Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Saved by Sin [Paladin Protection Agency 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Sinjin!” She finally spotted him, a small figure struggling in the heart of the storm. He was swimming hard toward her, but somehow he wasn’t making any headway. The wind and waves seemed to converge on him, dragging him toward the deepest part of the lake. She didn’t hesitate to go after him.

She threw herself into a dive and started swimming faster than she’d ever done before. Nothing else mattered, not her fear, not her bruised and battered body. She needed to reach Sinjin and protect him. From the moment she’d heard the wind she knew this was not a natural storm. It was Robert, lashing out in a jealous rage. This was her fault, and Michelle was determined to stop him from hurting Sinjin. She wouldn’t let him be hurt by the nightmare that she’d inadvertently dragged him into the moment they’d met.

Her arms were burning and the cold was seeping into her bones by the time she reached the edge of the storm. This far from shore the water temperature was several degrees lower, and she could already feel the effect. She was burning through what little energy reserves she had left after days of stress and too many sleepless nights. Her legs were leaden and slow as she stopped just at the point where she could feel the wind on her face and the waves were strong enough to be flecked with foam once more.

She paused there to catch her breath, trying to spot Sinjin’s dark head amongst the breakers. She couldn’t see him. She kicked hard with her tired legs, lifting herself higher out of the water for a brief moment, but all she could see was wind-whipped water. Dread filled her and settled in the pit of her stomach, colder than the black depths beneath her.
Where is he?
She was about to swim blindly into the chop when she spotted his head cresting the surface. He coughed hard, expelling a lungful of water before gasping for breath. He was closer than she’d hoped for, and she swam to him at a frantic speed, terrified he’d go under again before she could reach him.

It felt like an agonizing eternity to swim the short distance between them. Every stroke and kick seemed to only move her a few inches, and the waves slammed into her repeatedly. The wash of water over her face made it hard for her to breathe, but she kept going.
Hang on. I’m coming
. She repeated the words over and over in her mind as she swam, willing him to somehow hear her.

She didn’t even realize she’d reached him until her hand brushed his body and she grabbed hold of his arm. He turned to face her, his expression warrior-fierce, and for a moment, she thought he’d pull away. It was only when recognition came that his face softened slightly, and then his eyes widened as he realized she had swum out to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held on tightly, trusting him to keep them afloat as she raised her head and screamed into the wind, “I won’t let go, Robert. If you want to kill him, you’ll have to drown us both!”

The wind intensified, and a voice howled around them. “No! Mine forever, Chelle.”

Michelle’s anger burned so hot she no longer felt the chill of the water around her or the vicious bite of the wind. She screamed her denial into the storm, the words pouring out of her, fueled by her fury. “I will never forgive you if you hurt him! Do you understand me? Never! So kill us both right now or let him go!”

The voice in the wind wailed in frustration, and the storm grew in strength. The waves crashed into them, and it was all she could do to keep her head above water as they were battered by the full force of the elements. The water swirled around them, and she felt as though there were hands beneath the surface, grabbing at her and trying to tear Sinjin out of her grasp. She wouldn’t let that happen.

“No, Robert! I won’t let you kill him! No!” She screamed again, her voice half smothered by another breaker that crashed over their heads. Then the storm ended abruptly, the wind stopped blowing, and the waves vanished between one heartbeat and the next. Suddenly the two of them were treading water in a perfectly calm lake, clinging to each other as they realized the threat was gone.

“Are you all right?” She loosened her arms just a little bit, afraid to let him go in case he was torn away from her again.

“I don’t think I want to go swimming again for a long time.” Sinjin coughed slightly, clearing more water from his lungs. “That was…”

“Surreal? Terrifying? Something I never want to have to go through again?” She finished his sentence for him.

“Yeah, all of the above.” He slid one arm around her and drew her body tight to his, their faces only a few inches apart. “I guess now we’re even, huh? Last night I rescued you. Today you rescued me.” He leaned in and brushed a cool kiss to her lips, and she realized how cold he must be.

“We need to get you back to dry land and warmed up.” She glanced over at the shoreline and was amazed to realize they were no more than a hundred feet from it. The distance had felt like miles when she’d swum out to him, but it would only take them a few minutes to swim back.

“Sounds good to me, and I vote we take showers from now on. At least until we figure out what the hell to do about Robert the homicidal ghost.”

They swam slowly back to shore, keeping so close together that they bumped limbs more than once on the way. As she clambered to her feet, Sinjin just shook his head and lifted her into his arms, chuckling. “I’m not so tired I can’t carry you, baby. I’m a bit tougher than that.”

He kept her in his arms all the way to his cabin, and she held onto him every step, grateful he was still alive. Whatever was happening to her, it was far more serious than they’d thought. Robert had tried to drown Sinjin today, and that realization made her sick with worry. If she stayed with him, he was going to be in danger. She remembered the feelings that had coursed through her as she’d hung onto him out there in the lake. She’d been willing to die with him rather than let him go. A revelation burned brightly in the recesses of her barely healed heart, and she refused to acknowledge it, shying away from admitting that she was falling in love with him.
It’s too soon. You can’t be. It’s lust, or chemistry, or something else, but it’s not love. That’s just insane thinking!
Her mind whirled, and then one clarifying thought snapped everything into focus. It didn’t matter if it was love, or lust, or something else. So long as she was haunted by Robert’s ghost, anyone and everyone she cared for was going to be a potential target for his supernatural rages, and she couldn’t let that happen.

“He’s getting stronger.” Sinjin’s quiet observation pulled her out of her own dark thoughts, and she nodded, hugging him tighter.

“He nearly killed you today.” She heard the tremor in her voice and fought to rein in her emotions, not wanting him to see her come apart for the second time in twenty-four hours. “I think maybe I should—”

“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence.” He cut her off with a low growl. “You’re not going anywhere without me, and that’s the end of it.” She felt herself lifted higher, and then his mouth was on hers, stopping any argument with a thoroughness that left her breathless. All her fears and worries welled up inside her, threatening to overwhelm her control. In an effort to avoid the dark thoughts haunting her, she threw herself into his embrace. She twined her arms and legs around him and hung on tight, her kisses equal parts desperation and need.

“I thought I’d lost you,” she murmured between kisses, part of her registering the fact they’d entered the cabin, the rest of her too busy kissing him to care.

“I was starting to consider that possibility myself.” He carried her down the hall to the bathroom, setting her on the small counter as he moved to turn on the shower. As the water heated, he stripped off first his swimsuit and then hers, his lips chasing chill bumps down her throat and back again as his fingers undid the ties on her bikini.

“I heard what you said, back there in the storm.” He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes, and his hands cupped her cheeks. “No one has ever…” He trailed off and kissed her hard, lifting her back into his arms before carrying her into the shower with him. Hot water streamed down over them both, chasing away the lingering chill of the lake. His lips slanted over hers, the heat of the water mingling with the warmth of his touch as he stroked her. She drew her legs around his hips and urged him to come closer. She needed his touch to drive away the memories, and the worries. He was the only one who could keep her fear at bay, if only for just a little while.

“Sinjin.” She whispered his name. “Please, make love to me.”

His only answer was a passionate groan of assent. His hands were already guiding her as he turned her around to press her back against the cool slickness of the shower tiles. He cradled her body to his and arched his hips, letting her feel the hard shaft of his cock as it slid over her clit. Liquid need scalded her veins, hotter than the water falling around them, and she moaned into his mouth. She let her tongue tangle with his to keep herself from giving voice to feelings she wasn’t ready to acknowledge.

He finally broke their kiss to murmur, “I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t wait to be inside you. I’ll make it up to you later.”

She nodded silently, and he took her mouth in another torrid kiss as he lifted her higher, adjusting their bodies so that he could press the thick head of his cock against her entrance. He bucked his hips, slipping a bare inch inside her, and then he plunged his cock deep into her pussy. A surge of pleasure flooded her and the world fell away, leaving the two of them in a bubble of pure bliss and light, far beyond the reach of the darkness that haunted her. She rode him hard, needing him to give her more. She wanted him to take her higher, so high that nothing existed but the two of them. He answered her desperate lovemaking in kind, taking her with forceful thrusts as his lips plundered hers and their mutual cries of need blended and blurred into one voice.

The pace started fast and soon grew frantic as they lost themselves in the moment. Her teeth closed on his lower lip and he shoved her hard against tile, impaling her on his cock. There was nothing tender or sweet about their joining. It was pure sex, raw, and life affirming. She felt him withdraw, dragging the thick length of his dick along her clit for a spine tingling moment before thrusting in again. Soon she was grinding her body against his, eager for the release she could feel building. He was like a wild animal, his body claiming hers with a ferocity that stole her breath away. When her orgasm hit, it hurled her into a tempest of sensation, more intense and powerful than anything she had ever experienced.

He came a few thrusts later, her name on his lips as he drove himself deep and lost himself in his own release. Panting, he lifted his head at last and gave her a lopsided grin. “I feel a hell of a lot better now. How about you?”

Laughter bubbled up inside her, and she grinned back at him. “I feel amazing.”

“Yes, you do.” He bucked his hips once more, making her gasp as he moved deep inside her. “But much as I would love to do that again, I think we should clean up quick, before the hot water runs out.”

“Good thinking, and then I believe you promised something about making it up to me?” She schooled her expression into one of complete innocence as she reached for the soap.

“Why yes, I believe I did.” He gently lifted her off of him and set her on her feet, watching her carefully. “You okay to stand?”

She glanced up at him and grinned wider. “I’m tougher than I look. I can manage standing on my own two feet, at least for a little while.” She lifted her hands, now covered in soap suds. “Turn around, and I’ll wash your back, then you can wash mine.”


* * * *


He waited until she’d drifted off to sleep before he made the call. She was curled up like a kitten on the well-worn sofa, tucked in beneath an old afghan crafted from yarn whose colors he was certain hadn’t been in fashion for at least four decades. Lying there with one hand beneath her cheek and her blonde hair falling loose around her face, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was lovely, sweet, and braver than he could have imagined. He remembered the moment he’d realized she’d swum out to him despite the risk. The way she had latched onto him while challenging the ghost of the man who’d hunted and hurt her. She’d risked her life out there, just to save his. That was a woman worth dying for. That was a woman worth fighting for,
he amended and picked up his cell phone. He needed to make this call before he gave in to the urge to assess the feelings that filled his heart as he watched her sleep. As he hit the first number on his speed dial, he focused his mind on the task at hand. He had to protect Michelle.

The phone was picked up on the second ring. “Remington here. I thought you wanted me to leave you alone to lick your wounds for another week, Sinjin.”

“I’ve got a client for us.”

“How the hell did you find a client in the middle of the forest? Are you rescuing tree nymphs now?”

“Long story, sir, but I’m serious. I’ve got a client who needs our help, badly. She’s been followed up here, and there have been two attacks, one on her, and one on me.” He winced at the long silence that preceded his boss’s next words, knowing what was coming.

needs protection, and
got attacked? Do I even need to guess? How many times do I have to tell you guys? Rule number three, never get involved with a damsel in distress!”

“It’s not that simple, sir.”

“Yeah, I know. It never is when a woman’s involved. You can give me the details when you get back here, I’ll send a bird along shortly to pick up you and your new client. It’ll bring you to Sea-Tac airport. I’ll have a car waiting.”

“Thank you.” Sinjin breathed a sigh of relief.

“You don’t ask for favors lightly, so I’m taking you at your word. Get your ass back to Seattle, man. We’ve missed you.”

Sinjin grinned and was about to reply when Remington added, “And, Sin, if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll kick your ass.”

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