Running with the Demon (17 page)

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Authors: Terry Brooks

BOOK: Running with the Demon
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He looked over at the bedside clock. It was midafternoon. He had only slept three hours. He closed his eyes against his bitterness. Three hours. He must sleep again tonight if he was to maintain his strength. He must go back again into the world of his dreams, into the future of his life, into the promise of what waited should he fail in the here and now, and there was no help for it. It was the price he paid for being what he was.

He lay back slowly on the bed and stared upward at the ceiling. He would not sleep again now, he knew. He could never sleep right after waking from the dreams, his adrenaline pumping through him, his nerve endings jagged and raw. It was just as well. He tried not to sleep at all anymore, or to sleep only in small stretches in an effort to lessen the impact of the dreams. But it was hard to live that way. Sometimes it was almost more than he could bear.

He let his thoughts drift. His memory of the times and places when he had felt at peace and there had been at least some small measure of comfort were distant and faded. His childhood was a blur, his boyhood a jumbled collection of disconnected faces and events. Even the years of his manhood, from before the coming of the Lady, were no longer clear in his mind. His entire life was lost to him. He had given it all away.
Once it had seemed so right and necessary that he should do so. His passion and his beliefs had governed his reason, and the importance of the charge that had been offered him had out-weighed any other consideration.

But that was a long time ago. He was no longer certain he had chosen rightly. He was no longer sure even of himself.

He called up a picture of Josie Jackson in an effort to distance himself from his thoughts. She materialized before him, tousled hair and sun-browned skin, freckles and bright smile. Thinking of her comforted him, but there was no reason for it. She had smiled at him, and they had talked. He knew nothing about her. He could not afford to think about knowing her better. In three days, he would be gone. What did it matter how she made him feel?

But if it did not matter, then why shouldn’t he indulge himself for just a minute?

He stared at the ceiling, at the cracks in the plaster, at the lines the shadows threw across the paint, at worlds so far removed that they could only be found in dreams.

Or nightmares.

Josie Jackson disappeared. John Ross blinked. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes, and he was quick to wipe them away.


est Freemark spent Saturday morning cleaning house with Gran. It didn’t matter that it was the Fourth of July weekend or that Nest was particularly anxious to get outside. Nor did it matter how late you stayed up the night before. Saturday mornings were set aside for cleaning and that took precedence over everything. Gran was up at seven, breakfast was on the table at eight, and cleaning was under way by nine. The routine was set in stone. There was no sleeping in. Old Bob was already out of the house by the time Gran and Nest started work. There was a clear division of duties between Nest’s grandparents, and the rough measure of it was whether the work took place inside or out. If it was inside, Gran was responsible. Cutting the grass, raking the leaves, plowing the snow, chopping wood, planting and tending the vegetable garden, fetching and hauling, and just about everything else that didn’t involve the flower beds were Old Bob’s responsibility. As long as he kept up the yard and the exterior of the house, he stayed on Gran’s good side and was relieved of any work inside.

Nest, on the other hand, had responsibility for chores both inside and out, beginning with the Saturday-morning house-cleaning. She rose with Gran at seven to shower and dress, then hurried downstairs for her breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and juice. The quicker she got started, she knew, the quicker she would get done. Gran was already chain-smoking and drinking vodka and orange juice, her breakfast untouched in front of her, Old Bob frowning at her in disapproval. Nest ate
her eggs and toast and drank her juice in silence, trying not to look at either of them, consumed instead by thoughts of last night and of Two Bears.

“How did he know I was there?” Pick had demanded in exasperation as they made their way back across the park, the hot July darkness settled all about them like damp velvet. “I was invisible! He shouldn’t have been able to see me! What kind of Indian is he, anyway?”

Nest had been wondering the same thing. The Indian part notwithstanding, Two Bears wasn’t like anyone she had ever met. He was strangely reassuring, big, direct, and well reasoned, but he was kind of scary, too. Sort of like Wraith—a paradox she couldn’t quite explain.

She pondered him now as she cleaned with Gran, dusting and polishing the furniture, vacuuming the carpet, sweeping and mopping the floors, wiping down the blinds and window-sills, scrubbing out the toilets and sinks, and washing out the tubs and showers. On a light cleaning day, they would stick to dusting and vacuuming, but on the first Saturday of the month they did it all. She helped Gran with the laundry and the dishes as well, and it was nearing noon when they finally finished. When Gran told her she could go, she wolfed down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, drank a large glass of milk, and went out the back door in a rush, inadvertently letting the screen slam shut behind her once more. She cringed at the sound, but she didn’t turn back.

“He said he was a shaman,” Nest had remarked to Pick the previous night. “So maybe that means he sees things other people can’t. Aren’t Indian medicine men supposed to have special powers?”

“How am I supposed to know what medicine men can or can’t do?” Pick had snapped irritably. “Do I look like an expert on Indians? I live in this park and I don’t take vacations to parts of the country where there might be Indians like some people I could mention! Why don’t you know what Indians do? Haven’t you studied Indians in school? What kind of education are you getting, anyway? If I were
you, I’d make certain I knew everything that was important about the history …”

And on and on he had gone, barely pausing for breath to say good night when she reached her house and left him to go in. Sometimes Pick was insufferable. A lot of times, really. But he was still her best friend.

Nest had met Pick at the beginning of the summer of her sixth year. She was sitting on the crossboard at the corner of her sandbox one evening after supper, staring out at the park, catching glimpses of it through gaps in the hedgerow, which was still filling in with new spring growth. She was humming to herself, picking idly at the sand as she scrutinized the park, when she saw the feeder. It was slipping through the shadows of the Petersons’ backyard, hunkered down against the failing light as it made its way smoothly from concealment to concealment. She stared after it intently, wondering where it was going and what it was about.

“Weird, aren’t they?” a voice said.

She looked around hurriedly, but there was no one to be seen.

“Down here,” said the voice.

She looked down, and there, sitting on the crossboard at the opposite corner of the sandbox, was what looked like a tiny wooden man made out of twigs and leaves with a little old face carved into the wood and a beard made of moss. He was so small and so still that at first she thought he was a doll. Then he shifted his position slightly, causing her to start, and she knew he was alive.

“I don’t scare you, do I?” he asked her with a smirk, wiggling his twiggy fingers at her.

She shook her head wordlessly.

“I didn’t think so. I didn’t think you would be scared of much. Not if you weren’t scared of the feeders or that big dog. Nossir. You wouldn’t be scared of a sylvan, I told myself.”

She stared at him. “What’s a sylvan?”

“Me. That’s what I am. A sylvan. Have been all my life.” He
chuckled at his own humor, then cleared his throat officiously. “My name is Pick. What’s yours?”

“Nest,” she told him.

“Actually, I knew that. I’ve been watching you for quite a while, young lady.”

“You have?”

“Watching is what sylvans do much of the time. We’re pretty good at it. Better than cats, as a matter of fact. You don’t know much about us, I don’t expect.”

She thought a moment. “Are you an elf?”

“An elf!” he exclaimed in horror. “An elf? I should guess not! An elf, indeed! Utter nonsense!” He drew himself up. “Sylvans are real, young lady. Sylvans are forest creatures—like tatterdemalions and riffs—but hardworking and industrious. Always have been, always will be. We have important responsibilities to exercise.”

She nodded, not certain exactly what he was saying. “What do you do?”

“I look after the park,” Pick declared triumphantly. “All by myself, I might add. That’s a lot of work! I keep the magic in balance. You know about magic, don’t you? Well, there’s a little magic in everything and a lot in some things, and it all has to be kept in balance. There’s lots of things that can upset that balance, so I have to keep a careful watch to prevent that from happening. Even so, I’m not always successful. Then I have to pick up the pieces and start over.”

“Can you do magic?” she asked curiously.

“Some. More than most forest creatures, but then I’m older than most. I’ve been at this a long time.”

She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Are you like Rumpelstiltskin?”

Pick turned crimson. “Am I like Rumpelstiltskin? Criminy! What kind of question is that? What did I just get through telling you? That’s the trouble with six-year-olds! They don’t have any attention span! No, I am not like Rumpelstiltskin! That’s a fairy tale! It isn’t real! Sylvans don’t go around spinning straw into gold, for goodness’ sake! What kind of education are they giving you in school these days?”

Nest didn’t say anything, frightened by the little man’s outburst. The leaves that stuck out of the top of his head were rustling wildly, and his twiggy feet were stamping so hard she was afraid they would snap right off. She glanced nervously toward her house.

“Now, don’t do that! Don’t be looking for your grandmother, like you think you might need her to come out and shoo me away. I just got done telling you that I knew you weren’t afraid of much. Don’t make a liar out of me.” Pick spread his arms wide in dismay. “I just get upset sometimes with all this fairy-tale bunk. I didn’t mean to upset you. I know you’re only six. Look, I’m over a hundred and fifty years old! What do I know about kids?”

Nest looked at him. “You’re a hundred and fifty? You are not.”

“Am so. I was here before this town was here. I was here when there were no houses anywhere!” Pick’s brow furrowed. “Life was much easier then.”

“How did you get to be so old?”

“So old? That’s not old for a sylvan! No, sir! Two hundred and fifty is old for a sylvan, but not one hundred and fifty.” Pick cocked his head. “You believe me, don’t you?”

Nest nodded solemnly, not sure yet if she did or not.

“It’s important that you do. Because you and I are going to be good friends, Nest Freemark. That’s why I’m here. To tell you that.” Pick straightened. “Now, what do you think? Can we be friends, even though I shout at you once in a while?”

Nest smiled. “Sure.”

“Friends help each other, you know,” the sylvan went on. “I might need your help sometime.” He gave her a conspiratorial look. “I might need your help keeping the magic in balance. Here, in the park. I could teach you what I know. Some of it, anyway. What do you think? Would you like that?”

“I’m not supposed to go into the park,” Nest advised him solemnly, and glanced furtively over her shoulder at the house again. “Gran says I can only go into the park with her.”

“Hmmm. Well, yes, I suppose that makes sense.” Pick rubbed at his beard and grimaced. “Parental rules. Don’t want to transgress.” He brightened. “But that’s just for another year or so, not forever. Just until you’re a little older. Your lessons could begin then. You’d be just about the right age, matter of fact. Meanwhile, I’ve got an idea. A little magic is all we need. Here, pick me up and put me in your hand. Gently, now. You’re not one of those clumsy children who drop things, are you?”

Nest reached down with her hands cupped together, and Pick stepped into them. Seating himself comfortably, he ordered her to lift him up in front of her face.

“There, hold me just like that.” His hands wove in feathery patterns before her eyes, and he began to mutter strange words. “Now close your eyes,” he told her. “Good, good. Keep them closed. Think about the park. Think about how it looks from your yard. Try to picture it in your mind. Don’t move …”

A warm, syrupy feeling slipped through Nest’s body, beginning from somewhere behind her eyes and flowing downward through her arms and legs. Time slowed.

Then abruptly she was flying, soaring through the twilight high over Sinnissippi Park, the wind rushing past her ears and across her face, the lights of Hopewell distant yellow pinpricks far below. She was seated astride an owl, the bird’s great brown-and-white feathered wings spread wide. Pick was seated in front of her, and she had her arms about his waist for support. Amazingly, they were the same size. Nest’s heart lodged in her throat as the owl banked and soared with the wind currents. What if she were to fall? But she quickly came to realize that the motion would not dislodge her, that her perch astride the bird was secure, and her fear turned to exhilaration.

“This is Daniel,” Pick called back to her over his shoulder. In spite of the rush of the wind, she could hear him clearly. “Daniel is a barn owl. He carries me from place to place in the park. It’s much quicker than trying to get about on my own. Owls and sylvans have a good working relationship in most places. Truth is, I’d never get anything done without Daniel.”

The owl responded to a nudge of Pick’s knees and dropped earthward. “What do you think of this, Nest Freemark?” Pick asked her, indicating with a sweep of his hand the park below.

Nest grinned broadly and clutched the sylvan tightly about the waist. “I think it’s wonderful!”

They flew on through the twilight, crossing the playgrounds and the ballparks, the pavilions and the roadways. They soared west over the rows of granite and marble tombstones that dotted the verdant carpet of Riverside Cemetery, east to the tree-shaded houses of Mineral Springs, south to the precipitous cliffs and narrow banks of the sprawling Rock River, and north to the shabby, paint-worn town houses that fronted the entry to the park. They flew the broad expanse of the Sinnissippi to the wooded sections farther in, skimming the tops of the old growth, of the oaks, elms, hickories, and maples that towered out of the growing darkness as if seeking to sweep the starry skies with their leafy branches. They found the long slide of the toboggan run, its lower section removed and stored beneath, waiting for winter and snow and ice. They discovered a doe and her fawn at the edge of the reedy waters of the bayou, back where no one else could see. Deep within the darkest part of the forest they tracked the furtive movement of shadows that, cloaked in twilight’s gray mystery, might have been something alive.

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