Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish (5 page)

BOOK: Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish
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Trent started adding things together and didn’t like what he was coming up with. “Sara, I want you to listen to me for a minute. I have to call in the fact that I have you. I can’t just ignore that you have an outstanding warrant.” He held up his hand as she started to protest, “Please
, just hear me out.” He paused as he watched her struggle to contain her fear and settle back into her chair.


“I have some friends in the FBI and I want to contact them and tell them your story and see if they have any information about your boss in their files. Once I get that information, then I’ll decide whether or not to tell the local authorities I have you. In the meantime, I think you need to follow Dr. Baker’s advice and get some rest.”


“But if David has someone monitoring the law enforcement channels, won’t he know you’ve contacted the FBI about me?”


Trent smiled at her for the first time in many minutes, “Normally, yes. I have some close contacts within the bureau that won’t have any problem keeping a lid on things until we can figure out what we’re dealing with here. But, I have to have your promise to stick around, take care of your health, and let me do my job.”


Seeing that this might be her only chance at recovering her old life, Sara nodded and said, “I promise, I won’t try to leave. Actually, getting some rest sounds really good right about now.”


“I bet it does. Let me make a few phone calls and then I’ll get you home.”


“Home? I can’t stay with you, can I?” Sara was so tired, but she was sure she had just heard him say he was taking her home with him.


“I can and you are going home with me. My aunt lives with me, if that’s what has you so worried, so don’t. Just in case you missed the population sign as you drove into town, Castle Peaks is fairly small. We don’t have any hotels or motels, and no fancy B&B’s here. The only people who ever come here actually come to visit someone they know. “


“But won’t your aunt mind having a strange person in her house?”


“Well, the house is mine, and she’ll love having someone to fuss over. You’ll probably grow tired of her attention before long.”


Sara slowly nodded her head in acceptance. “Okay. You win.”


“I always do,” Trent informed her. “Why don’t you go over to the couch and lie down while I make these calls? It shouldn’t take too long, but you look like you’re getting ready to pass out on me again.”


Sara looked over her shoulder at the couch and couldn’t think of anything she would enjoy more. It took all of her spare energy to push herself up from the chair and walk to the couch. Once she settled herself into the cushions, she drew her knees up to her chest and looked up to see Trent sitting behind his desk watching her.


Trent started to go around his desk and help Sara over to the couch, but then thought better of it. His self-control was wearing thin, and the last thing he needed was to put his hands on her and kiss her like he had been wanting to do for the last thirty minutes.


As he watched her gingerly settle herself, he remembered the conversation he’d had with Dr. Baker about her bruises. She hadn’t mentioned David or Trevor having beaten her up so where did she get so bruised up. Waiting until she looked up at him, he asked, “Sara, when Dr. Baker was examining you, he noticed some large bruising on you. Where did those come from?”


Sara swallowed, “I fell down the stairs at work a couple of days before we flew to Las Vegas.” She had thought about that fall several times over the last couple of days and had begun to wonder if it had really been an accident, or if Trevor Ward had been involved. She remembered seeing him standing at the bottom of the stairs as she fell, and doing nothing to help her. Even once she had quit falling, he had just stood there staring at her, and when other help arrived, he had slipped away without saying a word.


At the time, she had been hurting and not sure if she’d broken a bone or two. After a quick trip to the emergency room, she had been released into David’s custody and cautioned about doing anything too strenuous for the next week or so while her bruises healed.


Drawing upon the anger and hurt he could see on her face, he felt on her behalf for the betrayal she had suffered, and turned himself around to locate the number of his FBI contact. Making the call, he proceeded to start the process of finding out all he could about Sara’s former boss. There was no way she would ever work for this man again.


Sara tried to maintain sitting upright, but she was so tired. The urge to allow herself to lie down on the couch eventually won out and she found herself curled up on the couch slipping into a peaceful sleep. Knowing that someone else out there believed her story and was willing to try and help her had lifted a huge burden from her shoulders and eased the incredible tension she had lived with for the last two days.


Chapter 5


Trent made his calls and then phoned his aunt. Jane Trowler had lived with Trent since before he graduated from high school. Her husband had been killed fighting the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, and his parents had offered her a home after the funeral. As a military wife, Jane and her husband had lived in base housing, but upon his death, she had been given no choice but to leave the base and find another place to live.


Jane had married Kenneth right out of high school, so the Marines were the only married life she had ever known. Trent’s mother welcomed her sister into their home and made her a part of their family.


When Trent had moved back to Castle Peaks, he had bought his parent’s home from them. They had decided to spend their retirement years traveling the globe and visiting all of the places they had only read about. Currently, they were somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean headed for Fiji. 


Trent had insisted that Jane remain in the house after she had insisted upon leaving. They had finally compromised and she had taken the job as his housekeeper and cook. Trent didn’t mind and was happy with the arrangement. Jane had her own studio apartment behind the main house and they got along great.


“Hey Jane, it’s Trent.”


“Trent, the weather looks like it’s going to get bad. Are you planning on coming home for dinner?”


“Yeah, I’m getting ready to leave now. I’m bringing a houseguest with me and was wondering if you could get the downstairs bedroom ready for her?”


“Her?” Jane questioned, not sure if she had heard her nephew correctly. In all of the years she had lived with Trent, he had never brought a woman to the house.


“It’s a long story, but suffice it to say that she remains my guest until I get some answers. She’s in trouble and pretty sick. Dr. Baker saw her earlier this afternoon and put her on some antibiotics, but she needs to get some rest.”


“Oh my, I’ll go make up the bedroom right now. Do you think she’ll be up for dinner this evening?”


“I think so. She needs to keep her strength up and get plenty of fluids until she gets this bug out of her system.”


“Okay. You bring her home and I’ll make sure and give her some extra attention.”


“Thanks. I knew I could count on you.”


“Always. Now, get home.”


Chuckling, Trent answered, “Yes Ma’am,” and hung up the phone. He heard his aunt begin to correct him at his use of the term, Ma’am. She hated it and said it made her feel old. He doubted she would forget and he’d hear about it later.


Closing down his computer, he walked over to the couch and watched his sleeping guest for a minute, noting that she appeared to be breathing much easier after taking the cough syrup.


Squatting down so that he was at eye level with her, he gently shook her awake. He watched as her eyes slowly opened, and she blinked to clear the sleep from them. As her vision cleared, he watched her eyes squint at him and wondered if the light was making her head hurt. “Hey there, do you have a headache?”


Sara looked at the man with his face so close to her own, and struggled to bring it into focus. She still needed her glasses, and now was probably going to get a headache from having to squint to see up close. At his question, she shook her head and said, “I can’t see.”


Trent was very alarmed at her statement and stood up when she reached out a hand and grabbed his arm. “Let me rephrase that. I can’t see anything very clearly when it’s really close to me. My glasses are in the car and I normally have them on. That’s why I didn’t read the cough syrup directions. I couldn’t see the words.”


At her explanation, Trent relaxed and enjoyed the fact that she still had a hold of his arm. Nodding his head, he reached out and helped her sit up on the couch. “I called my aunt and told her I was bringing you home with me. She’s getting a room ready as we speak.”


“She’s not mad that I’m coming there?”


“No, I told you, everything’s going to be fine. Is there anything you need, besides your glasses, from your car? I grabbed your purse and duffel bag. They’re out in my jeep. I had them tow your car over to the service station. We can stop by there to get anything you might need on the way home.”


Sara shook her head, “Just my glasses would be great. Thanks.”


Pulling her up to stand beside him, he released her shoulders once she was able to stand on her own and waved his arm towards the door, “Let’s go then.”


Chapter 6


As they drove through town, Sara noticed all of the Christmas decorations, everywhere. Having stopped and retrieved her glasses, she felt much more in control and was enjoying her first real look at the small town. “You all really get into the Christmas spirit around here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many decorations or lights outside of Disneyland.”


Trent laughed and agreed. “Christmas is our favorite time of the year. They start putting up lights at the beginning of November and then on Thanksgiving Day, they turn everything on right before dark. It’s pretty cool if I do say so myself.”


Sara was still looking with wonder at her surroundings. As they neared the church, she gasped as she saw the magnificent nativity display. Looking at Trent, she quickly turned her head back and gazed at the life sized nativity scene spread out on the grounds of the church. “It’s incredible. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

Trent tried to imagine seeing it for the first time and could appreciate the awed look on her face. It was pretty a
mazing. “Where did they get something like this?”


Trent stopped the jeep right in front of the church so Sara could finish looking. “The townspeople built it. When I was a little boy, they used to have a wood carving competition every fall. One year, somebody came up with the idea to carve life sized pieces. The next year, they started carving the nativity pieces you see now.


“The city council is in charge of ensuring they are preserved and repainted as needed, and everyone helps with setting up the display. It makes Christmas just a little bit more real, don’t you think?”


Sara could only nod her head as her gaze traveled back and forth across the church grounds. As she came to the camels, she studied their size and shape, and couldn’t help but ask, “How did they find trees that were the size of the camels?”


Trent laughed and told her, “They didn’t. Several of the men carved the basic outline and then joined the pieces of wood together. Then the final carving was done so that the pieces fit perfectly in line with one another.”


Moving the jeep forward once more, Trent offered, “How about I bring you down here tomorrow and you can walk around and look at them up close?”


Sara turned towards him and eagerly nodded. He could see the excitement in her eyes and the joy upon her face. If he had thought her beautiful before, happy, she was breathtaking. Drawing in a quick breath, he directed his sights back to the road and told himself to get control.


Sara craned her head to watch the display as the jeep pulled away. Leaning back against the seat, she looked at Trent, “You never said, but were you able to find anything out about my situation?”


“Not yet. I talked to my contacts and they are going to run your bosses’ name through their database and see what pops up. They did bring up a crucial point you might not have thought about – you’re legally married to this man, right?”

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