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Authors: Victoria Christopher Murray

Scandalous (16 page)

BOOK: Scandalous
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I didn't want to go anywhere with this guy, but my first objective was to get him out of this suite.

I'll get dressed, but you can't wait here.
Just leave and I'll meet up with you.

His eyes narrowed.

I'm not playing, Jasmine.
We need to talk.

Go downstairs, wait for me there.

He strolled toward the door, but before he stepped outside, he turned back to me.

If you don't come down soon, I'll be back.

Give me ten minutes,

I said.

He nodded.
It wasn't until I closed the door behind him that I realized that not only was my heart pounding and my head throbbing, but I was shaking all over, so much that I could hardly stand up.

At least I'd gotten him out, but for how long?

I had to get rid of him for good.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I dashed into the bedroom to get dressed.

Just minutes before, I thought Kenny had dressed in record time, but he didn't have a thing on me.
I don't think two minutes passed before I grabbed the room key and my purse and opened the door.

I still didn't have a plan, but the moment I stepped into the hall and let the door close behind me, I heard,


I turned and saw just a hand waving to me from the stairwell.
Quickly, I glanced around, then rushed to the stairs.
And there stood Roman, grinning once again.

I didn't want to take the chance you’d try to slip out on me,

he said.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me.

I've missed you, baby.

I wiggled from his embrace, pushed him away, and took two steps back until I was pressed up against the wall.

This is crazy, Roman.


He frowned.

You think I'm crazy?

No, I didn't think he was crazy.
I knew it for a fact.
But I also knew that crazy people didn't like the truth.
Not that I'd had a lot of dealings with folks like this.
Usually, I crossed to the other side of the street when I saw crazy coming my way, but for some reason, I was all wrapped up with this nutcase.

Finally I answered,

I wasn't going to say that you were crazy.

I spoke slowly 'cause I wasn't sure how many brain cells this dude was working with.

I was going to say that you have to stop this.

The wrinkles in his forehead deepened.

You didn't want me to stop on Monday morning.

I couldn't believe that he was really going there.

I know, but


The night before your wedding, I had you singing in all kinds of languages.

As if I needed that reminder.

That was then,

I said.

And that was a mistake.

He shook his head.

And it's never going to happen again,

I added.

It wasn't until he moved toward me, that I realized how I had backed myself into this corner
figuratively and literally.

See, that's where you're wrong.

He leaned forward and pressed his hands against the wall behind me, trapping me inside his arms.

It is going to happen again,

he whispered.

And again.
And again.
And again.


I whispered his name because I'd once heard that if you said a crazy person's name over and over, that calmed them down.


I repeated.

I'm married.

He shrugged.


Then, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

Now I knew for sure that Roman was crazy.
Because crazy recognized crazy, and I was completely out of my mind.
I had to be, because the moment his lips touched me, that electrical shock surged and all I wanted to do was to have this man rip every piece of my clothing off me.

But by the time he nudged his tongue inside to meet mine, I came to my senses a bit.


I was huffing and puffing,

I can't do this.
We're not going to do this!

Come on, Jasmine.
You know you want me.

He ain't neva lied, because all I could think about right now was that body-shivering, toe-curling, hand-squeezing, heart-stopping, mind-freezing sex that Roman had laid on me.

But I couldn't give in to that, could I?
I was married, right?

Pushing him away once again, I stepped to the side, this time giving myself room.
I could dash down the stairs if I had to.

Why are you playing?

His tone had gone from lust to loathing in two seconds flat.

I'm not into games.

Neither am I, and that's why you have to listen to what I'm saying.
It was nice, but it is over.

Roman opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, the stairwell door swung open and a security guard who looked like he could've been a defensive lineman for the Raiders towered over us.

Is there a problem here?

he asked, looking from me to Roman and then back at me.

Can you say embarrassed?

Uh, no.
We were just talking,

I said.

The guard squinted.

Just talking?
We have rooms for that.
Are you a guest here?

Yes, I am,

I said, reaching for the key.

My husband and I are in the bridal suite.


Now, he grinned as if he had a newfound understanding.

Well, I suggest that you and your husband go back to your room and handle your
because there are cameras all over the place in this hotel.

He pointed up at a little black gadget that hung in the corner of the stairwell.

was just going back to

I said, making it clear that Roman wasn't with me.

The guard frowned again.

He's not your husband?

It was only then that I noticed Roman hadn't said a word

and that he was backing away.
As if he didn't want anything to do with this man.

No, he's not.

I had barely gotten the words out of my mouth before Roman dashed down the steps.
The security guard and I both stared over the railing, watching Roman jump down the steps two, three at a time.

The guard took his walkie-talkie from his hip, but before he could put out an APB, I laughed, hoping to distract him.

He's so crazy,

I said, as if the way Roman had ripped out of there was some kind of joke.

My brother could've at least said goodbye, but I guess he didn't want to be late for work.

Your brother, huh?

the guard said as he tucked this two-way back into its holster.

Well, like I said, there are cameras all over this place, so just be careful.

I nodded and ducked my head.
Now I was the one to rush away like I was trying to make some great escape.

Back inside our hotel room, I could hardly breathe.
If that security guard hadn't shown up when he did, what would've happened?
Would I have given in to that madness?


I said aloud, because I thought if I heard the word I'd be able to convince myself.

I couldn't figure out what was going on with me.
I didn't like Roman and I didn't want to cheat on Kenny.
Every time that man touched me, though, I seemed to forget those two facts.

But I was Jasmine Cox Larson.
I wasn't going to go down like this.
I was the one who was in control.

By the time Kenny came back, my decision was made and I had another plan in place.

When Kenny stepped into the suite and the bedroom, he frowned at our suitcases atop of the bed.
I'd already packed everything we owned and I was ready to get the heck out of Dodge.

What's going on?

Kenny asked.


I said.

I have a surprise.
We're leaving.


His shoulders drooped just a bit.

For where?

Now don't get me wrong,

I said, holding up my hands.

I really enjoyed being here, but after you left, I started thinking that it's been wonderful making love in this room every day, but wouldn't it be great if we could do it someplace else?

Once I mentioned sex, Kenny stood up straight.


The hope was back in his voice.

Someplace like where?

For the next four days,

I started as I sauntered toward him,

we're going to be,

I wrapped my arms around his neck,

at a bungalow,

I kissed him and then said,

in Santa Barbara.
We're going to be right on a private beach.

Oh, yeah?

My words wiped the frown right off his face.

I nodded.

I already have visions of us making love tonight, under the stars, at the edge of the ocean.

Kenny looked at me for a moment longer, then grabbed the first suitcase.

How long is it going to take for us to get there?

I laughed, but inside I released a long sigh of relief, thankful that Kenny agreed and even more thankful that I would be getting away from here.

The Ritz was all that Roman knew about me.
Once we left this hotel, he'd never be able to find me.

Let's go,

Kenny said.

I zipped up my bag and then dropped it to the floor.
When Kenny picked up both bags, I asked,

You're not going to call a bellman?

He shook his head.

Nah, I'm good; I don't want anything to slow us down.

He grinned.

I'm ready to get part two of this honeymoon started.

Now, I had never been a praying woman
at least, I hadn't been since my mother died
but right now, I sent up a little prayer to God.
If He was listening, I had to thank Him for this idea.

Because now, I was safe.
And this little thing that had been going on with me and Roman was over for sure.

BOOK: Scandalous
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