Scandalous (4 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Scandalous
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“Ooh, a personal fitness trainer. I wouldn’t mind someone
getting my butt in shape,” she joked. Reaching out, she brushed a hand across
his right bicep. “I’m not surprised. You’re built.”

Brandon laughed. She didn’t hold back and he liked that.

“I’ve probably broken every cardinal sin, ordering a giant
appetizer plate,” she said, her expression contrite.

“Hey we’re all allowed to indulge once in a while,” Brandon
said. He’d certainly like to indulge in her.

She smiled, focused completely on him. “And what do you like
to indulge in, Brandon?”

“Beer and sushi,” Eric answered for him.

“I love sushi. I should take you two to my favorite
restaurant sometime,” she suggested.

“That sounds good,” Eric said as Brandon nodded.

She sounded open to seeing them again, which was a positive.
But how did one go about inviting someone into their relationship, even

Hey, Lex, I know we just met but…you wanna fuck?

I’m bored with just Eric and me so I thought it’d be fun
to ask you to join in. What do you say?

Shall we draw up some sort of agreement before we engage
in sexual activities?

Shit, he had no idea how to do this. He knew it would excite
Eric, offering Alexa to him as a gift. An indulgence of sorts in the bedroom
for them both to enjoy—all three of them could enjoy. He knew this woman
excited and aroused Eric and hell, she excited him too.

But was she open enough for something as outrageous as what
he wanted to suggest?

“We missed you at my brother’s wedding,” Alexa said,
knocking Brandon from his thoughts. “I’m sorry that you couldn’t make it.”

Guilt smacked him hard. He’d been such an ass that day,
acting jealous. He hadn’t known what had come over him. Hell, he’d been in a
mood for so long he could hardly pull himself out of it. The thought of meeting
Alexa and the potential that might brew between the three of them was the first
thing that made him genuinely smile in months. “Yeah well, I had to work
unfortunately. I’m sorry I missed it too.”

Eric shot him a knowing look before he turned to Alexa. “You
couldn’t have missed him that bad after what happened Saturday night.”

The bartender had set her drink in front of her only moments
before and she was sipping on it when Eric dropped that particular bomb. She
almost choked. “Eric, shut up,” she said with a sputter.

“It’s okay. I told him what we did,” Eric said with a shrug.

Alexa’s eyes went wide as she looked between the two of
them. Brandon tensed, waiting for her reaction. Would she freak out? Would she
brush it off? Or would she venture into more unchartered territory?

“You told him?” she asked after they all remained quiet.

“I did.” Eric glanced at Brandon. “And he doesn’t mind.”

She turned to Brandon. “You don’t?”

He shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable with all of her
attention focused on him. “It happened. What am I supposed to do? Get enraged
and call him a cheater? It was just a kiss.”

Alexa stared at him. Grabbed her drink and sipped from the
straw continuously, as if she wanted to polish off the drink in minutes. He’d
made her uncomfortable, he could sense it, but he was trying to let her know
that he didn’t mind. Wanted to gauge her reaction and see if she was open to
certain possibilities.

“Just a kiss,” she said slowly. “What if there had been

“Like what?” He wanted to hear her say it. Say something
suggestive, dirty. Just wanted to watch a graphic word drop from her pretty,
pouty lips.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, really uncomfortable now.
“Like what if we’d had sex?”

“Eric’s never had sex with a woman before,” Brandon said
carefully, surprised their conversation had turned toward this direction so fast.
“I doubt he would’ve had sex with you.”

She appeared indignant, a little insulted. “What do you mean
by that?”

“I mean that I’ve already told him if he’s interested in
having sex with a woman we should all do it…together.”

The table went absolutely silent. Eric didn’t say a word,
and they’d never had that particular conversation before. He’d warned Eric
before they came to the bar to let him lead tonight.

She remained silent for so long he wondered if he blew it.
He looked over at Eric before he spoke again. “Do you want to have sex with

“I’ve always wanted to have sex with Eric,” she said
automatically, not bashful at all. She looked almost relived for admitting it.

“Then what would you say if I told you that you could have
sex with Eric—but I’m part of the bargain. Would you be interested?”

Chapter Four

Alexa went still at Brandon’s seemingly innocent words. Well
it was his tone that was innocent

his words were anything but.

“Then what would you say if I told you that you could
have sex with Eric, but I’m part of the bargain. Would you be interested?”

She accepted their invitation for drinks and ended up
getting propositioned within minutes of arriving? What the hell?

And what the hell was wrong with her that she was actually
considering it?

“You don’t have to answer that,” Eric said, reaching across
the table to give her hand a gentle squeeze. His expression was full of both
understanding and worry, and she wondered if he even knew his boyfriend had
been going to mention something like this.

Her gaze drifted back to Brandon and noted the tension in
his firm jaw, the rigid line of his impossibly broad shoulders. The guy was a
regular Adonis. She bet if she stripped him naked he would be male perfection
personified. And his face…no wonder Eric fell for him. It was a thing of pure
masculine beauty with the most gorgeous set of lips she’d ever seen on a man.

The thought of those lips wandering over her skin, kissing
her mouth, sucking on her nipples, sent a rush of tingles cascading throughout
her body.

“I’ll answer it,” she finally said, once she recovered her
voice. “Is that why you guys invited me out tonight? To see if you could get in
my pants?”

“Of course not,” Eric said at the same time Brandon offered
a simple “yes”.

The two men glared at each other, and she had the insane
urge to giggle uncontrollably.

“I have a tendency to believe Brandon over you, Eric,” she
said, her voice soft, her breath lodged in her throat as she waited for their

Eric sighed and shook his head. “Fine. It was his idea. He
became interested when I told him I kissed you and became…aroused.”

A little thrill filled her at the thought that their
outrageous kiss had caused the same reaction within Eric as it had for her. “I
told you it was intense.”

“It was,” Eric admitted, his gaze skittering in Brandon’s

Brandon didn’t seem bothered by his admission in the least.
“He’s never been interested in a woman before. Not like he’s interested in you,
Alexa. And that interests me.”

She finally couldn’t contain it any longer; she laughed.
Laughed and laughed even as the server brought over their plate of appetizers.
Her hunger was long forgotten as she considered this odd situation she found
herself in.

Months of the single life and she’d been okay with it. She
hadn’t found anyone who interested her and that had been fine. She had her
vibrator when the urge for an orgasm came over her. She viewed it as stress
relief more than anything.

But now she had not just one but two gorgeous guys
interested in her. Two gay guys who…what? Wanted to include her in their kinky
sex games? Did they both want to fuck her at the same time? Were they
exhibitionists and wanted to fuck each other while she watched?

Her pussy grew wet at the thought. These two gorgeous men,
naked bodies entwined, mouths wrapped around each other’s cocks. Brandon
sinking his cock inside Eric’s body and both of them moaning…

Her cheeks flamed, and she took another much-needed drink.
“So you want to fuck me.”

Eric nearly spit out the potato skin he’d been munching on.
“Jesus, Lex.”

“I want to get to know you first,” Brandon said quietly as
he watched her carefully. Damn if she didn’t want to squirm. “I think something
could—happen if we let it.”

“This is weird,” she said with a slight shake of her head.

“Don’t question it,” he said, his deep voice low, rippling
along her nerve endings and making the tiny hairs on her arms stand up. “Just
go with your gut reaction. What’s it telling you to do?”

She studied his face, his hazel eyes, his beautiful, sinful
mouth. God, he really was gorgeous. The most gorgeous man she’d ever
encountered. And Eric certainly was no slouch. He was beautiful in his own
right with the dirty blond hair and sharp masculine features. She knew many of
the women and even a few of the men in the building cast envious glances her
way—only because she sat at the table with two of the most handsome men in the
entire bar.

“My gut’s telling me that you’re crazy.” She paused and let
her words sink in, experienced a little thrill when she caught the worried glimmer
shining in his eyes. “And that I’m crazy for even considering it.”

“You’d consider it?” She heard the shock in Eric’s voice,
and she laughed again.

“I would. Now tell me how you boys are going to convince me
this is the right thing to do?”

“This has nothing to do with right or wrong.” Brandon’s
expression was intense, subdued.

“We want you to be comfortable, Lex.” Eric pushed the giant
white plate loaded with appetizers toward her. “Eat something.”

“I’m not hungry anymore.” She shook her head, pushed the
plate back in Eric’s direction. She finished off her drink instead.

If she was even going to consider this, she needed to have a
few drinks in her. Not to get drunk because she wasn’t about to be taken
advantage of—though she didn’t believe Eric would ever take advantage of her.

Brandon, she had no clue. He made her uneasy what with his
dark looks and barely restrained strength. He could easily take her even if she
did protest. He was that big, that strong looking.

And what would that feel like? To know he could use his
brute strength and take her against her will. Tear her clothes off and press
her against a wall while he restrained her with those big hands, savagely enter
her with one brutal thrust and fuck her ruthlessly.

Oh God, she was breaking out in a sweat just thinking about
it. She pressed her thighs together to stop the ache that grew in her pussy.

Thankfully, they entered into easy territory, chatting about
various subjects and she asked Eric all sorts of questions, curious as to
everything he’d been doing the last few years. This was the catch up she’d
longed for at the wedding, and she was glad Eric had called her and kept the
contact going.

Despite the offer by his brooding boyfriend, despite the
fact they wanted to involve her in their sexual escapades—God, she still
couldn’t believe it—it felt right spending time with Eric. Enjoying his
friendship, their easy camaraderie and eventually even Brandon joined in,
sharing wry observations about Eric and their life. Allowing glimpses into
their relationship, even answering the few questions she asked.

She was having a good time, her body felt languid, her mind
relaxed. She’d limited herself to two drinks, had eaten a few yummy appetizers
after all and contentedness seeped into her, making her mellow. Making her mind
open to the possibilities.

Oh, the many possibilities…

“Maybe we should do this,” she murmured at no particular
moment. Interrupting Eric who was sharing some anecdote of their past life,
some minor
faux pas
she’d committed in front of him that he now shared
gleefully with Brandon.

Eric paused in his storytelling, his gaze razor sharp as it
landed upon her. “Maybe we should do what?”

“Maybe we should do this.” She waved a hand between all
three of them, a little smile curling her lips. “I can’t deny I’m curious,
Eric. What it would be like. With you.”

“What would what be like?” He asked like he didn’t know what
she talked about.

The liar. He knew exactly what she was referring to.

“Sex. Between you and me. That’s what I want tonight, just
between you and me.” She pointed a finger in Brandon’s direction. “And you can
watch. Do you approve, Mister Man?”

“You don’t want me to participate?” Brandon’s expression had
turned extraordinarily dark, almost menacing as he glared at her. He was most
likely a man rarely denied.

Well, she felt like denying him tonight. He deserved to be
tortured, what with the quick way he offered up his scandalous proposition.
“No, you can’t. You’re the one who wanted this. I’ll let you watch. But I’m not
going to fuck you.”

Eric made a strangled noise. “Lex…”

“No, it’s all right,” Brandon cut him off. He shifted,
leaned toward her from across the table. “If I can’t actively participate then
I at least get to hold you.”

Her brows lifted. What the hell was he talking about? “Hold

“As an offering for Eric. The only reason this is happening
is because of me. He never would’ve had the guts to do this on his own.”

She looked at Eric. “Is that true?”

Eric shrugged, looking sheepish. “Maybe.”

“It is,” Brandon said, his voice firm. “You’re my offering.
A gift for Eric, if you’re willing. I get to make the offer.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She really didn’t.
How could he make her his offering? She didn’t quite get it. She was tired, a
little buzzed and a lot confused. It wouldn’t take much to wreck havoc on her
brain cells.

He smiled, the first genuine smile she’d seen all night.
“Come back to our place and I’ll show you.”


Anticipation coursed through Eric’s veins, making his body
tremble with excitement. He still couldn’t believe they were actually going
through with this scheme. A scheme that when Brandon proposed it, he never
believed it would happen.

They had Alexa Lang in their apartment, glancing around as
she took in the décor, the pictures on the wall, the photos scattered on the
entertainment center. As if she looked for glimpses of their intimate life,
what made them tick, what made them even consider this suggestion of the three
of them hooking up tonight.

Well, the two of them. An even more intimidating scene
considering he’d never been with a woman before and really had no idea what to
do. He thought if he and Brandon were involved in the situation together,
Brandon would offer him guidance. Tell him what to do in order to please her.

Now he was left to handle everything on his own. That is, if
Lex was still up to it.

“Your apartment is nice,” she finally said, coming to a stop
in the middle of the living room. “Not what I expected.”

“What did you expect?” Eric watched as Brandon left the
room, headed in the direction of their bedroom. Most likely preparing it for
seduction? Shit, he didn’t have a clue.

He hated feeling nervous, like a little kid. It made him
jittery and out of sorts.

“I have no idea.” She laughed softly, the sound curling
around him, making him warm inside and he went to her, taking both of her hands
in his.

“Are you really all right with this?” He looked into her
eyes, the moment so surreal, so huge in his mind. He’d been with Austin long
ago, their relationship had been good but they’d been young and impatient.
Passionate and volatile. He’d never really thought of Alexa in such a way,
though he always found her cute, easy to talk to.

“Eric, this is a dream come to life.” She stared up into his
eyes, gave his hands a firm squeeze. “I’ve wanted you for like, ever.”

He couldn’t help but be flattered. It wasn’t every day a
guy’s told a woman pined over him for years. “But like this?”

“I’ll take you any way I can get you.” She glanced down the
hall. “But what about him? Is he all right with this? Is he…all right?”

Eric knew what she meant. She wanted to make sure Brandon
was on the up and up, not that he blamed her. “He’s cool, Lex. Trust me. I
don’t hook up with weirdos or freaks. He’s just been a little out of sorts
lately. I think he’s looking for some excitement.”

“Funny, I’ve been feeling the same way,” she murmured, her
voice wistful. She turned her attention back on him. “He seems awfully bossy.”

“He’s definitely the dominant one,” he said with a laugh.
“He likes to tell people what to do.”

“And you don’t mind?” She shook her head. “I think that sort
of thing would make me nuts.”

“I like it. I always have.” He leaned in close, pressed a
soft kiss to her cheek. “If you let yourself go, you might find you like it

She hitched in a breath, surely a reaction to his closeness
and he pressed another kiss to her cheek, let his mouth drift across the dewy
softness of her skin until he kissed the corner of her mouth. Memories surged
of the frantic, passionate kiss they shared less than a week ago, and his cock

This was going to be good between them. He wasn’t sure
exactly how Brandon would take part in this, but he knew without a doubt his
lover would make it perfect for the both of them. For all three of them.

Brandon had always been a considerate lover.

“Hey, none of that. Not yet.” Brandon walked back into the
room, and they both sprang away from each other. Eric knew Brandon was teasing,
but he also caught a glimpse of the tension in his body, the anticipation
almost palpitating off of him in waves.

He knew Brandon eagerly awaited this moment almost as much
as he did. Hell, he still couldn’t believe it was happening.

“Let’s go back to the bedroom,” Brandon suggested, his voice
a low, sexy rumble as he glanced between the two of them.

Alexa immediately followed behind him, and Eric fell into
step behind her. All her talk of not liking a bossy man, she certainly seemed
to respond to Brandon without any problem. She just might discover there was a
bit of a sexual thrill in being told what to do, he thought.

The room was dark, lit by sporadic candles placed here and
there. Quite the sensual mood considering Eric wouldn’t describe Brandon as
romantic. Sexy as hell and commanding in bed, absolutely. Definitely not

“Just trying to set the mood,” Brandon murmured as if he
could read Eric’s mind. Not the first time he’d done something like that

They’d been pretty much in sync since the day they met.

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