SAMANTHA POSEY: LOVE UNFOLDED: A BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance (9 page)

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still hate you for what you've done. I just don't know if I can completely let
you go," he says. 

He lay down
pulling her close to him. They fall asleep. She never wants to let him go but
she knows if she doesn’t leave he will put her out. She leaves at 5 a.m. to go
to Nicki's room. He opens his eyes when he sees her leave.  When she gets
to Nicki’s room she takes a shower. She sits on the shower floor letting the
water fall on her. Her face is red from continuously crying. She sits there for
what seems like an hour.

Later the
next day, Jacob looks up Samantha Posey.  He sees that she is no slouch.
She is one of best for planning Holiday Galas. Because The Gala was in Jacob's
hometown, a lot of family, friends, and business partners came out to
contribute as well as those from out of state.

If anyone
couldn't make it, they donated through the hotline. They already made headlines
in the newspaper for the biggest Gala in history to raise $35 million for a
foundation in one night. There is a picture of them in the newspaper from the

goes back to her home in Atlanta. She is so exhausted from the trip she falls
asleep wishing she hadn't lied.

comes and goes but Jacob doesn’t spend it with Samantha. He comes over to her apartment
the day after drunk. He is still pissed, telling her neighbors as they walk by
that Samantha is his lying girlfriend. She has to help him up the steps. When
she gets him inside she drops him on the bed.

here," he says as she takes his jacket off.

“Come here I
miss you,” he says pulling her down on top of him as he falls asleep. She
stands up watching him sleep, feeling happy he is here. Jacob is on location
again in Atlanta for two weeks. Sometimes he stays for a few days. Other times
he spends the night or not come over for a day or so.  He is always drunk
carrying a bottle of whiskey ringing her door bell.

open the door! I mean Samantha!” he says yelling into the speaker. 

She always
has to drag him into her apartment.

stop before you're on social media," she says.

She had just
finished throwing up when he tries to kiss her. She runs to the bathroom to
brush her teeth. He stands in the doorway.

look flush. Are you sick?" he asks.

“I don't
know,” she says.

As sick and
twisted as their relationship is, she still doesn’t want him to leave. She
needs to be with him. He sits in the chair in the living room.

“Come here.”

She sits on
his lap. He rubs her breast and she flinches, because they are sore and tender.
He picks her up taking her into the bedroom to make love to her. Their
lovemaking is still very sensual, personal and freeing. Afterwards she lay in
his arms.

have you done to me, some Voodoo shit? I can't leave you alone," he

is reality and not some part you are playing on TV," she says.

She knows
from her symptoms that she is pregnant but she can’t bring herself to tell him.
One morning she waits until he is sober.

"Are we
together?" she asks.

Jacob knows
he doesn’t want to have sex with anyone else but still answers, "I don’t

“I feel
you're just using me for sex,” she says. “Either we're going to be together or
we’re not.  This isn’t healthy. I think you need to take a break from me
because you're still punishing me.” 

you deserve to be punished?" he asks.

but for how long Jacob? I don’t think you love me anymore," she says.

“I do love
you,” he says.

He kisses
her. He’s not sure how he feels about her. He does know that he doesn’t want to
stop seeing her.  He tells her whatever she needs to hear. He knows he is
making her vulnerable. Something she isn’t. She has to stop seeing him before
she starts showing signs of being pregnant.  She knows his pattern so she
sends him a text message telling him that she has to go out of town for a
conference and she'll call when she gets back. Samantha takes a pregnancy test
just to be sure she is right.

She goes to
stay with Nicki for a while because she is having horrible pains and can’t keep
food down.

On the set
of Jacob’s show, Josh asks Jacob, “So what’s going on with you and what's her
name, Tiffany or Samantha?"

really knows?  It could be nothing or maybe something.  I'm messing
with her head,” says Jacob. 

"But do
you want to be with her?" asks Josh.

“No,” Jacob

“Then let
her go because you are making yourself and us miserable too.”

About a
month goes by and neither one tries to call the other. When Jacob falls during
a stunt and hurt his head Jenny finds Samantha’s number under Tiffany/Samantha
and calls her.

Samantha its Jenny.

“Hi, Jenny.”

“Jacob fell
doing a stunt and hit his head. He has a concussion. He needs someone to look
after him. Can you take care of him for a week?" asks Jenny.

want me to come to Montreal!" asks Samantha.


“I don’t
know. I don’t think he wants me there.”

exclaim Jenny. “You owe me for keeping your secret and I still believe in you
two! He's a mess without you! Give him some time, he'll come around.”

I'll be there," says Samantha reluctantly.

By the time
Samantha arrives Jacob is at home from the hospital in bed taking a nap with a
bandage wrapped around his head.

for coming," says Jenny. “I know he’s been really hard on you.  The
time you guys had a part is making him come around. He has somewhat of a better

might be because we haven't been together."

“I'll leave
him in your capable hands.” Jenny gives Samantha a hug goodbye.

Later that
night she hears him call for Jenny.

Jacob. Jenny called and asked me to come take care of you.”

“I don’t
know why she did that. You and I haven’t spoken in over a month.”

you were abusing me," she says.

“So I
shouldn’t have been mad?” he asks.

“I’m not
saying you shouldn’t have been mad. I’m saying be mad and let me go or forgive
me so we can move on. I lost our baby because you’ve treated me like
shit!" she says. I couldn’t eat or take care of myself. Nicki had to nurse
me back to health. I haven’t been to work in weeks but here I am to take care
of you! I will do this and I will let you get on with the new women in your
life. Why isn’t one of them here by the way?” she asks.

not in love with them. I'm in love with you," he says.

you have a hell of a way of showing it!"

He is
crushed to hear that Samantha was pregnant and he didn’t know it. Then to find
out that she lost their baby and he was the reason.

won’t be having sex with you anymore, because you’ve damaged me!” she shouts.
“I just want to be left alone," she says as she starts to cry.

He tries to
sit up to console her but he can’t.

sit in the chair right here," she says.

you at least get in the bed with me?"

Jacob grabs
her hand pulling her over to him making her lay in the bed with him.

“I'm sorry
you lost our baby,” he states.

He kisses
her head. They are quiet as they watch TV together until they fall asleep.

She takes
great care of him for the week. It is as if they were never apart; the way they
get along. You couldn’t tell that they had been through a major break up. She
sleeps in the guest room during her stay.

Jacob comes
down to her room.

"Do you
want me to cut off the lumberjack beard?" asks Samantha.

"No I
will do it.”

He sits down
on the bed next to her. “No Jacob I'm not having sex with you. I can’t keep getting
pregnant by you. I'm not on the pill.  And you're not my man! Go fuck one
of the many women you're seeing.”

She stands
up in front of him. 

He pushes up
her skirt placing his hand up the side of her panties. He runs his index finger
along her folds.

"No I'm
not doing it," she murmurs.

He picks her
up laying her on the bed, pulling off her panties.

“Do you want
me stop?” he whispers, as he kisses her stomach. Her hands are now in his hair
and her eyes closed.

she whispers.

He gives
soft succulent kisses. He misses being between her legs. He sucks her clit then
licks her folds. His tongue buries deep within her repeatedly. She arches her
back pushing his face deeper as her muscles contracts around his tongue
swallowing all of her warm juices.

Jacob,” she moans while her legs shake. 

He wipes his
face with his t-shirt before throwing it to the floor.

“You know I
can’t resist you,” she says starting to cry.

He thrust
inside her fast savoring her tight warm surroundings.

"Fuck I
missed the way you feel!”

He leans
over pressing his mouth over hers; their tongues intertwine.

“I love you

“I love you
too Samantha.”

He grabs her
hips moving in a circular motion hitting her G-spot.

Jacob knows
he needs her. No one else has this kind of power over him. Jacob pushes back
and forth with long strokes until they cum together.  He lay there on top
of her.

“I'm going
to get my shit together and I'm going to have you as my wife,” he says.

She pushes
him off her. “Jacob, stop it. You got what you wanted. I'm leaving!”

please don’t leave?"

should I stay?" she asks. She put her panties back on.

I love you!”

“You loved
me before you found out I lied to you. Until you can really get past me lying
you won't be happy with me. I'm leaving. If you love me you will back out on
the dates you made with the other women. You will also tell the world I'm your
woman. When you're ready to do that give me a call.”

He put on
his pants and walks toward her. She places her hand on his cheek.

“I'm sorry I
did this to us; made us both not want to commit,” she says.  “So you will
date whomever and I'll start dating again too. I just won't be good company.
But men only want eye candy anyway right? The sad part is when I'm lying in the
bed with them I'll be thinking of you; the only man who knows how to satisfy me
mentally and physically. Bye Jacob," cries Samantha.

She gets her
bags and leaves.  Samantha is calling his bluff because she knows he wouldn’t
commit to her again. She knows he is not serious but she really wishes that he

A few weeks
later, Samantha goes to a bar in Atlantic Station to watch the Lakers game. She
wishes she was with Jacob right now.

“Hello, is
this seat taken?”


“Hi, my name
is Marvin.”

she says.

They start
talking about the Lakers over drinks and appetizers.

was fun. May I call you and take you on a real date?" asks Marvin.

I'd like that," responds Samantha.

Weeks go by
and nothing from Jacob. He is dating again but not seeing anyone seriously.

Jacob is on
a hiatus in Aruba. He has different girls on his yacht every night. He forces
Samantha from his mind. Jacob has the music blasting. He walks around greeting
all of the beautiful women dancing and tanning on his yacht.

“Hey Mark,
you need a drink?” asks Jacob.

“Yeah man!”

reaches behind the top deck bar and throws him a beer. Jacob is wearing swim
trunks, flip flops, and sunglasses showing off his tanned chest. He goes below
deck to his cabin where four beautiful women are waiting for him.

He goes to
his private bar to make himself a drink. He picks up his cell phone off the bar
to turn on the camera to take a picture of the ladies. 

And there
she is just as beautiful as ever staring back at him from his phone. He goes to
the next picture and it is one of them together. Something clicks in his head
making him remember all the great times they shared. He remembers them dancing
around the house together and singing karaoke. He smiles.

“Hey Poppy!
We are waiting for you. We want to take care of you Poppy,” says the naked
woman pulling his arm.

“Oh yeah!
Lead the way baby,” he says leaving his phone on the bar.

Samantha is
out on a 3rd date with Marvin. They walk hand in hand down the street when they
come across a news stand.

She picks up
the tabloid. There is a picture of Jacob on his yacht partying with various
women on the front page. Samantha doesn’t want to admit to herself but she is
mad as hell at him and jealous. But why should she be mad she told him to do
what he wants. Samantha makes up her mind that she is going to sleep with
Marvin tonight.

wrong?" asks Marvin.

she says as she clinches his arm. They go back to her place. "Have a seat.
I'll make you a drink!"

They sit and
talk. Samantha leans over to kiss his gorgeous full lips. Marvin is 6'4 and
built like a basketball player.

 He has
beautiful chocolate skin with dimples that can make any girl drop her panties
in the blink of an eye. She then straddles him; kissing him again with her arms
around his neck while his hands unhook her bra.

He lay her
down on the couch underneath him. He kisses her neck as he runs his hand down
her leg making her tingle inside.

"Do you
want to go in your bedroom?" he whispers.

she murmurs.

She keeps
seeing her and Jacob make love.

“No! Um,
right here is fine.”

He kisses
her neck then kisses her breasts.

so beautiful!" he says kissing her lips.

she says.

“I want to make
love to you but I'm not ready yet. I'm so sorry!”

“Don’t be,”
he says with a smile, those big beautiful eyes with long eyelashes and those

After Marvin
leaves, she is mad at herself for not following through. Why can't she get over
Jacob? She cries herself to sleep.

The next
morning, Jacob knows he messed up when he sees the tabloid. He may have lost
the best woman he ever had.

Jacob phones
her and it goes to voicemail.

will you please call me back? We need to talk.”

Samantha sees
he is calling but ignores the call. When he boards his jet later that morning
he calls her again. “I would like to take you out so we can talk. Will you
please return my call?”

“Jeff we’re
going to Atlanta,” says Jacob.

goes into her office not greeting Nicki. Nicki knows Samantha is upset.

"Let me
guess, you had a wonderful time with Marvin but that damn Jacob popped into
your head. How am I doing so far?”

“He keeps
calling me! Fuck! Nicki, I can't do this again.”

The sheer
look of sadness breaks Nicki’s heart.

“This stupid
tabloid is what broke my concentration! I have to go, I will be in meetings
most of the day.”

Jacob calls I'm not here," says Samantha.

Nicki gives
Samantha a hug, “It will be ok.” Later that day Nicki is at her desk on a call
when Jacob shows up.

“Yes sir I
will look into it, goodbye,” says Nicki. Nicki looks like a deer in headlights.

“Jacob what
do you want?!” asks Nicki.

“Hi, to you
too Nicki. I need to see Samantha.”

“I don't
think that's a good idea.”

asks Jacob.

“She's moved
on with her life. She doesn't want to see you!”

understand I made a mistake but please just let me talk to her?” he asks.

says Nicki.

I'm not leaving until I see her I will make a scene!"

Fine she's in a meeting. You can wait in her office.”

After the
meeting, Samantha walks briskly to her office. When she glances over at Nicki’s
face she halts.

“Jacob is
here to see you!” says Nicki.

heart drops to her feet.

see," says Samantha.

She tries to
hold her composure. She walks into her office.



It is kind
of awkward for them to see each other.  They haven’t seen each other in a
long time. She closes the door. He is trying not to get mad.

"Who in
the fuck is Marvin?" Jacob asks.

There is a
beautiful bouquet of flowers on her desk that Marvin sent.

The card
reads, “I would like to see you again despite what happened last night.”

you fucking him?" Jacob asks.

none of your fucking business!"

“I told you
if you want to be with me to give up all the other women! You chose not to!”

let me start over. I miss you and I want to be with you and I know I have to
come on your terms!" says Jacob. “I left you a message telling you I want
to see you.”

"I miss
you," he says.

What?" she gasps.

She throws
the magazine in front of him. She’s standing behind her desk one hand on her
hip the other pointing at the magazine.

the fuck are all these women Jacob?" she asks.

Samantha is
fuming. He thinks to himself,
those fucking tabloids

“It shows
you on the yacht with lots of women. Oh and it shows you're already dating

“I was
dating her but now I'm not.” 

She starts
walking towards the door.

“Jacob I
think it's time for you to leave.”

Before she
gets to the door he turns her around, pulls her towards him, and throws her up
against the door vigorously kissing her lips. Jacob pulls up her skirt.

He almost
has her panties off when Samantha stops him. “No I won’t let you get back in
that easy. I won’t!” she says choking back tears.

He is
wearing a navy suit, his hair is perfect, and he smells unbelievably good. She
can eat him up right now. She is already wet for him. But she stands her

“You have to
work for these cookies all over again,” she says.

She pulls up
her panties and straightens her skirt. Samantha is wearing a navy blouse and a
pink midi skirt that makes her ass look fat. Jacob can’t help but watch her ass
while she walks to get her coat. Jacob helps Samantha put on her coat. He holds
her in his arms for a brief moment not saying a word.

Her eyes
close and in that instant all the thoughts of their time together comes rushing
back. Samantha works hard to keep her composure. Jacob let her go. He put on
his navy top coat.

“Are you
going to stop seeing Marvin?”

don’t know. Are you going to act right this time?" asks Samantha.

says Jacob.

"Then I
will think about it.”

They walk
out of her office. Samantha walks over to Nicki.

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Master Red by Natalie Dae
Fleeced by Hazel Edwards
Jealousy by Jessica Burkhart
Darwin Expedition by Diane Tullson
Morir de amor by Linda Howard
The Portrait of A Lady by Henry James