Scandalous (24 page)

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Authors: Victoria Christopher Murray

BOOK: Scandalous
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But you just couldn't help yourself, right?

Ouch! I could only look at him for a moment before I turned my eyes away.
Here I was, in the place where I'd slept with hundreds of men, but I was so embarrassed by what was going on now.
I guess because it was all just so


With the tips of his fingers
on my chin
, he made me turn back and face him.

What're you ashamed of?

I shrugged and blinked back tears.

I don't know.
It's just crazy.
I was barely married twenty-four hours before I had sex with another man.

I could've told you that was gonna happen, Jasmine,

he said as if what I'd done was no big deal.

You're just like me.
We love sex too much; we love the variety.
That's why I was so shocked when Buck told me that you were going through with your wedding.
I never thought it was gonna happen.

But I love Kenny.
I really do.

He chuckled.

I didn't say a word about love.
People always get it twisted, always thinking love and sex are the same thing.

What Hines was saying was a fact!
I would never be able to explain it, but I just enjoyed the sex.
I loved the adoration I felt when men looked at my body.
I loved the feelings that tingled through me when they touched me as if I was a precious jewel.
And I loved the power.
Seeing men raw, naked, broken down to their lowest denomination.
When a man released himself, he was totally powerless.
At that moment, he would give up anything
and that was when many gave me everything.
I'd even had a couple of marriage proposals when my dates' eyes rolled back in their heads as they quivered in ecstasy.

I wish Kenny understood that,

I said.

But he's one of the people who doesn't know the difference between sex and love, and when he hears about Roman


He won't hear about him.

I took a quick breath.
This is exactly why I'd come to Hines.

So you'll speak to him for me?

I asked.

Just get him to leave me alone?

Yeah, I'll take care of this.
He won't bother you again.
You got a telephone number for this cat?

I wondered if Hines really thought he could threaten him on the phone, but I wasn't going to ask any questions.


I said, jotting the number down on the back of one of my business cards.

But I don't know anything else about him.
I don't know where he lives

all I know is that he works at Muscle Beach and at that strip club.

Hines took the card and nodded as if what I'd given him was enough.


I said slowly,

you'll talk to him, right?
All I want is for him to go away.

He looked straight into my eyes.

I'm gonna handle this for you.

I sighed, filled with relief.

I can't thank you


He covered my lips with his fingers, stopping me from saying another word.

We're not gonna talk about this anymore.
You won't have to worry about Roman contacting you again.

I nodded and he said,

But I do want to say, Jasmine, that you can't be getting yourself into these kinds of situations.

I shook my head.

You won't have to worry about me calling you again.

No, that's not what I'm saying, sweetheart.
We're gonna be friends forever.
You can call me at any time for anything.
What I'm talking about is, even though you won't admit it, I don't put a lot of hope in you staying faithful to your husband.

My eyes got wide.

Now, listen to me before you start getting all twisted.
This is not a judgment; it's a fact.
Like I said, you and I are the same.
You love sex, baby; you're a freak.
And that man you're married to is never going to be able to satisfy you completely.
So accept that and be smart.

I'm never going to cheat on Kenny again.

I shook my head so hard, I knew I was gonna have a headache later today.

Trust me, baby.
You're saying that now, and I'm not gonna debate that with you.
All I'm trying to do is protect you.
You hear me?
I'm trying to give you some advice so the next time you find yourself with your thong around your ankles, you won't get caught up in mess like this again.

I was insulted, but I nodded anyway.
It wasn't like I could argue Hines down.
I mean, look at what I'd done.

He said,

If you're gonna hook up with someone, make sure he has as much to lose as you do.

Okay, at least what Hines was trying to tell me made sense, 'cause that's exactly what I'd been thinking.
Roman didn't have anything to lose; I did.

Hines continued:

Handle your business, do what you have to do

but only go after married men.
They don't want a relationship, no matter what they say.
They got their relationships at home.
All they're gonna want with you is sex
the same exact thing that you want.

Even though I knew Hines's words were true, I still felt bad, kinda slimy hearing them.
I mean, this felt like a lesson in how to be a successful skank.

Trust me,

Hines said.

I know what I'm talking about.


He kissed the tips of my fingers before he stood, pulling me up with him.
Then he hugged me tightly.
When he leaned back, he looked into my eyes and said,

You don't have anything else to worry about.
Go on home to your husband and hang in there with him for as long as you can.
But when that freak starts rising up in you, just remember what I said.
Married men, Jasmine.
Married men.

This time when he gave me a gentle kiss on my lips, I felt that familiar stirring.
What in the hell was wrong with me?
I was here, trying to preserve my marriage.
now I was starting to think about sex with Hines.

As if he knew he was holding a fool in his arms, Hines stepped away and strutted toward the back door.
Right before he stepped outside, he turned back and blew me a kiss.

Ciao, bella.

I stood there for a moment after he left thanking Hines and God (if He was still listening to me) for getting me out of this mess.

It was over.
And I could go and make a life for me and my husband.





Chapter 19


It wasn't as though seeing Hines made all of my fear go away.
Like I said before, Roman was a special kind of crazy, and I wasn't sure if he would listen to Hines or not.
I mean, he
listen to Hines.
Shoot, the only thing that kept me from being scared of Hines was that I'd seen him whimper like a toddler whenever he had an orgasm.
I knew there was a part of his heart that was soft, and it made me doubt some of those hardcore rumors I'd heard about him.

But some of those rumors had to be true, and I was hoping that Hines and his boys would put a whole lotta fear into that empty cavity in Roman's chest where his heart was supposed to be.

My hopes were high when I had Buck call me a cab so that I could get to work.
But even when I got to Carnation, rode up in the elevator, and walked into my office, I was careful every step of the way.
I probably looked like I’d lost my mind the way I was peeking around corners and looking under desks.
Really, I expected Roman to come jumping out of somewhere.
I wasn't about to let my guard down.

There was no sign of him, though I knew that didn't mean anything.
I'd only left Hines thirty minutes ago; he hadn't had time to catch up with Mr. Crazy yet.

Even though I didn't really think it was funny, I had to chuckle as I thought about that: Mr. Crazy.
Roman had gone from Mr. Chocolate to Mr. Crazy in, what, three weeks flat?
If I knew then what I know now


But I couldn't take back what I'd done and Roman couldn't take back what he'd done.
So now both of us had to live with the consequences.

For the rest of the morning, I tried to concentrate on work.
I had been so off-kilter since I'd gotten married that I was far behind; it was a miracle my boss hadn't been on my case.

I kept one eye on the door and one eye on the phone.
But I was not disturbed, and by lunchtime I'd made a little dent in the reports that I had to do.
I was on such a roll that I wanted to keep working, but I had to pick up my car.
Once I’d done that, I checked in with Kenny to let him know I was okay (and to make sure he hadn't heard from Roman).

You left so early this morning,

Kenny said to me.

But I'm glad you're all right.

I'm better than all right, baby.
I'm just tired of feeling bad, and I'm ready to get to the good part with you.

I like that.

He laughed.

So, do you want a do-over?
Try to go out tonight?

Naw, with it being Friday, everyone will be out.
Let's just stay home,

I said, feeling confident that by that time Hines would have
up with Roman and I wouldn't have to worry about Roman ringing my doorbell.

Let's just watch TV and cuddle on the couch.

That's what I'm talking about.

I knew what I suggested was exactly the kind of night my husband loved.
I just had to get used to that boring kind of normal and I would as long as I kept the memory of what had happened with Roman alive.
Thinking about what I was going through now would be enough to keep me on the
side of righteousness.

I'll pick up something for us to eat.

I smiled when I added,

At Yee's,

which of course was the same-old same-old.
But it made Kenny happy.

I love you, baby.

I laughed; it was so easy to please my husband.
Hines may have been a good guy, but he didn't know what he was talking about when it came to me and Kenny.
I was gonna love that man for the rest of my life, and for the rest of my life, I was gonna stay true to him.

I was on my way to getting back to happy.




Chapter 20


This was a rare night.

First of all, I was the one who was home
Kenny was not.
My husband was taking this real estate licensing seriously and yesterday, he'd found out about a special two-day class down at the Bonaventure Hotel.

When Kenny first told me about it and mentioned that he was going to be staying overnight downtown at the hotel, I wanted to beg him to come home.
I'd even thought about jumping into the car with him this morning, though I would've had to answer lots of questions if I'd done that.
The thing was, I didn't want to be home by myself.

It had only been three days since I'd spoken to Hines, and though I hadn't heard from Roman, I knew he was there.
I could feel his eyes watching me everywhere I went, and I knew he was just waiting for that moment to make his move.

I knew this was paranoia, but it was real to me.
I was so paranoid that I'd called Kyla and invited her to come over for a girls' night.
And because she was my best friend, Kyla obliged.
So here we were, sitting back with our legs stretched out on the coffee table, half-watching the

You really are an old married woman now,

Kyla giggled before she sipped her favorite orange and cranberry juice drink.

Just sitting here, doing nothing, hanging out with me.

What are you talking about?
We've been hanging out since kindergarten.

She shook her head.

Since we graduated from college, we've hardly spent time together like this.

I kinda shrugged and nodded at the same time.
Kyla was right, but it wasn't like I had a lot of girlfriend time over the past few years.
I'd been busy
working at Foxtails and doing all of that


But this is nice and I'm glad you called,

Kyla said.
Reaching over and touching my hand, she added,

I've missed you.

Me too,

I said, really meaning it.

Kyla and I were as different as ketchup and mustard, but the thing was, this girl was my true friend.
From the time we were kids, she never seemed to notice how different we were.
It never bothered her that I was a scholarship student.
She never cared that my father wore a blue denim shirt and pants to work while her father wore a suit.
All Kyla ever saw was me, and that's why she would be my girl until the end of time.

So, how do you like married life?

she asked, but then she didn't give me a chance to answer.

You don't even have to say anything.
I can tell that you love it.

An image of Kenny popped into my mind and all I could do was smile.

Yeah, I do.
I'm really happy, Kyla.
I never thought I would be this happy.

Kyla waved her hand.

Oh, I knew that you would be.
Kenny's your soul mate, just like Jefferson's mine.

I think you're right.

Kyla twisted around onto the sofa to face me and tilted her head.

What do you mean you think?
Didn't you know?
Isn't that why you married Kenny?

I put down my glass filled with lemonade.

I married Kenny because that's what I always wanted to do.
And we both know I always get what I want.

Don't I know it.

Kyla laughed.

But now I that I'm married, it's more than just wanting Kenny.
It's knowing that I'm supposed to be with him.

Kyla nodded as if she understood exactly what I meant.

You know we're two blessed chicks, right?

Now it was my turn to laugh.

No seriously,

Kyla continued.

Do you know how many women are out there searching for the man God chose for them?

I tried my best not to roll my eyes, but it was really hard.
Kyla was always bringing God into our conversation, and she never seemed to notice that that's when my attention to her exited stage left.

First of all, they're out of order, because it's the man who finds a wife.

Even though I kept a smile on my face, inside I sighed.
I hoped this God-lecture was going to be a short one.

But besides that,

Kyla kept on,

the problem is that women hook up with all of these men, sleeping with this one and that one, and they have no idea that sleeping around will actually stop them from being with the man who's really out there waiting for them.

Okay, so most of the time, I tuned Kyla out when she started acting like a junior-miss-preacher.
But obviously, this sleeping around subject was something that I could relate to.

She shook her head.

I wish I could shout it from the rooftops.
People just don't know that these soul ties are real.

Soul ties?

I frowned.

She nodded.

Your soul is supposed to be tied to the man that God has chosen for you.
But when you have sex with someone you're not supposed to be with, ungodly soul ties are formed and those things can straight mess you up for real.

I can't really say that I believed in all of this religious goobly-goo
But maybe my heart believed, because it started beating just a little harder.

Kyla lowered her voice as if she didn't want anyone else to hear, even though we were alone.

Pastor Ford has been teaching us all about this, and she said that ungodly soul ties that come from having sex with all of these people can actually fragment your soul so much that eventually, it will make it difficult for you to bond or be joined with anybody.
There are women out there who are literally destroying their chances of ever having that relationship they're really looking for.

The men I'd been with flipped through my mind like a deck of flash cards.

I know you weren't a virgin when you got married,

Kyla said, without a hint of judgment in her voice.

I'm just glad that once you met Kenny, that was it for you.
Or who knows what would've happened if you'd been out there like that.

She said it like she was relieved, but for me, her words left me a little unsettled.
Was the life I'd led the reason why I'd had sex with Roman while on my honeymoon?
Had my soul been fragmented like Kyla said?
Would I be able to love Kenny the way I wanted to?
For the rest of our lives?

I shuddered.

What's wrong?

Kyla asked.

Before I could answer, the telephone rang, giving me a wonderful reprieve.

I'm going to answer this,

I said to Kyla.

It might be Kenny.

Of course.

She waved her hand.

Go on.

Within two seconds, though, I realized it wasn't my husband on the phone.

Is this a good time?

Hines asked.

I didn't want to talk in front of Kyla, but I couldn't tell Hines to call me back.
I had to know now if he'd talked to Roman.
I pressed the phone as close to my ear as I could so that no sound would seep out for Kyla to hear.

Yeah, it's good.

Hines said,

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.
You hooked up with a bad dude.

As if he was telling me something I didn't know.
Had Hines forgotten what this man had done to me?

But before I could tell him that, he continued,

A woman named Sheri Snow accused him of rape about three months ago, but he was never arrested
at least, not for that one.
Another woman, a Marcie Majors, has accused him of the same thing, and there is a warrant out for him for questioning.

In the seconds that it took Hines to give me that news, I played back the scenarios.
I remembered the woman at the restaurant at the beach.
She couldn't get away from Roman fast enough.
Wasn't her name Sheri?

Then there was the way Roman had cut and run from the hotel security guard who found us in the staircase.
That man hadn't been five-oh, but Roman probably didn't want to take any chances.

And you know,

Hines said through my thoughts,

there have to be a lot more women out there; these aren't the only two.
With you, that makes three.
I don't know what else we're gonna find out about this guy, but I can tell you now, it's not going to be good.

Oh my God!

I could hardly breathe.

Kyla scooted closer to me on the sofa.

Are you okay?

she whispered.

I nodded, though I knew that I looked far from okay.

Through the phone, Hines said,

Sounds like you have company.

I do.

Well, I don't talk in front of company.

But I want to know


There's nothing else you need to know, baby.
I got this.
Just don't tell anyone that we've talked.


I said, but before I had the word totally out of my mouth, I heard the dial tone.

I held the phone to my ear for just a little while longer giving myself time to get steady, to let what I just heard settle in my mind.
Finally, I set the phone back in the cradle.


Kyla whispered my name.

Are you all right?

I nodded.

It's just that I got some news.

I shook my head.

But I'm gonna be okay.

I took a deep breath.

Yeah, I'm sure of it now.
I'm gonna be okay.

And then, my best friend did the thing that made her my best friend
she leaned over and hugged me.
She didn't ask another question or say another word.
Just hugged me.

As we embraced, Hines’ words played in my head, and I realized something: I had been raped.
Though I'd been telling myself that over and over, I'm not sure I believed it until this moment.
But that man had raped me
and other women too.

All I wanted to do was cry, but I held it in because Kyla was here.
Plus, I didn't have to worry anymore.
Like Hines said, he had me.
I was sure that once Hines talked to him, Roman would never come near me again.

Especially with what I now knew.

Thank God this was over.

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