Save Me From Myself (10 page)

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Authors: Stacey Mosteller

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Save Me From Myself
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I nod, and he pulls me closer to him. Resting my head on his shoulder, I sigh when he puts his arms around me and just holds me. In his arms, I feel safe. Safer than I’ve ever felt with anyone else. We sit there like that for awhile. David holds me, kissing my head every so often while the movie that neither of us have been watching plays the credits in the background.

When the television screen goes black and there’s total silence, I realize we’ve been sitting here for over an hour. I’m perfectly content to stay wrapped in David’s arms, but, it’s getting late, and I need to get home. David walks me back out to my car, and kisses me gently before closing my door. “Let me know when you get home so I know you’re safe,” he reminds me.

When I get back to the apartment, Anna’s nowhere to be found, but there’s a note on the counter saying that she went out with Brandi, Terra and Ben. She ends the note with “if you even come home tonight to get this” with a winky face. Rolling my eyes, I pull my phone out of my back pocket and send David a text.

I’m home. Safe.

Good thing darlin'. Thanks for coming over. I
hope you had a good time ;)

A good time? I don’t know how it could have been better. Well, actually, I do, but I’m not ready for that yet.

I had a fantastic time :)

I’m glad. See you soon Lyric.

Night David

Sweet dreams darlin'

When I fall into bed that night, I dream of David. I dream of what could have happened, if I hadn’t freaked out.

I wake up the next morning to Anna sitting on the side of my bed. Stretching, I look at her quizzically, and she asks, “Well, how was dinner? Since you’re here and not there, I’m assuming there was no sexy time?” I blush, and she gasps, “Oh. My. God! There was sexy time? How was it? Is he hung like a horse?” If I let her, the questions will never end.

Holding up a hand to stop her, I reply, “No, there wasn’t that kind of ‘sexy time’ Anna. Jeez. Just a little kissing and petting action.” She deflates, obviously she was hoping for more lascivious details, but I just don’t have any. I can’t keep the grin off my face though remembering the things he said and the way he kissed me. “However, from the time I spent in his lap, I can say with confidence that he’s definitely well ‘hung’!” I tell her, because I just can’t resist winding her up.

“Ooh! Lyric and David bumping and grinding,” she teases in a sing-song voice which makes me laugh. When I throw one of my pillows at her, she ducks, and throws it back at me inciting a giggling pillow fight. We collapse on the bed laughing.

Several seconds later she says seriously, “I’m happy for you Lyr, he’s definitely having a positive effect on you. I haven’t seen you this happy in over a year.”

Her words instantly sober me up. She’s right though, I haven’t felt this free in a long time. It’s not all because of David, but just being around him helps. He makes me feel wanted, and normal. He’s not connected to what happened in any way, and that’s exactly what I need. Someone who doesn’t know the details. Someone I can just be me with. When I tell Anna this though, she reminds me that I’ll have to tell him eventually if we’re going to have ‘that kind’ of relationship. She’s right, but I just don’t want to think about that now.

Anna leaves my room to let me shower and dress. I walk out into the living room
andI check my phone for any new messages and see one from earlier this morning, from David.

Good morning darlin'. Hope you slept well.

Grinning, I know exactly how I’m going to reply

Actually I didn’t. I was feeling very frustrated!

I don’t have to wait long for his reply

So was I. I just couldn’t get the image of this gorgeous redhead straddling me out of my head. Made for some very interesting dreams ;)

Oh wow. I am way out of my league with this guy!

*Fans self* Well, I had some pretty interesting dreams myself about this guy with a hot body.

What has gotten into me?

Darlin', I’ll let you objectify my body anytime! ;) I have to say though, I wish you were this open in person. Maybe I’ll make you sit across the room and text me next time

Next time? So he does want to see me again? I feel giddy.

*Pouts* What if I don’t want to sit across the room? I was pretty comfortable where I was last night.

Are you sure this is Lyric?

Snorting, I reply with

Last time I checked, this was me!

Good to know you’ve checked. So, when can I see you again?

When are you free? Anna wants to go shopping today - again *sigh*

Hmm, I’m scheduled at the bar tonight, tomorrow and Tuesday. What’s your schedule like Wednesday?

I could probably be persuaded to clear my night.

Alright, it’s a date then :) Make sure you dress up. And make sure you bring a coat!

You already know what we’re going to do?

I have a few ideas. Now, no more questions! I gotta get to Drench.

So not fair! Now I have something new to obsess over

Bye David. Have a good day :)

Later darlin'


After breakfast, Anna and I head to the mall. That girl lives for shopping! We’ve just spent an hour in the H&M store so that Anna can get more clothes to add to the never-ending pile on her bed. I’m pretty sure she’s run out of closet space. I keep waiting for her clothes to show up in my closet one of these days. When we leave the store, I see a pink and blonde head that is quickly becoming familiar heading our way.

SarahBeth is walking with a dark-haired girl talking animatedly and when she spots us she smiles widely, “Hey Lyric!”

I can’t help but smile back, “Hey SarahBeth.” Looking at the bags they are carrying, I ask, “Shoe shopping?”

She nods, “Yep. It’s an addiction. I
heels!” Looking over at her friend, she says, “This is my friend Olivia.” Ahh, this would be the Olivia from the night before. The one David seems to think is a troublemaker. Based on the look in her eyes, which is similar to one I see often in Anna’s, I have to agree. “Olivia, this is Lyric. She’s Dave’s new…?” SarahBeth trails off, obviously not knowing what to call me.

I’m not sure what to classify myself as either, so I just hold out a hand and say, “Friend. I’m a new friend of David’s.” I smile at her, and she shakes my hand.

“Friend, uh-huh.” She winks at me, which causes my face to heat. Evidently, she’s already decided what I am to David, and nothing I say is going to change that.

Anna doesn’t wait for me to introduce her, she steps forward and holds her hand out to first SarahBeth, then Olivia, giving her name and smiling, obviously trying to diffuse the sudden tension. She asks the girls where they are heading next, and we walk with them to their next stop. Anna keeps trying to get me to try on jeans, because the fifty pairs I already have aren’t enough, and tells me which ones make my butt look the most “bitable” making me blush multiple shades of red.

Hanging out with SarahBeth and Olivia, I realize that the four of us actually have quite a bit in common. We are all avid readers, and share many of the same favorite authors; along with music and movies. Then, we move on to talk about their majors in college, and SarahBeth tells us she is going for graphic design, while Olivia is going for Interior Design. Apparently, both of their mothers were interior designers, and were business partners. Olivia wants to go into business with her mother now that she’s the sole owner of the company, and loves to shop for decorating supplies.

After a full day of shopping, and making new friends, Anna and I say goodbye and head home. As we walk through the apartment door, I pull my phone from my pocket and notice multiple calls and texts from Matt. Not a good way to end a great day. Deciding that avoidance is the best policy, I text David to tell him goodnight, and get in bed.


The next morning, Anna and I get to work a little early, and I sit down to start writing my Twisted Destiny review from Friday’s show. When I pull up my email, there’s an email from Matt to go along with the calls and texts from yesterday. Sighing, I minimize the window and get to work. I know I’m going to have to deal with him eventually, but I don’t want to ruin the good mood I’m in right now. Talking to Matt is sure to bring me down, and will just remind me of how people can turn out to be completely different from what you thought.

By the end of the day, I’ve had to shut my phone off to avoid texts and calls from Matt, ready to change my number. Noticing that there’s also a missed call from my mother, I’m certain he called her to complain about me not answering his calls, texts or emails. I’d forgotten how much he treated me like a child when we were together. Anytime we would get into an argument, he’d call my mom whenever I refused to go along with what he wanted.

After we eat dinner, I go into my bedroom to make the call I’ve been dreading all day. After barely one ring, Matt answers, “Hello Lyric.”

“What do you want Matt?” I can’t imagine what we have to say to each other. Surely we’ve said everything we could possibly ever need to say.

After a minute or so, he starts to talk, “Why didn’t you tell me you were moving?”

“Why, so you could try to stop me? So you could tell me what a bad idea it was? How I should stay and fix things with you? I needed a change Matt.”

I don’t know why this is such a shock to him. I told him I wanted him to leave me alone and give me space, but he refused. The only option left was to take myself out of the equation.

Matt sighs, “You should have at least given me a chance to change your mind sweetheart.” Him calling me ‘sweetheart’ makes my skin crawl.

“I’m not your sweetheart anymore, Matt.” What does he want?

He clears his throat, “Yes, your mother tells me you’re seeing a
. If you’re trying to make me jealous, dating beneath you won’t do it.”

What a snobby bastard. “First off,
, he’s not a bartender. He
the bar. And he’s not beneath me. Hell, he lives in a nicer place than you do!” Of course, it was his parents’ house, but Matt doesn’t need to know that.

At that, he starts backing up, “Look, I’m willing to let you work this guy out of your system if it means you’ll come back to me sooner,” he starts.
? He’s what? What an egotistical asshole!

Now, I’m just pissed, “Matt, regardless of anything I’m doing here in Nashville, I’m
coming back to you. Do you understand that? We aren’t good together, and we’re not good
each other. You’ve already moved on, you have Kimberly.” I know he’s been telling me he wants to get back together, but this is just ridiculous! “If that’s all you wanted to talk about, I’m hanging up now.” I tell him, my voice shaking from anger.

“No, that’s not all I wanted to talk about,” he snaps. “Do you understand how much you’re hurting your mother by picking up and moving states away? Do you know what your thoughtless actions are causing?” Wow, so he’s going to go there? If we want to talk about thoughtless behavior, his is definitely higher on the ‘thoughtless’ scale than mine.

“Goodbye Matt. Go see Kimberly, cry to my mother, I don’t really care. But, I’m done having this conversation with you.” I push the end button on my cell, and exhale in relief. That felt
good! Even better than I thought it would! Just making the decision not to let him walk all over me makes me feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. I feel ten times lighter.

Deciding to keep my new braveness going, I send David a text, knowing he’s at work this evening.

Hey! I just wanted to tell you I miss you!

A few minutes go by, and my phone chirps with his reply

Hi darlin', I miss you too. Watching you dance is definitely much better entertainment than what I’m watching right now.

Really? Even if I’m dancing with another guy?

Don’t push it princess.

Oh, I’m princess again. I’m not sure if I like being called “darlin'” or “princess” more. Even though he only calls me princess when he’s annoyed with me, he’s even hotter when he’s annoyed.

Or what? You’re at work, it’s not like you can do anything tonight

True, but I’ve got a great memory. I’m sure I can come up with something interesting to punish you on Wednesday

Oh my, who knew talking about punishment could make my panties damp. I don’t even know how to respond to that.

Relax princess, I’m just teasing.

And strangely, I’m disappointed.

Aww, and just when things were getting interesting too!

Naughty girl! ;) I like it

I can practically hear his laughter. Before I can say anything else though, my phone pings again.

As much as I love talking to you darlin', there’s some things I still need to take care of tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, yeah?

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