Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Sally's Wolf (Motor City Vampires Book 3)
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Javon put his arm around Sally reassuringly. “Let’s go sit down; you can tell me everything.”

“Okay,” she croaked out, trying her best not to burst into tears.

Javon and Sally sat down on the couch in the upstairs sitting room. It also served as a mini library, holding all of Sally’s recent romance books. It was a small cozy room with oversized furniture and no TV. He walked over to a mini fridge in the corner by the window overlooking the front yard. He pulled out two bottles of blood.

“Warm or cold?”

“Warm please,” she replied.

Javon placed both in the microwave and two minutes later, the bottles were warm and ready. He sat next to her and they both took a sip. Sally relaxed a little; she knew talking to someone would be best. She needed to figure out her feelings and there was nobody better than her fledgling.

“Start from the beginning and tell me everything.”

Sally took a deep breath, looked at her bottle, and took another long sip. “After Abby got rescued, I started seeing Connor as a friend. We would go to dinner sometimes; a movie, stuff like that. I don’t have many really good friends so I was happy to have a new friend. Well, he asked to be more than friends; he wanted to date. I said no. Vampires and werewolves don’t mate—it’s not done.”

“Sally,” Javon interrupted. “That’s not exactly true, it has happened in the past.”

That was a complete shock to Sally. She had never heard of any Vampire-werewolf mating. “When... how?” she demanded to know.

“Last one I heard about was about eighty years ago in New Orleans. A female werewolf and a Vampire mated in an official Vampire ceremony. Of course, the female’s pack was upset; they hate to lose breeding stock. They have six kids last I heard. All six are hybrid Vampires who can transform to wolves. The official term is Lycan-Vamps.”

“Why have I heard nothing about this?”

“The Council doesn’t want it to be a commonly known fact that we can successfully find an Eternal Mate with the Werewolves and other Lycan species.” 

Sally was beyond stunned and almost speechless at everything Javon was telling her. There was no way there were actually half breeds out there. The Vampire Council couldn’t allow such a thing, she thought to herself.

“Then what happened, Sally? How did Connor end up in your bed?” he asked patiently.

“I never said he was in my bed,” she said defensively.

Javon’s eyebrow went up in an ‘I know what you did’ look. “Come on, tell me the truth.”

“I called him from
. I had a few Red Wine Good Time drinks and I was basically drunk.”

Javon burst out laughing. “You drunk-dialed Connor the werewolf. Oh my, wait until Abby hears about this.”

Sally slapped Javon upside the head, reprimanding him. “You will not breathe a word to anyone. You are still my fledgling. You will obey me.” Sally stood up to leave, but Javon stopped her, bringing her back to sit on the couch.

“I won’t say a word. I’m sorry. I want to hear what happened. Really.”

“I basically jumped him; I took advantage of him after he brought my drunken Vampire butt back here. I’m so embarrassed. How will I ever face him again?”

“Don’t be silly. He wanted you. You know that. Just talk to the guy. It will be fine. We all do stupid things when we’re faced with a possible Mate.”

“Javon, don’t say that. You know I can’t mate with him. I just don’t know if I want things to change. We have such a good time together; I don’t want anything to change.”

“It sounds like it already has. Like it or not, you can’t take back what happened. The big question is what are you going to do now?”

Chapter 7

onnor arrived at the VC office after a quick stop at home to change. He was finally able to be with Sally, but at what cost? She was drunk and would probably never forgive him for it. He should have had better will power and resisted her drunken advances. He just sat down in the office when his phone immediately started ringing.

“Yes,” he responded.

“Mr. O’Connor, there is a Mr. Randall from Detroit Vampire Relation on the line for you.”

“Put him through.”

“Mr. Randall, this is Malice O’Connor. What can I do for you?”

“Mr. O’Connor, thank you for taking my call. I wanted to get in touch with you concerning the Vampire situation.”

“Mr. Randall. The Vampire situation, as you put it, won’t be any different than it’s been for the last millennia. The only difference is that now I have government officials such as yourself breathing down my neck.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Mr. O’Conner.”

Connor took a deep breath, realizing that he was taking his frustration over Sally out on Mr. Randall. He needed to regroup and save the situation. The last thing he needed was to have this weasel tattle to the Vampire Council that he was less than accommodating.

“I’ll tell you what, Mr. Randall. Why don’t you stop in my office tomorrow night at 2:00 am? I can go through all our procedures and rules and you can ask all the questions your government office may have.”

There was a brief pause before there was a response on the other end of the phone.

“Thank you, Mr. O’Connor. Is there a possibility of making it a little earlier? I work daytime hours.”

“First thing you need to do, Randall, is change your schedule. You need to keep Vampire hours—dusk until dawn. I’ll see you at 2:00 a.m.”

Connor hung up the phone with a smirk on his face. He could have made the meeting a little earlier, but didn’t want to make it too easy on the man. He checked his emails and had more than the usual amount. Several from the Vampire Council concerning hiring additional Vampire enforcers to keep the Vampires in line, as well as setting up additional offices in Lansing and Grand Rapids. The whole coming out business certainly wasn’t going to make his job any easier.

akarai sat in a Vampire bar—the kind he never went to—the kind that only catered to live drinking. It was called
Red Stuff
. It was a small dimly lit building. Vampires had excellent night vision so any light was optional, mainly for the humans. This wasn’t anything like
where Mary worked. This was a horrible place. The walls were a dingy grey with cheap wood chairs and tables; he could smell the misery and desperation emanating off all the humans. He could sense most of the females who worked there. The blood whores took drugs, alcohol, or just didn’t eat enough.

Maurice sent him a message that he was going to meet him there. He waited patiently at a table until a man walked up and sat down.

“I am Brian; Maurice sent me.”

“Where is Maurice?”

“On his way from Europe; it’s a long trip. Maurice is my sire; you can be open with me. I couldn’t betray him even if I wanted to.”

“Why did he send you?” Dakarai asked in a menacing tone, like he would rather be slitting Brian’s throat than talking to him.

“I know you are upset. You want to find Salihah; Maurice told me.”

“Do you know her?” he asked in a hopeful tone.

“I don’t know anyone by that name, but that doesn’t mean much. I’m a new fledgling. I can tell you this: Maurice is obsessed with getting Mary back. Help him and he will help you.”

“And what do you think about your sire’s obsession?”

“I think he’s bat shit crazy and should move on, but that’s not my place.”

“Have you ever lost someone you love, Brian; someone you want so bad you can feel it in your soul?”

Brian looked at him and then looked down in admission. “I have and it hurts everyday she’s not with me, but I don’t let it make me crazy.”

“So you think I am crazy, too?”

“It’s not exactly sane to chase after a woman that long. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. You can’t force love.”

“You are young. Live a hundred, perhaps a thousand, years without your love and you may change your opinion.”

Brian stood up, and Dakarai followed. “I will tell Maurice things went well and we should proceed as planned. Maurice may be crazy, but he’s my sire and I will protect him with everything. Don't think about betraying us. It would end badly for you.”

Brian left abruptly without saying goodbye.

t was nearly dawn when Maurice and Jacquelyn arrived in Detroit, and they were tired and hungry from the long trip. Maurice had arranged to rent a furnished apartment in Farmington Hills, a suburb of Detroit. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but much better than the abandoned crack house he lived in with Brian the last time he was in Detroit. It was decorated with neutral colors and comfortable furniture. There were two bedrooms and a kitchen with a small dining room. Maurice checked the fridge and found many bottles of blood as ordered.

They settled into the apartment, checking all the windows for light. There was nothing worse than waking during the day because you missed a spot.

“Maurice, this is such a cute apartment, but why don’t we stay in a hotel?”

“Hotels are risky, this is safer. You never have to worry about housekeeping barging in during our death sleep.”

“Oh, okay,” Jacquelyn replied.

She looked at Maurice with wide eyes and a desire that he either ignored or didn’t notice. As her sire, he could easily have her; she had more than once implied she was more than willing. He had not taken her up on her offer. She even arranged for him to accidentally walk in on her in the nude; he just walked away without a word. She just couldn’t understand why they had to travel halfway around the world chasing a woman who didn’t want him.

“Maurice, are you sure this is a good idea? Why chase a woman who can’t see the wonderful man you are?”

Maurice sat on the modest couch, patted the seat next to him, and waited until Jacquelyn sat next to him. “Because I love her,” he said with sadness in his eyes. “I’ve loved her since before I was Vampire. I wanted to marry her and have a family. That didn’t happen. When I was turned, I thought she was lost to me forever. Then when I found out she was also turned, it was like I was right back in France again looking forward to a future with the woman I loved. I need to get her back to make all this worth it.”

“Okay, Sire, I understand.” Jacquelyn ran to her bedroom and quickly shut the door. She didn’t want Maurice to see her reaction, the hurt on her face.

Chapter 8

onnor stood outside Sally’s house. It was only about twenty minutes until dawn. He tried to get to her house earlier, but the day after the Vampire reveal was just a crazy day. He rang the doorbell and knocked. A few moments later, the door cracked open; it was Sally looking like she was ready to crawl into bed with her silky pink baby doll nightgown that barely went past her thigh. She had the most perfect brown skin, as smooth as anything he had ever felt. Her hair was straighter than it used to be, but she was gorgeous no matter what she did. Her full and pouty lips just begged to be kissed. She pulled her robe tighter around herself, covering up her exposed skin. He came to talk, but all he could think about was taking her to her room and making love to her until neither of them could move.

“Connor, what are you doing here? It’s almost dawn.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Can I come in? We need to talk.”

Sally stood there thinking about it. Connor finally took it upon himself and pushed past her into the house.

“Hey!” she yelled. “You can’t just barge in here.”

“I think I can. If this is the only way I can get you to talk to me, then this is what I will do.”

He watched as Sally’s canines lengthened into full on fangs. She hissed. “Please have a seat, Connor.”

He sat close enough that he was almost touching her leg with his. He wanted to take her in his arms again, but knew one wrong move and she would probably refuse to ever see him again and maybe even move. Vampires were never in the same place very long—twenty years was probably the most they would stay in one place. Moving before the neighbor’s got suspicious that you never aged was a requirement when you were one of the undead.

“Sally, I want to start by saying I am sorry. It was wrong of me to take advantage of your inebriated condition. I knew better but I did it anyway...”

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