Savage Angels: A Savage MC Erotic Romance (3 page)

Read Savage Angels: A Savage MC Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Alice May Ball

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: Savage Angels: A Savage MC Erotic Romance
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Next thing I know, I’m in a cold gray room with metal furniture and some FBI dragon lady with a bob of red hair, leaning over the table, all hot and excited about how I’m going to wear a wire.

I told her, ‘No way,’ about a thousand times, but she scared me half to death with talk of criminal associations, common purpose and federal time, and saying numbers of years that kept on going up. In my heart I knew it was probably all BS, but she did get me twitching.

Someday Never Comes

There was much work to be done with the shipment. Most club members worked long hours in the shop out back with oil, screwdrivers and small wrenches. It took two days straight to prepare the merchandise. Drinking was discouraged for Savage MC members, although the Vikings continued to fully enjoy an open bar.

When it was ready, Bogart, Cox and Hacker took a few prospects, hauled the crates into a truck and made the run over to
The Meathook
, the bar and whorehouse owned and operated by
Los Muertos MC

All went well right up until the time came for payment.

Standing in the arc lights by the truck at the loading bay in back of the
, Jake told Bogart, “Look, we had a setback. We haven’t got your full payment for the hardware. So. Take something in trade. We’ll make it up on the next run.”

Bogart was very still, and he spoke slowly and quietly. “We’ve got all of your coke, right? So what do you propose? No offense, but I don’t want any of your weed.”

“Take two girls, man. I know they could help in your clubhouse. Look, they’re beautiful girls. What’s the problem, man?”

“Jake, we buy your coke because we’re in the coke business, and yours is the beat damn coke around. We’re also in the weed business, but we don’t buy your weed because we get better weed from elsewhere. Matter of fact, you should buy your weed from us. You’d have better weed. Only, you would have to pay for it. Just like the hardware.”

Jake looked around at his compadres. Bogart talking to him this way in front of the others wasn’t making him look good. He should have done this in private. Too late now. Bogart wondered if Jake would be dumb enough to make a beef over it. Unlikely, he guessed.

Bogart went on, his voice still quiet, reasonable, but firm, “We don’t buy your women, because we ain’t in the buying and selling women business. No disrespect, OK? You do your business your way, we do it ours. The girls who work in our clubhouse do it because they want to do it. You’re going to have to think of something else. But you’re fifty short, so you need to think fast.”

Jake opened his hands, “Man, we been doing business a long time. Why can’t you roll it this one time?”

Bogart looked back at him through the shades, “There’s a rule; don’t ask for credit, as a refusal can often be fatal. Twenty four hours, OK? And because of out history, I won’t add interest before then.”

Jake came back at him, “Look, Bogart, take a party with this girl in the back, just for my gratitude. I think you’re going to want to take her home but if you don’t, no problemo.”

Bogart said, “No problemo.”

When Jake went inside, Cox said quietly, “Theirs is the best damn coke around?”

Bogart looked at him through the shades, “Best damn coke at that price on this block.”

Hacker said, “This girl’s bound to be some skank, too. Some poor wretch from the barrios.”

Bogart agreed. “I’m only going in there because I don’t want to insult him any more.”

Cox sapped Bogart on the shoulder, “You don’t? How civil of you, old chap.”

Bogart said, “Nope. Not before the twenty four hours are up I don’t. He was looking a little tense there. After that, if need be I’ll insult him with a chainsaw.”

Hacker said, “Pardon me mentioning it but, didn’t we just give them all our RPGs?”

“Yup. Heavy machine guns too. Oh, wait. Did I remember to load up the ammo?”

Cox laughed, “You sly fuck! You knew this was going to happen.”

“Never set out without a fuckup plan.”

Hacker was rubbing his chin, “You got a plan for how we’re going to square the Norwegians?”

“I don’t know, Hacks, ask me a few more stupid questions, maybe I’ll offer them your ears.”

Riders on the Storm

Bogart’s voice was low and hard as he looked the girl over. “You’re Angelica?” Tall, stacked. Beautiful eyes with a hungry look.

He told her, “You’re a gift. From Jake to me. A ‘thank you’ for good business.” She stood pressed into the corner of the tiny, airless room. He took off the black shades. His dark, smoldering eyes traced her thighs and her tight butt in the frayed little denim cut-offs. Her big, soft breasts swelled and heaved, naked under the loose, low-cut tee as his eyes lingered and feasted on the rise and fall of her quaking curves.

His wiry black hair, pulled back tight into a high pony tail, gave him a look like a Chinese martial arts guy. Over a black hoodie, he wore a black leather sleeveless motorcycle jacket.

When he’d turned to shut the door behind him, she saw his motif of gang colors on the back.
Savage MC
didn’t mean anything to her, except a motorcycle club.

She did see the patch on his chest that said
. A heavy chain hung through the belt loops. Pull it out of the loops, swing it around, looked like it would make a fearsome weapon.

It looked to her like below the heavy silver buckle there was a fearsome weapon in the front of his black leather pants too. The tattoo on his cheekbone, the
Savage MC
‘S’ with a dagger through it, sent a chill down her back.

He stood in the doorway, the door closed behind him. Just the two of them in the little wooden room. Airless and dim, only a small lamp on a table in the corner and a bigger table in the middle. And a bed.
No windows.

Her big brown eyes burned at him and her husky Mexican accent stumbled awkwardly over the English as she said, “Does it matter at all whether I want to be your ‘gift’?”

He looked down into her face and said, “Nope. Not a bit.” She bit her lip. He said, “If you don’t, well, Jake said I should fuck you anyway. ’Cause you need breaking in, he says. An extra part of the gift.”

Her breathing was hard. He was big and she was small. She knew that she couldn’t have stopped him. He could have had her little tee and shorts off in no time. Do whatever he wanted with her. The thought made her breath catch. Thinking what he might do. The bulge in the front of his black leather pants was huge. Had to have been one hell of a big cock straining inside there.

Only three days before, she was dancing at her cousin’s wedding in her home village. Her uncle Cesar made a big speech to her parents and his other two brothers and their wives.

She was in the room when he gave the great news. That all of the girl children were going north to cross the border. Come to the USA. He had arranged people to escort them safely. Their, ‘Great Opportunity,’ was what he called it.

All of the parents raised their drinks and cheered. Angelica looked at her little sister Inez. Eighteen years old, her birthday less than a week ago. All of the girls looked at each other.

All around the same age. Their faces all frozen in disbelief. They all stared at their uncle. Did he believe what he was saying? Afterwards Angelica tried talking to uncle Cesar. “You know that I’m in law school in Mexico City. I don’t need to cross the border with some traffickers.”

“Don’t worry,” Cesar told her, a brandy in his hand and a cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth, “You’ll finish your studies in California. New York, maybe. Or maybe you go to Harvard. How would you like that?” It was all bullshit, but Cesar was firm.

Angelica had known this man all of her life, literally since she was born she knew uncle Cesar. Now, suddenly he was a stranger. Her father told her with a bleary smile,

“It’s all been arranged. It’s going to be great, you’ll see.” Her Mama couldn’t look at her. She couldn’t believe it but, next morning at dawn, eight girls were woken up by Cesar and four huge American biker guys bundled them, tired and half asleep into the back of a truck.

The bikers were nice enough and polite, but they were brisk and, however friendly they seemed, they all carried little black machine pistols. One biker, big bear of a man with evil, narrow shades and frizzy ginger hair tied back, sat in back with the girls.

He had a black kerchief knotted around his head, and a heavy leather bike jacket with lots of zippers and tassels on all of them. It had its own belt and, like his boots, it jingled when he moved. 

He sat on a trunk by the door with a big, shiny pump-action shotgun by his side. Lola, naturally, bottle-blonde, big-eyed Lola of the push-up and stilettos slid onto the trunk by his side.

She was whispering in his ear in no time, then she had her hand on his thigh, then sliding up and down his stomach. Up under the heavy motorcycle jacket. Before long her hand got lost behind the huge, jingling buckle on his wide leather belt and down the front of the biker’s jeans.

As the truck bumped on the road, Angelica’s cousin Raimunda told her that uncle Cesar had paid more than a thousand US dollars for each of them, to get them across the border. Given the money in cash to the American biker gang. She said, “Cesar’s no fool, you know that,” And that was certainly true.

But why would he want to spend money, and so much money, to get all of them into the US? And why only the girls? And why were his two daughters not in the truck? Raimunda said, “I had been thinking about that. Maybe he wants to see that it all works out before he sends Ana and Paola.”

“Maybe.” Angelica said. Lola by now was sitting real close to the ginger-haired biker. Her hand was way down his pants and his hands were in the low scoop of her top. She was giggling and batting her eyelids and a major performance was due pretty soon. “Poor little Lola,” Angelica told Raimunda, “Hasn’t got a clue.”

“Always thinking of herself,” said Raimunda. Most girls resented Lola to some extent. Understandably, but Angelica thought it was a shame.

“She’s just trying to protect herself, as always, but that guy? She’s wasting her time.”

Raimunda asked, “Why do you say that?”

Lola was working the guy’s zipper down. She would be sticking his cock in her throat soon. Angelica said,

“Two reasons. One, we’re going to see that biker’s happy face in about four minutes.”

“Yeah. So?”

“He’s not like the boys in our village. Guy like that, his happy face is the display that says, ‘system reset. Memory purge.’ By the time his eyes open again, he’ll have forgotten who she is.”

Raimunda didn’t look convinced. “Look at him,” said Angelica, “A blowjob is like a free beer to him. He won’t ever turn it down, but it’s hardly a life-changing moment.”

Raimunda’s eyebrows rose. Lola was giving the biker a naughty girl,
ooh, do I dare
giggle as her arm was slowly sliding up and down into his pants. The biker’s hips were starting to roll.

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