Searching for Moore (23 page)

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Authors: Julie A. Richman

BOOK: Searching for Moore
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Mia gave Charles a hug, “You are the absolute best. Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this.” She kissed his cheek.

She felt Schooner’s hand on her shoulder as he addressed Charles, “I’m definitely interested.”

“Great. Would you like me to see if I can set something up for next week?”

“That would be great.” Schooner pulled Mia into him.

“Oh Meezie, before I forget, Gaby wants to know if you two will be available for dinner one night next week.”

Mia smiled up at Schooner and looked back at Charles, “We’d love to. Tell her to give me a ring.”

As they parted at the entranceway, Mia gave Charles a big hug, “I can’t thank you enough… for everything.”

He smiled, “My pleasure, we’ll see you next week. Schooner, I’ll call you on Monday after I talk to these guys. Holly, Jared, great meeting you. Have a good weekend everyone,” he winked at Mia and was off.


“I love that space, Dad.” They sat in a corner table of an intimate, hole in the wall Italian restaurant with possibly the best Caesar salad in Manhattan.

“I like it, too.” Schooner admitted.

“The location is good,” Mia added, “it’s central to a lot of the neighborhoods where celebrities keep their New York homes, it’s easy to get to, multiple subway lines close by, very safe neighborhood with a great demographic for the concept,” she smiled at Schooner. “This is really exciting.”

“What’s that look you’re giving me?” Schooner asked Mia, “You’ve kind of got a shit-eating grin on your face.”

She giggled, “you know me well.” Mia looked at all of them and said, “I’ve got a really fun surprise,” then dug around in her purse. She pulled out the envelope that Charles had given her, opened it and pulled out keys. “Charles and Gaby have been nice enough to let us use their beach house on Fire Island for the rest of the weekend.”

“So that’s what you were off talking to him about?” Schooner was all smiles.

“Yes, that’s what I was talking to him about! And what was with you getting all possessive tonight? What was that shit all about?” She called him out on his behavior, giving him a playful little whack in the arm.

He smiled and leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Mine.”

Mia snorted at him, shaking her head. “His wife is one of my best friends in the world.”

Holly and Jared just watched them and Mia looked at Holly and rolled her eyes as if to say, “Men!” Holly had that same look in her eyes that Mia had seen earlier, and Mia wondered if she was seeing her father for the first time the way Mia had always seen him.

“After dinner, we should stop into Trader Joe’s and pick up groceries to bring out to the beach. If we’re lucky, one of the bars in town out there will be open, but I’m not really sure. Basically, the island is pretty much deserted in winter.”

Schooner explained to them that they would have to take the ferry out and that there were no cars allowed out on the island. “Just miles of endless deserted beaches to walk.”

Holly and Jared were in awe of the evening they had already had and now they were going out to a beach house on an island in the middle of the winter.

As they walked back to the apartment later in the evening, Holly and Mia were a few feet behind the guys when Holly said, “Mia, thanks for making us feel really comfortable.”

Mia put an arm around Holly and gave her a little hug, “I know this isn’t easy for you.”

“It’s different,” Holly admitted, “but he’s so happy and I just love seeing him this way. It makes it a lot easier. Clearly Mia, you make my dad very happy.”

Mia smiled, “He and I have always had a knack for being able to truly be ourselves with one another, if that makes sense.” She looked at Holly and Holly was nodding, “So, I think because of that, we really bring out the best in one another.”

“I’m glad you guys found each other again.”

Mia gazed into the face of this beautiful young woman, who looked unnervingly like her mother, but possessed her father’s sweet soul. “You are very special.”

“Well, I love him and I want him to be happy.” Holly’s eyes radiated the depth of emotion she felt for her father.

“We have that in common.” Mia smiled at her.

Schooner and Jared had already reached the building and were waiting for them. Mia could see how happy Schooner was watching them together and her heart soared.

As the ferry crossed the choppy waters of the Great South Bay that Saturday morning, they stood on the top deck, windblown and shivering, in the freezing cold sunshine. By the time they reached the ferry terminal at the town of Ocean Beach, they departed with runny noses and dripping eyes and red wind burned cheeks. Walking through town, they noticed that one pub, The Castaway, was indeed open. Following Charles’ directions, they headed down windswept boardwalks to their friend’s home on Ocean Breeze Walk.

Weathered shingles on the outside, the inside of the house was light and airy in pale blues and whites with driftwood furniture. There was a large stone fireplace downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs, two of them with decks overlooking the ocean and miles of unspoiled beach.

Holly and Jared immediately took off for the beach, leaving Mia and Schooner to unpack groceries, get the heat in the house going and start a fire in the fireplace.

Mia poured glasses of icy cold white wine (it had been on the ferry with them) and handed one to Schooner. She took him by the hand and led him to the couch in front of the fire, where she snuggled into him. This just might be Heaven, she thought.

Schooner kissed the top of Mia’s head and played with her hair. “Today is really special, Baby Girl.” She looked up at him and he kissed the tip of her nose, “Being here with you on Fire Island was a fantasy I played over and over in my mind for so many years, you can’t even imagine.”

Mia took his hand in hers and looked into the fire. “Well, now that fantasy is your reality.”

“No, it’s not,” he countered. Mia looked up at him, surprised. “It’s our reality.”

She smiled, “Holy shit, you’re right. It is.” And they both laughed.

Later that afternoon, Schooner and Mia walked the beach hand in hand, another fantasy that they’d waited a lifetime to fulfill.

“Do you remember how I once told you that since I was a Newport Beach guy, that it was going to be hard to impress me with your New York beaches.” He bent down and picked up a smooth piece of cobalt colored sea glass and turned it over a few times in his hand.

“I do remember that,” she smiled up at him and body bumped him.

He bumped her back. “Well, this is really amazing and you know what?”

“What?” She bumped him.

“It’s almost exactly as I imagined it would. Actually, it’s even better.”

Mia threaded her arm through his and sighed, “I’m trying so hard to stay in the now and think about our future, but sometimes Schooner, I just start mourning the lost moments. Which is crazy because how can you mourn something that never was? Pull me back to now when you see me going there, ok.”

He put his arm around her, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head, “I can do that, I’ll pull you back and no it’s not crazy. But Baby Girl, the now is so good. So, so good. We’ve got a lot of memories to make, Mia. So, let’s try and keep each other in the now.” He stopped walking and faced her, putting his hands on her shoulders, “And this is just the start. You know that, don’t you?” Her arms went around his waist and she held him tight, reveling in the feeling of her face against his chest. And there they stood on a beach they had dreamed of so long ago, finally making the memories they had dreamed of making, so long ago.

Later in the afternoon, while having drinks and laughing with Holly and Jared at The Castaway, Schooner flipped through a local newspaper. He ripped out a page, folded it and put it in his jean’s pocket. Mia looked at him curiously.

“Do you remember your birthday wish?” He whispered in her ear, “because I do.” He pushed her bangs out of her eyes and kissed her lips softly, then kissed the tip of her nose.

“We could rent a place for the week of my birthday.”

Schooner shook his head, no.

“No?” Mia was surprised and a little disappointed, especially since he had just taken a page from the paper.

“We need our own place here,” he pulled the folded paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, revealing an ad for a beautiful house for sale with a deck off the main living area and one off of the master bedroom that went directly out to the beach. “This is going to be our family getaway. This is where we are going to spend summers or just come to chill out, hang out, dig our toes in the sand, build sandcastles and eat lobsters and steamers in our sweatshirts after a long day on the beach.”

Holly’s mouth was hanging open. “Dad, you’re going to buy a house here?” Her excitement and surprise evident.

“Mia and I are going to buy a house here.” Schooner squeezed Mia’s hand. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Happy early birthday, Baby Girl,” letting his lips graze her cheek.

Mia was stunned into uncharacteristic silence. The look in his eyes told her everything. This was part of Schooner’s grand plan to protect her, to take care of her and to build their future together. He wasn’t kidding when he said he took care of what was his. Mia had never felt so loved or so in love in her life. And it was with her Schooner.


Seth rapped lightly on Mia’s door and stuck his head in.

“I’ve got CJ Moore on Line One,” he announced, his eyebrows standing at full attention.

“Oh really…” Mia gave Seth a WTF look, took a deep breath and hit the speaker button on her desk phone.

“Mia Silver,” she answered, professionally. Seth sat down in one of the desk chairs facing Mia, his eyes wide.

“Mia, this is CJ Moore, Schooner Moore’s wife,” her voice was cool.

Almost Ex- … Bitch

Mia scribbled on the yellow legal pad in front of her.

“What can I do for you, CJ?” Mia’s voice was even, professional.

“What can you do for me?” Her voice was tense and started to rise, “For starters, you can stay away from my husband.”

Do not rise to the bait!!!

“CJ, why are you calling me?” Mia had a mildly annoyed attitude. Seth nodded, smiling, proud Mia was staying cool.

“I told you, I want you to stay away from my husband,” her voice was now icy and tight.

“That’s what you want?” Mia paused, “CJ, what would ever possess you to think that I would care what you want?”

Do NOT rise to the bait!!!

Mia again reminded herself.

“He’s my husband, Mia and just like he’s done to you before, he’s going to come back to me. You are just a little mid-life fling. We’ve built a family together.”

Mia sat back and chuckled, “CJ, tell yourself whatever you need to get by, but this is a conversation you should either be having with your lawyer or with Schooner. I still do not understand why you are calling me.”

“I’m not just going to sit back and let you steal my husband.”

Mia typed something into Google.

Mia shook her head and sighed, “Do not mistake your husband leaving you for someone stealing him,” she paused, “CJ, I just want to inform you, that starting right now, I am taping this conversation. Although here in New York, I legally do not have to advise you of that, it appears that under California law, I do.”

Seth was doing a happy dance in his chair at Mia’s bluff.

Bitch played me once … won’t get fooled again!

“I thought we could have a civil conversation,” CJ began, “but I can see that you are very defensive and hostile, when I am the victim here.”

is rich!” Mia’s voice dripped of sarcasm. “CJ, you have never been a victim in your life. But as someone who was once a victim of your selfish manipulation, you have to understand, it is impossible for me to feel any empathy for you. The collateral damage you have caused people you
love has been extreme.”

“I’m not letting him go.” CJ snarled.

“He’s already gone.” Mia’s voice was a little more than a whisper.

“Don’t count on it.” CJ threatened.

Mia was done, her face masked in disgust. “Ok, at this point you are just embarrassing yourself, so I’m really not going to let you go on here. As I recommended at the beginning of this conversation, you probably want to broach these things with either your lawyer or Schooner.”

“Well, I’m not done …”

Mia cut her off, “Actually you are. Goodbye, CJ.” And Mia hit the speaker button on her phone and ended the call.

“Bitch!” Mia screamed at the phone on her desk.

“Oh my God, you were fabulous!” Seth was clapping his hands together.

Mia picked up the phone receiver and slammed in back in its cradle, “Cunt!”

And again, “Whore!”

She looked up at Seth and did a primal scream, laughing at the same time.

“BBC, I have known you for a million years and you cuss like a sailor, I know it’s part of your charm, but I have never, ever heard you use the “C” word!”

“Cunt.” Mia screamed again. This time Kami poked her head into the office. A surprised and amused look on her face.

“I bet that felt great.” Seth was clearly enjoying Mia’s tirade after the tension of the call.

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