Safety Lost (Killing the Dead Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Safety Lost (Killing the Dead Book 3)
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“Julie brought more food?”

“No, I brought the food. She wanted to speak to you about something. She said it was really urgent.”

“I suppose I should find out what it is, though after I eat.” I said as I eyed her food.

“You go now and I will get you some food.” She said with a laugh. “Where’s Pat?”

“He is reporting to Matthew.” I called back over my shoulder as I left the cottage.

My breath frosted before me in the cold night air and I pulled my jacket a little closer. I knew where Julie’s cottage was and I headed towards it. I gave a brief greeting to Claire as I passed her and Maggie as they sat at one of the tables before the bonfire.

The atmosphere around the bonfire was subdued and many of the gathered people looked worried and kept their children close. Most of the talk was about the infected people locked away in one of the cottages and the arrival at camp of some new people.

I couldn’t see Julie or Emma at the bonfire so continued on to the cottage they shared with Claire and Maggie. I could see light leaking through the gap in the curtains and knocked on the door expecting a prompt response.

What I didn’t expect was for Julie to open the door while holding a meat cleaver. She looked dishevelled and worried.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Get in here quick.” Julie hissed and looked around furtively before pulling the door closed behind me.

The cottage was decorated in much the same fashion as the one I shared with Lily and the others. Emma was sat on one of the couches playing with a few toys that she had found somewhere. I turned to Julie.

“What was so urgent and why are you holding that?” I asked and pointed at the cleaver.

“You haven’t seen them?”

“Seen who?”

“Beth and the others.” She whispered.

“Who?” I asked.

“From the outlet store.” She said. “Beth and that Candice woman you arrived with. They are here with the others.”

“Which others?”

“I told you this.” She said exasperated. “They have arrived here with two of the men from the outlet store.”

“Didn’t I kill all the men at the store?” I asked in confusion.

“No. Some of the men were out looking for other women survivors. One of them isn’t here but the other two have arrived with Beth and Candice.” Julie insisted.

“Ok. So what’s the problem?” I asked.

“The problem is they will kill you for what you did to their friends and probably kill me too.”

“You think?” I asked thoughtfully. “Where are they now?”

“With Howard. He is finding them somewhere to sleep. Matthew is with them too, he is all excited because they brought some more guns.”

“Where did they get guns?”

“I don’t know and I really don’t care. I’m scared Ryan and you should be too. Alan sent them out looking for survivors because he was scared of them too.”

“Have they seen you?”

“No. I think I saw them first and kept out of the way.”

“Well then, stay in here and I will talk to you in the morning.” I said.

I ignored her protests and left the cottage. I paused on the decking and looked over the crowd. Howard and Matthew were nowhere to be seen and neither was Candice or Beth. It wouldn’t really matter if they saw me or not anyway, I had no intention of hiding.

Pat was sat at the table eating when I returned and Lily passed a bowl of pasta to me as I removed my jacket. I took it gratefully and sat beside Pat and started eating.

“What did Julie want?” Lily asked.

“Remember those people I told you about at the outlet store?” I asked and she nodded. “They turned up today with a couple of guys who are likely peeved that I killed their friends.”

“Those people I saw with Howard and Matthew?” Pat said and it was my turn to nod as I chewed a mouthful of food. “Yeah, I saw them and they don’t look pleasant.”

“This is a problem.” Lily said.

“It is?” I asked.

“Yes, of course it is. We need to tell Howard.” Lily said.

“Don’t worry about it. If they feel they have a grudge against me I can deal with them.” I said with a smile that didn’t seem to reach Lily.

“If these are the people you told me about, it isn’t just you who should be worried. They are a danger to the people here.” Lily insisted.

“What about if I just deal with them anyway?” I said quietly.

“No.” Lily said, shaking her head and glancing at Pat who didn’t seem to have noticed anything untoward.

“Then what do you suggest?” I asked.

“I will tell Howard and Matthew. They can deal with them.”

“Well take them to see Julie then, she can probably tell them more than I can.” I said, “Besides, it’s been a long day and I need some sleep before heading out tomorrow.”

If I wasn’t going to be allowed to kill them openly then I saw no reason to worry about them too much. I could always arrange accidents for them later and I had several more accidents to prepare for before that.

Lily left to talk with the camps leaders and I was left alone with Pat as we finished our meal in a comfortable silence.

By the time she returned we had finished eating and were sat on the couches. Pat had found a fitness magazine somewhere and was reading by candle light as I lay back and tried to think of some way to kill people without actually doing the killing myself and breaking my promise.

“They wouldn’t listen” Lily said angrily as she stormed into the cottage.

“Did they not believe you?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” She said as she flopped down onto the couch beside me. “They said they would keep an eye on them but they had to give everyone a chance.” She said with disgust.

“So would you like me to...?”

“No.” she said quietly with a glance at Pat, “We will have to just be on our guard. I suppose we could move Julie and Emma in here with us so we can keep an eye on them.”

“Is that necessary?” I asked, “We have limited space as it is.”

“It’s a better idea than posting a guard on their door.”

“I could just deal with them quietly and get this whole issue over and done with.” I said.

“From what you said Beth and Candice have done nothing wrong and too many questions would be asked if just those men disappeared.” Lily said in a whisper, “Those questions would lead back to you and answers you wouldn’t want to give.”

“Ok, I suppose I should go and fetch Julie and Emma then.” I said with a weary sigh. I pulled on my jacket and boots and set out into the darkness again.

I was almost at Julie’s cottage when I saw Howard and Matthew across the bonfire. They were leaving the cottage that Pat used to share with Rachel. A man I hadn’t seen before was shaking Howard’s hand. It seemed I now knew where they were staying.

Julie opened the door when I knocked and was still holding the cleaver tightly. I informed her of what was happening and she eagerly gathered her blankets and few belongings as I helped Emma with hers.

We trudged back across the camp and back into my residence. Lily met us at the door and ushered the others inside. I went back into the living room and after removing my jacket and boots, settled back onto my couch.

Lily informed the girls that they would be sharing her room and took them into the bedroom to get them settled.

“Any sign of Cass or Gregg?” I asked.

“Yeah they came back while you were out. They have gone to see how John is doing.” Pat said.

“He’s still alive?”

“Aye, the other one died this afternoon and turned. John is hanging in but they don’t think he has long left.” Pat said, “You should visit him.”

“Maybe I will, though perhaps tomorrow if he lasts the night.” I said.

Lily thankfully returned before Pat pressed me about visiting John. She sat beside me on the couch and sighed.

“Well they are settled in my bed. It will be crowded but we should manage.” She said.

“When are you due to head out with the scavenging teams?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure yet. I think tomorrow I will head out with Pat and you can stay here and keep an eye on the new group.”

“Babysitting duty isn’t quite my thing.” I said.

“Don’t think of it as babysitting then” She said with a grin, “Think of it as being ready to leap into action if they try anything.”

“Great. Tomorrow will be such a fun day.” I said.

“Don’t worry I’m sure we can find you something to do.” Lily said and laughed in a way that made me nervous.


Chapter 25

Lily was out of the cottage first thing in the morning and returned a short time later with half a dozen children in tow.

“What’s going on?” Pat asked.

“This is Ryan’s job today.” Lily said with a wide smile.

“My job?” I asked.

“Yes. Your job is to look after these kids.”

“Am I really the best person to look after children?” I asked quietly.

“Ryan, I know you well enough to know that you won’t harm a child. These kids are probably safer with you than with anyone else.” Lily whispered back.

“Fine. What am I supposed to do with them?”

“You and Julie can keep them entertained.” Lily said and leaned in close to whisper, “Keep her close and away from the newcomers.”

I really wasn’t at all happy with the idea of looking after children all day but acquiesced with as much grace as I could.

Pat and Lily left with Gregg and Cass to patrol and divert any zombies who may be wandering too close to the camp and I was left with Julie and the kids.

“So what do we do with them?” I asked her.

“Do you think it will be safe to take them out of the camp?” she asked, “I could really do with not being around here today.”

“It has to be better than hanging around here” I said, “Get them ready to go, I will wait outside.”

I ignored her protests and left the cottage. I liked small children well enough, but a full day of watching them was not going to be pleasant. I checked that I had the sheathed combat knife attached to my belt securely and retrieved my spear from beside the door.

We could go for a walk through the woods. This close to camp I didn’t expect to encounter more than the occasional zombie and I was confident I could deal with any of them.

The sun was rising and the camp was coming alive by the time Julie left the cottage with the kids in tow. I glanced at each in turn and satisfied that they were all wearing enough clothing that they wouldn’t get hypothermia and cause me trouble, I led the way from the camp.

We traipsed through the woods for several hours. The children were cheerful and willing to stay close enough that I could keep a watchful eye over them. I had no intention of explaining to anyone, let alone Lily, that I had lost a child.

After an hour of aimless wandering we found a sizeable glade with a large fallen tree through the centre and a shallow banking that led down to the lake. Fallen leaves covered the ground and it seemed a pleasant place to stop for awhile.

The children were happy to play in the glade for several hours. They climbed the trees and chased each other happily. Julie allowed some of the children down to the edge of the lake to throw pebbles into the water and look for fish and insects.

I was sitting on the fallen tree trunk and keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding woods when Emma came running back from the water’s edge and called for my attention.

“What is it?” I asked her.

“There’s a boat” she replied and pointed back in the direction of the water. Curious, I called for Julie to gather the children as I followed Emma back to the water.

When I reached the water’s edge Emma pointed north and following her gaze I could just make out the shape of a boat that looked to have run aground against a small island that was just offshore. The dense vegetation and trees, even without their leaves, provided excellent cover and likely hid the boat from most vantage points.

“Where did that come from?” Julie asked as she joined us with the rest of the children.

“Has no one seen it before?” I asked curiously.

“No one has mentioned a boat and if they had, they would have talked about it.”

“It would be worth checking out surely” I said, “A boat will give us a great deal of options.”

“Maybe we should tell Matthew or Howard about it.”

I paused as I considered. It would be useful to have the boat all to myself but I couldn’t really get across to the island and board the boat which may well have zombies aboard, with the children in tow.

“Yes, perhaps you are right. Let’s get back to camp then.” I said.

Julie gathered the children together and despite the numerous complaints of the kids who wanted to stay and play, we soon had them moving back towards camp.

It was a fairly easy walk and we were walking past the cottages and into the centre of the camp in no time at all. The children were dropped off at the remains of the bonfire where Claire was dishing out a thick soup.

“Look, they have seen us” Julie hissed to me. I passed a bowl of soup to the last child without one and followed her gaze. I saw the man I had last seen shaking Howard’s hand standing with another man I didn’t know, Candice and Rachel. Candice was pointing towards us and the men were staring in an unfriendly manner.

“You go and find Matthew and tell him about the boat” I said.

“What are you going to do?” Julie asked.

“I am going to say hello.” I said and walked away from her.

The men watched me carefully as I made my way across to them and their talk quietened as I stopped a few feet away from the decking they were standing upon.

“Hello Rachel, why don’t you introduce me to your new friends.” I said.

“Oh they know who you are already” Rachel said with that sneer that I remembered so well. I smiled back.

“Well then, perhaps they would like to introduce themselves to me.” I said, “Though of course I have met Candice.”

I glanced at Candice and saw that she was still wearing the same leather jacket and carrying her bag, clutched tightly to her breast. She met my gaze with her own hate filled look.

“Aye you have met her” a tall fellow with a thick dark beard and a scowl said. “You met some of our friends too.”

BOOK: Safety Lost (Killing the Dead Book 3)
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