Sacred Ground (13 page)

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Authors: Rita Karnopp

BOOK: Sacred Ground
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"I agree." He sat and grabbed their shirts. "Here, put this on," he said, pulling his on in a quick motion.

"I'll get some food and you can get that fire going.” She tugged on first one boot, then the other. “It's freezing in here."

"We'd be smarter not making a fire. It'll be colder outside if we don't acclimate in here first."

She knew he was right. Hurrying to the supplies, she pulled on her jacket and threw Brett his. "I wouldn't mind a hot cup of coffee. But with no pot we'll have to make do with water and the last of the chicken."

"Roll up the bags and I'll go out and check on the horses and scout the area. I don't expect to find any sign of the boys, but who knows, they might have had their fill of spring camping and are heading back already."

"It worked."

"What worked?"

"The boys' reason for leading us on this crazy trip.
It would have served them right if we'd fought worse than ever. As angry as I'm with them, in a small way I'm grateful.”

"Yeah, me too.
Would serve them right to
we're at odds."

She thought about it and laughed. "I agree. Can you imagine their reaction if we appear not to be talking to each other?"

"Might be worth considering," he said, chuckling as he left.

In haste she rolled the bags and packed their gear. She scooped up several hands full of dirt and poured it over their already cold fire, just in case. Pulling on her gloves, she headed toward the mining entrance and was nearly blinded by the winter wonderland spread out before her. "Good, Lord, how will we ever find the boys in this? It must have snowed a good eight inches, and it's still coming down."

"Don't panic. I doubt Lance or Sean would consider moving out in this. We shouldn't have any trouble spotting smoke from their campfire."

"Actually, it should be easier to find them this way, shouldn't it?" she asked, hope filling her. "I think I'll tie a bundle of our dry wood and take it along. If they didn't pile enough for an extra day, they might be out by the time we find them." Without waiting for an answer, she hurried back into the mine, fighting to adjust her eyes to the sudden darkness.

"I'll saddle the animals," Brett called out to her.

"I'll get the supplies," she threw back. When they found the boys she would first hug Lance, then Sean. As soon as she let them know how happy she was to see them, she would give them a lashing they'd never forget. Worry couldn't begin to express how she felt. No doubt Brett has similar feelings. To think she'd uttered the phrase
boys will be boys


* * *


Brett leaned back in the saddle. "How are you doing?"

felt nothing short of ridiculous.
Snow blindness.
How could she have allowed herself to fall victim to the oldest killer in snow country? "Just fine," she said with a cheeriness she didn't feel.

"You don't like having to rely on me, do you?" he asked, pressing them forward.

He was right, she did hate it. "I don't like slowing us down. Any sign of smoke yet? They couldn't have gone much further than―"

"I'll be damned! They must have hiked until their legs ached."

She heard relief and lightheartedness in his voice. “Did you find them?” She hated asking, since Brett sounded so excited. She took his silence to mean he agreed to the possibility. Feeling the pace increase, she clung to the saddle horn. "Remember, we're not speaking."

He chuckled under his breath. "Better not look so content, then."

She realized it wasn't going to be all that easy to hide how she felt about Brett.

The high-pitched, young voice called out and echoed toward them.

"Did you hear that? Can you see them?" She strained to hear more. "I don't hear Lance, is he there?" She tensed in the saddle, frustrated by the blindfold that kept her from being a part of it all.

We're up here," Lance shouted.

"Well," Brett said, "Looks like they're in top shape. More than I can say for . . . well, we're fine.

They do look happy to see us."

"Don't patronize me, Brett Turner. I had no idea snow blindness could attack that fast," she said, then thought of the boys, and raised her voice several tones, "Besides, if it wasn't for your pushing us so fast, I would have been more aware of what was happening. Of course, you know everything!"





Chapter Eight


Not bad, love" he whispered. "I wasn't pushing," he shouted. “But it's a fact; women can't travel as well as men. They aren't as hardy" He dropped his voice again. “You ought to see their faces.”

"They lose their excitement?" she asked, anxious for his answer.

"You might say they're looking at us as though we both have two heads."

"Good, they deserve it after what they've put us through." Raising her voice, she said, "Why are we going so
now? I'm freezing half to death, I can't see, and you've decided to slow up. Damn, I'll never figure men out. I'll never figure you out."

"Is there anything you won't complain about? I've listened to just about all I can take.
Too fast; too slow.
Damn, you ever happy?" He turned toward
and murmured, "Boy, you should see them now. They could step on each other's lower lip.”

"You think we're overdoing it? I mean―"

"Don't go getting soft on me now," Brett interrupted. "They deserve a good jolt of reality. I don't think I've worried this much over anything, and that includes the bastard who’s trying to sabotage me."

"I had nothing to do with putting rocks in your well," she shouted. "Why would I? As for bleach in your water, at this moment it sounds like a good idea!"

"Boys," Brett shouted, "Are we glad to see you. Looks like you did okay last night."

"Wasn't that snow great? We had a snowball fight this morning," Lance said, then added, "What's wrong with Mom?"

"She's fine, a little snow blindness," Brett answered.

"A little snow blindness?
Do you have any idea how miserable this is? It burns and hurts. A little snow blindness! I think I've had about enough of your male-ego comments. You want to talk to me, do it through Lance. I've had enough." She swung her leg over her horse and paused when she felt Brett's large, warm hands grasp her waist and lift her into his arms. She wanted to wrap her palms around his neck. She wanted to taste his mouth on hers.

"Put me down, my legs aren't broken," she snapped.

"If I put you down, they more than likely will be. I thought you weren't talking to me.”

"You guys are still arguing?" Sean sounded unhappy.

wished she could share that they were more than getting along, but controlled the urge. They deserved the deception. "It's too bad your father isn't more like you, Sean." Feeling a slight pinch in her waist through her jacket she wanted to giggle, but didn't let the boys off so easily.

"You fight all night too?" Lance asked.

"Not important," Brett said. "Let’s get into some shelter and let your mom warm up." Still holding her intimately close, he squeezed her.

Fortunately, nine-year-olds wouldn't notice something like that. "What possessed you boys to take off without permission?"

"It's my fault," Lance offered. "Me and Sean―"

"Sean and I,"

"Sean and I thought if you spent some time together, you might start liking each other. We like being together and can't figure out why you guys don't."

"Yeah," Sean added. "You're a girl and he's a boy. You're supposed to like each other."

struggled to suppress a giggle. The boys were closer to the truth than they knew. "You can't force people to like each other,
. Some men and women just don't get along, especially when the boy is stubborn and always right."

"Now just one minute,” Brett said, walking toward the cave opening. “I've not once said you were wrong. It just happens my decisions were based on more experience and knowledge. It bothers you that I just might be right.”

"Now I've heard everything.
More experience and knowledge my as . . . my foot!"
She buried her face in his shoulder to keep from laughing.

"Tell you what, boys." Brett stopped under the rock overhang, just short of the cave opening. "Unload the equipment and saddles and leave them in the dry entrance area here. Get those horses down to that stream for a drink. Scrape off some snow in a good square area, there's spring grass under there for them to eat. They deserve a good meal." He moved into the cave.

"They didn't say a word," she breathed and flicked her tongue along his cheek. His grip tightened, and he pressed his lips to hers in savage intensity. She responded with a burning that left her blood pounding in her brain and her emotions whirling and skidding.

"I want you,
," he whispered.

"You'd better set me down before you drop me. I'm not exactly a petite light-weight."

"You're just right. Long sexy legs, cute ass,

"Dad, can we have some of that jerky? Watch out, you got her too close to those hot rocks, she can't see―"

"Got it handled." Brett set her on one of the boy's sleeping bags, a little further away from the blazing fire.

"About the jerky?"

"Help yourself, but don't eat it all, we have tonight and tomorrow to get through." He pulled off
's gloves, and then struggled with the knot on her jacket hood. "Coast is clear."

"Brett, what if what we feel is only sexual attraction? I've been abstinent for so long, not that you―"

"Me, too," he admitted.

I've heard how the women drool over you. I've seen them trying to impress you, working at being noticed," she said, feeling foolish for saying it.

"Did you ever try to get noticed?"

"Me? You hated me. I'm Indian, remember? You've never given me more notice than a glare." She fought how breathless he made her feel with his closeness. Finally the hood slipped back and he started on her jacket buttons.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you with my comments. I did notice you, though. Hell, I couldn't take my eyes off you, and I admit it ticked me off." He pulled her jacket off.

She sat still when she felt him slide his hand beneath her sweatshirt, then up under her bra to give a gentle squeeze. "Don't start something you can't finish," she whispered breathlessly. She welcomed his caressing lips and the tongue he slipped into her mouth, teasing, exciting, and dueling. He pulled back, leaving her mouth burning with fire. "This is torture."

"Incredible torture.
I've never wanted a woman more than I want you,
. Damn, my body shakes for want of you. Tell me you feel it too."

She realized he held his breath, afraid she'd deny it. She couldn't help smiling. "You put me on fire. Is that what you want to hear? I can't think of anything but wondering what it would be like to love you. I'm afraid of it, but with you I think it'd be different." She paused, embarrassed by her admission.

"I won't ever hurt you." He brushed her lips with his. "I would take my time and make sure you're willing and ready. Only when you cry out and beg for me, will I enter you. You have my promise on that." He pulled her into his chest. "If that bastard Gordon wasn't dead, I think I could kill him myself for what he's done to you."

accepted his words without comment. She'd never have believed he had this gentle side, but she liked this new Brett she'd grown to know. "The boys are coming," she said, pulling away.

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