Sanibel Sizzle - Vampire Werewolf Menage (43 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Sizzle - Vampire Werewolf Menage
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Tatum blew Jayce a kiss, after wiping a wayward tear.  Only then did she address her other love. “Bren Walker, you scared the he
ll out of me when we were teens. 
I understand now more
an ever, knowing what you truly are.
  You don’t have to feel sorry for that, becaus
e I forgave you so long ago
.” She watched his shoulders relax
.  “No matter how crazed you get, you heart is in
right place and
belongs to you.   It always will. 
  And I’m goin
g to try harder for you every day, just as you do for me

Bren checked for onlookers.  Seemingly satisfied, he misted before her and effortlessly picked
her up bridal
.  “I frightened you
? Have you any idea what I’ve been through with you?  I think we’re more than

“Most likely,” she murmured
, tightening her arms around his cor
ded neck, admiring his male beauty.  “I continually lose all senses staring at you and I realize I always will

I’ve said it a million times:  I’m a lucky, lucky girl.


Jayce misted beside them, matching that wicked glint in Tatum’s eyes.
“We’re done,” Jayce said to the gathering, as they walked away with Tatum cradled in Bren’s arm
and headed for
the penthouse

Renee raised her eyebrows at Rebecca and nudged
her knee
. “I heard it was ladies night down
at Liberty’s
.  Those particular banana hammocks are filled to capacity, never droopy, and surrou
nded by pristine youth and man-scaped
male magnificence.”

“Oh, shit,” Rebecca covered her face.  “You seriously don’t want to do that.”

With his head canted, Arian strode purposefully across the sand, kicking it up with long strides while never misting or losing eye contact with his mate.  “He didn’t even mist.” Renee shot back at Rebecca.

“He’s making a statement,” sh
e explained. “It’s a territorial lope.  Oh, and
you’ve pissed him off.”

“Mine,” he tightly hissed,
in front of Renee within scant seconds.

“It was joke,” Renee giggled, when A
rian gripped her ankles and dragged
her down the chaise. “You’re burning my butt,” she complained, rubbing her backside.

“Stop with the thongs,” he ordered, throwing her over his massive shoulder and slapping her ass none too kindly.  “That mouth of yours needs something else to do besides provoking me.  Tell your friend good-bye.”

Becca,” she tried to sound disappointed in leaving, but fooled no one.  Re
nee just couldn’t wipe the silly
, love-sick grin off her face.

“I’m out,” Dru told the others, after witnessing the scene with his co-mates.

“I’m definitely
,” Bane retorted, laughing before misting next to Arian and Renee.  “You’re in so much trouble, little one.  Now’s a
good a time as any to tell you
I’ve put a spanking bench in our new
playroom,” he murmured against her ear, inducing her shiver.

“Don’t I get some kind of safe word?
” she challenged.

“Immortals don’t use safe words, sweetheart, they’re for humans
.” Dru appeared alongside them with his fangs elongated
, dripping
.  “
I have a little endorphin-induced insurance policy against that.”

“Bad vampire,” she scolded, trying to
look stern but she couldn’t pull it off

“That’s the way you like me,” he reminded her with blazing eyes.

“That’s the way I
you,” she promised, kissing Arian’s solid neck while never taking her eyes off Bane and Dru, “all of you.”

t’s go home.” Arian nibbled Renee’s
oulder before handing her to Dru
She waved at Rebecca when Dru nailed her throat and misted her out, followed by Arian and Bane.

“The last one standin
g,” Rebecca sighed, watching Blade
near Ciaran, though neither looked at her.  “On the w
hole, I’m now convinced of fate, Blade.  You kept telling me something I denied vehemently, but you were right.  I’m so in love with you.
”  She stared down, running her fingers through the powdery sand, making random designs b
efore smoothing them.

I’m predestined wi
th the best of the males and they’re going to be awesome fathers.”

Ciaran, I heard you talking on the phone, earlier.  And I don’t want
you to give up Scotland for me. 
That pack wasn’t handed to you.
You earned it.  Not many Alphas can claim that if any

Why throw all that away? We should go home
to Scotland.
” She felt his stare and raised her face to meet it. “I’m desperately in love with you.

“Ah, lass, I love you deeply,” Ciaran breathed, embracing her with a gentle hug.

“I still can’t get used to how fast you are.”
Jarred that he was suddenly in her face, s
laughed and
kissed the tip of his nose.  “I’m hungry.”

“Anything,” Blade said, now next to them. “Tell me what you want to eat, and I’ll get it.”  His smile was wide, ear to ear, no doubt thinking of the child they created. So was she.

“Not for food, fel


prowled the roof. 
Lonely, so fucki
ng lonely, he groaned
.  All the
while knowing Tatum was inside
– not lonely in the l
east - being serviced by two
mates.  With his keen he
aring, he was unable to
drown out her cries of pleasure
, even mentally
.  Then Gage pictured
coming inside her, being Tatum’s only one. But he wasn’t, never would be.  He should be happy for her…if he loved her.  The whole love them and set them free bullshit
should be
full-blown action

Did anyone really do that?

For the hundredth time
this month
, he wondered:
Why can’t I move on?

He was one of the strongest males of their species

Rebecca just spoke of fate.  He pictured said fate in his mind:  a cold-blooded bitch that fucked with his life for hundreds of years.

He was sick of fate and quite sick of himself.


Rolling his head on his shoulders, he felt the tension.  The need for the wind on his face, the beast wanted to run.  So he hit mid-transformation, keeping control of his ancient werewolf all the while using its primordial power. Feeling the claws sharpen, canines scraped his lower lip, muscles tripled and lengthened as they mapped the planes of his body.
Senses tingled with extraordinary awareness.

Gage was pumped.

For the moment, he could forget.
  Forget Tatum had moved to Miami and lived in his very building.  Days upon days of temptation lay ahead. 

Run.  Run. Run.

Jetting from building to building, Gage wasted no time.  Scenery blurred.  Roof tiles
apped under his feet as the wind slapped
his body.  Elation overtook him before he realized he’d gone t
oo far, approaching the club scene

The sex zones he vowed to

He skidded to a
mind numbing
stop and

, his beast snarled.

Words he’d never imagined.  No fucking way, he thought
, after all these years?
How was it finally possible?
But his body convinced him otherwise as he grew insatiably hard after
scenting a female arousal.  
That arousal belongs to me.

Car after car, building after building, humans after humans, the obstacles were endless.  Within a mile’s radius, how was he supposed to f
ind a female that just climaxed
in a Miami hotspot

Sanibel Seduction

Is Gage looking for you?

Winter 2012

Up next

Captiva Captive
October 15th



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