Safe In His Arms (Manhunt) (19 page)

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Some time later, Alex roused from consciousness. His body felt heavy, weighted, his leg and chest throbbed, and machines beeped around him. An oxygen tube was attached to his nose, an IV in his arm pumping God knew what into his system, and his chest was bare except for the bandages.

Memories assaulted him, and he managed to pry his eyes open and look around the room. Mia sat beside the bed wringing her hands.

Her face was streaked with tears, bruises marred her beautiful face, and her hand trembled as she reached up and squeezed his hand.

“They removed the bullets. The doctor said you were lucky.”

Her words hung in the air, heavy with guilt and other emotions.

“Thank you for saving my life, Alex.”

Alex’s throat was so damn dry he had to swallow twice to make his voice work.  “Are you okay?”

“Yes, now that I know you’re going to make it.” Mia released his hand and stood. “It was touch and go for a little while.”

Alex grimaced. “I wouldn’t leave you, Mia.” He meant that in more ways than one.

Her eyes flickered with emotions, hope fluttering there for a second as if she read his meaning, but she didn’t comment, making his gut tighten. What was going on in that mind of hers?

“The sheriff said one of Henry’s neighbors Frank Sutter paid a man named Kurt Jeeters to cause trouble at the ranch to get Henry to sell. Joleen heard Jeeters talking on the phone to Sutter. That’s why he killed her.”

“I’m glad the sheriff caught him.”  Images of Jones’s hands on Mia, strangling her, pelted him, and he reached for her hand again.

He never wanted to let her go.

But she fidgeted and backed toward the door.  “I’ll let you rest now. Thank you again, Alex. I’m …sorry for all the trouble I caused.”

“Mia,” he said, irritated by the distance he saw in her eyes. She was shutting down. Running.

Leaving him.

He knew it his bones.

She raised a trembling hand and gave him a small wave, then walked out the door without another word.

Dammit to hell. He wanted to go after her. But he tried to move, and machines beeped wildly like an alarm. He yanked at the IV, but two nurses raced in, giving him angry scowls.

“What do you think you’re doing?” the heavyset one bellowed.

“Don’t tell me you’re trying to get out of that bed? You just had major surgery,” The skinny one’s voice was even more shrill than the first nurse’s.

“You don’t understand,” he said. “I have to leave.”

The heavy one pushed him back down.  “You’re not going anywhere, Mister.”

“Nope,” the other one said with a wag of her finger.  “Not till the doctor says you can.”

Alex cursed silently and glared at them. They didn’t understand. He didn’t give a shit how he felt or if he opened up his stitches.

Mia had left. And he was afraid he’d lost her for good.



Two days later, Mia stared at the ruins of the McCauley farmhouse, guilt overwhelming her. Joleen had been killed because someone had wanted to keep her quiet – the man who’d wanted Henry’s ranch.

But he hadn’t started the fire. Geoff’s men had done that to lure her out as they’d originally suspected.

Because of her, too many people had been hurt. Henry. Joy.

And Alex…

God, she’d been terrified when she’d seen him tied to that stake, bloody, battered, and about to be lit on fire because she’d dared to leave her husband.

She knew what she had to do. Move far away.

After all, how could she stay and look into the eyes of all the people she’d caused so much pain?

Better for her to start over somewhere else. Geoff was dead, so she should be safe without assuming a new name.

She sat down and wrote Joy and Henry a long heartfelt note, telling them how much she loved them and appreciated all they’d done for her.  She promised to send them payments to help rebuild their house as soon as she got a new job. Thankfully Henry had a small insurance policy, but it wouldn’t be enough to replace everything. They’d need money for new furniture, curtains, and decorations. Joy had actually said she was excited about fixing up the place.

But Mia knew they were only trying to make her feel better.

She loved them even more for that.

She folded the letter and slid it into an envelope to drop off on her way out of town. Heart heavy, she retrieved her suitcase from the closet and began to pack her clothes and the few personal items she’d accumulated.

No family photos for her.

Except a picture of Henry and Joy. She carefully wrapped it in one of her sweaters and tucked it into her bag. 

She didn’t have a photo of Alex, but she would never forget his handsome face.

And how pale he’d looked on his deathbed.

Her heart fluttered with longing, but she tossed the rest of her clothes in the suitcase and zipped it up. Her boots went into a duffel bag, then she grabbed her jean jacket.

Sighing, she turned around and studied the cabin, memorizing the details of the woodwork, the horse paintings on the wall, the quilted throw Joy had handmade and draped across the foot of her bed.

This was the first place she’d felt truly at home, as if she had a family. Sadness welled inside her. She would always remember it with love.

Suddenly a knock sounded, and she froze. Probably Henry or Joy coming to check on her or ask her about the horses. She’d already taken care of them for today.

Running her hands through her hair, she stepped to the door to open it and was shocked to see Alex standing on the other side leaning on a crutch.

His face was still black and blue, his eye purple but not as swollen, the stitches in his forehead stark in the evening light.

She’d never seen a more handsome man.

But something was wrong.

“Where the hell have you been?” he asked, his tone furious.

Mia gaped at him in surprise.  “What’s wrong? Was Geoff really not dead?” Jesus Lord, please let him be dead.

“He’s dead,” Alex said. “You’ll never have to worry about that bastard again.”

Her breath rushed out.  “Then what’s wrong? Why aren’t you still in the hospital?”

His lips thinned into a frown. “Because I had to see you.”

“Alex, you need rest, the doctor said – “

“I don’t give a damn what the doctor said,” Alex muttered. “I thought you’d visit me. And I called and left you messages, but you didn’t return my calls.”

He pushed past her, his crutch clacking on the wood floor as he scanned the room. His eyes fell on her suitcase, anger flashing.

“Are you taking a trip?” he asked gruffly.

Mia shifted nervously. “I’m leaving. Henry and Joy have suffered enough on account of me.”

“Did they ask you to leave?”

“Well, no…”

He turned to face her, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Do you think they want you to go?”

She bit her lip. “It doesn’t matter. My mind is made up. I’ve hurt them too much already.”

“You didn’t hurt them, Mia.
did. And Joleen died because of Henry’s neighbor.” He took a step toward her. “You are not responsible.”

Then why did she feel so horrible?

Alex limped a few more steps, stopping only a hairbreadth from her. “But if you run off and leave the McCauleys, you will hurt them, Mia.”

“Alex –“

“They love you, Mia. They think of you as family. Can’t you accept that? When you love someone, you don’t want them to be a martyr.”

Mia took a step backward.  Alex was invading her space. She couldn’t be this close to him and not touch him. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Then you’re running on guilt,

“Maybe I am,” she said, her defenses rising. “But every time I look at Joy, I remember her sprawled on the floor, hurt, her house burning around her.”

“Those images will fade, Mia. Just give it time.”

She shook her head, her pulse pounding. “No they won’t, just like I won’t stop seeing you lying on the ground bleeding to death. All because of me.”

He gripped her arms.  “Not because of you, because a madman was after you.”

“You were just doing your job,” Mia said.  “And I appreciate it, but you don’t owe me anything else.”

Anger hardened his chiseled face. “No, I don’t owe you. I’m here because I want to be.” His voice turned husky. “The McCauleys aren’t the only ones who love you.”

His husky words made her heart flutter.

Like a magnet, her gaze was drawn to his mouth. She wanted to kiss him. Tell him the truth. That she loved him so much that she was terrified of losing him.

But she couldn’t make her voice work.

She didn’t have to.

Alex tossed the crutch aside, then yanked her to him. “I love you, Mia. I love you and want you to be my wife.”

Mia swayed. Had she heard him correctly? “But Alex…” He didn’t know what he was saying. She didn’t know how to be what he needed.

“Tell me the truth,” he said, his expression braced for a fight.

“Do you love me?” he asked softly.

Emotions threatened to overcome her. A sob caught in her throat. Her lungs strained for air.

“Mia?” He arched one brow, his black eye looking pathetic and painful, but his voice was low and sultry.

So seductive she couldn’t resist.

“Yes,” she whispered. “ I love you. But I’m no good for you.”

“I’ll decide that.” He yanked her against the vie of his thighs and nuzzled her neck with his lips.  “Now say it again.”

Titillating sensations enflamed her.  “I love you, Alex.”

He teased her lips with his tongue. “And you’ll marry me?”

Her heart squeezed as his dark gaze met hers.

“Yes, Alex,” she said, a smile tickling her mouth as his hand began to unbutton her shirt.  “I’ll marry you.”

He brushed his lips against her cheek. “Then make love to me.”

She shook her head. “Alex, you’re injured –“

His sexy laugh rumbled against her neck. “Yes I am, but you are just what the doctor ordered.” He kissed her neck and walked her backward toward the bed. “Besides, you know us Texas Rangers. We like to live dangerously.”

He stole her breath with another mind boggling kiss, one filled with such tenderness and longing and hunger that Mia could no longer deny herself.

She seared him with a passionate kiss that left them both frantic to be closer.

Then together they undressed and made long, slow passionate love well into the night.

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