Running Wilde (17 page)

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Authors: Tonya Burrows

Tags: #Tonya Burrows, #Ignite, #enemies to lovers, #Wilde, #Romance, #wilde security, #Entangled, #Mystery, #sexy, #reunited lovers, #road trip, #Suspense

BOOK: Running Wilde
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Chapter Twenty-Two

It had been ten days since the fight at the warehouse and still, waking up every morning in Vaughn’s oversize bed—or she supposed it was now
bed—came as a surprise. She wondered if she’d ever get used it and kind of hoped not, because she never, ever wanted to take it or him for granted.

Returning to the name Lark had taken no time at all to get used to, but it still hadn’t fully registered yet that she’d never have to change her name again. As of yesterday, when Vaughn slid the ring
on her finger in front of a judge at the courthouse, she was officially and forever Lark Wilde.

Vaughn stirred behind her, and his morning erection nudged her butt. He dropped a hand over her waist and drew her against his body, nuzzling her neck before kissing her bare shoulder.

“Good morning, vixen.” His voice was low, sleep-roughened, and sent a bolt of desire into her belly.

She smiled and enjoyed the lazy slide of his lips up her neck. But when he sank his teeth lightly into her earlobe, a thrill sizzled down through the center of her body and settled between her thighs.

“Know what would make it a better morning?” She rolled and threw a leg across his body, straddling his hips as she rose over him. He was mostly healed now, the cuts closed up, the bruises faded, all but gone. He still had pain in his ribs and would yet for another few weeks, but that just meant she got to be on top, which was exactly where she liked to be anyway.

His hands slipped up her legs then around to cup her ass, and he smirked up at her. “What, we got married so now you think you’re getting some this morning?”

She rocked against his erection and watched his intake of breath tighten his stomach muscles. “Oh, I’m definitely getting some.”

She reached down between their bodies and stroked his shaft. He groaned and let her play with him for a moment before catching her wrist. “I’d love to, vixen, but we’re out of condoms. We used the last of them last night.”

She slowly withdrew her hand and gazed down at him. “Well…do we need them?”

He went very still beneath her. “Are you still on birth control?”

“No. Not since I left DC for New Orleans. There wasn’t any need. After you, I-I wasn’t interested in sleeping with anyone else.”

He sat up so that they were face to face, cupped a hand around the back of her neck, and gazed straight into her eyes. “Lark. Do you want us to have kids?”

“I do.” She blinked hard to stem the rush of tears that blurred her vision. “So much. But…” Her voice wavered. “I’m scared.”

He reared back and the expression on his face was nothing short of horrified. “Of me? Jesus. I’d never—”

“No! God, no.” To prove it, she clasped his face in her hands and kissed him. “I’ve never been afraid of you, okay? I couldn’t be. I love you too much, and I know you’d never do anything to harm me. It’s just…” She rested her forehead against his. “Vaughn, I’ve already lost two babies. I don’t know if I can…” She trailed off, because even voicing the possibility of another loss was too painful to bear.

“Aw, vixen. Come here.” His voice was thick, raw with emotion as he wrapped her up in his arms and held her tight. “Your ex killed them. It had nothing to do with your ability to be a mother. You’ll make a great mother. You’re smart and tough—the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You could’ve let life destroy you, but you didn’t. You still have so much love to give even though nobody’s ever given two fucks about you. It’s amazing. You’re amazing.”

“You give more than two fucks about me.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I do. So much more. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure you never go without love again. If you want kids, I’ll give you a house full.”

God, she loved this man. Loved his rough edges, his grumbly disposition, and most of all, the gentle soul he only let her see in quiet, intimate moments like this. She drew away slightly and smiled at him. “A house full?”

“Well, yeah.” His fingers trailed down her side and slipped between her legs. “It’ll be a tough job, all that sex, but I’m a SEAL. We’re made for tough jobs.”

She smacked his chest. “I’m being serious.”

Sobering, he removed his hand from between her legs and cradled her face in his palms. “I know. And, honestly, I’ve never really thought about being a dad before, but…” He trailed off and said nothing more for a second as the pad of his thumb traced back and forth over her lips. “But I miss the way my family was while I was growing up. There were always people around. My parents, my grandparents, my brothers, our friends. Birthdays, holidays, summer block parties with the neighbors. It was loud and chaotic, and…and I miss it. The family’s been too quiet since we lost Mom and Dad.”

Her heart kicked up, slamming against her ribs in anticipation. “We could…make our own chaos happen here.”

“Yeah. We could.” A smile flirted with the corner of his mouth. “Wanna start now?”

She kissed him in response and shoved him back on the bed.

His hands skimmed up her ribs to her breasts, and he pinched her beaded nipples between his fingers, sending twin blades of pleasure to her center. He hardened against her inner thigh, and she wanted him inside her, now, without any barriers. She sat up on her knees while he positioned himself at her entrance with one hand, then sank down slowly, savoring the bare feel of him.

“Aw, fuck,” he groaned, and his eyelids dropped to half-mast when she started to move. “I love when you ride me. Love watching you take what you need from me.”

She gasped each time she slid down his length and he filled her. She was already close, hanging at the peak of orgasm, trembling but unable to fall over the edge. “I need—Oh God, I need to come.”

“Christ, yes. Let me see it, vixen. Come all over me.”

He teased her clit with his thumb, and she didn’t just fall off the edge. She catapulted, screaming his name.

A primal growl of satisfaction rumbled from his chest. He grasped her hips, slammed her down on his cock each time he arched up. His SEAL pin bounced on the chain between her breasts. The bed rocked and creaked under them, and she grabbed the headboard, held on for the ride.

She was laughing. So was he. At least until another orgasm gripped her, and they both moaned. She felt his muscles coil up between her thighs in the seconds before his release filled her in hot jets. It was the most erotic sensation she’d ever experienced.

She collapsed on top of him and listened to his heart hammer under her ear as the aftershocks of sensation continued to tremble through her.

He nuzzled her hair. “That was a pretty good start.”

Laughing, she lifted her head to kiss him. “Only pretty good?”

“Yeah, well, we’re new at this. We’re going to need lots and lots of practice.”

“You know, I think you’re right. How about we—”

Vaughn’s phone rang. He glanced at it over on the nightstand, which she was pretty sure hadn’t been that far away from the bed before.

“Did we move the bed?”

“Fuck yeah, we did. Lemme tell whichever of my brothers is calling to go to hell, and then we’ll work on moving it back.” He lifted her off him and rolled to grab the cell. She curled up on her side in his spot and watched the muscles in his back flex as he reached to check the screen.

Yum. A deliciously built male…and he was all hers.

He groaned. “Goddammit, why’d it have to be Cam? I can ignore everyone but him. He’ll know.”

“Go ahead and answer. I’m not going anywhere.” In fact, she was scooting closer because the line of his spine was just begging for her tongue. She dragged her lips down between his shoulder blades and watched goose bumps raise on his skin. She smiled, gently nipping at his shoulder.

He reached around and playfully pinched her ass, then answered the call. “Nice timing, bro. A few minutes earlier and I’d have been pissed.”

With her chin resting on his shoulder, she could hear Cam’s voice at the other end of the line. “You sound…happy.”

“I just got laid. Of course I’m happy.”

“Vaughn!” She pinched him back. “I can’t believe you told him that.”

He shrugged. “We’re twins. There’s not much we don’t know about each other.”

“Might as well get used to it,” Cam called. Vaughn switched him to speakerphone and he added, “By the way, Eva heard a rumor at work that a Wilde brother got married at the courthouse yesterday.”

Vaughn glanced at her and mouthed, “He always knows everything.”

“Heard that,” Cam said.

Vaughn winced. “Uh, yeah. Sorry, we just kinda did it. We meant to tell you guys.”

Cam huffed out a laugh. “Well, you’ll have your chance to tell us today. Reece has called a family meeting. Noon at his place.”

The amusement faded from Vaughn’s expression, and he sat up. “Wait, what? We haven’t had a family meeting since before Mom and Dad died.”

“Yeah, I know.” The smile also disappeared from Cam’s voice. “It’s about Greer.”

Vaughn said nothing for a long time. When he finally spoke, his voice was rusty. “What about him?”

“I don’t know.”

“Cam, is he dead?”

“I. Don’t. Know. I’m as in the dark as you are. All Reece said was that we had to talk about him.”

“Yeah, okay. We’ll be there.” He hung up and dragged his hands through his hair, then just sat there, head cradled in his palms.

Lark sat up beside him and wrapped an arm around his waist. “Is Greer okay?”

He straightened. Drew a breath and let it out slowly before meeting her gaze. “I don’t know, but family meetings were never good news. The last one Dad called was to tell us that our grandpa had died of a heart attack. I’m going to need you there with me today. In case.”

She laced her fingers through his, leaned into him. “Whatever the news is, we’ll get through it. Together.”

“Thank you.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers. “We should get ready.”

The hours dragged by between the call from Cam and the moment they arrived at Reece and Shelby’s apartment. Vaughn was itching to get inside and find out what the hell was going on, but steps away from the apartment, he realized he’d lost Lark at some point after leaving the elevator. She had been right beside him, but now she wasn’t. He turned and found her stopped in the middle of the hallway several paces back, chewing on her lower lip. “Lark?”

“Yeah. Sorry, I’m coming.” She nodded and took a few more steps, but stopped again.

“Hey.” He went to her. His
brothers could wait another few minutes. “Vixen, what’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “It’s…nothing. It’s stupid. With this thing about Greer, it shouldn’t even be a blip on my radar.”

“I don’t care if it is stupid. Whatever it is, it’s bothering you, so talk to me.” When she didn’t respond, he rubbed her arms in light circles and took a guess. “You’re nervous about facing my brothers.”

“No. Yes. I mean…no, not really. It’s not your brothers. I can handle them.” She dragged in a breath. “It’s just…I know Libby is in there, too. What if she never forgives me for lying to her like I did? She was my best friend, my only friend, and I—I don’t want her to hate me.”

“Hey.” He ducked his head to meet her gaze. “Libby doesn’t hate you. She’s one of the most forgiving people I’ve ever met. She has to be to put up with my numbskull brother for a husband.”

The door opened, and said numbskull poked his head out. “I thought I heard you two,” Jude said. “Stop making kissy faces at each other and get in here.” Then he left the door hanging open and announced to everyone in the apartment, “I found Vaughn and Lark making out in the hallway.”

Vaughn held out an arm in a
gesture. “Libby
with that man. If she can forgive him his constant idiocy, forgiving you will be a snap.”

Lark laughed, just as he hoped she would.

“C’mon. It’ll be fine.” He slid an arm around her waist and guided her inside. Then had to leap out of the way as Libby pounced on her and grabbed her in a spine-crushing hug.

“Oh my God, Lark! I am
mad at you!”

Vaughn stepped forward, intending to pry his sister-in-law off his wife, but Jude stopped him with a hand on the shoulder.

Libby squeezed Lark tighter—if that was possible—and cry-laughed into her shoulder. “So, so mad.”

“Wha…?” Vaughn looked at his brother, then back at the two hugging women, then at his brother again. He hooked a thumb toward the women. “
Libby mad?”

“Nah,” Jude said. “Mad Libby throws punches.” He rubbed his jaw and winced as if in memory. “Good ones, too.
is pregnant Libby. She’s got this happy crying thing going on all the time now. And sad crying. And just crying in general.
the time. It’s weird. You’d think she’d run out of tears?”

Without breaking her hug, Libby threw an elbow and nailed him in the stomach.

“Umph.” He rubbed his abs. “Hey, what’d I do?”

“You opened your trap,” Vaughn said.

Finally, Lark broke the hug and set her friend back at arm’s length. “Libby, I’m sorry. I hated lying to you, but I had to.”

Libby sniffled. “I know. Jude told me everything and I get it. But…” She scowled and punched Lark in the shoulder.

“There’s mad Libby,” Jude said.

She pointed a warning finger at him, then turned that digit toward Lark. “Don’t you go disappearing on me again. I was so freaking worried about you.”

Lark laughed and pulled her in for another quick hug. “You already have mom voice down pat. You’re a natural.”

Reece and Shelby walked by, headed toward the kitchen. Without breaking stride, Reece said, “It’s because she lives with Jude.”

“Hey!” Jude called.

“It is,” Libby mouthed.

“Hey!” Jude said again, but he was grinning as he dragged his wife to him for a quick kiss.

Vaughn moved to Lark’s side and watched everyone congregate in the living room. It felt good, being back with his brothers. In fact, it felt a lot like it had before they lost their parents.

Lark laced her fingers through his. “Chaos,” she said softly.

“Yeah,” he agreed and led her toward the couch. It was almost perfect—which made him miss the presence of Greer all that much more.

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