Saving Italy: The Race to Rescue a Nation's Treasures from the Nazis (52 page)

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“My brother mourned”
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“You are mentioned often and glowingly”
Letter, Hartt to Keller, 8 September 1945, Keller Papers, Box 23, Folder 50.

“The heaviest, and in a way the most tragic job”
Hartt, “Final Report: Toscana Region,” Keller Papers, Box 23, Folder 50, 6.

“I don’t suppose anyone”
Letter, Hartt to Keller, 4 May 1955, Keller Papers, Box 13, Folder 106.

“Since Fine Arts are not edible”
Keller, “Sectional History—Fine Arts,” Keller Papers, Box 23, Folder 56, 30, 32, 38.



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