Savor (Cottonwood Falls, Book 5) (2 page)

Read Savor (Cottonwood Falls, Book 5) Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #contemporary, #interracial, #bwwm, #wmbw, #cottonwood falls series

BOOK: Savor (Cottonwood Falls, Book 5)
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He dragged that green gaze over her once more. “Not
at the moment. I’ll take a look around and gather the sheets I

She pushed to her feet. “Great. I’m around if you
need anything else.”

More heat flashed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She moved by him and mingled with the people in her
room. Traci approached her and touched her arm.

“What’s going on? He took his kid from my class and
put him in yours.”

“I don’t know, Traci. He wouldn’t tell me anything
more than that’s where he wanted him.”

“I was hoping to get to know daddy a bit more this
year, if you catch my meaning. You’re so lucky.”

London caught it, but she wasn’t so optimistic.


Piers stood back, observing the entire room as his
son sat at what would be his desk in his new class. The young boy
who London had called Dilbert chatted easily by Javier. If his
son’s subdued answering bothered him, Dilbert made no show of it.
Piers wanted to get home, but his son was engaging another child,
and he wasn’t going to stop the exchange.

Women—mothers—went by, sending deliberate
flirtatious glances in his direction. Looks he ignored. There was
one woman in this town who’d snared his attention. His son’s new
teacher, London Rhymes.

Allowing his gaze to drift from his child to London,
he experienced the same stirring he had the first time he’d seen
her. It hadn’t been in any romantic setting, slow motion, or at
some fancy restaurant with her all dressed up. Nope, his first
sighting of her had happened in the grocery store.

He couldn’t even say it had been in the produce
section with her touching fruit or vegetables. She’d been standing
in the cracker aisle, her long toned legs reaching from below a
pair of green shorts. Her gray shirt had members of the Justice
League on it with the phrase “Get Some Action” surrounding the
image. On her feet, she’d had on black sandals.

Something long dead in him had stirred from his
first glance. But, when she’d turned a blinding smile on the child
who had run up to her calling out “Ms. London”, his heart had
tripped. More than once. She’d dropped instantly to one knee to hug
the child, uncaring or oblivious to the yogurt that found its way
down her shirt.

He’d stayed there, listening as she laughed and
chatted with the family who came to get their child. How she’d
continually waved off their concern for her clothing. Her response
had been it would wash out and there wasn’t anything to worry
about. He’d learned, then, she was a teacher in the elementary
school and decided right then and there she would be teaching
Javier. She hadn’t been in school, and she’d still taken the time
to interact with the child.

After his wife died, he’d been a recluse, focusing
on his son. Still, when Carmen had been alive, he’d not been the
best of fathers. They’d married strictly because she’d been
pregnant with Javier. Otherwise, Piers would have moved on with his
life without a single thought for her. Javier had changed

Not between him and Carmen—he’d liked her well
enough but to say they’d been in love would be an out and out lie.
They’d lusted. They’d fucked. She’d gotten knocked up, and he did
the right thing by her. She had liked the notoriety that came with
him, and the male attention. Not that he minded the female looks he
got. They’d discussed moving here to this smaller town, away from
the fast life, to try being a family when she’d been in a car
accident. One that had taken her life and gave Javier his scar.

Until London, no woman had gotten any response out
of Piers. She didn’t send him coy looks as others did. In fact, he
was pretty confident London hadn’t any clue who he was other than a
father. He liked that.

For the past year, he’d watched her—in and out of
school, how she was—and he was even more confirmed in his decision
to have Javier put in her class. His boy hadn’t come out of his
shell yet, and Piers was concerned. The therapist said it would
take time, a fact he understood, but it still bothered him to see
Javier so withdrawn.


His lips turned up as he glanced down to see his son
there. “Yes?”

“Can we get a snack?”

“Absolutely.” He reached out his hand. “Are you
excited to start school?”

“I suppose.” No inflection in his tone. “Dilbert is
my friend.”

“That’s wonderful. I’m sure you’ll see some of the
children that had been in your class last year, also.”

“I like Dilbert.”

“I’m sure he likes you, as well.” They walked to the
door. He paused there and cast another glance over London. Her
skirt suit showcased her curves. The gray color was offset by a
splash of tangerine color on the collar of the jacket. Her hair
fell loose around her face and moved in time with her laughter.

She skimmed over him with a brief look before
settling her gaze on Javier. “Good to meet you, Mr. Javier. I look
forward to seeing you in class.”

“Goodbye, Ms. Rhymes.”

I didn’t even have to tell him to reply to
“I’ll be seeing you around, Ms. Rhymes,” Piers said.

“Goodnight, sir.” She turned from him to someone

He knew she’d been pissed at his statement about
others at the school. Perhaps she was right, and they were all
fine. All he knew was he wanted her to teach his son.

Later that night, as he walked from Javier’s room
once his son had been tucked in, Piers strode to his office. He
gazed around at memories from his past life. Trophies. Medals.
Things that used to be out in the living room, shown off. Now, they
were tucked away in his office where no one else would see

He left the office and drew the door shut behind
him. Heading downstairs, he swiped a beer from the fridge and
popped the top. He saw his reflection in the large window and
saluted himself with the bottle.

I’m an ex-MMA fighter, who is a widower and a
father. I’m still not quite sure what the fuck I’m doing here in
this small town.

He flopped down on his sofa and stretched out his
legs. He had other reasons for being after London. He wanted her in
his bed. She made him feel alive after he’d been not for so

Chapter Two

London harrumphed as she stared at the women around
her. “Y’all are crazy; you know that, don’t you?”

Sarah Mallery and Kendria Bonher shared a glance
before shrugging with false innocence then laughing even

“I fail to see what’s so funny,” London griped.

“Do you ever take your head out of your comic
books?” Sarah asked, eyes sparkling.

“Only when I’m teaching, and why does it sound dirty
coming from your mouth?”

“Because life is more than the Surface League.”

“Justice League,” London corrected immediately.

“Whatever.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “Help me out
here, Kendria.”

Vance’s fiancée toasted them with her lemonade. “I
want to hear more of the hot ass man who demanded you teach his
son. Not Hawkgirl, Black Cat, or whatever their names are.”

London heaved a sigh. “Shameful.” She ate the last
bite of her banana cream pie then forked up the few remaining
chocolate shavings. “So, I didn’t know he was one of those fake

Sarah and Kendria shared another look before
laughing all over again. “My God, girl,” Sarah said. “You are truly
oblivious. But you know about what character has what

Unrepentant, London shrugged. “That interests me.
I’m a nerd. A geek. Fake wrestling with grown men hitting one
another with chairs and forms of stupidity mean nothing to me.”

“He’s not a wrestler,” Kendria informed her,
grabbing at her sides she laughed so hard.

London waved a hand. “Right, he retired.”

“Lord love a duck.” Sarah shook her head. “He was a
MMA fighter.”

“Fighter. Wrestler. Whatever. They’re in a cage or
ring. Trying to beat the snot out of someone else.”

“It’s pointless,” Kendria announced. “She’s not
going to get the significance.” She took another drink, and her
large engagement ring on her hand flashed in the sun streaming in
the café’s window. “She’s utterly clueless about this.”

Happily so
. “Why’s it important?” she asked
her friends. “He’s retired, so, right now, he’s a father.” London
did her best to ignore the spirals of heat that grew in her every
time she thought about him.

“Because he’s single, and you’re teaching his

“Sarah. I’m not about to get involved with one of my
students’ fathers.”

“Not one of. Him. Christ, have you seen his body?
Can you sit there and honestly say you’ve not thought about what
being in his arms would be like?” Sarah rotated the cup in her

Okay, so she couldn’t say that. “So, he’s hot.” They
both raised their eyebrows at her. “He is. I won’t lie. But he’s
off limits.”

Kendria gazed past her. “We’ll see.”

The overflow of amusement in her gaze combined with
the deep tissue shiver that overtook London told her who neared.
I will
No matter how much she craved to lay
eyes upon him.

Turned out she didn’t have to for he walked by their
table. She could smell his aftershave—rich, masculine, sexy.

“Ladies,” he said, one hand on his son’s shoulder.
“Ms. London.”

She ignored Kendria’s grin—Sarah’s, as well—and met
Piers’ amazing green eyes. “Mr. Cuyper.”

His firm lips kicked up a bit, and she knew he’d
picked up on her tone.

London smiled at Javier. “Are you getting some pie?”
He nodded. London leaned nearer.
Ignore how good the man smells
and looks.
“What’s your favorite?”

“Chocolate.” His voice was rough, unused.

She wanted to draw him in tight and just hug him.
Instead, she leaned closer. “They make a terrific chocolate pie
here. Ms. Lucy does an amazing job, and the piece is huge.” She
demonstrated how thick it was. “You should try that if you like

He gave her a small smile. “Did you have

“I had banana cream pie today. Some days, I come for
the chocolate, though.”

“I like chocolate.”

“Can’t go wrong with it, in my eyes.”

“Mine, either,” Piers said. “Come on, son; we should
get to our seat, so we can try the pie.”

Javier tipped his head up to stare at his father.

“Have a good day, ladies.” His gaze found hers, and
heat flashed in its depths before he walked on with his boy.

“Tell me again how you don’t think anything is
happening between the two of you?”

“Stuff it, Sarah.”

Her friend’s retort was cut short by her phone
ringing. “Captain Mallery.” Her expression grew serious. “Yes, sir.
Right away, sir.”

London shared a look with Kendria, and they waved
for the check, well aware of what was going to happen. They were
ready by the time Sarah hung up. The trio walked to the door,
paying at the counter, and stepped outside into the cool

“Be careful wherever you’re going,” London said.

“Always am.”

They hugged, and London stood beside Kendria as
Sarah hastened to her bike and swung a leg over. She started the
engine then waved back at them before rolling away.

“What does she do in the Marines?” Kendria

“I’m not entirely sure. I know she’s one hell of a
woman who has lots of accommodations for things that she can’t ever
talk about.”

Kendria slid her arm around London’s. “Let’s go walk
off this pie, and you can tell me more about your hunky beau.”

“He’s not my anything.”

“Ten to one, he’s watching us walk away.” They
headed down the sidewalk.

“I can’t take you up on that bet, Kendria. I’d have
to look back, and I’m
doing that.”

“Chicken shit. You’re wearing Wonder Woman shoes and
shirt. Doesn’t she have the balls?” Kendria poked her in the

London smiled. “Yes, she does. I, however, am

She craned her head around. “I’ll look for you, and
yes, he’s watching you.”

“Liar.” London rolled her eyes.

“You’ll never know; you won’t look.”

“Why do I put up with you?”

“Because I’m an amazing person.”

“And so modest,” she teased smacking her in the

“But it’s all well deserved.”

London rolled her eyes as they went shopping. She
was lucky to have friends who looked beyond her tendencies to lose
herself in
Star Trek
, superheroes, and more things others
deemed geeky.


Piers stared at the woman walking through the park.
He’d not expected to see her here. He came daily to run and hadn’t
seen her yet. Now, as it grew dark, here she was, meandering as if
she hadn’t a single care in the world.

His pants tightened as he stared at her. She
partially danced as she listened to something in her mind. He
couldn’t stop thinking about her. At school, she was totally proper
and a damn impressive teacher. Each day, Javier had something good
to say about what happened in class. It was when Piers saw her at
times like this, though, that something happened deep inside him.
She wasn’t like some of the other teachers who had tried to ply him
with food and promises of things they could do together.

Hell, if he didn’t know any better, he’d say Ms.
London wanted nothing to do with him. Except he could read the
desire in her gaze the few times their eyes met.

He stepped into her path, so she’d have to
acknowledge him. The one thing about her was she was unfailingly

Her brown eyes widened as she stuttered to a stop.
“Oh,” she said, shock obvious. “It’s you.”

He crossed his arms and gazed at her. “Is that a bad
thing?” He raked his gaze over her attire. “What are you

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