Scorch (5 page)

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Authors: Kait Gamble

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Scorch
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Slipping him into her mouth, she closed her hand as best she could around his thick shaft and worked it up and down. Sucking gently, she stroked him with her tongue until his legs tensed under her. He grew harder with her attention, and she could feel the rigidity in the way he held himself. And yet, he didn’t try to take over.

Cupping her hand around his balls, she weighed them, rolled them. His breath hitched, and he jerked his hips upward, thrusting himself deeper. He gripped his hands in her hair. “Oh God, Chelsea…”

Spurred on, she bobbed her head, loving the effect she had on him. It took a few more seconds before his grip tightened and a groan tore from him. Chelsea was dimly aware of him calling her name as he filled her mouth. She swallowed each spurt until he finally relaxed and fell back on the bed, panting.

“That was amazing.”

Pride at his words brought a smile to her face. It soon disappeared when he flipped her under him with ease.

“My turn.”

The promise in his dark eyes encouraged her to follow his lead silently. He started with his lips on her neck, pressing his tongue against the pulse fluttering under her jaw. “You’re delicious. So sweet—” He proceeded to prove just how much he loved tasting her as he mimicked what she had done to him. His hands led the way down her body, followed by his mouth, nipping, kissing, licking a blazing path.

By the time he pressed his lips against her folds, she was a breath away from orgasm. Daniel hooked his hands around her thighs and anchored her writhing body in place as he plunged his tongue deep.


Knowing what she needed, he drew back and sucked on her clit with astonishing skill. One glide of his tongue was all it took to tip her over the precipice to a screaming climax.

The blinding intensity of it left her nonsensical for…she didn’t know how long. When she was finally able to get her brain back in gear, she found he’d moved up her body so that his stomach was pressed between her thighs leaving his head level with her breasts. He stared at her with a strange expression.

“What?” Chelsea longed for a mirror as self-consciousness seeped into her system. Was there something he saw that he didn’t like?

It was as if he searched for something in her eyes before he spoke. “I could very easily find myself getting addicted to you.”

She could read the subtext. It was something she thought he wanted to avoid as much as she did. “I—”

He didn’t give her the chance to say another word. Daniel slid up, donned a condom and pushed himself into her. When he was as deep as he could go, he dropped his head to her shoulder with a gratified groan. Chelsea could only gasp when he cradled her hips and rocked against her, within her, slowly. When he lifted his head, Daniel’s dark eyes held hers and she couldn’t turn away. Couldn’t do anything but feel and enjoy every sensation he wrung from her body while he watched her fall apart.

It had never felt like this for her. Even with all the mind-blowing sex they’d been having lately, this was on another level. Being the sole focus of his entire being exhilarated her.

And it frightened her.


Chapter Five




Chelsea watched as Daniel pulled his clothes on in the morning light. “I’ve got to go check on Bobo.”

Chelsea felt a little guilty that she had kept him away from his dog so often lately. The poor thing was cooped up inside his apartment all day long, only to be let out for a few minutes after work. Daniel would then come over and wouldn’t see him again until he hurried back the following morning for a few minutes before he had to leave for work again. “I wish you could bring him over here.”

Daniel chuckled and pecked her on the cheek. “You’re so sweet. He’s fine. Really.”

“If you say so.” It didn’t allay her concern for the dog. She intended on meeting him sometime… Chelsea curbed the thought. Why was she interested in his dog? Daniel was a fling. She wasn’t supposed to care about anything but the way he made her feel.

Catching his gaze, she sighed, wrapping the sheets around her to follow him into the living room. “I’ll see you at work.”

If he thought anything was suspicious, he didn’t mention it. “Sure.” He held her gaze. You okay?”

“I’m fine.” She opened the door for him.

“See you in a bit.” He stepped out and let her close the door.

She released the breath she’d been holding. Right. So she was freaking out. Just a little. She knew she was overreacting, but she needed to sort out her thoughts. There was no way she was going to lose herself in another relationship again. She hadn’t planned on ever going out with someone else after Richard. Daniel had managed to break down that barrier, quickly. He’d found a chink in her armor and blown it apart. She just hadn’t realized how far he’d made it through until now.

That he’d done it so easily made her edgy.

She did her best to ignore the voice in her head that told her to stop fighting it. Instead, she drowned it out by cleaning up the meal they’d forgotten about then stepped into the shower. When she got out, she found a half dozen texts from Jason asking her to check on the beach restaurant and to try to convince Daniel and Marco to put together a romantic meal for two that he needed set up within the next few hours.

It wouldn’t be too hard to convince either of them, she was sure. They would do anything for Cara. Not only was she a stellar boss, but she was a great person too. She couldn’t think of anyone who would say no to her.

She quickly sent Daniel a text with Jason’s request and pulled on some clothes.


* * * *


At the restaurant, Chelsea walked into the kitchen to find Daniel and Marco already working on the meal. Daniel nodded when he saw her. “Jason texted me to say they would be here in a couple of hours.”

“Good of him to give you a heads-up.”

Her sarcasm was lost as he juggled the different elements he had going.

Chelsea knew that look on his face and that it was best to stay out of his way while he did his thing.

Watching them was hypnotic, Daniel even more so. Witnessing him chop and stir, swapping between stations swiftly, easily, in perfect control of everything around him made her panties wet. And that was before imagining what the combination of that control and those hands could do to her.

Chelsea stepped back against the wall for support. Daniel seemed content to speak only to direct Marco. That was, until the other man left the room.

“So what happened this morning?”

It took her a second to realize that he was talking to her. “Huh?”

He spared her a glance. “You completely shut down on me this morning.”

Yeah she had, and he’d obviously noticed. “I guess I was just tired.” Chelsea smiled at him. “We haven’t gotten much sleep lately. It’s catching up with me.”

He seemed content with her answer and finished the dishes, plating them and packaging up for transport. “Is the other restaurant ready?”

She nodded. “I called them to check on the way over. Everything is good to go. We just have to get over there and stage the whole thing.”

“I hope Cara and Jason appreciate all the work you’re putting into this.”

What a weird thing for him to say.
“Of course they do.” And if they didn’t, what did it have to do with him?

Another shrug from him. “Grab that wine, will you?”

Chelsea did as she’d been told, collecting candlesticks, cutlery, plates, glasses, a centerpiece, stuck them in a basket and followed him out. “I’ll just let Marco know we’re leaving.”

He stopped and turned to her. “We won’t be long. Don’t bother.”

With an exasperated sigh, she quickened her pace to catch up. “What is it with you two? Why do you hate each other so much?”

He ignored her question. “Are we taking your car?”

Considering she’d never seen him with a car she said, “Yes.”

She led the way and opened the passenger door for him. There wasn’t enough room for his legs as well as the tray.

He looked at her with a small smile. “Why don’t I drive?”

“Sure. You know the way.” She got in the car, placed the basket on the floor between her feet and traded him the trays for the keys once she was settled.

Daniel slid into the driver’s seat and they were off.

When they stopped at a light, she turned to him. “You never answered my question. Why are you and Marco always at each other’s throats?”

His attention never left the road. “Differing philosophies, I guess. It’s not that I hate him. He just doesn’t think things through sometimes.”

Where Daniel always planned everything out beforehand.

“So it’s a matter of experience.”

“It’s a matter of using his brain once in a while instead of just jumping in half cocked and screwing things up when it could have easily been avoided.” He deftly navigated the traffic, somehow making her heap of junk feel like a sports car.

When they pulled up, he turned to Chelsea.

Under his scrutiny, she felt bare. It was as if he could strip past all the layers of bullshit to get to the heart of her just by reading her face, her eyes. She was glad that holding the basket hid the way her hands trembled slightly.

Daniel didn’t say a thing until he opened the door. “Stay there. I’ll help you out.”

Did she have a choice? Chelsea wouldn’t have done anything to ruin the meal he’d prepared, especially with her shaking fingers. He opened the door, took the tray and basket with one hand and helped her out with the other.


“I’ll get the door.” She opened it, walking in ahead of him to hold it. For a second, she forgot all about Daniel as she took in the finished product. It was perfect. Every detail was exactly right. In awe, Chelsea did a slow circle on the gleaming stone floor.

She felt Daniel at her side as she came to a stop. He kissed her shoulder and whispered, “You did a great job on this place.”

She craned her neck to look at him. “I just relayed Cara’s ideas to Jason’s contractors. They did all the work.”

His smile was full of…pride? “You were the one who put it all together. Without you, none of this would have happened.”

Wouldn’t it have?
A small smile crept over her lips as something that felt like satisfaction seeped into her system. She
been the one to get it all sorted out and that wasn’t something to be discounted, given the time constraints.

He knocked his head lightly against hers. “Come on. We have a romantic dinner to set up.”

It didn’t take them long. Chelsea could have done it in her sleep. Daniel’s meal, however, was a masterpiece, as usual. The way he made such delectable food in such a short time would always be a mind-blowing mystery to her. She stood back to watch him plate the food with precise, decisive movements. It took moments to have two appetizers, entrées and desserts that looked like works of art.

To finish it off, she sent a text to Jason, letting him know that they were ready and what to expect, then she lit the candles. She stood back to admire their work and smiled. “It looks fantastic.”

Nodding, he grabbed the tray and the basket then took her hand. “Come on.”

On the way out, she locked up and followed him to the car, but was surprised when he kept walking. “Where are you going?”

He looked at her over his shoulder. “Just walk with me.”

Sure, why not?
A few seconds later, the ground under her feet was covered in sand. The beach was surprisingly quiet. On a sunny day, it bustled with activity as it was a favorite place for surfers and other beach sports. Chelsea had seen people all over it from dawn until dusk and sometimes even late into the night. It was a chilly day, but the sky was bright blue and cloudless. Not a day most people would spend at the beach, but she liked it. The brisk air refreshed her. It seemed only a handful of people felt the same way she did about the weather.

He held out his hand to help her sit before he did the same and put the basket down on the sand. He balanced the tray on top of it using it as a makeshift table. “We didn’t eat last night and I’m guessing this morning was too much of a rush for you to get something for breakfast. I know I didn’t, so I packed a little extra for us.”

It was thoughtful, something she was learning was just him. It made her wonder why she was so blown away that he thought about her at all. And the answer was—Richard. He would just do things that seemed to be for her as well, but now that she thought about it, not much had been in her best interest. He’d buy her a new dress then spring it on her that they had an important function to attend. Or the time he suggested they spend more time together by working out. That came after she’d gained a few pounds and they had some influential friends to meet.

“Hey. You okay?”

Caught, she forced a bright smile. One that she’d actually perfected during her time with Richard, coincidentally. She looked at the tray then at her hands. Every inch of them was coated with tiny granules of sand and she hadn’t brought any other cutlery. “It looks like I can’t dive in.”

Daniel chuckled. “I’ve got you covered.” Without further comment, he waggled his perfectly clean fingers as proof before he pinched a morsel between them and popped it into her mouth.

Flavors burst on her tongue and continued to tantalize her senses as she chewed. “You really have a gift. You know that?”

“I’m glad you think so.” He fed her more before taking some for himself. “So what happened this morning?”

“Can’t we just enjoy this?”

“So whatever went through your mind was bad enough you don’t want to talk about it.” He squared his shoulders and leveled his gaze on hers. “What did I do?”

He wasn’t going to let it go. How would she explain what she was thinking? “We just kind of fell into”—she waved a hand between them—“this. And it’s been great. Better than. But neither of us wants more right now. Am I right?”

Daniel’s eyes sparked with something but he nodded as it extinguished.

“I guess some of the stuff we were saying kind of hinted at more and it put me off kilter.”

He was silent a moment as he digested her words. “Got it.”

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