Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) (41 page)

Read Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Siobhan Davis

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction, #Survival Stories, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Aliens, #Time Travel, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Dystopian

BOOK: Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)
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We are alone in the apartment, and I’m venting as if I’ve never vented before. Weeks of pent-up frustration gush out of me. “You’re not doing this. I forbid it,” I snap at Logan. He smirks in amusement and I shove him. Seizing my wrists, he hauls me to him. “I love it when you get all feisty.”

“Knock it off!” I squirm, trying to wriggle out of his firm hold. He rubs his thumb against my inner wrist initiating a flurry of tremors up and down my arm. “Stop trying to distract me. This is serious. You’re no match for that evil bastard. He’ll kill you.”

“What little faith you have in me,” he deadpans, releasing me.

“Stop making light of this.” I place my hands gently on his chest. “If this is a trap, you won’t stand a chance. I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t, I promise.” He cups my face, staring into my eyes. “You are the very reason why I won’t fail. My very reason for existing. I won’t give up, not when I have you to come back to.”

I rest my head on his chest as his arms enclose me. “I’m scared.”

“Me, too.”

I squint up at him. “That’s not in any way reassuring.”

“There’d be something wrong if I wasn’t scared. Stars, this whole nightmare freaks the hell out of me, but it’s what drives me to press on. Too many people are relying on me, and I won’t let them down. I’m trying to channel that fear into something positive. So, you see, it’s all going to be fine.”

I’m not swallowing that load of ole crap, but I know a way to use it to my advantage. “Well, if that’s the case, then you won’t mind me tagging along.” He starts to speak but I interrupt him. “Because that’s the only way I’m tolerating this. And I’m not taking no for an answer. And don’t start bleating on about how dangerous it is for me, because I know how to defend myself, and I can help protect you. We’re a team, and we’re in this together. That’s what you told me before and—”

“Okay,” he interjects.

“—if it’s going to be fine,” I blather on, “then there’s no reason why … wait, what? What’d you say?”

He grins. “I said okay, you’re coming with me. In fact, I had zero intention of leaving you behind. I can’t do that anymore. It’s far safer for us to stick together. Besides, there is something I think only you’ll be able to help me with.”

I’m completely speechless. My eyes narrow to slits as I survey him. “If this is some kind of trick …”

“It isn’t,” he says, palms extended in front of him. “I swear. I want you with me. Obviously, not in the room when I confront Dante, but I want you to come with me. Neve and Rylan too.”

Haydn is conspicuous by his absence on the itinerary. “Haydn, as well. And don’t start into all that bullshit again. He is still your bodyguard, and he will always have your back. You need him.”

Logan lets out an exhausted groan. “Fine.”

“See, that wasn’t difficult, was it?” I nuzzle into him, inhaling his citrusy scent, relishing the feel of his solid body underneath me.

He rests his chin atop my hair. “We haven’t even Eterno connected, and you already have me wrapped around your little finger.” He sighs in mock annoyance.

“That’s the way it’s supposed to be,” I say and he chuckles.

The sound of a key turning in the lock has us both spinning around. “Ella?” I choke out, already running for the door.

Jarod and Vin step into the room and I visibly deflate.

“Sorry,” Jarod says, cringing. “She gave me a key.”

Logan holds me from behind, pasting his chin to my shoulder. I stick to him like glue, desperately needing his support. “Any update?”

“Nothing good,” Vin says ominously.

“G has lost it. He is frigging insane,” Jarod admits, plopping down on the couch.

“He is preparing to attack Government Buildings next,” Vin admits. “And he’s all but disowned me. There is little I can do to influence him at this point.”

“Holy crap. You better warn the president,” I say. Logan sighs tiredly. It’s as if we’re on a non-stop merry-go-round, one terrifying ride at a time.

“Tell him …” Vin stops himself, obviously contemplating something important. A myriad of emotions flits through his eyes. A glimpse of raw pain stretches across his face. “You should tell him that he has some VD8 weaponry at his disposal.” I raise an inquisitive brow. “Honestly, you don’t want to know.” He shakes his head. “It’s some serious shit, and let’s leave it at that. The president will understand.”

The TV powers on, and I’m almost afraid to look at it. A grave-faced president peers out of the screen. “My fellow citizens. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, please give me your undivided attention. I address you today out of absolute necessity, at one of the gravest times in our great nation’s history. Please listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. Additional security measures are in the process of being implemented, as I speak, to counter the growing threat of a new alien invasion. An elite division within our military has been preparing for this eventuality, and they are already guarding the skies above us. Based on intelligence reports we’ve received, we have every reason to believe that the Saven—under the leadership of King Dante—have allied with the Amaretti in a synchronized attack on our planet. We are in contact with the administrations in our neighboring countries and a coordinated plan has been agreed by all parties. Together, we will face this alien threat and defend what is rightfully ours. I understand how distressing this is, but I cannot say this more clearly: Remain in your homes. Do not venture out. A blanket Sector-wide twenty-four-hour curfew is in operation for your own safety. We cannot effectively protect you otherwise. The streets will be patrolled by our robo-police units in conjunction with support from the Saven in our cities who remain loyal to Prince Logan. Prince Logan is working closely with myself and the cabinet on a range of strategies to contain the threat. Food supplies will be delivered to all households, and any specialist, or medical, requests can be submitted via your home portal. Further updates will be provided in due course. You have my assurance that we are doing everything possible to protect our planet and the lives of every citizen. Your cooperation is critically important, so please stay in your homes. I cannot emphasize that enough. Thank you for listening. Good luck, and stay safe.”

The screen blacks out.

“Will this halt your father’s plans?” I ask Vin.

“Your guess is as good as mine. I can’t predicate what he’ll do.”

“I need to speak to the president,” Logan says, pressing a delicate kiss to my temple. “Stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Vin steps forward. “You need to watch your back, Logan. My father hasn’t relinquished his desire to see you and your brother dead.” He eyeballs me. “And he’s not overly enamored with you either, Sadie.” Sad, shameful eyes meet mine.

“If he dares to come near her …” Logan growls like an out-of-control wild animal.

I reach up and pat his face. “We won’t be here. Relax.”

“Oh?” Jarod says, tipping forward. I perch on the edge of the couch and fill him in on our impending trip. Logan excuses himself, vanishing in the blink of an eye. A light ripple distorts the empty space where he stood. “Damn,” Jarod whistles when I’ve finished talking. “Not that Dante doesn’t have it coming, but that’s …”

“I know.” I get up and stride to my bedroom. I swipe my D-pad off my desk and re-enter the living room. “Did you find anything?” I ask Jarod as I power it up.

“No. I’ve tracked him using all the usual ways and it’s like the VP’s dropped off the face of the earth. I don’t know where he is or where he’s taken her.” He puts his head in his hands. Vin gets up, kindly offering to make coffee.

“Jarod,” I rasp. “There’s a message waiting.” His eyes spring wide, and we jointly stare at the flashing message icon. I had all but given up hope of the VP replying to my D-pad message. He rests his arm alongside mine as I open it up and read the response.

Something vital ruptures inside me.

It’s as if someone has a hand inside my chest, ripping the life from my organs, one at a time.

My body is shutting down, too stressed out to function.

I stare at the screen in a daze, far too numb to speak. Jarod shudders, and I know he’s feeling it too.

The VP’s written words split me right down the middle.

New deal. Kill Logan and I’ll release your sister. You have twenty-four hours before I put a bullet through her brain.


I run to the bathroom and throw up in the sink. An inherent trembling takes hold of my body and I’m so cold. I shiver repeatedly. My breathing is troubled and I’m audibly panting.
. Deep breath.
. In and out.
. Breathe, Goddammit, breathe, Sadie.
. Jarod steadily holds me as a hacking sob travels up my throat and escapes my mouth. I have to keep it together. I can’t fall apart now. There has to be a solution.
Think, Sadie. Think fast.

My brain continues to spool, desperately spinning for options.

I allow Jarod to comfort me for another few minutes, swaying in his embrace as he gently rocks me. His steady warmth and solid body mass ground me in reality.

Stepping out of his embrace, I brush damp strands of hair back off my face. “You have to find her, Jarod. Please. Find her and get her out of there.” Stress laces my tone.

“I won’t stop until she’s back in my arms,” he says, matching my moist eyes. “She already means the world to me.”

“What’s going on?” Vin asks from the doorway. I go back to the living room and show him my D-pad. He visibly pales. “Shit. What are you going to do?”

I can’t kill Logan or let him sacrifice himself. Not purely because I love him from here to eternity, but because the fate of his world and mine lies in his hands. I sniffle as I trek a path in the carpet with my pacing. “I can’t kill him, and I can’t let him leave for Saven without me. I can’t lose them both.” Misery explodes in my stomach, and a metallic taste spears my mouth. I slink to the floor in front of Vin. “Oh, God. Please, Vin. Please get the rebels to help us. Jarod can’t do this by himself.” I rest my head on his knees, and he smooths a hand over my hair.

“I won’t be able to do anything officially, but there are a few individuals I can trust, men I know will help us. We will do everything we can to find her. I promise.”

“Thank you,” I say as the screen powers up for the second time tonight.

A blacked-out blurry form with no identifiable facial features fills the screen.

“Crap,” Jarod and Vin say in unison.

“My fellow citizens. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is G, and I am the leader of an organization committed to freedom for all. Our main focus is removing control from the tyrants who continuously suppress us.” I manage to smother my gasp of surprise. Vin and Jarod focus on the screen with nervous expectation. “The president would have you believe he is acting in the interests of public safety by virtually imprisoning you in your homes. But he’s a liar. He’s been lying to you for years. The entire administration has.”

He leans in closer to the camera, his features still masked. “How many of you have seen loved ones fail to return from Sector Twenty? How many of you were there and can no longer remember what happened because the authorities have altered your memories to ensure you forget? This government don’t care about you! They’ve never cared about you. Year after year, they have curtailed your rights, your freedom of choice, your freedom of movement, but now they’ve gone too far. They’ve sold you out! To the very alien race who now threaten to destroy us.”

The screen flickers on and off, G’s blurry image fading in and out. “The government are trying to censure us, so I’ll be quick,” G says, his voice breaking up a little. “The government have been allowing the Saven to steal our conscience. One by one, the stars taken to Sector Twenty have been enslaved, their free will ripped away. Ask those who returned last night, they’ll tell you!” The screen completely dies.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” Jarod says, blasting his forehead against the wall.

The screen springs alive again. “We need to fight back!” G shouts. “My people are, at this very minute, attacking Government Buildings, and our troops line the streets. Join us! Help us fight the Saven and take control of this country for ourselves. This is not my fight alone. This belongs to all of us. St—”

The screen dies for good this time as Logan teleports back into the room. “They have obliterated Government Buildings. I watched it live with the cabinet. There were hundreds of people trapped inside.” He snatches a cup off the table and hurls it clear across the room. Cold coffee splatters against the wall, dripping down onto the floor.

The sound of gunfire opens up on the street below. We all dart to the window and peer out. Hordes of angry people race through the streets, shouting, and pumping their fists in the air. Groups of men filled with murderous rage jump unsuspecting police officers, lashing out, their hands lethal weapons as they strike them until they don’t get back up. A steady line of soldiers dressed in khaki military uniforms troops purposefully into our sector. G’s rebels don’t hold back, firing at the police at will. Bodies drop left and right, and shrieks and screams fill the air.

There’s a hammering at our door, as running footsteps echo in the corridor. “It’s time to act! Let’s kill those alien scum! Oust our conniving government!”

Vin stuffs a fist into his mouth.

“You have to stop him,” Logan says. “There has to be something you can do. He’s going to get everyone killed.”

“I’ll try,” he says, sprinting toward the door.

“I’ll take you,” Logan offers, moving to join him.

“You can’t get near him. He’ll kill you with his bare hands,” Vin says.

“I’ll bring you as close as I can. We’re running out of time. The Amaretti and Saven have made their move. They will be here in mere minutes.”

They teleport out of the room as Jarod and I stare, transfixed, out the window. It’s gruesomely riveting. Loud rumbling and a surge of brilliant white light transforms the skies, heralding the arrival of the aliens. The apartment quivers and shakes, items flying freely off every surface. I sway on my feet. Two ginormous spacecraft loom large in the distant sky above New York causing momentary inactivity on the streets below. Everyone has stopped fighting to look up. As the ships descend, the illuminating light evaporates, and a blanket of ominous darkness creeps slowly along the ground, casting eerie shadows over the sidewalks and the terrified people assembled below.

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