Saving Sunni (19 page)

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Authors: Reggie Alexander,Kasi Alexander

BOOK: Saving Sunni
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He pulled himself away from the counter and walked out of the kitchen, then stopped as if remembering something. Turning back to look at me, he announced in an icy voice, “You had a phone call today.”

My skin went cold. “From who?” Like I didn’t know.

“From Randy.” He looked like he had caught me out in some deception, as if I had arranged with Randy to call me and happened to forget that Sir had my phone.

“What did he say?” For some reason I felt guilty, even though I hadn’t had anything to do with it. I focused on keeping my face perfectly neutral.

“He was not happy that I answered,” Sir said, folding his arms across his chest. “He accused me of abusing you by not allowing you to carry your own phone and being too controlling.”

I wanted to ask if Sir had told him that the point of an M/s relationship was control, but I didn’t think it would help. “What did you say to that?”

“I told him that we needed to come to an understanding once and for all and asked if we could meet. He said he would ‘think about it.’” Sir snorted. “‘Think about it’! As if he was doing us a favor. He mentioned coming here to meet, but I told him it was impossible, since you have a restraining order against him. He was very offended and became even more insulting. He asked if I was afraid he was going to steal my harem.”

He chuckled to himself and was about to continue, but the phone in the living room rang. He went off to answer it, still laughing quietly.

“Wow. What do you think he said?” sage asked as we went back to the food.

“I don’t know, but I’ll bet Randy didn’t like it, whatever it was.” We could hear Sir’s voice in the living room, and I hoped that this wasn’t more bad news. I couldn’t take any more.

But when he came back, he was actually smiling.

“That was Mary,” he said. “She’s got the Taste of Kink all set up for this Saturday. I talked to Mr. Cobb about the possibility, and he will work on lining up an online blogger who will do the Taste and write a story about it. Cobb can interview him on television, and we’ll get double coverage.” Sir rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

“That’s great, Sir,” sage said politely. “Do you think it’ll go okay?” She was obviously a little apprehensive.

“Yes, I think it’ll be very helpful to our cause,” said Sir. “You don’t?”

She hesitated, a little embarrassed. “I don’t know. I guess it depends on whether they have any preconceived ideas or if they will go in with an open mind. It’s hard to guess beforehand.”

I patted her head. “My sister, the psychiatrist,” I said playfully, and she shot me a look, trying to see if I was making fun of her or not.

Sir laughed again and relaxed. sage turned and pulled out pots and pans to make lunch. I wanted to call Geri and tell her how the school interview had gone, but I decided not to. I’d see her tomorrow.

After lunch, sage went to school and Sir got restless. He tried to watch television but jumped around from channel to channel, unable to settle on a program. Finally he got on the computer, and I heard him muttering to himself in German. I glanced surreptitiously over his shoulder to see he was working on his resumé. That was depressing, so to cheer myself up I got out some paper and started making drawings of the puppy play and kink displays we could do at The Fringe Element.

I got so engrossed in my plans that by dinnertime I had a whole new layout for the store, including an animal play section, an area for custom corsets, and, in a flash genius, a corner for local kinky craftsmen to offer their products. Sir had printed out a small stack of job options, none of which seemed to excite him.

After dinner he stood up. “Ladies, I would like for the three of us to spend some time together tonight. I am going to go and prepare a few things while you clean up the kitchen. When you are done, please fix us each a glass of wine.”

When we carried the three glasses and the iced bottle into the bedroom later, his voice floated out to us from the master bathroom. “Ladies, please join me in here.”

The room was dark and candles sat on every flat surface, giving off a soft light that reflected against the walls. It was one of the most beautiful bathrooms I had ever seen in an apartment, and I marveled as always that Sir had been able to convince the management company to allow him to remodel it. Dominating the room was a huge jetted tub that was easily big enough to hold four people comfortably or possibly more, depending on how friendly they were. There was an oversized shower with multiple shower heads, large enough for all three of us to use at the same time. Against the far wall was the double vanity with a mirror that ran from the top of the dark marble counter to the ceiling. This room always made me feel like I was in a mansion instead of an apartment building.

Soft music floated on the air as we walked in, and Sir came forward to take the glasses of wine from our hands and set them on the counter. Without a word he turned back to me and cupped my face in both his hands. His fingers slowly worked their way into my hair and tightened just as his lips met mine in a deep, sensual kiss. His tongue slid into my mouth gently but firmly, in the way that always made my knees go weak. My mind drifted as the kiss deepened, and I didn’t notice right away that sage had stepped up and was holding me from behind. Sir must have signaled her to do that. He broke off the kiss and nodded at her over my shoulder. I wasn’t sure how sage felt about me at the moment, and I wondered if following Sir’s orders made her uncomfortable. But she didn’t show any hesitation, so there was no point in worrying.

They both began to remove my clothing. Kisses replaced each piece removed and soft caresses flowed over the exposed skin. The feeling of four hands touching and stroking me was extremely erotic. In no time at all I was completely naked and absolutely turned on.

Sir sat on the edge of the tub and sucked on my nipples as sage bit and kissed my neck, making me wobble a little where I stood. I stayed upright with effort, enjoying the sensations until Sir pulled away, releasing the breast with a small pop. I felt a surprising sense of loss when the suction stopped and his lips left my skin. Sir laughed, and it startled me until I saw the look on his face. He wore the sly little half smile that meant he had planned something particularly naughty.

He straightened up and whispered to me, “Now it’s sage’s turn. Let’s have some fun.”

He grabbed my shoulders, spun me around to face sage, and slapped my ass. I wasn’t sure what to think of that. We had all been so stressed lately that I hadn’t expected playfulness from him. Sir circled us both, letting his fingernails trail down my arm and up hers as he passed. I shivered and held my breath for a second, lost in the feeling, but then his hand was gone, and he stood behind sage, looking at me over her shoulder.

He nodded in a gesture I knew well. He wanted me to join him in getting her ready for whatever we were going to do. I glanced at him one more time and then reached to unbutton her top while he twisted his fingers through her dark, thick hair. Her eyes drifted closed; she loved to have her hair pulled as much as I did. I leaned in and kissed her neck as I finished opening her shirt and pulled it off her shoulders and down her arms. Sir took it from my hands and tossed it to the side. He must have undone the strap to her bra because it suddenly slid forward. Without thinking, I finished removing it as he unzipped her jeans and helped her out of them.

With a quirk of my lips I leaned in and drew her right nipple into my mouth. I knew how sensitive her nipples were and how quickly that could get her flying. The catch in her breath told me I had been right. I felt Sir twisting sage’s head to kiss her, and I must have lost track of time because the next thing I knew Sir tapped me on the shoulder and said softly, “You’d better stop that before sage loses the ability to stand.”

Sir led us both to the tub and helped us into the steaming water. Handing us each one of the glasses of wine, he turned and hit the switch to start the jets. We watched him admiringly as he quickly undressed and brought his own glass to join us in the swirling water.

He lifted his wine in a toast. “My loves, we are no doubt facing a challenging time ahead, but let’s forget about our worries for a while and just enjoy one another.”

sage and I exchanged a half-appraising, half-challenging look before we clinked our glasses to his in agreement. There definitely had been some bad blood between us, but maybe an evening relaxing in a hot bath was just what we needed. I took a sip and settled back into the contours of the tub to enjoy myself. Sir alternated between us, first giving a foot massage to sage and then to me as we luxuriated in the streaming, bubbling water. It was a nice surprise to see him serving us.

“Sir, I have a question,” I said. “It might make you angry but I’m confused.”

“Of course, pet. You know that you are always free to ask me anything. I won’t get angry at an honest question. Now, what’s the matter?”

“Well, it’s kind of freaking me out to see you being submissive. Isn’t that a violation of the dominant’s code or something?” I laughed nervously as I saw sage’s raised eyebrows.

“No, pet, actually it isn’t,” he said quietly. “When I started down this path and was learning the ropes, if you will, I was taught by a woman I respected very much that the best dominants often start as submissives. In fact, in old-school leather tradition, all dominants are required to serve as a submissive in order to earn their leathers. That way dominants know and appreciate the value of the gift of submission being given to them.”

He lowered sage’s foot gently back in the water and gestured for mine again. “So from time to time, I like to serve my girls to show them I appreciate their service and to remind myself of the gift being given to me. Tonight is such a night.”

I made a mental note to get more details about Sir’s time as a submissive, but I noticed that sage didn’t look pleased. I knew some slaves hated the thought of their master being submissive to anyone, but imagining Sir kneeling at the feet of a mistress actually turned me on. I leaned back in the water, chuckling to myself.

After enjoying the wine and the bath for an hour we all felt waterlogged. We got out and toweled each other off before moving to the bedroom. Sir directed sage to lie face up in the middle of the bed. She did as she was told, relaxing once Sir tied a folded red silk cloth over her eyes. She had told me once that pushing her bounds was easier blindfolded so she didn’t feel as self-conscious. It must be a pain for masters to keep all of those little details straight.

Sir pulled me to the side and explained in a whisper what he wanted me to do. He crawled onto the bed and gently nudged sage’s legs apart, settling between them. Nodding at me, he lowered his mouth toward her pussy. I waited a few extra seconds to watch him start to orally pleasure sage before turning to the task given to me. sage gasped the first time as Sir reached her most sensitive spot.

He was very skilled at this and had a way of simultaneously sucking the clit into his mouth while flicking it with his tongue. It was a magical combination of suction and stroking that drove me over the brink time after time, so I knew it wouldn’t take sage long. I leaned toward her and brushed my hand lightly across the top of her chest just above her breasts. When she turned her head questioningly in my direction, I leaned down and firmly kissed her lips. She jerked in surprise, then caught herself and reciprocated, pushing her lips back against mine.

Sir continued nibbling her sensitive little pearl, drawing gasp after gasp from her while I kissed her and sucked on her nipples. I discovered that the more excited she became, the more she enjoyed having them played with. My excitement grew right along with hers, which surprised me. I didn’t know that the reactions I got from sage would have the same effect on me. I could sense when she was about to go over the edge, so I would wait for that and then scrape or gently bite down on her nipple. Her squeals and convulsions were more exciting than I had imagined, and I enjoyed prolonging her orgasm with more well-timed bites.

After she came three or four times, Sir raised his head and he gave me a meaningful look. “Come here and get between her legs.”

My mouth opened in surprise. Sir burst out laughing. “Relax, pet, that isn’t what I meant. I want you to get on your hands and knees and lean forward so sage can kiss you while I violate you doggy style.”

I wondered how sage would react to his request. It was a little further than we had ever gone before, but didn’t seem too extreme. As I hesitated, her hand went up to lift the edge of her blindfold and an eye peeked out at me. She nodded almost imperceptibly to let me know she was okay. I awkwardly climbed over her to assume the position that had been directed. With my ass in the air, I leaned down and kissed sage. Sir’s hands were on my hips, caressing and kneading, and then he gripped them and entered me, thrusting so deeply that I pulled away from sage with a gasp.

He thrust in and out, faster and faster, jolting me so much it was impossible to keep kissing sage. Suddenly his finger stroked my dark little rosebud. My breath caught in my throat as it gently but firmly penetrated my behind. That tiny bit of extra stimulation not only pushed me over the edge, it threw me right off the cliff. sage reached up to hold me steady as the orgasm slammed into me, and I leaned into her. Sir’s release came almost at the same moment. He stilled, straining as he held me tightly against him.

I collapsed onto sage, completely spent. All of the stresses of late combined with the incredible stimulation of the night had drained me until I couldn’t remember my own name, but I didn’t care at that moment. I slowly came to my senses as sage stroked my back and whispered to me, but I still couldn’t quite make out the words. I remembered that I was still lying between sage’s legs and that we were both completely naked. I was not as shocked as I could have been, and my anxious thoughts about her earlier anger couldn’t quite force their way to the surface. I rolled off sage and collapsed again, not even trying to keep my eyes open. The next thing I was aware of was Sir gently shaking my shoulder and telling me to crawl under the covers and call it a night.

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