Scarlet Dawn (24 page)

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Authors: Megan J. Parker

BOOK: Scarlet Dawn
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This was no longer about getting past him.

Inarin’s fury had taken over, and he saw Xander as an enemy now.

Enraged by Xander’s agility and difficult time he was having in his attempts at breaking him,
Inarin roared again and pounded the ground before he charged once again. Dodging this, Xander pivoted to keep his position between his packmate and Estella and wrapped the ballistic therion in his aura, lifting him off the ground and throwing him several yards away. He was up and storming back towards them in seconds.

“YOU CAN’T TAKE HER!” Xander roared, sending out an auric blast.

Unable to see the crimson energy wave, Inarin continued onward until it collided with him and tore him off his feet and sent him into a pine tree. His aura pulsed erratically, telling Xander that he was dazed, and as he slid down the tree and onto the ground he rolled to his knees and whined—a loud and angry whimper.

“Stay down,” Xander muttered, more a wish than a command.

The therion stood and started to approach, his body swaying as he struggled to stay upright on clumsy legs. When he was close enough he pulled back his arm, ready to punch Xander in the face with a fist the size of a football.

caught the powerful arm in his hand and instantly stilled him.

“Stand down!” The therion leader’s voice was hard and intimidating, his left arm bulging as he partially transformed.

Xander gaped, never knowing his friend had that kind of control.

aura spiked once in surprise and just as quickly withdrew as his senses returned to him. Seeing the seriousness in the pack leader’s eyes, he whimpered and looked back at Xander and Estella, issuing a soft growl, and dropped his arm before he began to transform back to his human form—still an intimidating creature, Xander thought—and glared.

“She is
one of us,” he spat, “No outsiders! That was our rule!”

“I wasn’t one of you either,” Xander replied, backing up to join Estella at her side. “She stays!” He looked over at his long-lost lover and realized that she was blushing and turned back to
Inarin and frowned. “Now will you go put some pants on?”

narrowed his eyes and looked to Osehr, who nodded.

“Do as he says,” he calmly commanded, “Make yourself decent. And see to it that the others do the same.” He gave Estella a warm smile, “We have a very special guest joining us.”

This brought a smile to Estella’s face; the familiar, warm smile that Xander remembered from when she was human.

He couldn’t help but smile as well.

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Original Sin (A Crimson Shadow Novella)

Megan J. Parker

(Available Now)

he clouds shifted in the starlit sky and allowed for the full moon to illuminate the city in its silvery glow as I stepped out from the lifeless luminescence of the hospital. As I started out, I spotted three of the doctors standing by the entranceway as they gave me
look and I bit my lip at their flirting stares. It wasn’t that they or any of the other doctors who gave me
look weren’t good looking, and it certainly wasn’t that I was uninterested in finding love…

It just didn’t feel right with them.

There just wasn’t that—

“Hey, Emily,” Phil, one of the more daring doctors on our staff, shot his trademark smirk my way, “Did you want to join us at the bar tonight?”

“Oh! Thanks for the offer, but I really should get home tonight. I’m already feeling lagged,” I forced a soft smile as I recited the same excuse I did every night after work.

“Aw! One of these days, Emily,” he chided me, “One of these days we’re gonna wear you down.”

I chuckled and quickly excused myself, making my way through the parking lot and into the city lights. With the hushed murmurs of my admirers too distant to hear, I let out a heavy breath and shook my head at myself.

I didn’t understand it, really. I spent most of my free time reading romance novels and daydreaming about finding my own personal Prince Charming, and yet, whenever the reality of an interested suitor sprung up, I couldn’t bring myself to accept them; couldn’t even give them a chance. I sighed again. Maybe it was time to put down the books—to abandon the fantasies and fiction—and just settle…

I felt myself shudder at the thought of lowering my more-than-likely outlandish standards and slipped away from the bustling crowd and into an alleyway to catch my breath. As my own labored breathing and thundering heartbeat settled, I picked up on another set of heavy breaths—loud and pained—and, fighting my growing nerves, looked deeper into the darkness of the alley to see the source.

“Oh my—” My heartbeat started up again and I instinctively started forward. Ahead of me, a large-framed man was crouched and clutching a blood-drenched hand over his stomach. “Sir! Are you
alright? Were you injured? It’s okay, I’m a—”

My words caught in my throat as the man lifted his head at the sound of my voice, wincing at his own movement and letting out a hissed breath at the pain. I gasped, feeling the chill of the opposite wall against my back.

Had I even moved?

I shook my head
; trying to remember stepping back but drawing a blank.

“I-I’m fine,” his voice cracked and he coughed
; spitting blood on the alley floor. “Just… just go!”

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to step forward again and knelt beside him to check his wounds. Though whatever injury he had was hidden, I could tell that the blood was recent and I moved to pry his hands away to better inspect the damage. Still keeping one hand on his abdomen, he snatched me by the wrist and looked up at me.

“Ple-please,” his voice was suddenly desperate, “You… you need to go. Now!”

“I…” My breath hitched in my chest as our gazes collided, his dark hazel eyes peering deep into me.

I could get lost in those eyes.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. “I can’t do that, sir. I’m a nurse; I’ve taken an oath to help the injured!”

I tried not to think about the lie I was telling as I spoke the words. I wasn’t exactly
to help anyone outside of office and, quite frankly, I’d ignored several situations in the past when I’d stumbled across the aftermath of a drunken brawl or some other minor incident that I felt was too dangerous to get involved in.

But this situation had “danger” written all over it!

So why was I doing this?

Why did I stop for him?

“You don’t need to lie,” he let out a small laugh, “I’ll be alright soon. Thank you, Emily.”

I frowned at that.

Had I told him my…

I shook my head again. “W-well, maybe I just want to help you. And, trust me, when I decide to do something, I don’t stop until I do it!”

The man stifled a chuckle, “That stubbornness is going to get you into trouble.”

My eyes widened as his words echoed in my mother’s voice in the back of my head. She’d always said that my stubbornness was going to get—

“A-Alright…” He moved from his slouched position, “If you insist.” He groaned in pain as he straightened himself and lifted his blood-stained shirt. I fought the heat that threatened to crawl up my face his toned abdomen and broad chest was revealed to me.

Realizing that I was still staring, I moved to reach into my handbag for my flashlight. Though the rays of the moon were enough to illuminate his features, the depth and darkness of the alley made it hard to do the job I’d set my mind on doing.

“Okay. I’m going to need you to stay still and relax as best as you can.”

“Alright. If you say so…” He flashed me a grin of perfect teeth and I desperately fought the urge to swoon. Then, as if he could tell the effect he was having, he added, “Nurse Emily.”

His tone…

It was as if the pain was…

I ignored my wandering thoughts as I aimed the beam of light at his torso. I gasped as I got a clear view of the source of all the blood. He’d been shot! Moving around him, I searched his back for an exit-wound. If the bullet was still inside…

“You really should see a doctor. I can’t treat a gunshot wound. I don’t have the supplies, and you need to file a report with the

“I said I’d be fine,” his smirk forced another wave of warmth to my cheeks.

“‘Fine’? How can you say that?” My emotions flared at his casualness to the situation, “How can you be so calm about this? You’ve been shot! And… and I think the bullet is still—” I shook my head, “Dammit! You’re going to bleed to death if you don’t—”

I gasped as he lifted his left hand and placed it on my hand
; a sudden wave of ease and calm sweeping over me.

“—If… if you don’t…” I stammered, trying to remember what I’d been thinking. I’d been angry, hadn’t I? All of a sudden I couldn’t remember…

This man…

I looked down at his hand on mine and felt another wave of warmth and calm. I’d never felt so relaxed, certainly not around strangers in alleys with bullet wounds. With him, however—with this eerily calm man—I felt my entire body ease and turned my hand into his palm, lacing my fingers with his and drawing on the warmth he was providing.

“You have beautiful hair, Emily,” he smirked. “I’ve always had a thing for redheads. If it weren’t for—well, you know”—he lifted his still blood-covered hand—“I might be compelled to touch it.”

Despite the reminder of his injuries, my calmness held. “R-really? I always hated my hair. The curls are so unmanageable.”

“Ah, but sometimes the most untamable things can be the most beautiful of all,” he smirked.

“That…that was
cheesy,” I blushed at how simple it was to talk to him given the circumstances.

“Aw man! Add my ego to the list of injuries. That sort of line usually works on the girls,” he chuckled. “You’re a rare breed, Emily.”

I lifted my eyes back to his face and blushed, the wind had swept his messy black hair out of his face and I was able to see him fully. He was so handsome.


I frowned. I was so certain that I’d never… “How do you know my name?” I forced myself to ask, shaking the numbing calmness. “I… I never told you… Who are you?”

It felt like I’d just taken a shot of morphine!

“My name’s Joseph—Joseph Stryker—and I know you didn’t tell me your name,” he shrugged, smirking at my obvious appraisal of his features, and licked his lips, “I just have my ways.”

“Then… then how?” I frowned, the uneasiness sweeping back into me as his hand left mine and I watched as he stood up and started to pull his shirt back on. “W-wait,” I struggled to follow, suddenly feeling dizzy, “How did you know my name?”

Joseph smiled at me and shook his head, “No more questions, Emily. I’ve already said
too much.”

I gaped as he lifted my right hand and placed a kiss against my palm and I bit my lip as a shiver made its way up my spine.

Finally, drawing his lips away from my hand, he gently worked my fingers closed. “Hold on to that for me, Emily,” he took a deep breath and stretched, showing no sign of his injuries. “Thanks again. I will remember the help you gave me today and find a way to repay you.”

“N-no problem. Really. You don’t have to repay me… I-I mean, I probably won’t even see you again anyway.”

“Maybe; maybe not,” he shrugged, “Either way, just try not to remember me. I probably shouldn’t have…” he frowned and shook his head. “Just… just don’t worry about me.” He offered me one last blush-inducing smirk, “Besides, I couldn’t compete with Doctor Phil.”

With that he turned away and stepped out of the alley.

Staring after him, I felt the last of the numbness on my mind faded away. Finally, I growled with the realization that he had just tricked me; used some quick words and an intoxicating gaze to avoid my question. Refusing to be his fool, I rushed out of the alleyway to track him down, only to find that he had already disappeared into the crowd.

Who was that man?

And how did he know my name?

Sighing, I turned towards my street and headed off to my apartment. It would be better not to see Joseph Stryker again, I told myself.
Men like that was disastrous to women. It was men like that that made the stories in those damn romance novels seem so within reach. As I made my way to my apartment, I unlocked the door and headed inside.

“Aries! Where’s my handsome man?” I called out as I switched on the light. A soft mewl sounded from my room before the mischievous black cat trotted towards me and rubbed against
my ankle. “Aw! Did you miss me?” I smiled and kneeled down to pet him before starting towards the kitchen, “Come on. I bet you’re just as hungry as I am.”

Plopping a TV dinner into the microwave, I grumbled at the realization that it was already 1am and I had to be back at the hospital in only six short hours.

Where had the night gone?

Had I
been in the alley

I ate my dinner in a slow haze, each bite bringing with it less and less flavor and more and more questions. It wasn’t until my fork had found an empty plate that I realized I’d actually eaten anything, and I decided that what I wanted—what I truly needed—was a shower.

As I made my way to the bathroom and began to slip out of my clothes my thoughts returned to Joseph. Remembering him—his face and his body and his drug-like touch—brought the warmth back and I shivered as it began to spread through my stomach. I lingered, envisioning his toned arms encircling my waist and pulling me against that perfect torso as he…

I shook my head, fighting past the erotic fantasy, and I forced myself to step into the tub and draw the shower curtain. Grabbing the soap, I began my routine as I let my mind wander again. Instinctively, my hand drifted past my stomach and I gasped; every part of me felt electrified. I growled at myself and shook my head; I had
felt this way before. How could I let a stranger affect me this much? He was just a—

The sound of my phone ringing quickly cooled me down and I wrapped a towel around me as I hurried see
who could be calling me at this hour.


“Emily! Did I wake you?” I bit my lip, hearing Doctor Thane’s voice.

“No, I just got home. Is something wrong?” I asked, pretending to sound surprised even though I already knew what he was calling about. Though my degree should have spoken for itself, I was certain that he’d only hired me in the hopes of motivating a relationship. Ever since the first time I’d turned him down, he’d been relentless in his pursuit and I was worried that sooner or later I would be forced into
saying “yes” just to keep my job.

“Just got home? But your shift ended almost an hour ago!” I could hear the seething jealousy growing in his voice and I fought the urge to hang up on him.

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