Save the Date (4 page)

Read Save the Date Online

Authors: Laura Dower

BOOK: Save the Date
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So far Madison had narrowed down her essay choices to Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Lady Gaga.

She went online to look for information. Mr. Gibbons had posted a “teacher page” on the school Web site with specifics about what needed to be in the essay. That was where Madison looked first.

There were new, bold graphics on the school’s home page—a long way from when the page was launched. Students loved helping Mrs. Wing with the development of the site. One of Madison’s friends, Drew Maxwell, had recently uploaded digital photos of the school building, faculty, and students.


1753 Far Hills Avenue

Far Hills, New York

School Principal: Mr. Joe Bernard

Assistant Principal: Ms. Bonnie Goode

Web page designed and created

by FH faculty and students

Madison scanned the list of pages on the site. It was so much longer now! More than half the teachers posted homework and projects for students to access. The lists were divided by classes. Eighth and ninth grade had their own sets of pages.


Coordinators: Suresh Dhir, Madison Finn, Dana Newman

Data entry: Ramon Madrigal, Drew Maxwell, Loren Young

Online programs: Walter Diaz, Midori Lo

Student advisor: Mrs. Isabel Wing

Seventh Grade MENU


Teacher Assignments

Clubs & Organizations

Sports & Teams

Field Trips (Coming Soon!)

The Far Hills Journal (7)

School Events

Contact Information & Other Links

Madison found Mr. Gibbons’s page, but he didn’t have much there to help her write her paper. Then she went to the TweenBlurt search engine and plugged in the name
Hillary Clinton.
She found the best resource right away—a Web site devoted entirely to her subject.

After reading many documents and looking at photographs on Hillary Clinton’s personal Web site, Madison returned to her search engine to plug in the name
Lady Gaga
next. Up on the screen it said: About 428,000,000 results (0.37 seconds).

Madison gulped. Most of them were fan sites, and she didn’t have time to look through 428

Finally, she plugged in
Eleanor Roosevelt
to see where that led her.

By searching only a few pages on a few different sites, Madison learned all she needed to write a good paper. She learned that Eleanor Roosevelt had been the First Lady of our country and an activist for human rights—and someone who inspired Hillary Clinton to become a lawyer and politician! Roosevelt helped to organize a group that granted money to young girls who wanted to study science and sociology. Madison scribbled down the word sociology because she wasn’t sure exactly what it meant.

It’s like everyone is somehow connected, Madison thought. Even famous people from history.

“Hey, study head!” Someone crept up behind Madison. “Surprise!”

“I thought you had soccer practice,” Madison said.

Fiona chuckled. “I did, silly. Like an hour ago. It’s after four o’clock.”

Madison looked up at the wall clock in the library and gasped. “How did it get to be so late?” she said. She’d lost complete track of the time.

The month before, the media center had acquired three new library computers for student use. This meant that sign-ups for computers weren’t as restricted as before. It also meant that it was way easier to lose track of time.

Madison saved the search information on Hillary, Eleanor, and Lady Gaga onto her flash drive.

“Are you getting ready for that science assignment?” Fiona asked.

Madison shook her head. “English paper.”

“Why do you have so much more homework than me?” Fiona said.

“Lucky, I guess.” Madison moaned, packing up her orange bag. “I always have too much to do.”

As they walked across the library, Fiona turned around and looked back into a reading room. She glanced over at the other computer terminals, too, looking for someone.

Madison knew who she was looking for.


On the way out, the girls passed by Lindsay, who was curled up in a chair, reading a book about field habitats.

“Maddie!” Lindsay whispered loudly.

Madison turned around. “Hey, Lindsay,” she said.

Fiona smiled. “Look, I have to run down to my gym locker for a sec. Forgot my sweater. I’ll meet you out front, okay?”

As Fiona dashed off, Hart Jones appeared. He appeared from nowhere.

Lindsay kept tossing her hair to one side even though it wasn’t that long. Madison could tell that Lindsay thought Hart was cute, too. Madison, on the other hand, couldn’t get the morning’s science class out of her mind. All she saw when she looked at Hart was him laughing in a sea of annoying boys in the middle of Mr. Danehy’s class.

“Hey, Finnster, what are you doing here?” Hart asked. He was trying to be nice, but the nicer he tried to be, the more Madison’s skin itched.

It itched like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

“So you’re getting ready for science, huh?” Hart asked.

“We both are,” Lindsay spoke up. “We have so much to do before that field trip, you know? And I haven’t even—”

“Doesn’t anyone else have other homework besides me?” Madison asked. “I have science, English, and social studies reading. An essay. A math pop quiz coming up …”

Hart laughed. Madison wanted to sock him.

“Yeah, I have other work, too.” He groaned. “Oh, well. I guess I’ll get it done sometime.”

Abruptly Madison turned on her heel. “I have to go, Lindsay. See you later, all right?”

Lindsay blinked. “Sure. Yeah. Okay.”

Hart started to say, “Hey, Finnster, where are you—?” But before he could finish, Madison was out the door and down the stairs.

Fiona was waiting by the front lobby, and they walked home together.

Mom wasn’t home when Madison arrived. Phin came scrambling to the front door with his tail wagging like a windup toy. He had to go out—

Today was a lazy dog-walking day. It had to be. Madison had to do her homework, clean up her wet room, and check on her keypal Bigwheels. Even more important, she had to push thoughts of Hart Jones out of her head
She walked Phin into the backyard and around the house.

“Hey, down there!” a voice called from the roof.

Madison looked up to see Billy the contractor, perched up on a ladder by the chimney.

She waved. “Uh … hello.”

“Your mom said you’d be home soon. She just ran to the store. We’ve found the leak up here!” he said cheerily, waving his hammer. “Your room will be back to normal soon.”

Madison shrugged. “Okay. Whatever.”

Phin was rolling around in the grass, scratching his back. Madison pulled on his leash. She wanted to go back inside. She needed to check on her stuff.

“See you around!” Billy called out. He started hammering again.

When she got back inside the house, Madison immediately grabbed her book bag from the kitchen and climbed the stairs to her room. Although the window was open and Billy had been inside the room, he hadn’t fixed anything inside yet. Madison’s entire bedroom still smelled like wet, woolly sheep. She wondered if the smell would ever come out.

Since her room and printer were still “under the weather” (literally), Madison decided to print out her Women’s History Month project research on Mom’s printer downstairs. So she went into Mom’s office, booted up Mom’s desktop, and popped in the drive. It blinked as the files opened.

Madison decided she’d check her e-mail before doing any homework.

There were oodles of messages!




New scrn name


Re: New scrn name




Crazy Clearance


Love you

Egg was first. He had sent e-mail because he had changed his screen name and he wanted everyone to know. Dan Ginsburg, another friend of Madison’s from school and the animal shelter, wrote back a funny response. He copied everyone on his reply.

From: Dantheman

To: TheEggMan

Cc: MadFinn, BalletGrl, W_Wonka7, Wetwinz, Wetwins, Sk8ingboy, Dantheman, ArtsyOO

Subject: Re: New scrn. name

Date: Mon 26 Mar 3:11 PM

Yo! whassup with our scrn names now they are like the same! Why don’t u call yourself EggDrop or maybe Egghead instead LOL. Call me l8r g8r.

From: TheEggMan

To: MadFinn, BalletGrl, W_Wonka7, Wetwinz, Wetwins, Sk8ingboy, Dantheman, ArtsyOO

Subject: New scrn name

Date: Mon 26 Mar 3:01 PM

my old name Eggaway stinx so frm now on change ur mailbx to TheEggMan. C u bye

Boys could act so dorky sometimes, Madison thought as she read their messages. Online, in school, and no matter where else she went, Madison’s friends who were boys had been acting like Weirdos (with a capital
) lately.

Maybe Mr. Danehy’s challenge to match boys versus girls for the science field trip wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

Next in line, Madison came face-to-face with an e-mail that never should have been there. Who was 1234Gotcha? The subject “XXX RATED” was like a flashing neon light that said, “You Shouldn’t Open Me.” Sometimes Madison was curious about e-mails that she knew she
open. But she resisted. As Gramma Helen always said, “Curiosity killed the cat.”

Madison didn’t want any dead cats.


Next she saw that Boop-Dee-Doop, the online clothing store, had sent a ten-dollars-off coupon for any upcoming purchase. The only trouble with that offer was that Mom had decided not to buy any new clothes for a while. Madison knew she wouldn’t be using it before the expiration date.


Finally Madison read a quick e-mail from Dad. He’d actually just sent it while she’d been online.

From: JeffFinn

To: MadFinn

Subject: Love You

Date: Mon 26 Mar 2:49 PM

How are you? Work has been off the wall. Staying in Boston again for a long weekend, and I sure do miss my little girl. Taking the train home tomorrow.

I’m having Stephanie over for dinner, too. It’ll be fun with the three of us!

Love, Dad

P.S. Why did the doughnut maker stop working? Because he was fed up with the hole business! LOL.

Madison could never get used to Dad’s lame jokes, but she had gotten used to the fact that Stephanie seemed to go
Dad went these days. They’d been dating so long now that Dad didn’t even ask for Madison’s permission to invite his “girlfriend” over when Madison was coming over, too.

Thankfully, Mom wasn’t dating

Madison’s computer bleeped. She had a message.

: Hello r u really there?

Madison was so surprised to hear from her keypal in the middle of the school day. It was earlier in the day where Bigwheels lived, in Washington, all the way across the country.

: Bigwheels! Ur at school?

: Yes but I’m in the computer lab & TAW

: how r u?

: TERRIBLE! I had a fight w/my BFF Lainie

: oh no!!!!

: GGN—write to me l8r

: ok bye

Madison glanced over at the clock and panicked a little. Mom could walk in any moment! She needed to print out her research pages now so Mom could get on the computer when she came back home. Usually Mom worked in the evenings before and after dinner.

Madison signed off, but she stayed online. Then she plugged in her flash drive from the school media center and reread what she’d typed up earlier. She was very glad that she’d ended up choosing Eleanor Roosevelt as her paper’s topic.

While the research pages were printing, Madison skipped around to some other search engines. The English paper wasn’t the only project weighing on her mind. She still needed to look for information for her science trip.

Up in the corner of the screen, Madison noticed the familiar Favorites icon. That gave her a great idea. Mom surfed the Web a lot—and she always saved all the important science and educational Web sites for easy access.

Madison clicked Mom’s Favorites icon, and a shorthand list of handy-dandy Web site names appeared.

Movies R Us

Science Playground

Teacher Plans/Lessons


Into the Wild


Film Center USA

Madison stopped and scrolled backward.


She clicked the link for that site and watched slowly, surprised, as a home page she never expected to see came up on the screen. A banner scrolling across the top said, “Meet the Man of Your DREAMS….”

Date-O-Magic wasn’t about science or education.

This was an online

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