Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 (18 page)

Read Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Savage Angels MC, #Biker, #Biker romance, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
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Dane turns and looks at me. “I’m pretty good with faces and she looks familiar.”

“Maybe you banged her one night but I doubt it, she has standards,” I sneer at him.

Dane laughs. “Yeah, I can see that if she’s banging
Juan asked me to remind you he’s waiting.” With that, he leaves the room.

I look at the nearest security guard. “Don’t let him back in here again and if he comes back, you tell him I don’t want to see him, got it?”

“Yes, Sir, Mr. Van Ryken.” He nods and leaves the room.

Shortly after, Ella comes back with a pillow, I lean forward as she places it behind me. I reach up and cup her breasts burying my face in them.

“I don’t care if they’re fake I think I could get lost in these for days,” I say as I lick between them.

“What did Dane Reynolds want?” Ella asks.

“Today I want to fuck you. Do you think you could ride me without hurting my leg?”

Ella grabs my face between her hands and says, “Concentrate, Will, what did Dane want?”

“To give me a message from a...friend.”

Her face goes hard and she looks like she’s thinking things over. “Did he mention me?” she asks with her head tilted to the side.

“He thought you looked familiar. Do you know him?”

“Once upon a time, in another life, before I got on the path of self-fulfilment.” Ella reaches down and touches the bandage where the bullet went through, I wince. “Do you want me to get the nurse? Something to dull the pain?”

“So, you know Reynolds?” I press.

“Yes, but it was a long time ago. I’m a completely different person now. I might look similar but I’m different, inside and out.” Her hand goes to my crotch. “Want me to make you feel better, honey?”

I’m not sure anymore. The thought that she probably fucked Reynolds makes me sick but the pressure she’s applying to my dick feels so goddamned good. She steps back and unveils her tits then lifts up her dress revealing no underwear. When she walks toward the door and places a chair in front of it my dick immediately overrides my thoughts of Dane having fucked her.

“I’ll pull the curtain around us, but if anyone tries to come in, the chair will make a noise and we’ll know,” she says seductively.

Ella comes back to me, pulling the curtain around the bed. Her tits are on display and my cock is responding to them. She licks her lips and pulls up my gown, exposing my cock. Her tongue flickers across the tip and any thought of not fucking her goes out the window.

“You still want me to ride you, honey?”

“Fuck, yeah,” I groan.

She sucks on me a little more then climbs on the bed. Slowly, she lowers herself on my cock then she grips the headboard and moves up and down. My hand grips her ass and my mouth sucks on one of her nipples, hard. Ella gasps in surprise.

She moves one of my hands to her core and I know what she wants, using my thumb I search for her sweet spot and apply pressure. Ella grinds into my hand and moans in ecstasy.
is what I love about older women they know what they want and how to get it.

“You like that?” I ask.

“Yes,” she purrs.

“You want more?”

“Harder,” she moans.

I do as she asks and feel her velvet cunt spasm around my cock. Ella keeps riding me until her orgasm has finished then she stops moving and looks into my eyes.

“That was good, I needed that.”

“Ahh, Ella, I haven’t finished.”

She smiles at me and licks the side of my face then she reaches behind her and touches my leg on top of the bullet wound and presses down hard.

“What the fuck!” I gasp, pushing her off me.

She lands on her ass on the floor. When she gets up, she’s laughing then she pulls down her dress and covers up her tits.

“What? Didn’t that feel good?
had a great time,” Ellas says licking her lips.

“You fucking cunt, you hurt me!”

“Aww honey, pleasure, and pain. I can make it better,” she purrs.

I’m still horny but now I’m wary of her. “And how are you going to do that?”

Ella pulls out a syringe from her pocket and holds it up for me to see. “A little something to take the edge off? A little something to make you smile,” she teases.

“What is it?”

“H and it's
good, honey.”

My mouth waters at the thought and my body craves it. They won’t even give me any more morphine after today. The doctor is concerned about long term addiction. As if I’m not already suffering that.

“Give it to me.”

Ella takes off her belt and wraps it around my arm until a vein pops then she injects the contents of the needle into my arm. Smiling she removes the belt and I feel the familiar warmth snake it’s way through my body.

“Honey, I forgot to tell you, it’s pure.”


“Kat Reynolds was always nice to me, I’ll always look after Kat. But
, you were mean to her and I can’t have that. I found my path of self-fulfilment and it means looking out for Kat. You’re starting to drift so I’ll be quick. I just gave you a hot shot. Won’t be long now and you’ll be flying high, forever. You see, Gareth Goodman thought he could use me, just like you, but I fixed him too and I stole all of his money. The idiot had over five hundred thousand in a briefcase, can you believe that?”

My eyes are so heavy that I can’t move, I’m trying to speak, to yell,
but my body won’t comply.

“I used his money and gave myself a makeover. Check out these tits, huh? Are they the bomb or what?”  I feel her hot breath next to my ear. “I’ll always look out for Kat for
is my path.”

I hear her leave the room and I can’t move, slowly I feel myself drift and my heart begins to hammer in my chest. Then I feel nothing at all.

Chapter 26

t’s three o’clock in the morning and Kat should be arriving at Pearl County Airport after being away from me for eight long weeks. She doesn’t know I’m here, I want to surprise her. I even got dressed up for her, I’m wearing the Armani suit she bought me ages ago, the one I’ve never worn. I’m not really a suit person, more jeans, and tees, but I know it will bring a smile to her face.

The plane landed ten minutes ago and I’m pacing anxiously waiting for her. I feel ridiculous standing here in this getup with a dozen red roses but I don’t want my woman feeling anything but love for me.

After half an hour, and no Kat, I go to the desk to find if the plane has disembarked.

“Has the flight from New York landed yet?” I ask.

“Yes, Sir. All passengers have disembarked and that plane is refueling for its flight back,” replies an older lady.

“But my wife hasn’t come through the gates. Could you check to make sure she was on that plane?”

“Sir, it’s against company policy for me to do that,” she says with a tight smile.

“I don’t want to leave and I’ve left my phone at home so I can’t contact her. But if she’s not here....I’m not sure what to do,” I say honestly.

The woman sighs and looks me up and down. “What’s her name?”

“Kat Reynolds.”

She types the name into her computer and frowns. “Sorry, Sir, but no one by that name was on the flight.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Sir, and you didn’t hear that from me.”

Kat said she had something we needed to discuss when we last spoke but I thought we were back on solid ground, maybe I was wrong? I look down at the flowers and hold them out to the lady behind the counter.

“Here, have these. They’re no good to me now.” I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

The woman takes them, with sadness on her face. “Maybe she’s still coming?” she offers.

“That was the last flight from New York. There’s not another one till this afternoon. If she was coming home, this would be the flight she’d be on. Thank you for your help,” I say as I walk away from her.

I let out a breath and walk to my car, a black Dodge Ram. I open the door, and with a heavy heart, I climb into it. Guess she’s not coming back to me. I replay our last conversation over and over again in my head, I thought we were happy. I thought she wanted to come home to me but she’s not here. On auto pilot, I drive home. I really thought Kat and I were okay. I was looking forward to making things up to her, to starting a family, to being together.

When I pull into my driveway there’s a strange car in it, not that it means much, a lot of the Brothers have been staying out here to keep me company. I park my Dodge in the garage and walk across the courtyard to the house. When I open the front door, I smell roast lamb, my favorite. So I head for the kitchen.

As I walk down the hallway, I can hear voices and when I make it to the dining room which is adjacent to the kitchen, I see Rosie, sitting on Truths lap, feeding him something. Then I see my woman, standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand talking to Dave as he pulls the roast out of the oven.

I’m glued to the spot, unable to move, she’s here. Kat laughs at something Dave says then glances in my direction, spotting me.

“Dane! Where’ve you been, honey?” Kat exclaims rushing to me.

“I went to Pearl County Airport to get you, but you weren’t there,” I say lamely.

When Kat is within reach, I pull her into me crushing her and spilling her wine.

“Honey, I’m so sorry, I tried to ring you but your cell was on the kitchen counter. Dave got us an earlier flight and we got a chopper to the police station here in Tourmaline, Carlos drove us home.”

Carlos Morales is the town Sheriff, and he’s always had a soft spot for Kat.

“I don’t care, I’m just so happy you are home, darlin’,” I say into her neck.

“Why don’t you welcome me like that?” asks Rosie.

I look up and she’s staring at Truth. “Because, Rosie, I never leave you alone. They've been apart for weeks. You and I will never do that.” She smiles at him and kisses his nose.

“I’m with Truth,” I say as I look down at Kat. “I never want to be apart from you again.”

Kat grabs my face with both her hands and pulls me into a kiss. It’s not a chaste kiss, it’s a tongues dueling, make everyone in the room jealous kiss. I’m lost in her, the scent, the taste, the feel of her body pressed against mine. No woman has ever made me feel they way Kat can. Then I hear coughing and Rosie’s laughter.

“Maybe I should go away so you can kiss me like that,” states Rosie.

“I do kiss you like that and no you’re not getting away from me,” teases Truth.

Kat breaks the kiss. “Dane, are you okay?” she asks breathlessly.

“Couldn’t be better, darlin’, couldn’t be better.”

Chapter 27

t’s Christmas and we’re playing at the Tourmaline Christmas Festival. It’s been a little over three months since we got home. Truth did the right thing by Rosie and asked her father for her hand in marriage who quickly said no. He was kidding of course but it must have been the worst two minutes of his life as he tried to convince a bemused father why he would make his daughter happy. Rosie loves to tell the story. They haven’t set a date yet but I have a feeling Truth won’t let her postpone it for too long. That boy is hooked.

Dane and I have gone from strength to strength. He’s done a lot to prove he loves me, and I’m working just as hard to prove to him that I’m not going anywhere.

The news of Will’s drug overdose came as no real surprise to anyone. It’s just a pity that the women he abused won’t get a chance to confront him about what he did to them. No one is sure how he got the heroin but there seems to be talk of a nurse who paid him special attention, she probably got it for him. We’ll never know, she disappeared after his death.

Truth is belting out Jingle Bell Rock, gyrating all over the stage, driving the female population of Tourmaline into a frenzy. As I look out over the happy crowd, all I see are my friends and family. Everyone has come home to us to celebrate Christmas and I’m so glad for it.

The song ends and Truth smiles at the crowd. “Don’t be sad, we’ll be back, right after I get a drink!”

The crowd cheers, I take off my guitar and walk toward Dane, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“You know you guys are pretty good. Maybe you should do a Christmas album?” teases Dane.

“Yeah, you’re right! We could go on the road and promote it. It would–“

Dane kisses me. “No, you promised to stay home for a while.”

“Did I?” I say with a wink and a grin.

“Woman, you are going to be the death of me,” he whispers as he pulls me close.

“Nah, not me. Baby, I need you alive and kicking.”

Dane leans down and kisses my forehead, nose, and lastly, my lips. “Well, you’ve got me.”

“Oh, honey,
I know
,” I tease him back.

“Hey, you two, enough of that. Dane, get her a drink, she’s been working hard,” says Carlos the town Sheriff.

“I have one for her!” exclaims the town Mayor Justice Leaverton as he passes me a bottle of water. “Can’t have you dehydrating, and Howie is getting you a hot chocolate.”

Howie works at the local café and has had a crush on me for a while, he’s a nice kid.

“Thank you, Justice,” I say as I remove the lid from the bottle and take a sip.

“You are more than welcome.
Thank you so much
for doing this, tourism was already good for this time of the year, but now, it’s gone crazy which is good for the town’s economy,” replies Justice.

He’s a good Mayor, he always has the town’s best interests at heart and he works hard for them. Of course, it helps that he comes from old money and can devote all of his time to doing just that. Some of the MC don’t like him but as far as I can tell he’s a good man.

Dane and I excuse ourselves and we walk through the crowd saying hello to those we know and even those we don’t. Life is good. After an hour, I hear Truth over the P.A. system.

“Attention has anyone seen our Goddess of the Guitar? Better known to you all as Kat Reynolds?”

I burst out laughing as people point at me and yell, “She’s over here!”

Dane grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. “Time to go back to work Mrs. Reynolds.”

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