Save Me (7 page)

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Authors: Ashley Monahan

BOOK: Save Me
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Sunlight beamed through the glass.  Birds chirped outside, a light breeze came in through her open window.  It was serene, a world away from the city.

Mercy stirred beside him.

“Morning.”  Marc kissed her cheek.

“Good morning.”  She wrapped her good leg around his and rested into his side.

“Do you have to go to work?”
he asked.

“I’m the boss.  I can be a little late.”

“Don’t jeopardize your job for me.”

Trust me, I’m alright.”  Mercy ran her finger up and down his muscular chest.  “So what happens now?”

“We both already know.”
  Marc cupped her firm behind and brought her atop of him.

“I won’t see you again, will I?”

“It’s best if you don’t.”

Mercy didn’t argue with him.  Marc kissed her sweetly.

“I need to go.”

Mercy leaned her forehead against his.

“Take care of yourself,” she said.

Marc swore he could hear sorrow in her goodbye.

“Promise me, swear to me you’re done seeking retribution.”

She hesitated, but answered him. 

“I swear.”

“Good girl.”  He lowered his lips to hers and the passion between them was undeniable.  He pulled back and stroked her hair before rising out of bed and getting dressed.  Returning to her side, Marc sat down on the bed.  Her arms were wrapped around her knee.

“Goodbye Mercy.”

“Bye Marc.” 

Marc kissed the tip of her nose and left her sitting on the bed. 

“Shit,” Marc exhaled as he sat down in his Porsche.  He barely knew her, but felt torn leaving her side.  Back to the city he went.  He had a business meeting with Ace.


“Did you take care of the girl?” Ace paced around th
e empty warehouse the gang used on the waterfront.

“I told you, she won’t be a problem.”

“Did you finally man up and get a little rough with someone.  I’m proud of you my boy.”

Yeah, it takes a real man to hurt a woman, Marc thought.

“The seller should be here in two hours.  Hector and Willy will stay with you.”

“What’s the deal?”

“Ninety-five thousand.”

A decent shipment.

“Make sure you weigh it.  I’m not getting fucking taken by those assholes again.”

“I got it, Ace.”

Ace looked at his watch.

“Call me when the deal is done.”


Ace walked to his black Mercedes an
d left.

“Something wrong today boss?”  Hector, one of Ace’
s other minions, asked Marc.

“Everything is just fucking peachy.”


Five hours later the deal was done, packaged, and ready for sale.  Marc headed over to Ace’s with the money, the drugs secure.

“You have the money?”

Ace trusted Marc, he knew he wouldn’t cross him.

Marc put a leather briefcase on his kitchen table.  Ace opened it and looked down at the stacks of hundreds.

“And the blow?”

“It’s secure.”

“Good man.”

“Are you all set?”

“Race tonight.”

“I just raced last night.”

“Well, there’s another one tonight.”

“I’m not your bitch.”

Ace moved into his personal space.

“Do we need to go over your role in this organization again?”

“Perhaps we do.”  Marc gritted his teeth.

Ace looked him from head to foot as if to challenge him.  In a physical fight Marc could take Ace, easily.  Ace was significantly shorter than Marc and didn’t spend nearly a much time in the gym.  The gym was Marc’s release and his time spent there was apparent. 

Ace reached into his waistband.  Marc grabbed his wrist and tweaked it.

“Don’t even think about it.”  Marc tweaked it harder.

fucking careful, Marc.”

“I told you not to point that god damn gun at me.”

Ace’s minions gawked in shock.

“Let…me…go,” Ace warned.

Marc let him go and pushed him.  Ace stumbled back.

“I’m not racing tonight.”  Marc pointed his finger at Ace.

“I’m giving you a pass, this time.  Feel damn lucky bitch.”

Marc didn’t say anything further and walked out the door.  He started his Porsche and burned out of Ace’s driveway.  The more Marc did, the more Ace expected of him, took advantage of him.  It was only a matter of time before he ended up dead
, or in prison.





Mercy made a promise, a promise she would keep no matter how much she wanted to break it.  She wanted to run to the police, tell them about Jose, but it would do no good.  There was no evidence, only Marc’s word and he wasn’t about to testify against a fellow gang member.  And then there was her confusing feelings for him.  Why did she sleep with him?  Sure, it had been more than a year since she’d been with a man, but to sleep with Marc.  Ugh.  That had to be up there with the biggest
mistake she’d made in her life.  No, the biggest mistake would be…she had feelings for the man.

“Get off it Mercy,” she told herself a few days after their tryst.  She got ready for work and headed in for the day.  She needed to go in early so she cou
ld cut out a few hours before quitting time for rehab.

“Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,” Agnes Bach, Mercy’s receptionist greeted her in her office.


“You’ve seemed down the past couple days, is everything okay?” Agnes was bubbly and reminded her of a Jersey girl.

“I’m fine.  Just, ah, a little tired.”  Mercy hadn’t told anyone about finding Jose, or her night with Marc, nor did she intend to.

“You’re father left a message; he’s wants a meeting with you and the V.P. at one
this afternoon.”

“Do you know what it is about?”

“The British Columbia acquisition.  The owner of the plant is flying in I guess.”

“He gives me a few hours warning?”


“Alright.  Any other messages?”

“Thomas Haynes from InAcco Industries called.”

“That man doesn’t give up.”  Mercy sat down behind her desk.

“Is there anything else you need?”

“Tell Roman to meet me in the confer
ence room at twelve.”  Roman was the V.P.

Yes, ma’am.”

Agnes left and closed the glass door to Mercy’s office behind her. 


Mercy’s head dropped on the table.  She could use an easy day at work.  Her father calling a meeting with the plant owner meant nothing would be easy.


Mercy used her crutches to support herself back to her car after the meeting was over.  She missed rehab, the meeting ran late, as she suspected. 
Halfway across the parking lot to her car her cell phone rang.

“Hi Daddy.”

“Honey,” Kent said, “are you free tonight?”

“I, um, just to go home and take it easy.”  Her leg was killing her.

“I want to talk to you about something.  Could you come over to the house for dinner?”


“Seven.  You’re mother’s making pot roast.”


“See you later.”

“Love you Daddy.”

“You too hun.”

Mercy hung up her phone and headed home.

After a relaxing shower, Mercy headed over to her parents wondering what her father had in store for her.  The three of them sat down to dinner together at the formal dining table.

“So what did you need to talk to me about?”

“I need someone onsite to help transition the plant in British Columbia.  I trust you to do the job properly and wanted to give you first opportunity.”

“Don’t think you have to do this Mercy because you don’t.  I think you
do a fine job here in Bellview.”  Cora clearly disapproved.

“You’re mother just doesn’t want you away from the tit.”


“It’s the truth.  It would only be s
hort-term.  Six months tops, unless you want to stay.”

“British Columbia…I don’t know.  What about Roman?”

“Roman is good at what he does, but I don’t know if he’d be up for the challenge and besides that, he won’t leave his family.”

Mercy thought.

“You don’t have to decide tonight.  Take a few weeks to think it over if you need to.”

It was just what Mercy needed.  To get away from Bellview, a potential new start, away from her past and struggles.

“I’ll do it.  When do I leave?”

“You don’t want time to think about it?”

“No, I could use a change of scenery.”

“Kent,” Cora said angry, “I can’t believe you.  You better call every night Mercy.”

“I will Mom.”

“To answer your question, next week.”

She would leave in a week.  The move brought a mixture of emotions.

For the rest of dinner, Cora sent Kent death stares while Mercy got excited over the new prospect.  British Columbia.  She couldn’t get much further away from Bellview.





Marc shut off his phone and collapsed onto his couch.  Another race won, this time it was close though.  Close to being arrested, again.  The police had been right on his heels.  Luckily a Ford Interceptor couldn’t keep up with a Porsche and he was able to make his escape before he could be identified. 

Marc looked at the ceiling fan above and got
consumed in thought.  He could get lost in a sea of self-pity if he let himself.  Instead he turned on his television and watched an episode of Seinfeld.  A temporary escape.

Then Marc thought of Mercy.  In the short amount of time he’d known her, he’d never felt so bonded to a woman.  He’d felt a connection since the night of the accident.  Then following the night of passion they shared, she dominated his thoughts.  He played the “what if” game in his head.  What if they’d met under different circumstances?  What if he wasn’t in the gang?  What if she was “the one” and he let her slip away?  What if he left the gang?  What if he just ran?
  Then he was pulled back to reality.  This was his life.

Marc went to sleep dreaming of Mercy.  A life that might have been.  A better life.


In the morning, Marc still couldn’t shake his thoughts of her.  Going against all of his better judgment, he drove to the nearest flower shop and purchased two dozen long stem red roses for
delivery.  Once he left the shop, he instantly regretted his impulsive decision.  He was half tempted to go back and cancel when his phone rang.  His master called.





Mercy was resting on the couch when the doorbell rang.  She picked up her crutches and made her way to the front door.  Some day she would be able to use her damn prosthesis for more than a few hours at a time.  After having it on her leg all day at work, she couldn’t
bear to wear it once she was home. 

She looked out the window and saw an FTD uniform shirt.  They clearly had the wrong house.

“Can I help you?” Mercy asked.

“I have a delivery for Mercy Kendrick.”  The delivery girl held the flowers out.

She was dumbfounded.

“Thank you.
”  The delivery girl waited for her to take the flowers.  “Would you mind bringing them in for me?”

The delivery girl brought them into kitchen then let herself out.  Mercy picked up the card and read.

I can’t stop thinking about your beautiful smile. 

You’ve enchanted me and I can’t break the spell.

Her face lit into a huge smile and she breathed in the sweet aroma of the striking roses.  The card wasn’t signed, but she knew who it was from. 

“Marc,” she said to herself and read the note
again.  How he tortured her.





Marc drove his car into the garage and walked into the breezeway.  He spent his day at Ace’s by the pool.  Beautiful women surrounded him, but he had no interest.  They were cheap whores, worse actually, they were free whores.  A little champagne, a few hits, and they would wrap their legs around anyone in the gang.

Marc picked up a pizza on his way home, too tired and too lazy to cook a proper meal.  He sustained himself on junk food, but one wouldn’t be able to tell by his physique.  Marc slapped a piece of pizza on a plate and sat down at his dining room table.  Alone.  Again.

Knock, knock, knock

A knocking at the door interrupted his fancy dinner.  Marc walked to the door and looked out the peep hole.  What he saw surprised the hell out of him.  He opened the door, excitement surging through his veins.


Mercy pulled Marc’s face down to hers taking him in a wanton kiss.  Marc wrapped his arms around her back pulling her flush against him and willingly participated.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Mercy said between breaths.

“No, we shouldn’t.”  Marc walked them backward into the house and pushed the door closed.

“You’re dangerous.”

“You shouldn’t be here.”  Marc pressed her against the wall.

“Then why don’t want to be anywhere else?”

Intertwined in one another, Marc worked their way to his bedroom, a lamp and picture falling victim to their hasty journey.

Just as gently as he had their previous interlude, Marc helped undress her and put her clothing next to the bed.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”  Marc crawled like a predator on the bed toward her.

“You don’t have to lie to me.”  Mercy was self-conscio
us of her appearance, Marc didn’t have to be a genius to figure that out.

“I’m not lying.”  Marc looked down upon her body, which was absolutely fucking perfect in his opinion.

“I’m not beautiful, look at me.” 

“I am.”

“But my leg…” Mercy tugged on his arms trying to bring him closer, away from her leg. 

Marc pulled the s
tocking off that covered her amputated leg and put it on the floor.

“Please,” Mercy implored, “don’t look at it
…it’s disgusting.”

Marc held the sides of her leg.

“Marc…”  Marc could tell he was making her uncomfortable, but he wanted to show her she didn’t repulse him, in any way.

Marc brought his lips down to her injured
leg and placed a soft kiss one of the many scars.

“There’s nothing about you that’s disgusting.”

Marc placed a few more kissed on her leg, then trailed butterfly kisses up to her collar bone.  When he reached her face he saw a tear drop streaming down her cheek.  Marc kissed it away.

“Listen to me when I tell you you’re beautiful.  You are Mercy.”  And she
was.  Marc kissed another tear away.

Mercy wrapped her arms around
Marc and held him tight.

“I’ve never felt as safe as when I am
in your arms.” Mercy’s voice was filled with emotion.

Marc framed her face with his strong hands.

“I wish I never had to let you go,” he said.

met her soft full lips and kissed her deeply treasuring her sweet flavor.

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” Mercy said between kisses.  “I barely know you, but I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

“And I know I should stay away from you, for your sake, but I don’t want to.”  He kissed her again.

I’m leaving in a week...”

“Where are you going?”

“British Columbia for six months.”

Marc exhaled deeply.

“It’s for the best,” he said.

“I know,” she agr
eed, but was as disappointed as him.

for the next week, I want you all to myself.”

“I could use a vacation
before I leave,” she smiled.

“I could disappear for a week myself.”

“Can you do that?”

“I’m going to.”  Marc playfully kissed her tickling her side.  Mercy laughed and flailed around underneath him.

Marc’s phone rang.  He reached down onto the floor and retrieved it from his jeans pocket.  Mercy looked beyond disappointed.

“Ace,” he answered identifying Ace’s number.
  Perfect timing.

“I need you here at eleven tomorrow.”

“I’m unavailable for the next week.”

“Unavailable,” Ace repeated, “what the hell do you think this is?”

“Ace, I need this.”  This wasn’t negotiable.

Ace huffed.  “This isn’t a damn nine to five, you don’
t get a vacation.”

“I’ll make it up, I need this.”

“You’ll be my bitch for the next year.”

“I already am.  I don’
t care.  Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”

“Call me next week.”

Ace hung up.  Marc didn’t care.  He’d pay the price.  Marc turned off his cell phone and had no plan of turning it on for the following week.


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