Scandalous Arrangement (2 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Arrangement
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Chapter 3

Mr. Daniel

My alarm went off at 6:45
am sharp, I hit the snooze twice and then I finally got up. I had to take my shower, pick out my outfit, do my hair and my make-up. I went to my first class which was principals of microeconomics with Professor D. Tenley. I arrived about 10 minutes early so that I could get a good seat. I didn’t want to sit too far back and I didn’t want to be on the first row either.


I settled on the 6
row up, outside seat, since the seats were in ascending order. Class filled up after I got settled in. Professor Tenley walked in 5 minutes till 8am. He was a very handsome man; he was around 6”2, blond hair, and blue eyes, dressed like something out of GQ magazine. You could tell he worked out. “Good morning class, my name is Professor Daniel Tenley, and this is principals of microeconomics.”


“Make sure you show up to my class on time, you never know when I will give a pop quiz or extra credit within the first 5 minutes of class; so be here on time, got it.” “I always grade on a curve so those extra credit points will make or break some of you in here today.” “I can be a laid back guy or I can be your enemy, your choice. Now let’s get started on our syllabus for this semester.”


Class didn’t last that long because most of us didn’t have our books and it was just the first day. No need to really overwhelm us on our first big day at college. He went pretty easy on us. Going over the syllabus I knew I was going to need some extra assistance. I was going to have to team up with some other classmates and use their “ideas” so that we can collaborate on a good grade. After I finished all my other classes I went back to my apartment to assess the day. I noticed that I was going to have to find a way to get extra credit for microeconomics, intro to English was a piece of cake, algebra 101 was another class that needed my extra attention and intro to science would be a breeze. My load was a full one but it’s a great thing to challenge myself every now and again.


So as the semester went on I carried on with my usual responsibilities of working at the bar and pocketing some very sizeable tips. I was far from being an amateur; I had fun at my job. I usually worked 6pm-1am, work 4 days a week, Thursday – Sunday. My take home money every shift stays consistent which is around $200 a night. I have a few regulars and I meet lots of new people all the time. It’s funny how liquor shows the true colors of men and women. I have heard just about every pick up in the book while working at the oyster shell bar. I have been asked everything from being a baby mama to my hand in marriage.


One night at work a customer started up a conversation with me about where I went to school and what my major was. I gave her a basic rundown of my classes and we began joking about how hard of a time I was having in my economics class. She said oh wait let me guess are you taking Professor Tenley for micro?” I said yes how did you know. She said because she took him her freshmen year too and her roommate slept with him. Excuse me say that again. She said “oh yea, my roommate and I took his class at the same time and she was having a hard time passing the class, so she went to him to ask for extra credit and he asked her what was he going to get in return.” “My roommate told me all the stories of how he slept with other students and that he would give them an “A” in return.

I was thinking how
horrible he was for preying on innocent young girls who just wanted to pass their classes. And here I was thinking I will ask professor Tenley tomorrow for extra credit so that I can have all the points I can get toward the final. My customer said her goodbyes and I closed down the bar. It was closing time, and I was more than ready to go home. Going to school and working is more exhausting than I thought it would be.


I got home right before 2 am. Exhausted and frustrated about all the finals that were approaching. I was struggling in algebra and micro. Then it hit me, I was going to use Professor Tenley to pass my class, and if he asks for “special attention” then I will catch him in the act and blackmail him. It was the perfect plan. I would expose him for all the things that he has done to other girls and still come out on top. I checked my syllabus to see when his office hours were.


He was available after class from 9:30-10am. I made sure there was room on my phone for a video so that I could catch in him the act of soliciting for sex with a student. I know universities have a strict policy about faculty getting involved with students. It was grounds for termination no explication needed by the board of administration.  


So here it was after class around 9:30am, I walked over to the building were his office was located and waited in the lobby. I decided to give him a few minutes just in case he was not in his office. I walked over to his office door, knocked and waited for a response. No answer. I turned around to leave and Professor Tenley was walking down the hallway towards me. He said “sorry I am running a bit late, I had a few students that had some questions after class about the final next week.” He unlocked his door and said come on in. His office was decorated quite nicely, and it had a certain Feng Shui about it.


I guess he was into Chinese culture because there was a Chinese theme throughout the room. I said nice office, he said “oh thanks, how can help you today”.  I said my name is Julie Pierce and I am a student in your 8’ o clock micro class. He said “oh yes I remember seeing you this morning. What can I do for you today Julie?” I took a seat and told him that it was nothing personal but I was not a fan of economics. I told him how I would need all the help I could get for the final. He laughed it off a bit and said “no offenses taken, I understand micro is a bit different from what you learned in high school. It will take studying the material intensely for the next week to really understand it all.


I noticed a picture on his desk, I asked about it. He said “that is Angela Summings, she is my fiancée. I just asked her not to long ago to be my wife. We have dated for the past 2 years and now we are ready for the next step. I asked him if they had any kids, he said “no, not yet but Angela wants a family probably well before I do.” He also told me that Angela was an elementary school teacher. I told him sounds like Angela is a very lucky lady. I proceeded to ask him about future projects that I could do for extra credit between now and the final.  At this time I turned on my camera phone to record anything foul that might happen.


He walked over to the edge of his desk and leaned against it and said “well many students have come to him before with the same concern,” all while rubbing my thigh. He didn’t say it verbatim but I totally understood what he was alluding too. I think he wants me to sleep with him to pass this class….. I was actually taken back a minute by his quick response. He was in fact actually pushing his “I will help you pass if you do something for me” agenda on a student needing help. This lets me know this is not his first time asking for “sexual favors” in trade for a passing grade. I have never been asked for sex outright. The basic nature of a man and woman in a relationship just takes course, and over the length of the relationship it’s something that just happens, not something you plan. His proposal sounded too much like me being his prostitute; his beck and call girl.


Well if this is the game he wants to play, then I can out do him at it and take him down in the process. I will not be like the other girls that he took advantage of. I will get what I need and see to it that he goes down for all of these backroom secrets.  I had him to repeat what he said he wanted from me so that my microphone would pick it up. Once he did I was good to go. I agreed to all of his so called demands and just so he thought I was all on board with everything I made a few demands of my own. He agreed and then I left. I got home to check my phone to make sure the evidence was on my camera and it was, loud and clear too. I had my firepower to get exactly what I needed in the end.


Chapter 4
It’s all out

When Professor Tenl
ey asked me to meet him so we can settle my “extra credit” I met him at the hotel he requested. When I got there he was all ready to go, all laid out on the bed and everything. I came in with my trench coat on and sat down next to him. He thought it was about to go down, but to his surprise I pull out my phone and to show him the video of our office agreement. His eyes got as big as a deer caught in the headlights on a dark road. He called me every name in the book besides a child of God. He acted just like I knew he would; all bark and no bite. I told him don’t even think about trying to deny what happened. I set up the new rules that we were going to play by. I let him know that I would not be sleeping with him and that he should be ashamed for taking advantage of all those other girls that just wanted help in his class.


You are engaged to be married. There are a lot of things that I don’t like, but I can’t stand a liar and a cheater. I also told him that at this very minute I was filming our hotel session and that was extra insurance. If he doesn’t give me an “A” then I would show this tape to the board of administration. He asked me why I was doing this; I gave him the simplest answer I could and said because it’s all about getting what I want and if I happen to take someone down in the process then so be it. I saw my opportunity and I took it. I turned to walk out the room and he said “karma falls on everyone, remember that Julie”. The door slammed behind me.


I didn’t even feel the need to attend my final exam since I knew what the end result of principals of microeconomics would be. I decided to call my mom and tell her what was going on with me and school. I told my mom the full story of my professor exchanging sex for a passing grade. She was shocked to say the least. She asked if I was safe and if I needed her to come up to the school. She said that it might be a good idea to transfer to a junior college for a while so that I don’t end up in any drama. I told her I am not the tuck tail and run kind of girl. She understood that, but she again just expressed her concern. I heard her loud and clear and I made that known unto her. She said that she understood and that she would support me in whatever I decided.


After I told her what happened I needed to get out of my apartment to get some fresh air and strategize my next move. Maybe my mom was right, maybe I needed to move around and let things blow over. A few hours had passed before I left and made it over to the student center. As I walked through the crowd I noticed stares from strangers unlike any that I had ever received. Once I finally made it past all the crowds, I walked inside to grab a bite to eat when I saw one of my guys. I yelled “hey Mike over here.” We sat down and he asked me if I had heard what was going on around campus. I told him I had no idea, what’s going on and why I was getting all these crazy looks from everyone. He said “he heard that I was blackmailing Professor Tenley for asking me for sex in place of a passing grade.”


I almost jumped out of my seat… Where did you hear that? He said that he heard it from some people in the business department about 2 hours ago. Then it hit me, the economics class is in the business building and the theater department was just next door. I think Tiffany overheard me on the phone with my mom earlier today. She must have told some friends in her class and the word just ran like wildfire! I can’t believe this is happening. I didn’t want to be linked to this crap. She had to have been listening at my door because I don’t talk that loud. I needed to talk to her about what she thought she heard.


I didn’t even finish my lunch, I told mike to throw away my mess, because I needed to go find my roommate. He asked if he should come with me. I told him I had it under control, thanks anyway. I walked to the theater department asking for a girl named tiffany. Luckily there were only 3 girls named tiffany there at the time. I finally tracked her down in the lounge where she was surrounded by a group of people. As I approached the huddle I began to listen in on what was being said. Tiffany was telling them all of the stuff I said to my mom. I couldn’t believe this, Tiffany didn’t have anything else better to do than spread rumors, which happened to be true, which was beside the point.


I moved my way through the crowd and we came face to face. She knew she was caught red handed, her expression was priceless. I pulled her to the side and asked her what the hell was going on, why was she spreading all this gossip. She didn’t have anything to say for herself. She just shrugged her shoulders, I told her she needed to shut this shit down before someone got really hurt, but I guess the damage had already been done. There was no turning back from an allegation like this. Soliciting sex from a student is grounds for termination at SMU. Females are always trying to have one leg up on someone else; which is why I don’t hang with “them”, like I said “party of 1”.


It didn’t take long for the accusations to get to the administration department. They don’t take these situations lightly; a few years back a student was raped by her professor and it was a nightmare for the university. Every news station within 100 miles came to cover the story. It even made nightly news. So I know this is something that they wanted to get in front of. I kept my ear to the ground to see if my name would come up, and if they needed to question me.  Not even 2 weeks later a cop showed up to my apartment, handing me a search warrant. I tried to ask what this was all about and he said have a seat while they went through my things. 

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