animal kingdom, there are graduations of intelligence and awareness. For example, dolphin, horse, and dog are not on the same wavelength. The consciousness of the dolphin is closer to the consciousness of the ape, and then closer to the consciousness of the dog, but the consciousness of the horse is on a level beneath them.

It is possible that the human soul can be produced through the evolution of the animal kingdom as a collective energy from the animal soul.

How does this happen?

The dolphin soul, for example, evolves through each particular individual dolphin. The particular advancements of each particular dolphin advance the soul of the dolphin itself. The collective is enhanced by the accomplishments of the individual dolphin. The same mechanism works within the human kingdom. With each of our individual advancements, the group soul of humanity what we call our collective unconscious-evolves. In this way, evolution continues within the dolphin species, as within all species.

Let us say, arbitrarily, that the consciousness of the dog soul is twenty percentile points below that of the dolphin soul, twenty points less than the intelligence of the dolphin. If the group soul of dog produces high Light consciousness, it is possible for that consciousness to release itself from the group soul of dog and advance into and penetrate the consciousness of dolphin. Likewise, it is possible, and it does happen, that human beings’ souls come from the advanced soul energy of the dolphin soul or the ape soul, and begin their process of evolution into the human soul.

Unlike an animal, you have an individual soul. You are an individual energy system, a micro of a macro. As part of the micro, you have all the power of the macro calibrated to an individual form of certain energies. Animals are not micros of a macro. Cats, for example, do riot have individual souls or ego energy. They are merely physical manifestations of a huge macro system. That certain cats are scared and certain are comforted is merely the different numerous millions of frequencies that interact into the group cat soul.

Animals do not evolve through responsible choice as we do. Rather, the frequency of their consciousnesses becomes Lightened in the fullness of the evolution of their soul as a group. This does not mean that animals are not capable of individual acts of love. What of an animal that lays down its life for its human? That is as legitimate a sacrifice of love of life as it is for a human, because in that instance the animal realizes that it is willingly releasing its life. That, for an animal, is graduation to the human experience, or to its next higher level.

The nature of a group soul can be seen through its manifestations. The nature of dolphin soul, for example, is expressed through dolphins. The same is true for our species. The nature of the soul of humankind can be seen through the nature of human beings.

The dolphin soul is leaving the Earth, that is, the dolphin species is becoming extinct. The dolphins are beaching themselves. They are creating diseases within themselves. This is their way of refusing to continue to live upon the Earth. They feel that they cannot fulfill the purpose for which they are born. Therefore, they are leaving. Their deaths are not suicides because they are not frightened. They are exhausted.

The dolphin soul manifests itself-dolphins are born to bring love and life and creativity to the oceans. They manifest to form a bridge of joy and love and intelligence between the aquatic kingdom and the human kingdom. This they cannot do. Our species reaches toward the dolphin soul only with brutality.

The dolphin spirit-how it suffers! This is a time of great sorrow. It is a time to look soberly and deeply upon the values and behaviors that result from the perception of power as external. It is a time to grieve with the dolphin soul, to offer comfort to it.

If you wish to offer comfort to the dolphin soul, image from the heart of the dolphin consciousness that your energies are moving below deep warm clear soothing water. As you feel yourself emerging into the aquatic kingdom, let yourself begin to radiate your thoughts to these fellow creatures that share our planetary home. Image that you are sending them love as they continue their evolution and leave the Earth school, that you grieve with them and yet you know that, like you, they are immortal. Send these thoughts. Let them know they are not leaving without human beings understanding. Let them hear you say, “I am one who understands.”

Can you do that?

It will make their grieving journey of value.

There is more than one avenue from which individual souls are formed. Part of the chain of evolution within our global village is the process of this advancement from kingdom to kingdom to kingdom, but if a soul that has not been before upon our planet chooses the human experience, it would not be necessary for that soul to move through kingdom evolution. It would, indeed, pick up the situation within the physical environment that is most appropriate for it.

There are souls that have never had the human experience. When we speak of souls entering the physical arena to heal, to balance their energy, to pay their karmic debts, we are speaking of the evolution of Life as we know it upon our Earth. We are not speaking of other galaxies, or of Life on other levels that are not physical as we know them. The experience of physical-ness is not always necessary to certain advances. If it is, it is encouraged.

There comes a point when the physical-ness experience no longer serves the soul’s awareness, and, therefore, the soul chooses to learn in the nonphysical realm. It may choose to learn, for example, through the task of becoming a nonphysical guide. Each individual human soul is a micro of the macro that is the soul of the human species, but the soul of humankind is not a micro of a macro. In other words, there is no larger spiritual human soul beyond the soul of humanity. Beyond that comes the experience of master, the experience of moving into advanced levels of Light that is no longer specific to human.

Our nonphysical Teachers are from these levels of Light. Therefore, it is not appropriate to consider them from the dynamic of the personal. Rather, it is more appropriate to think of them as impersonal consciousnesses, which is that which they are, from realms that cannot be understood in human terms. They do not, for example, have the splintered personality aspects that we have. They do not have shadow sides, so to speak. Does an Angel have a soul? An Angel is its soul, its full soul.

That is the difference between that which is whole and in union and that which is growing into it. Duality only exists in certain levels, and not in others. Duality is a dynamic of learning. It is its own rhythm and tension and does not exist beyond another level of learning and development. You are existing in duality and your on physical Teachers are not.

This is not their home, so to speak. They are teachers to our plane. They are free to teach in our plane without being of our plane. Your nonphysical Teacher does not become of this plane when it counsels you any more than a parent becomes an infant in order to teach its infant. It is not necessary. That level of evolution is assumed in the presence of the parent. It is simply the natural dynamic of evolution.

We are destined to evolve beyond the nature of duality. Duality is that which is understood in time and space. As you evolve beyond that, and also when you leave your physical body and journey home to your nonphysical plane of reality, you will not exist in dualism, and that sense of the wrathful, or sorrowful, or fearful self that you think of as present to you now will evaporate. It has no power in the realm beyond duality where there exists the perfection of all that is. When you leave your physical form, you will join the nonphysical level of reality that is appropriate to your vibrational frequency at the time that you leave your incarnation.

Where do advanced human souls go?

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