School for Nurses (24 page)

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Authors: T. Sayers Ellis

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #fetish, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

BOOK: School for Nurses
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‘Are you a bit more comfortable now?' the voice enquired.

‘Yes, thank you, sir,' Anna replied politely.

‘Then play better this time,' the voice commanded.

She played, and she did play a little better, just a little. But then the rustling noise began again, that restless rustling that fatally distracted her as she wondered what it could mean. Was he flipping through her CV trying to find out more about her? Was he following the music, and had she perhaps forgotten a part and he was trying to find his place again? The bow started getting impossibly heavy in her hand again, and she could feel it when she started playing badly. Strangely enough, the rustling noise interfered more with her concentration than the knowledge that she was standing in a state of partial undress on a stage. The noise bothered her more than her awareness of her naked legs, and the embarrassing thought that her pussy must be showing through her tight white panties now that she had lifted the violin up to her shoulder and left her most private part exposed to the penetratingly hot lights as she played.

‘I don't think you're quite comfortable enough yet, Miss Li,' the voice abruptly interrupted her piece. ‘Do you?'

‘Please let me have another chance, sir,' Anna begged. ‘I can play better, I really can.'

‘This is not really about who can play better, Miss Li. This is about who wants what, and how badly they want it. It doesn't matter so much how well you can play now. Native ability is important, of course, but someone who really wants to learn to play well, someone who
wants it, will probably learn to play better than most every one in the long run. And yet no matter how good you are, you cannot get anywhere if you don't have the opportunity. So, in reality, we are not here to find out how well you can play, Miss Li. We are here to find out just how badly you want this award. Just how badly do you want to study the violin?'

‘More than anything!' Anna replied passionately.

‘Really?' the voice softened, as though her response pleased him. ‘Well then, I will let you play that last piece again, but take your panties off first.'

‘What?' she gasped.

‘You wish to show me how much you want to study the violin, do you not? And you want to be... what was it you said? Oh yes,
. Well then, panties down, girl. Now. You cannot possibly be more comfortable than when you're naked and doing what you love best. You are doing what you love best, are you not, Anna?'

‘Yes... yes, sir, I am.'

‘Well then, strip, and do not make me wait. I am wasting enough time letting you play that last piece again.'


‘Strip now, or leave. It is your choice, Miss Li. I have another audition inside the hour. We are only running this long because, fortunately for you, you were my last audition before lunch. I am being kind by not sending you straight home. Do you want to be sent home, Miss Li? Or would you prefer that I continue being kind and helpful?'

‘I want you to be kind, sir,' she replied softly.

‘Then take your panties off, Anna, and let us see what you are made of.'

Anna had to put down her violin. She lay it gently on the stage beside her, propped her bow across its strings, and then straightened up again, her large eyes as strangely blank as a doe's caught in a pair of headlights about to run her over. Then she closed her eyes, and once more tried to pretend she was alone at home as she took hold of both sides of her panties. She had never shown herself to a man before, and she could never have imagined the first time she would do so would be on a stage. But she couldn't let herself think about it, she simply had to take a deep breath, count to three, and do whatever was necessary to get that scholarship. One, two, three... she quickly slipped her panties all the way down her legs, which felt as though they would never end. The lights fell on her small bush, a tuft of jet-black hair thicker and curlier than the hair on her head. She felt his eyes on her - the lights washing over her body were hot with his awareness of her. She squeezed her legs together and put both her hands across her pubic hair to try and hide the lips of her pussy pouting beneath it.

‘Do you still want me to play?' she asked sheepishly.

There was a pause, and then she heard movement out in the darkness, the subtle sound of trousers rustling as a man stood up, followed by the sound of slow, unhurried footsteps coming down the aisle towards the stage. He had silver-grey hair, that was the first thing she was able to make out in the darkness just beyond the lights. And then she saw his tall, slender body walking up the steps towards her, completely invisible until that moment because he was wearing a dark suit. Finally, she saw his large and slender hands - a musician's hands.

‘I too play the violin, Anna,' was the first thing his embodied voice said to her as he stepped up beside her.

She didn't know quite what to do. In a way, this was worse than standing half naked on a stage beneath anonymous spotlights. This was standing almost completely naked, her pussy shamefully exposed, in front of a strange man... a man with long, knowledgeable fingers...

‘Hand me the violin,' he said gently.

Desperately keeping one hand over her mound, she bent over gingerly, and as she picked up the instrument she blushed to realise he was looking at her bare bottom. Too late, she tried to lower her buttocks and crouch down instead of bend over to reach the violin. ‘Here,' she said.

‘Ah, a Carlson.' He weighed the instrument in his hand. ‘Not a bad piece of wood, for the price. But you really should have something better. Would you like something better, Miss Li?'

Now she could see his eyes taking her in, which strangely enough gave his stare even more power over her than when it was just part of the lights. He had arrestingly bright blue eyes the colour of quartz. ‘I... I think so,' she replied quietly.

His free hand reached out to touch her with a swiftness that gave her no time to pull back. And he didn't just touch her, he reached into her silk blouse, slipping part of his arm up it like a snake that bit her painfully on the nipple. She squealed just like a mouse, stunned by the abruptness of such an intimate touch. He pinched her nipple, then he spread his hand over her breast and massaged it, taking its measure before cupping it and weigh it gently in his palm. ‘Are you quite comfortable now, Anna?' he asked softly, leaning forward slightly so he was almost speaking directly into her ear.

She let herself lean against his dark suit, and closed her eyes. If she didn't look, she didn't have to see that his hand was in her shirt, and she could try not to think about the fact he was pulling on her other nipple now, sending oddly delicious shivers down her spine to her virgin pussy. She had never been touched like this by anyone except herself, and she had never touched herself quite like this...

‘Bend over,' he said.

‘Pardon?' Anna's eyes opened, but she was surely dreaming.

‘You seem a little hard of hearing,' he remarked, ‘a dangerous thing for a musician. Assume the position you took just now when you were, very fetchingly, fetching your violin for me. Reach down and touch your toes.'

Even though it made no sense, this was a command Anna could understand, so she bent forward and touched her toes. It put her in a humiliating position, no question about that, and the blood rushed to her head as she realised what part of her he now had every opportunity to inspect leisurely, to his heart's content. And then, to her astonishment, she heard the sound of a violin, not of a violin being played, but of a violin swinging through space. A little jangle rose from its strings as they displaced the air.

‘Yes, not a bad instrument, the Carlson, but you really do deserve better if you're going to be my student. Do you want to be my student, Anna? That's what the award pays for, you see, my personal instruction.'

‘Oh yes, sir,' Anna whimpered between her knees as she gripped her ankles.

‘Good girl,' the judge said. ‘Hold still now. Just six strokes should do it, I think.'

‘Six strokes?'

‘Punishment for attempting to manipulate the judge of a national competition with your attire,' he explained. ‘Your bottom needs a bit of an education before you can progress with your training. Hold tight to your ankles.' He swung the violin back down, and smacked her buttocks with it just hard enough for it to seriously hurt, the polished wood making a sharp sound as it connected with her smooth young cheeks. Then he lifted the instrument again, and brought it down a little harder on the bottom half of her delicate rounds, which quivered deliciously beneath the impact. His second blow truly hurt, and seemed to clear her mind as she suddenly realised in disbelief that she was bent over, nearly naked, on the stage of Wigmore Hall with her bum in the air for anyone, and everyone, to see, getting spanked, slowly and methodically with her own violin. And it hurt! Then there was a terrible splintering sound, the unmistakable sound of the delicate box she had played on for the last ten years beginning to give way. The wood, after all, was much less resilient than her soft and yielding bottom. It was the fourth stroke that cracked the instrument. She bit her lip and held on tight, but the fifth blow made her cry out despite herself, and her breathless scream echoed through Wigmore Hall.

‘One more,' her judge and future teacher said. ‘Be a good girl, or you will not get what is coming to you.'

‘Yes, sir.'

The last stroke fell, and the body of the violin broke away from the neck altogether as the box caved in against Anna's buttocks. It fell to the stage with a hopeless clatter, leaving the neck in his hand. He tossed it away as Anna straightened up, putting one protective hand over her pussy again while with the other she caressed the burning cheeks of her bottom. She froze when she saw the great erection thrusting out of his open black trousers like an obscene conductor's wand. His penis was astonishingly white against his dark suit, and she wondered if all cocks were as pale and hard as ivory, except for its head, which was such a lovely purple colour it made her think of a big, juicy grape ready to burst.

‘What do I have to do now, sir?' she heard herself ask.

‘Do you want to be my student, Anna?'

‘Yes, sir,' she answered without hesitation, unable to take her eyes off his magnificent male instrument.

‘On your knees then, my girl,' her teacher said.

She sank to her knees, it was easy since they felt so strangely weak, and looked up at his face expectantly.

‘Kiss it,' he said. ‘You have to learn how to love an instrument before you can handle a good one. Kiss it as you would kiss a beautiful violin.'

She wet her lips with her tongue as she reached out and touched the head of the stiff penis before her with the tip of her finger. It was warm, and tender. She was pleasantly surprised, because his pale shaft had looked so cold and hard. She opened her mouth, which also came naturally since she was already gaping in wonder at the sight before her, and stuck out her pink tongue to give the tip of the judge's prick a tentative little lick. He tasted sweet, like he had bathed in honey-water, and then it just seemed natural to wrap her soft lips around his whole head. She heard him groan above her, and strangely inspired by the sound he made, she rose a little higher on her knees and slipped his whole cock into her mouth.

He fucked her virginal orifice as though it had taken dozens of dicks before, making her moan anxiously as he kept stroking his helmet with the back of her throat and threatening to choke her. Then he pulled out of her abruptly, and even though it was a relief to be able to catch her breath, part of her was inexplicably disappointed.

‘Lie on the floor,' he said harshly, ‘on your stomach next to your broken violin.'

She did as he told her without question.

He took off his suit jacket, wrapped it around her discarded skirt, and then shoved them both under her tummy. ‘Push your bottom up,' he commanded, and she did as he said as he sank to his knees behind her. ‘This is your first lesson, Anna.'

She closed her eyes. She couldn't believe it. She would never have dreamed that her first time with a man he would completely ignore her pussy and make her give him her rear hole instead.

‘Thrust your bottom back,' he said again, and she did, she thrust her bottom back towards him and let one of his skilled violinist's fingers find her clenched little hole. It felt wet, and she knew he must have licked his finger before he put it in her. Groaning, she found herself thrusting her cheeks back at him as his finger worked between them, making the tight passage between them feel warm and slick, although it was nowhere near as hot and wet as her pussy.

And then his long hard cock entered her. She felt his head pushing against her reluctantly puckered opening, and then he was in. With a hard thrust he breached her sphincter, and his whole shaft slid into her body through her back passage. She groaned in pain and disbelief as he buried his entire erection in her petite bottom, and it felt even worse when he started moving in and out of her, his hips rocking back and forth, back and forth relentlessly. And yet through the initial blaze of torment, she became aware of another sensation brewing in her smouldering pussy. She was lying nearly naked on centre stage in Wigmore Hall, and the idea of what was happening to her, merging with all these new and intense sensations, began to get the better of her... she felt the veins in her body tightening like strings, and she began climaxing under the penetratingly hot lights. She cried out as she came with a strange man's cock pulsing in her rectum, and as she felt him pull his fleshy bow out from between her mysteriously vibrating cheeks, she breathlessly found herself hoping he would let her play for him every night.

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