School of Discipline (2 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: School of Discipline
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Back in their room, they quickly dressed in their standard dressed-down gray uniforms with no rank on the sleeves. They checked themselves out in the full-length mirror on the back of the door and exited the barracks to get to the parade ground on time at six a.m.

Three guys were late for roll call, and demerits were issued to each of them. The schedule for the day was announced, and they were dismissed for breakfast at the chow hall. They were due in class at seven fifteen with a full day of lessons that ended at three fifteen, followed by a change of clothes and PT.

Once again, the cadets ate well, and no one left the chow hall unhappy. Classes commenced and the daily schedule was well under way. This wouldn’t alter much until the second half of their senior year, when more in the way of military requirements would be added to their routine.

By the end of the day, the cadets were tired. They had put in a full day of classes, been put through the demanding physical training, and had barely made it back to their rooms where they collapsed on their beds. Even ego-driven Blaine was quiet as he tried to catch his breath. As their heart rates began to calm down, they heard someone yell in the hall: “Inspection!”

Cory and Blaine sat up on their beds looking at one another as if they were trying to decipher some code word. A moment later, a banging on their door caught them off guard, and then the door opened and their barracks sergeant entered their room.

“When inspection is announced, you will stand at attention at the foot of your beds and remain so unless told to move or asked a question. I will now inspect your room.”

Both men had a clothes locker to store their uniforms and boots. This was the first location that came under inspection. Cory heard the sergeant sigh, and then clothes began to fly over the sergeant’s shoulder to land on the desks and floor. The sergeant swept everything off the desktop onto the floor. He opened Cory’s dresser drawers and dumped out every single item of clothing before throwing the drawers down on top of the heap. He noticed Blaine snickering. Mistake.

“What the fuck are you laughing at, Edwards? You think this is funny somehow? You think because your roommate fucked up that you’re free to laugh at him? Is that it, puke? We are supposed to be a team, and teammates help their fellow teammates make the grade. Do you understand me?” The sergeant shouted so loudly that men in other rooms heard him.

“Yeah, I heard ya,” Blaine replied.

“Five demerits for addressing your barracks sergeant in an incorrect manner.”

The sergeant then turned and opened the locker doors. Grabbing the locker by the sides, he overturned it, spewing the entire contents across the room. He did the same thing with Blaine’s drawers, desktop, and locker.

“You have each failed inspection and will receive five demerits. That’s an additional five demerits for you, Edwards! Now, in the top drawer of your desks you should have found a sheet called ‘The Organization Chart’. This chart tells you how to hang your uniforms, how to fold the clothes that are to go into your dressers, and how your desktops are to look when you are not sitting at your desk. When you put this shithole back together again, it better be according to ‘The Organization Chart’. Is that clear, you boneheads?”

“Yes, Sergeant!” both men shouted.

The barracks sergeant looked at both men once more and then spoke in a quiet voice. “You have also made your beds incorrectly. Refer to said chart.”

With that, he left and entered the next room like a tornado as Blaine and Cory stared at the utter disaster their room had become.

“What the fuck was that all about?” Blaine asked in shock.

“I’d say we were just inspected,” Cory said with a chuckle.

“Fucking guy is crazy. Shit!”

“Well, we have homework tonight, so I suggest we get this room together so we can study later. And let’s follow the damn chart!”



later, the room was back together and hopefully in accordance with the requirements of the school. Since it was only a matter of four hours until bedtime, they let the beds go. Cory ventured out into the hallway to see if he heard anything, but all was quiet on the Western front. Some of the guys began to exit their rooms, many with stunned looks on their faces. The sergeant had made a definite impression on the young men of the freshman class of 2014.

Just before shower time, the sergeant re-entered the barracks and called everyone into the “dayroom,” which was what they called the television lounge. When all forty men had finally arrived, the sergeant went off on another tirade.

“When I, or any of my superior officers, call a barracks assembly in the dayroom, you will get your asses in here as fast as you can. You will have no more than ninety seconds to be inside the physical confines of the dayroom. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sergeant,” everyone yelled.

“Because of the sorry state of the inspection today and because some of you girls have managed to get demerits unconnected with today’s inspection, it’s time to brief you more fully on corporal punishment.

“Any man who reaches twenty demerits will feel the bite of the belt or paddle. Twenty demerits get you ten strokes with the instrument of punishment. These strokes will be laid on your bare asses so that there is no padding that will help you out! That pommel horse over there is not for exercise; it is for you to bend over to receive punishment.

“Edwards, you are one of the four who already have ten demerits on your first full day here. With your attitude, I fully expect to be turning your ass red within a week. Wise up, gentlemen. You are embarking on your careers in the military, which is why you enrolled here. No one drafted you into this school; you signed up, just like you will for the branch of the military that you choose.

“Any cadet who gets the maximum daily amount of ten strokes will have options that I will discuss with that cadet. Punishment will always take place after showers before you turn in.

“Tomorrow is a new day. Get with the program fast. I expect your rooms to be perfect for the next inspection, which could come at any time. We try not to interrupt study time, but that is not a guarantee.

“I will say that I’m generally impressed with the physical shape you men are in. All but one… there’s always one in every group who has to be different. Jones, you are eleven pounds over the ideal weight for your build and height. You have thirty days to lose it, or you will be on the receiving end of my belt—one stroke for every pound you fail to lose, each and every day that you remain overweight. Any questions, Jones?”

“No, Sergeant!”

“That’s all for tonight. Do not be late for roll call tomorrow. Dismissed.”

Sergeant McDonald left the room, and after a minute or so, the bitching began, along with comments as to how this guy or that guy could take a spanking with no problems.

“Well, I’ll tell you now, if McDonald lays a finger on me, I’ll deck him, no questions asked,” said Blaine.

“Be careful, you fool. Are you trying to get your ass beat?” Cory quickly warned.

“Fuck him,” finished Blaine.

“Edwards, Anderson, report to my office now!” Everyone froze at the sound of the sergeant’s voice. No one had heard him return. “The rest of you men, get back to your rooms.”

“Oh shit,” Cory said under his breath.

For all of Blaine’s blustering, the color had drained from his face and he looked like he might pass out. As he and Cory followed Sergeant McDonald down the hallway to his office in the basement, Cory thought he was going to vomit. The tension in his stomach was making it churn like a washing machine.

McDonald took a seat behind his desk, and both men stood at attention in front of it.

“So, you’re going to deck me. Is that right, Edwards?” McDonald asked.

“Ah, actually I said that I’ll heck you, not deck you.”

“Uh-huh, and I believe you also said ‘fuck him’, meaning ‘fuck me’, is that right?”

“I didn’t mean you, Sergeant. I meant the guy who was giggling at me.”

“Anderson, what do you say? Did Edwards say he’d deck me and then suggest that I get fucked?”

“Sergeant, I wasn’t listening to him really.”

“Bullshit, Anderson. If you weren’t listening, why did you warn him to be quiet or get his ass beat?”

The silence stretched out like a high-tension wire.

“You wanna answer my question now, Anderson?”

“No, Sergeant,” Cory said honestly.

“I see. Well, here’s how this little quandary is going to work out. Edwards, I’m recommending you be expelled from the school. For you, Anderson, I’m recommending twenty strokes on the ass here and now for lying to me. Any questions?”

Chapter Two


men’s heads were spinning from what they had just heard.

“Expelled? Sergeant, please, no! I can’t get expelled; my dad will kill me. He had to pull strings to get me in here this semester. Please, anything but that!”

“I’ll give you one, and only one, alternative: I give you thirty strokes of the belt right here in the office, and you, Anderson, I’ll reduce to ten strokes of the belt, if you take it here and now. What do you say, gentlemen?”

“Thirty strokes! On the bare ass?”

“Yep. You man enough to take it or only man enough to run your mouth?”

“I’ll take the strokes, Sergeant.”

“Yeah, me too, if it cuts the number in half.”

“Very well, gentlemen. Anderson, you’re first. Both of you, drop your shorts, and Anderson, bend over the desk,” the sergeant said as he got up. He went to a locker and took out a mean-looking black leather belt with a silver loop buckle that had obviously been broken in.

“You, Edwards, stand on the other side of the desk and watch your roomie’s face as he gets each stroke, and you count them out.”

Both men were now naked from the waist down, and Cory reluctantly bent over the desk. McDonald got behind Cory and told Blaine to do one more thing.

“Sit in the chair, grab both of his arms, and hold him in place. Don’t let him up. If he gets up, you take the rest of his strokes as well as what’s coming to you.”

Hearing that, Blaine locked onto Cory and said, “Don’t even try and get up ’til he’s finished.”

McDonald took a moment to admire Cory Anderson’s well-built ass and how lily-white it was prior to beginning the punishment. He was impressed by the way the muscles popped out from the expectation of the belting Cory was to receive.

The sergeant drew his hand back and landed the first stroke of the belt across both ass cheeks. Cory let out a yell.

“One,” Blaine called out.

McDonald waited until the welt began to rise on Cory’s ass before drawing back for the second stroke, which he aimed to cover only the left cheek this time. He alternated back and forth on each ass cheek intentionally trying not to hit the same spot twice. A bruise would form if one area were hit too often. On strokes eight through ten, he covered both ass checks with full strokes of the belt, leaving Cory’s ass red and welted.

“Stand up,” the sergeant ordered.

As Cory slowly stood up, McDonald admired his handiwork. He was pleased with the way Cory’s ass looked.

“Your turn, Edwards. Let’s see how you do compared to your roommate here.”

McDonald got a good look at Blaine’s dick for the first time, and his breath caught in his throat. Blaine was gorgeous everywhere. McDonald looked and he wanted that dick so bad. When Blaine bent over the desk, the sergeant walked back a bit so as to be able to see Blaine’s dick and nuts hanging down between his legs. McDonald was truly impressed.

“Hold on tight, Anderson.”

“Yes, Sergeant.”

McDonald then laid on thirty very hard strokes of the belt that left Blaine’s ass well-marked and bright red. Unlike the technique he used with Cory, McDonald laid strokes on the same spot over and over, which made it hurt all the more. After the fifteenth stroke, Blaine began to lose his composure and to ask that his punishment cease. McDonald ignored his plea and continued to spank the bare ass bent over his desk.

When the last stroke arrived, McDonald lined himself up so that the belt would land on both cheeks and wrap around Blaine’s right hip. He gave it full force, and Blaine literally rose off the floor as he yelped. Cory let go of his arms, and Blaine stayed where he was, making no attempt to stand up.

Cory got up and put his pants back on. He looked at McDonald, silently asking if he was going to help Blaine get up.

“Edwards, stand up like a man.”

Blaine slowly straightened up, and Cory’s eyes got real big as he looked down at Blaine’s cock. It was fully erect, revealing that Blaine had enjoyed the punishment he had just taken. McDonald saw the stunned look on Cory’s face and walked around the desk to gaze upon a very large erection.

“Well, guess we know one thing now that we didn’t know before. Edwards here is turned on by getting his ass whipped. You men remember the lesson from tonight and stay out of trouble. Edwards, you were smart to take the beating over expulsion. It would have ruined your record. Now, both of you get out of here.”

Once outside the office, Cory helped Blaine up the stairs to their floor, at which point Blaine shook off Cory’s help. He wasn’t going to be seen as some kind of wimp by the other men.

When they got back to their room, Cory dropped his pants and looked in the mirror, seeing the evenly applied strokes in red on his ass. He knew that by morning, his ass would be back to its normal color. But when Blaine dropped his pants and lay down on his bed, Cory saw an angry red ass that had been soundly spanked. More than likely, Blaine’s ass would have some bruising as well.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” Cory asked.

“Yeah, can you get a cold washcloth and place it on my ass?”

“Sure can.”

“Thanks, by the way.”

“Thanks for what?”

“You could have ratted me out, and instead you took a beating for trying to protect me. I won’t forget that. Believe me.”

“Yeah, well, it hurt like hell, as you know. If you weren’t my roomie, I
have ratted you out rather than take that ass whipping.”

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