Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) (19 page)

Read Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Siobhan Davis

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction, #Survival Stories, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Aliens, #Time Travel, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Dystopian

BOOK: Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)
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Jarod is right. I can’t tell him.

“Okay,” I whisper. “I won’t tell him.”

“Good.” Jarod reaches out, fumbling for my hand.

“I need another favor.” I tell him about Evana’s letter, and, as expected, he readily agrees to help.

Standing before G, explaining our trip to Sector Twenty, is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. Initially delighted with our discovery, he flips into a murderous rage when he hears the full extent of what the government and the Saven are doing to the stars in their facility. Things are thrown around the room, which would be an anxiety-inducing experience in itself without loss of sight. I flinch at every noise, every crash, every sound of something breaking, and my heart jumps erratically in my chest. Vin keeps a steadying hand around my waist, helping to keep me grounded.

We are summarily dismissed after G’s temper tantrum, while the Inner Council convenes to begin making plans.

Vin carts me off to the side when we reach the basement elevator, whipping the cloth bag off my head in one fluid motion. My vision blurs as I adjust to the bright light. “You’ve known about that all along, haven’t you?” I avert my eyes, too ashamed to meet his. “He can’t ever find out.” His reassuring gaze slams into me. “And he most definitely won’t hear it from me.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly.

He lightly places his large brown hands on my shoulders. “Things are about to get messy. Be prepared.”

It’s little surprise to see Haydn waiting outside when I exit the building later that evening. The look on his face sends shivers through me. Ferocious eyes burn a hole in mine as he glares at me, issuing a silent challenge. I’m tempted to flip him off, but that would be childish and unfair. I know he means well but he has to stop treating me with kid gloves. Logan too.

I attempt a peace offering. “I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.”

He looks down at me while carefully considering his reply. “Have you got it all out of your system yet?”

“Not by a long shot,” I retort, sticking my nose snootily in the air.

He rubs a hand over his sturdy chest. “You’re being extremely childish.”

I’m definitely reconsidering the decision to flip him the bird. “Don’t be absurd. I’m practically eighteen, and I know how to take care of myself. You and Logan can’t keep me imprisoned forever, no matter how well-intentioned.” I pierce him with a burning stare. “I’m going home.” I take a step forward. “Come, or not.” I shrug casually and start a jaunty walk.

Haydn strides alongside me, and we walk in awkward silence. Every so often, I sneak a peek at his face. He reminds me of a party favor; one that’s stuffed so full of itty-bitty crap it’s ready to explode at any second. I brace myself for the impact.

“What you are doing is extremely selfish.”

Here we go.

“Have you considered the stress Logan is under?”

I’m counting to ten in my head.

“Or how your lack of regard for your own welfare adds enormously to the burden he carries?”

“I am not a burden!” I yell, suddenly full of itty-bitty crap myself. “Nor do I ever want to be. And of course, I understand how stressed he is. This is me trying to relieve some of that.” Honestly, I’m starting to feel like a used-up broken record.

Haydn hauls me to the side forcefully. My back slaps against the side of the high-rise building. He lashes his fist several times against the wall, and I swear a blood vessel is about to pop in his neck. He puts his face right in mine, and if he’s hoping to intimidate me into cooperation, then he’s sorely mistaken. I edge forward, matching his furious gaze, our noses almost meeting. His jaw tenses, a muscle popping in and out, while potent anger seeps out of every pore. But I’m not afraid, because I know he’s a pussycat underneath it all. Let him vent, and then we can go back to me telling him how the new world looks.

His steely gaze hooks on mine, and his look is probing in the extreme. Looking for what, I’m unsure, but I hold his stare defiantly. His eyes wander, remaining a beat too long on my lips. Suddenly, I’m hyperaware of his exaggerated breathing, the close proximity of his body mass, and altered expression. He’s still looking at me with fierce intensity, but there’s some different emotion developing behind it now.

Equally as potent.

Definitely as dangerous.

Undoubtedly, wildly unpredictable.

My heart thud-thuds against my ribcage, and uninhibited panic claws its way up my throat.

Dipping down, I maneuver around him, creating much-needed space, before he does something stupid. Something completely reckless. Something he’ll later regret.

Without looking back, I run all the way to the apartment. I sense him following close behind, but he doesn’t attempt to catch up to me, and I’m glad. I don’t know what the hell happened back there, but I’ve zero desire to repeat or analyze it.

I jump in the shower and try to wash away the strains of the day. Scrumptious smells greet me when I exit the bathroom. I dress in a light summery pink dress and pad barefoot out to the living area. I’m jittery as hell and I hate that.

Ella is chatting to Haydn as he stands at the stove stirring a large pot. She jumps up the instant she sees me, nearly hugging me to death.

“How did today go?” I ask.

“Ah, fine. It’s not the most exhilarating of jobs, but it was okay. You should see the VP’s house. Wow.” Her mouth forms a wide O.

“Dinner’s ready.” Haydn removes plates and quietly serves the meal. Ella chatters away throughout dinner, not noticing the tense looks dashing back and forth across the counter.

I’ve only just finished eating when Haydn hops up, performing his peculiar half-bow thing. My shoulders stiffen with regurgitated stress as I slowly turn around.

King Adjani stands in the room behind us, his traditional grim expression even grimmer. Ella nearly chokes on her food.

“Ms. Owens. A word, please.” It’s clear it’s not a request. He stares at me with barely restrained rage, and for the very first time, I wish I could cower behind Haydn’s protection because I’ve never felt more terrified in my entire life.


Haydn steers Ella out of the room as I step into the living area. “Take a seat,” the king demands in a snappish tone, gesticulating toward the couch.

“No, thank you. I’ll stand.” That goes down well. Not.

He takes a step closer to me until we’re positioned toe-to-toe. My heart rate spikes unnaturally, but I remain outwardly calm. “I imagine you think you’re so clever. But I know who you really are, and you won’t get anywhere near my son.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I reply truthfully. “Whatever you think you know, you are mistaken.”

He cocks his head to the side, analyzing me with discernable skepticism. “I know you care for my son. I felt it when we were in the underwater warehouse.”

“Of course, I care for him. I … I love him.” Moisture pools in my eyes. I said it. I got the words out.

“Interesting,” he says, tapping a finger against his lips. “You mean that.” He inclines toward me, roughly grabbing my arm. “Tell me what Griselda has planned. You owe Logan that much.”

I try to wriggle out of his grip, but his fingers are digging into my flesh, and his hold is ironclad. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t know anyone named Griselda. You’re hurting me.”

He crushes my arm, and I bite back my cry.

“Stop playing games. I’m running out of patience.”

“I’m not! I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about!” I eyeball him, putting as much venom into the stare as I can. I don’t care if he’s Logan’s father. I detest him as much as he appears to detest me.

Releasing my arm, he plants his hand on my forehead, concentrating like last time. He releases me a minute later, scrubbing a hand over his jaw, staring worriedly into empty space. His jaw clenches as he refocuses on me. “Nevertheless, this changes nothing. You will stay away from my son. Do you understand me?”

“Yes!” I lie, massaging the tender skin on my arm.
Yes, I understand you, but I’m not ever agreeing to it. No one tells me what to do anymore.

“Good.” It looks like he’s debating saying more, but that is the final word to leave his lips before he teleports away. I collapse onto the couch, my entire body quaking with fear.

Haydn comes bounding into the room, stopping mid-step when he catches my expression. “What happened?”

I huddle into the corner of the couch, knees bunched. “I’m not quite sure. He’s a total psycho.”

Haydn perches on the edge of the coffee table, his leg jerking nervously. “You can’t say stuff like that about the king.”

I scoff. “He isn’t my king. And I’m calling it as I see it. None of that conversation made any sense.”

“What did he want?”

I rub a tense spot between my eyebrows. “He wanted to know what Griselda was up to, and he said …” I watch Haydn’s face pale. “What? You know who she is?” I move closer.

Haydn rests his chin in his hands as he contemplates something. Reaching out, I gently hold his wrist. “Tell me what you know.”

Haydn scans my face, flipping from my hair to my lips and back up to my eyes. “I … you know, when I first met you … the thought did enter my mind. And Logan’s too. But that makes no sense. No sense at all. Or maybe …”

He leaps up, and I flinch, startled. “Haydn. What’s going on? You’re talking in riddles.” He jabs a button on his comport. “Wait!” I lunge for him. “Don’t leave!”

“I’ll be back soon. Stay in the apartment.” He presses the button and then he’s gone.

I pace back and forth, nerves dangling by a thread. I’m sick of all this secretive crap. What aren’t they telling me?

Ella jerks her head around the corner the minute Logan materializes out of thin air. We shriek in unison. “Jeez, you almost induced heart failure.” I pat my chest as air shuttles out of my lungs.

“Sorry.” He hangs his head, studiously avoiding looking at me.

Ella mouths “What’s up?” I shrug. The hell if I know.

I make quick introductions, and Logan spans the room to shake Ella’s hand. “It’s very nice to finally meet Sadie’s sister. She’s told me so much about you.”

“Likewise.” Ella smiles.

He stands awkwardly, definitely out of sorts.

“Ella, would you mind giving us some privacy. We have some things to discuss.”

“Sure thing, sis. Nice meeting you, Logan,” she says amiably, wandering back toward her bedroom.

I cross the room to Logan, circling my arms around his waist. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Snuggling in, I inhale his potently masculine scent, instantly feeling comforted. His arms hang dejectedly by his side, and he’s quiet, distant. Anxiety of the worst kind churns inside me. I step away, folding my arms protectively. “What’s wrong?” I whisper.

He picks his head up, looking at me directly for the first time. His expression is carefully guarded and impressively neutral, but determined.
Oh, no.
I know that look. I remember the countless times in Thalassic City when he confronted me in the same guise.

He can’t do this to me again.

A sharp pain rips my insides to shreds. “You’re breaking up with me?” I ask, disbelief undercutting my tone. Somehow, I manage to string the words together cohesively.

Slowly, he nods, his Adam’s apple visibly jumping in his throat. My heart splinters in two, and I think my lungs may have forgotten how to function. Panic swirls in my gut. I don’t understand where this is coming from, or why. I know things have been a little fraught lately, but not enough that he’d feel the need to do this. We stare wordlessly at each other as his acknowledgment registers. I quickly put two and two together. “Is your father making you do this?”

That catches him unawares. His brow creases as he reflects on my statement. “Why would you assume that?”

“Because your father was here literally minutes ago telling me pretty much the same thing.” I squeeze myself tighter, praying I keep it together. A gnawing hole has opened up in that innermost part of me, the chasm widening with every passing second. If this is it for us, then I want to bow out with my dignity intact. Though a part of me—a considerable part of me—wants to vent, and scream, throw things at him, wallop him with my fists, and slap him repeatedly until he feels the hurt I feel, I won’t reduce myself to acting like a fishwife. And to be honest, things would never have worked out between us if he’s going to consistently pander to his father’s demands. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who won’t put his own needs, and my needs, first. I didn’t think Logan was this far under his father’s thumb, but I guess I was mistaken.

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