Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9) (38 page)

BOOK: Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)
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When this one was in, spreading her oh-so-deliciously, he paused and said, “Okay, Sweet thing. This one is my size. Do you want me to get you off with the dildo, or with my cock?”

“You, Sir! I want you!”

She heard the condom wrapper, and seconds later he was up on the chaise behind her. He’d stripped out of his jeans a while back when she complained she wanted more skin contact, and less denim.

He pressed in slow, his hands on her hips so she couldn’t push backwards onto him.

The position was too close to the way Clemente had held her from behind, but instead of losing it she managed to ask, “Can you put your hands on my back or shoulders? Just…not there, please?”

He immediately moved his hands, with one on her right shoulder and the other wrapped around her torso as he leaned over her protectively. “You okay? We can stop at any time, just say the word.”

“If you stop now I’ll never forgive you. This is perfect. Please make love to me, Isaac?”

He brought her off three times before he leaned back, holding her to him so she was sitting on his cock, though he held her up to keep her from sliding all the way down on it.

“I’m going to go a little faster and a little harder. Let me know how you’re doing, okay?”

“I’m good. God, Isaac, I can’t believe I still need to come! Can I play with my clit?”

He kissed her cheek from behind. “Of course you can, Sweet Thing, and I love hearing you ask permission.”

He pounded her from below, the little bit of discomfort a delicious spike to the carnal frenzy of sensations. When he finally told her to come, her world imploded and her screams echoed through the trees as her ecstasy catapulted into the skies and beyond.

The two fell onto the chaise together and rested in each other’s arms, content and sated. Cassie was close to drifting off when Isaac’s deep voice brought her back. “I can carry you in if you fall asleep, but if you’d rather walk we should probably go now.”

Cassie wasn’t ready for the night to end. “I’m sorry I had to ask you to move your hands, but it was too close…”

She stopped talking and Isaac snugged her closer to him. “Don’t apologize. I wish there was a way for me to know which positions to avoid, but I don’t want to put you through having to tell me.”

“Marcus has been a lot of help; maybe I’ll see if he has any ideas. In the meantime, just try to stay away from the problem positions, and maybe you and Frisco can compare notes?”

“Of course, Sweet Thing.”

He toyed with her hair, kissed her temple. “Do you want the old D/s dynamic? Or are you happy with the way things worked tonight?”

“I want the power exchange back but I think if you tried to spank me, I’d lose it.” She shook her head and sighed. “I don’t know how we can make it work without the promise of punishment.”

“Not all consequences have to be sexual. I can make you write lines, or put you in a corner, or wash your mouth out with soap.”

Incredibly, Cassie’s insides flared to life and her bottom wriggled at the mere thought of him punishing her in one of those ways.

“Oh, Sir!” She turned in his arms and met his gaze. “I’d love to submit to you again, to have the dynamic where you can punish me if I don’t obey!”

“Okay then, you and I and Frisco need to sit down and work out an agreement. When and what you’re comfortable submitting, and how much leeway we have with punishment.”

“Cam isn’t allowed to safeword out of punishments.” She wasn’t sure she wanted Frisco and Isaac to take hers away, but part of her wanted what Cam had… wanted to be so thoroughly, totally

“No, but you aren’t Cam. You’ll always be above him in the hierarchy.”

“Frisco used to say the same thing.” She snuggled into Isaac and asked, “Do you think they’re still going at it downstairs? I was never allowed to see the playroom. Frisco apparently thought it would upset my delicate sensibilities.”

“I don’t know. Do you want me to take you down?”

She shook her head. “I look forward to the day I’m ready to see Frisco being rough with Cam again, but I’m not there yet.”

“We have all the time in the world. Do you remember the first spanking I gave you? In my office?”

Cassie nodded.

“When you’re ready, we’ll recreate the scene.”

Cassie turned in his arms and faced him. “Oh! I think I might can handle that? It was so… sweet. I know it sounds wrong to call a spanking sweet, but…it’s so far from what the bastards did…” She realized she was talking in partial sentences, not finishing a thought, so she stopped and took a breath. “I think I’ll be ready for that soon, Sir.”

He touched the tip of her nose with his pointer finger. “Glad to hear it. I have another proposition for you, too.”

Cassie smiled and tilted her head, and Isaac said, “I require darkness to sleep, but Cam can’t sleep without a nightlight.”

“Oh, so…we’ll all never be able to sleep together?”

Isaac took fifteen minutes explaining how Cam wanted to sleep with him, and what they’d been doing over the past couple of weeks to work toward making it happen.

Cassie suddenly understood why Cam had been leaving almost an hour earlier in the mornings, and asked, “Why didn’t he talk to me about it? We talk about almost everything!”

“I don’t know, but I’m wondering if you’d like to help?”


“Maybe drive him crazy with your mouth while the lights are off? Give him pleasure?”

Cassie hesitated. She hadn’t given anyone a blow-job since…Vegas. The idea of a cock in her mouth made her want to scream and run and fight, but if Cam were tied up and she was in control? Yeah, she thought she could handle it.

She nodded and Isaac hugged her. She was pretty sure he knew her issues and had planned this specifically to help her get beyond it. She’d have to thank him later, when she could actually manage to talk about it.

“I’ve given Cam a proposition,” Isaac told her, “and instructed him to think it over for four days before giving me an answer.”

Isaac explained he wanted Cam in bondage an entire four days, with lots of sleep deprivation, and possibly as much as thirty minutes per hour hooked up to the electrodes for the light/dark conditioning exercise.

“He’ll have a safeword to stop certain activities, though not all,” Isaac continued. “If he safewords to stop the four days then he’ll go into a well-lit cage in no other bondage for an hour to think over his decision, and if at the end of the hour he still wants to end it? He’ll walk out the door.”

“But not out of your life?”

“No, Sweet Thing.” He hugged her again and kissed the top of her head. “I think I can have him sleeping in my room in the dark if I can have four uninterrupted days with him. He’s making progress twenty minutes at a time, but it could be months before he’ll relax enough to sleep in the dark. However, if I can get him so horny he can’t see straight, and so sleep deprived he’ll do anything for two hours of rest? I think he’ll be napping on my bed, in the dark with you and I on either side of him on the second day.”

“But if it doesn’t work and he ends it first?”

“Then he and I will sit down and figure out whether we want to keep trying, and if so, how we’ll go about it.” He caressed her hip. “This only works if he wants to push past the fear. It has to come from him. I can only help; I can’t do it for him.”

“How will you keep him from having an orgasm while I’m going down on him?”

“I’ll milk him, and will keep an eye on the build-up so he has nothing to work with. Doesn’t matter how bad he wants to come, he won’t be able to.”

Cam had told her about Frisco doing this, so she understood the process.

“But I’ll get to give him pleasure. You won’t ask me to hurt him, right?”

Isaac looked at her a few seconds before saying, “Frisco says he occasionally ordered you to do things to him?”

“Well, yeah, but that was before…” She took a breath. “Also, it was pleasurable pain, and I knew he was eroticizing it. Frisco never made me help punish him.”

“Cam wants this. He wants help getting beyond his fear of the dark. If I wanted you to hurt him when the lights were on, something only you can do? Could you push him? Give him incentive to turn them off?”

“What would you want me to do?”

“Frisco will be watching, and he won’t let you injure him, but we want you to try to put your fist in his ass. Frisco is going to do it also, but he won’t get in because his hand is so big. There’s a good chance you’ll make it all the way in, and then you can fuck him with your fist and overwhelm him with sensations until it’s too much, and he turns the lights off to make it stop.”

He caressed her cheek. “Later, when he isn’t sore, I think he’ll very much enjoy your fist in him, but on this particular weekend we’re going to keep his ass so tender and raw that he screams and begs for mercy every time he’s fucked.

Cassie considered it, realized she wasn’t horrified at the idea, and was possibly a tiny bit aroused. Perhaps more than a tiny bit. “Maybe,” she said, and her cheeks warmed at his knowing smile. “Can I talk to Frisco about it before I decide for sure?”

“Of course, Sweet Thing.”

Isaac lifted her in his arms when they were ready to leave the delightful screen house, as he apparently planned to carry her all the way back to the main house, but she insisted she could walk.

He put her down gently, wrapped his arm around her, and they walked side by side.

He led her down a different trail, out the other side of the clearing, and she realized they hadn’t been too far behind the garage.

“Oh, I thought we were farther from the house, and wondered why he’d have such a nice little spot such a long hike away.”

“Long hike or short walk; he planned it for whichever he was in the mood for.” He chuckled. “His slaves have to keep this clearing mowed along with the lawn around the house. He’s probably spent a fortune on lawn maintenance without a slave to order around.”

“I thought he usually brought a new submissive in within weeks of finding a Master or Owner for his previous boy. Why didn’t he this time?”

“Might be a good question to ask Frisco.”

Frisco’s bedroom was empty when they arrived, and Isaac set his duffel against the wall before pulling the bedspread back.

“As sexy as you look wearing my shirt, I think I’d like to have skin-to-skin contact.”

Cassie laughed, as he was using her phrase on her, now. Isaac hadn’t bothered putting clothes on for the walk back, but she’d been too self-conscious to parade around outside naked.

They climbed into bed and Isaac kissed his way from her mouth to her ear, down the side of her neck, past her cleavage, and down her stomach.

By the time his tongue swiped her clit she was ready for it, and the sounds coming out of her throat were somewhere between scream and moan.

She was just coming down from yet another orgasm when they heard the front door open and close.

If Frisco and Cam had been in the playroom, this meant they’d walked around the house to avoid the stairs, and she prepared herself to see Cam in shackles, or on hands and knees.

Isaac sat up and reminded, “He won’t be verbal. Don’t try to talk to him, and only touch him as Frisco says you can.”

Frisco walked in with the leash, and Cam following on hands and knees looking more canine than human.

The mitts on his hands and forearms gave the appearance of paws. More leather covered him from thigh to lower calf, and she knew the leg pieces were shaped so he couldn’t straighten his knees.

A large tail arced into the air, all pert and happy, and she winced as she remembered how large the plug was that held it in.

He wore a complicated hood — his eyes were clearly visible, but it made him look as if he had a muzzle instead of a mouth.

And leather ears poked up from the hood.

Cam had a leash attached to his collar, and Frisco walked him to the large circular dog bed in the corner, where Cam circled three times before lying on his side and curling up. Frisco connected the other end of the leash to a hook on the wall, patted Cam’s shoulder, and stroked down his back.

As Cam got comfortable and closed his eyes, Cassie noted he was once again locked in a chastity device, and she was happy for him.

He’d missed having someone in charge of his pleasure, and she knew he had to be on cloud nine right now.

Frisco sat on the bed and smiled at Isaac. “Damn, I needed that.”

“How long will you keep him in character?” Isaac asked.

Frisco shook his head, “I’m tempted to keep him in until tomorrow afternoon, but I’d like us to all have some relaxed snuggle time in the morning, so I’ll take him out of the puppy gear before I bring him to bed.” He glanced at Cam over the edge of the bed a few seconds and added, “He’s quite content for now, though.”

Frisco grinned at Cassie, snuggled under the sheet against Isaac, and said, “You look pretty content, too, Sweetness.”

“I am, Sir.” She looked to Isaac and back to Frisco, surprised at how shy she felt. “I love your little meadow area. Promise me I can play on the plum posts when I’m sober? Why didn’t you ever show it to me, before?”

BOOK: Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)
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