Sassy's Studs (4 page)

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Authors: Dakota Rebel

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance

BOOK: Sassy's Studs
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I opened my mouth to protest, but he tsked at me and walked away. I tried to turn to follow him with my gaze, but Colbie’s free hand went to my neck, holding me down against the car.

The fingers inside me slowed, their rhythm allowing my orgasm to back off, leaving it hovering on the edge, driving me insane. I started to complain again but was surprised at the feel of fabric being shoved into my mouth.

“I know you can’t ask us to stop with your panties in your mouth,” Ryan said. My cunt clenched around Colbie’s fingers at the realization that he had shoved my own underwear between my lips. “But if you need us to, just kick one of us or the car. Okay?”

I nodded my understanding. My body was so close to the brink I knew if Colbie would just shift his thumb harder against my clit I could finally release. I tried to press back against him but was rewarded only with another hard smack to my ass.

“Please!” I screamed, the sound muffled against my makeshift gag. I could taste my own essence against my tongue, and it actually made me even wetter. The hedonistic quality of everything that was happening was almost too much and pushed me even closer to orgasm.

The finger that had been in my ass was removed but before I could whine in protest it was replaced by a thick, fat tongue. I felt stubble against my ass cheeks as Colbie licked and penetrated my tight hole. The thumb on my button finally pressed harder, and I came, screaming and thrashing against the car, my hips pistoning up and down against Colbie’s hand and face.

Shockwave after shockwave contracted my muscles, everything clenching and releasing to the rapid beat of my heart in my chest. As the shuddering in my limbs finally subsided, I relaxed onto the hood again, panting around the cloth in my mouth, sweat beading at my brow.

I heard the sound of foil ripping and knew that one of them was putting on a condom. Tears threatened to fall in relief. My body ached to be penetrated fully. I had never wanted anyone as badly, needed anyone as badly as I needed them now.

Colbie walked around the hood of the car and, after leaning down to place a quick kiss at my temple, pulled his cock out of his pants. I thought that meant he would also remove my gag, but he didn’t. He dragged the tip of himself down the bridge of my nose. I felt the hot, wet, sticky pre-cum trail he left behind. I whimpered again, flicking my gaze up to see him smile down at me with so much love in his eyes I could do nothing but relax. He loved me. They loved me. As unorthodox as all of this was, looking into his eyes, I knew that it was going to work. We were all going to work.

I cried out in surprise as Ryan slammed himself fully into me from behind, rocking me forward, my hips colliding painfully with the car. I was so wet from Colbie’s ministrations there was no resistance for him at all. His body pistoned into mine, his fingers digging into the top of my ass, the head of his cock pressing, pressing, pressing into my g-spot.

I looked back up at Colbie, begging him with my gaze to let me suck him. I wanted us all to come together. He seemed to understand as he quickly pulled my panties out of my mouth and replaced them with the tip of his cock.

Since I didn’t have use of my hands, I had to trust him not gag me as he slowly fucked my mouth. My pussy contacted around Ryan as my body was used from both ends by the men I loved.

They quickly found a rhythm, both pushing in and pulling out at the same time, as if they could make their cocks meet in the middle of my body. I hummed against Colbie every time he pushed too close to the back of my throat, which he must have enjoyed because once he seemed to realize what I was doing, he hit that spot every time. Not deep enough to gag me, but deep enough to make my eyes water.

Ryan’s speed became more erratic, and I knew he must be getting close. I squeezed my channel tight around him and started humming steadily around Colbie’s cock. Ryan’s finger found my clit, and with three successive taps against the sensitive bud, we were all coming. I almost choked on the cum that shot into my mouth as I tried to scream my release around it. Colbie realized quickly and pulled out, the rest of his release spraying onto my lips and chin. Ryan’s hands gripped my hips as his dick jumped inside me. His hands splayed over my back, and he dropped his head to my shoulders then pulled out of me.

We all sort of collapsed against the hood of the car, exhausted, sated, and for me…very, very happy.


Chapter Five




“Sassy, honey, wake up,” Ryan’s voice sounded so far away.

“Unh,” I protested. Why the hell did he want me to wake up?

“Baby, you can’t sleep on the hood of the car,” Colbie prodded my side with his finger, and I jerked away from him.

After a minute or two, his words finally made it through my sleep-addled brain. The hood of the car. The desert. I’d passed out in the desert, naked, on the hood of Ryan’s car.

“There she is,” Ryan said as I finally forced my eyes open. “Knew we’d get there eventually.”

I shakily got to my feet and found my hands had been freed. I rubbed my wrists, though they didn’t hurt. It was just some sort of automatic reaction. I blinked sleepily at the men, both of whom grinned like idiots.

“Pants,” I croaked, my throat raw from screaming.

Colbie handed me my clothes, and they both helped me get dressed as I was still too wobbly to shimmy into my jeans on my own.

“We need to get you home,” Ryan said sadly. “What time do you work today?”

“M’off,” I said through a yawn.

“Well, thank goodness,” Colbie said. “I’d hate to have to call Mike and tell him you aren’t coming in today. He’d track us down and skin us alive. Let’s get you back to our house. You can sleep and take a shower then we’ll get you back to Barbie’s.”

“Fiesta,” I said as I climbed into the backseat of the car to lie down on the leather. “My bike is there. I left it. I need it.”

“Okay, sleepy face,” Ryan said, and I heard the smile in his voice. “We’ll take you to your motorcycle after you clean up and get some sleep.”

I think I nodded, but I’d obviously fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again I was lying in the middle of a bed, tangled in bed sheets and quite alone.

“Guys?” I called out, but there was no answer. I climbed out of bed, smirking when I saw that I was naked again then faintly smiling when I realized that they had cleaned me up before they’d tucked me in.

I grabbed a button-down shirt out of the closet and pulled it over myself. When I opened the bedroom door, I heard a television playing. I padded barefoot down the stairs and paused at the doorway of the den, smiling to myself at the sight of my men, baseball game on TV and both of them fast asleep on the couch.

Tiptoeing softly back down the hall, I went in search of the shower. I turned on the spray and stepped under the scalding hot water, allowing it to sluice over my sore muscles. Every ache reminded me of what had happened the night before, and a grin tipped my lips. Being with Colbie and Ryan had been even better than I could have imagined.

As I washed my hair I couldn’t help replaying highlights in my head. The feeling of elation when Ryan had turned toward the desert. The first feel of their lips against mine. The way each man’s hands had felt on my skin.

I shrieked in surprise when the shower curtain was pulled back and first Ryan then Colbie climbed into the stall with me.

“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I yelled, glaring at Ryan since he was standing in front of me.

“Of course not,” he said defensively. “Though I can’t promise we won’t try to kill you with orgasms.”

They each stepped toward me, sandwiching me between their wet, naked bodies. The press of their flesh against mine shot tremors through my muscles. I closed my eyes as two sets of hands roamed over my body, touching and caressing every inch of skin they could reach.

“What do you two have against beds?” I asked, the husky tone of my voice indicating I didn’t really mind at all.

Abruptly, the water was turned off, and Colbie stepped out of the tub, picked me up then walked back toward the bedroom.

“It was a joke,” I said, but neither of them seemed to be listening. “We’re soaking wet. Don’t you dare—”

Colbie dropped me onto the mattress anyway and climbed up next to me. Ryan walked around and got in the other side. Once again, my body was covered in hands. Fingers trailed lines through the water droplets that had beaded on my skin.

“How are you so damn beautiful?” Ryan asked softly, tracing a digit around my nipple. “It’s almost like I’d forgotten…or maybe you did get more breathtaking while you were gone.”

Heat burned my face at the compliment. No one had ever called me beautiful—well, no one but my parents. Normally, I would have tried to cover myself, to hide from the prying eyes of a lover, but Ryan and Colbie made me feel comfortable, safe. Maybe, it was because I’d known them my entire adult life. Even though I’d been gone for so long, for too long, they were still my best friends.

“Nah,” Colbie said as he licked water from my earlobe. “Sassafras has always been this gorgeous. It’s not new. Now, we just get to give in to the urge to lick every inch of her body.”

Fire burned in my core as my pussy dampened from more than just the water covering my body and the bed. The sheets had become soaked beneath us, but none of us seemed to mind.

I couldn’t believe how much I’d missed them. It had killed me to leave without saying goodbye to them, but I’d been afraid if I’d seen them again I wouldn’t have been able to go. And as much as my life may have sucked in California, it had been an important step for me. I’d had to get away, to try to make it on my own. Now that I was back, even though I couldn’t have been happier to be between these two men, I was starting to feel like a failure.

I hadn’t been able to make it in LA. In fact, I’d failed so hard that I’d had to run back to my mom, back to Vegas after I’d fought so hard to escape. I was going to waste my degree, waste everything I’d worked so hard for just to end up back where I’d started.

“Relax, Sass,” Ryan said, nuzzling my neck. “You’re wound like a spring. Let us take care of you. Please.”

I nodded and tried to unclench my muscles. Unfortunately, I couldn’t blink away the tears that spilled down my cheeks. I loved them, I really did and I always had. But what future did I have here?

“Sassy talk to us,” Colbie said, wiping the wetness away with his thumb. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

I didn’t know how to tell them without sounding as if I wasn’t happy to be with them. Even in my own head, it sounded selfish, but I just felt so lost. I was terrified this thing with them wouldn’t work and I’d just end up alone.

Ryan pulled me into his arms, and Colbie hugged us both. We sat there for a while, naked and wet, them holding me while I cried softly. To their credit, they didn’t ask me again, and the silence was actually more reassuring than if they had forced it out of me.

“I’m sorry,” I said finally when no more tears would come and I thought I could speak without my voice wavering. “It’s been a long year, and I guess a lot of stuff just hit me at once. Thank you both so much.”

“Hey, any time you want to cry naked in my bed, you feel free,” Ryan joked.

“Thanks,” I said with a small sniff. “Sorry if I killed the mood.”

“That’s okay,” Colbie said, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. “I’m sure it will come back eventually. Let’s get dressed and go find some food, huh? You must be starving.”

Until he’d mentioned it, I hadn’t realized I was indeed ravenous. I found my jeans on the floor and tugged them on then slid back into the button down I’d found earlier, knotting it at my waist. When the guys were dressed, I followed them down to the kitchen where I sat at the counter drinking coffee as I watched them attempt to cook for me.

“I hope you like eggs,” Ryan said as he finished cracking the last of a dozen eggs into a bowl. “It’s the only thing I know how to make.”

“Eggs are great,” I said. “How about toast?”

“You’re pushing your luck there, Sassafras,” Colbie warned. “We do cereal, and we do eggs. Everything else gets ordered in or taken out.”

“Fair enough,” I said with a nod. “Eggs are great.”

I didn’t say a word as Ryan dumped all of the scrambled eggs into a pan that was way too small to hold them all. They were trying, and it was incredibly sweet. I sipped weak coffee from the chipped MGM Casino mug they’d given me and covertly searched the fridge for a takeout menu that looked good. We’d need it when they realized they wouldn’t be able to serve me whatever Ryan was going to turn out of that pan.

“Pick Thai,” Colbie whispered as he walked behind me and grabbed the coffeepot to refill his own mug. “Or we’ll take you out somewhere.”

I smiled at him as he winked then pretended to help Ryan, who was cussing loudly at the eggs as if they had done him some kind of personal offense. The smell emanating from the stove was about to turn my stomach when Colbie finally intervened.

“Okay, that’s it,” he said as he reached around Ryan and turned off the burner.

“Hey!” Ryan protested weakly.

“Nope, you can’t make her eat that. And she would, or at least she’d pretend to for your sake.” Colbie grabbed the handle of the pan and dropped the whole mess into the garbage. I didn’t mention that the heat would melt the bag and leave them with a bigger mess to deal with. I just continued to drink my coffee and gazed at them both, smiling at their banter.

“Sassy, please tell me you can cook,” Ryan begged as he turned to look at me.

“Well,” I said. “I can make eggs. And cereal. And toast. So I guess I’ve got at least two up on you.”

“Wench,” Ryan said, his eyes dancing with humor. “Come on, let’s go get some food. What do you feel like?”

“Well, you still owe me pizza,” I said. “Let’s go to New York, New York and get some then we can ride the roller coaster.”

“Um…” Colbie glanced over at Ryan then back at me. “We aren’t exactly welcome there anymore.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. “How about Mandalay Bay? We could eat at the Shark Reef then go to the aquarium.”

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