Screwed the Undeclared War Against the Middle Class (37 page)

BOOK: Screwed the Undeclared War Against the Middle Class
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Bush, Jeb

Bush, Prescott

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

     addicted to oil

     budget proposal (2007)


     classical economics

     cleaning up toxic waste

     fighting the evil empire


     government spending

     Hurricane Katrina

     international treaties

     money to churches

     smaller government

     Social Security crisis

     trade deficit

     tuition vouchers


CACI International



Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie Steel Company

Carr, Rick

Carter, Jimmy

Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

CEO compensation

Chalcedon Institute

Chambliss, Saxby

Change to Win

Chávez, César

Cheney, Dick

Chertoff, Michael

Christmas Carol, A,


Churchill, Winston

Civilian Conservation Corps

Classical economics

Class war

Clean Water Initiative

Cleaning up toxic waste

Clear Skies Initiative

Cleland, Max

Cleveland, Grover

Clinton, Bill

Cold War

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Common Sense

Compassionate conservatism

Congressional representatives

Conradt, L.


Constitutional Convention

Contacting your congressional representatives

Contractors (Iraq)

Coors, Joseph

Corporate income taxes

Corporate personhood

Corporate pollution

Corporate right to free speech

Corporate tax rate


     cons' straw-man arguments

     corporate tax rate



     income/wealth inequality


     Paine, Thomas

     pre-WWII Germany

Correa de Serra, J.

Correctional system (prisons)

Coss, David

Coventry Health Care Inc.

Crawford, William H.

Crime rates


Davis, J. C. Bancroft

de Tocqueville, Alexis

Dean, Howard

Death tax (estate tax)

Declaration of Independence

Delco Auto Parts

"Decree on the Protection of People and State" (Hitler)

DeLay, Tom


     American dream


     middle class

     Paine, Thomas

     primary function

     requirements for survival

     rules of the game


Democracy in America
(de Tocqueville)

Democratic Party

Dickens, Charles


Divide and conquer

Dobbs, Lou

Du Pont de Nemours, E. I.

Dubie, Brian

Dukakis, Michael


East India Company

Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, An

"Economic Report of the President" (2006)

Economic royalty


Edison, Thomas

Edsall, Thomas B.


Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Elderly poverty rate

Electoral system

Electronic media

Electronic voting

Emerging Republican Majority, The

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Employers, illegal

Employment at will

Energy prices

Energy self-sufficient America


Environmental cleanup

"Escalating Health Care Spending: Is It Desirable or Inevitable?" (Altman et al.)


Estate tax

Executive compensation


Fair Labor Standards Act

Fairness Doctrine

Falklands War

Family fortunes



Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


Flores, Mrs.

Fluor Corporation

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Foreign-owned companies

"Fortune of the Republic, The" (Emerson)

Fossil fuels

Foundational con theory


     Beard's thesis

     Constitutional Convention


     McDonald's thesis

     middle class

     rights to self-determination


Fox in the Henhouse, The

Framers of Constitution.

Frank, Barney

Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Stephen

Free market

Free-speech zones

Free trade

Free-trade agreements

French Revolution

Frist, Bill


Gates, Bill


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

General Motors

George, William W.

George II, King

George III, King

Georgia 2002 senatorial election

GI Bill

Gilded Age

Giles, William B.

Gillespie, Ed

Global warming

Golden Age of the middle class

Goldwater, Barry

Gore, Al

Gould, Jay


     rule-making function



Government socialism

Government spending

Grange Movement

Grassley, Chuck

Great Depression


Greenhouse gas

Greenspan, Alan

Greenspan Fraud, The

Gubernatorial election (Vermont, 2002)

Guest workers


Hagel, Chuck


Hamilton, Alexander

Harris, Bev

Hartmann, Carl

Hastert, Dennis

Haymarket riot

Head Start

Health care

     Clinton plan

     failure of




     rights vs. privileges

     single-payer system

     socialized medicine

     VA system

Health insurance companies (HMOs)

Heath insurance

Helmsley Building

Help America Vote Act

Herbert, Bob

Heritage Foundation

Historical overview

     America's first middle class

     Boston Tea Party




     Franklin D.


     Gilded Age

     Golden Age of the middle class

Jefferson, Thomas labor unrest

     limiting corporate power

     Marshall Plan

     New Deal

     nomination acceptance speech (FDR, 1936)

Paine, Thomas

     Republicans of 1872

     robber barons

Santa Clara

Hitler, Adolf


Hobbes, Thomas


Holt, Rush

Honest vote movement

Hoover, Herbert


Household income

Hsu, Spencer S.

Hubbard, L. King

Hubbard's peak

Hurricane Katrina


Illegal employers

Illegal immigrants

Incarceration rate

Income inequality

Inheritance tax

Instant run-off voting (IRV)

Insurance companies

International game of business

International treaties


Invisible hand




Iraq War

Iroquois Confederacy


Irvine, Martha

It Can't Happen Here

"It's your money" lie


Jack Abramoff scandal

Jaiyeola, Muyiwa

"Jeff in Denver"
See also
Road to victory

Jefferson, Thomas


     family powerhouses


     letter to Correa de Serra

     letter to Crawford

     letter to Giles

     letter to Kercheval

     letter to Madison

     letter to Milligan

     life, liberty and happiness

     Louisiana Purchase


     overgrown wealth

     progressive taxation


     rules of business


     University of Virginia



John Hancock Insurance

Johnson, Gary E.

Johnson, Lyndon

Jones, Van


Kahn, Si

Katrina (Hurricane)

Kercheval, Samuel

King, David

Kirk, Russell

Klein, Naomi

Knight, Phil

Knights of Labor

Krugman, Paul

Kucinich, Dennis


Labor movement

Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, The

Lee, Thea M.

Letters to the editor

Levi Strauss


Lewis, Ann

Lewis, Sinclair

Limbaugh, Rush

Lincoln, Abraham

Lockdown America

Loeb, Paul Rogat

Louisiana Purchase

Luntz, Frank

Lydersen, Kari


Madison, James

Manufacturing jobs

Marijuana laws

Marshall, George

Marshall Plan

Martinez, Jerome

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