Read Russia Online

Authors: Philip Longworth

Russia (28 page)

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Access to Japan, Alaska and the Pacific: SS
Peter and Paul,
Kamchatka, in the late 1770s Engraved drawing by John Webber, RA, artist with Captain Cook on his last voyage

A Yakut shaman treating a patient. Engraving from G. Sarychev’s
Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia
(London, 1806)

Kalmyks. From E. Ysbrants Ides,
Three Years Travels from Moscow Over-land to China
(London, 1706)

The Darial Pass: Russia’s gateway to Georgia and the Near East. From an 1837 drawing by Captain R. Wilbraham, in his
Travels in the Trans Caucasian Provinces of Russia
(London, 1839)

A Tatar encampment. Soft-ground etching from John Atkinson and James Walker, A Picturesque Representation of the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians (London, 1803)

Tiflis, one of the Romanov Empire’s multicultural cities. Lithograph from the Chevalier Gamba’s
Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale
(Paris, 1826)

A ceremonial show of force to greet the submission of an important chief. From a drawing by Juan van Halen in his
(London, 1830)

Punishments for recalcitrant natives. From the Remezov Chronicle (Mirovich version)

Reindeer-power in Okhotsk. After a drawing by W. Alexander in M. Sauer,
An Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia
(London, 1802)

Portrait of Ivan III. Sixteenth-century woodcut by Hirschvogel

Russian cavalryman of the sixteenth century. Woodcut by Hirschvogel

The construction of Moscow’s Kremlin (1491) Chronicle. Litsevo Manuscript Codex miniature from the Shumilov

Emperor Constantine VII receives Princess Olga at his palace during her visit to Constantinople,
c. 955-7.
Reconstruction of a fresco in Kiev’s St Sophia Cathedral

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