Runaway Cowgirl (7 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Runaway Cowgirl
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“If you don’t return home, they might send a search party when you’re not there for breakfast. People will judge. I want you to stay, but I understand what we need to do.” Henry frowned. “People judged me because I was an orphan. I could be the hardest working guy around, but they thought I was a thief and bound to walk off a job.”

“That’s awful.” She put her hand on his arm. “I’ll go back before dawn, I promise.”

“I also got the best paying jobs.” Henry winked at her. “They didn’t like to have to tell mothers or wives about a death. So orphans were picked for the dangerous stuff. I handled the explosives and made double what most men did.”

“But we like you alive.” Jack leaned in and kissed Henry.

The pulsing between her legs grew harder. “I’m staying the night. You can tie me up and not touch me, just let me watch. I need to be with you two and know that first day with you both was real. That time in the barn was like a dream and I want more of it. Show me more and I’m yours forever. Three in a bed, or however it’ll work. Honestly, I keep dreaming about it, but it’s hard to believe.”

Jack laughed.

Henry shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. If you stay you’re ours.”

“She can’t stay,” Jack said flatly.

Chapter Six




She was shocked. Stepping back, she watched him sitting casually at the table.

“You want me to leave?” She sat on his lap and kissed him hard. “I know your secret. Am I intruding on your relationship?”

“No, not at all,” Henry said.

“It’ll be safer if you go home so you can have time to think it over. Then tell people we’re engaged tomorrow, if you’re ready. We can go to church and talk to Young. Then have a picnic or something next Sunday. Let people see it,” Jack explained.

“And I’ll be safer with the two of you tonight. I don’t care about talk. I’m not giving up my suffrage or charity works—even if I’m married with six children. I’m still going to be me.” She kissed Jack’s cheek. “Could you both handle that?”

“Of course we can.” Jack hugged her.

“That’s what we love about you. But there are things to sort out first. If you’re serious.” Henry sat next to Jack and kissed him then her. “Like where we’ll live.”

“I can’t imagine living in a fine house like yours.” Jack nodded.

“So we stay here,” she replied. “You need to be near the animals to run a ranch effectively. I’m still worried I’ll break something in that house and upset Father, even though he’s gone. I can make this home mine. The housekeeper is all we need.” She shrugged.

“We have that already. What’ll you do with that big house?” Henry asked.

“And the Widow Lange? Where will she go?” Jack rubbed her shoulders. “We don’t want you to change your mind.”

She smiled. “I think the house would make a great school and boarding house for people who need help.”

“The town has a school,” Henry said.

“I meant a school for adults. Lots of people in town don’t know how to read and write. Mrs Lange and I have been helping some of them. Mrs Lange kept it up while I was gone. I think she could run an adult center of sorts. Help the prostitutes who want to leave the saloons to learn to read, write and some other useful skills such as sewing and cooking. For Heaven’s sake, some of those women could be cowhands here.” She smiled at the new, great idea.

“We manage. There are a few teenage boys in town who we can hire when the herd gets big.” Jack slid her to Henry’s lap then rose to pace the room.

“You don’t like that idea? Women like them have seen and heard a lot worse than ranch work. They’ll be naturals at riding a horse.” She grinned.

“We’ve created a very bold and rebellious woman,” Henry said.

Jack chuckled. “We didn’t create her. She’s always been wild. That’s why we love her. But if you go too far, people will question and pry into our affairs.”

“If I’m married, I doubt it.” She rolled her eyes. “Isn’t roping cattle better than what they’re doing now? I’ve talked to some of them and tried to get them into another career. As much fun as I’ve had with you two, I still chose you. I already had feelings for you both. To do that with a stranger who pays and takes what he wants…” She shuddered.

“We never went to those types of women.” Henry kissed her cheek. “But you’re right, they do deserve better.”

“If you want those women to find husbands or have a life of their own, ranch work isn’t the job for them. Start with the school. Educate them and get them out of the saloon. The owner will be enough of an enemy.” Jack rubbed the back of his neck.

“So you’re okay with that plan? The house would be put to good use and the women could work for suffrage since I’m still going to be pushing for it.” She took a deep breath. “Rights would give women more choices so fewer would end up in that line of work.”

“You don’t have to save everyone,” Henry said.

She brushed her hands over her expensive dress. “I must help them. If my father hadn’t struck copper and silver, what do you think would’ve become of me and my sister? Her husband met her because she was invited to a fancy ball in Denver. Without my father’s money, my sister would be single and…we might’ve ended up in the saloon.”

Jack kneeled and took her hand. “We’d never let that happen.”

She nodded. “I know that now. But when he fell sick and I had all that time to sit with him, he’d say things about how he was so glad he’d done right by us. He’d gotten that lucky hit and we weren’t poor anymore. He never spent too lavishly and even put some of his money in banks. He was always afraid he’d lose it somehow.”

“Don’t worry. We’re not going to let you lose anything. We can take care of you. We love you, not the money.” Henry held her tightly.

“You helped those ladies before your father was ill. Charity is a part of you.” Jack kissed her hand.

“I know. I just have to help them even more now.” She jumped up and paced the room. “Wait! Maybe we can use the house for an orphanage too? If Manitou Springs ever needs one, of course. Most people have family or friends to raise the kids. If not, instead of sending a child off to a big orphanage in Denver, they stay here with the town they know.” She watched Henry’s eyes light up.

“Raised by prostitutes?” Jack asked.

“And the Widow Lange and my housekeeper. She’ll stay there. It’ll be a fulltime job for sure. If they have family to go to then of course that’s the right thing to do instead. I’d just hate to see bad things come to this town. I saw the orphanage in Denver and it’s so crowded. So big. We can do better. We can aid whoever needs help. Give out extra food too. Help for families that are struggling. A centralized charity office with food for the poor, classes for those who want to learn, and anyone can go and ask for help if they need it.” She nodded. “Don’t try to talk me out of it.”

“Never. You’re too stubborn and amazing.” Henry pulled her back into her seat and buried his face in her hair.

“I love you and I know this can work. I can have everything I wanted for the town, and also the marriage, children and passionate love with both the men I wanted. How can you even think of sending me away?” She shook her head at Jack.

Henry kissed her mouth. “I’m in. I love you, Emily. You’re stuck with me forever.”

She snuggled to him and inhaled his scent. The emotions playing over his face told her how much it meant to him. They both looked at Jack.

“I love you too, but this relationship is not conventional. We have to be careful and
careful in public about things.” Jack folded his arms.

“I know. We can do it. It’s not as though people go around kissing in public. I want a full night of passion before a formal engagement. That way you can’t take it back. Don’t send me away. Make me yours, both of you. If you’re sure, we’ll announce the engagement tomorrow.” She waited impatiently for an answer.

“You’re sure?” Jack asked.

Annoyed, she hopped up and methodically stripped off all her clothing right there in the kitchen. It was a difficult process without a maid, but she couldn’t go riding off on horseback in her nightclothes. “If you don’t, I could just tell them you did and you’ll have to marry me anyway.”

Jack grinned. “Fine.”

“Fine?” she mocked. “That’s it?”

“You’ll be nice and sore tomorrow. Like you rode your horse for days and days.” Jack gave in, helping her undress then snagged her by the legs.

He carried her to the bedroom over his shoulder. Henry followed, licking his lips. The joy was clear on Henry’s face and she knew her cheeks would be sore from smiling as well.

The big wooden bed covered with plaid flannel blankets dominated the room. No paintings hung on the walls, just an oil lamp sitting on the bedside table. There was some decorating to be done in here. Her body flushed as he tossed her onto the bed with room enough for three. The tingling between her legs started as the men undressed each other.

They kissed slowly and she didn’t even have to ask them to. It dawned on her that she could protect them as well. With her married to one of them, they’d be able to relax. Even though everyone believed they were family, she knew that their sexual connection had to concern them. If she’d caught them in the barn, someone else could as well.

“You look lost in thought.” Jack knelt between her legs.

She studied his hard cock and powerful form. “I want you both so much. This is right.”

He nuzzled her knee. “Thinking time is later.”

Henry nipped at Jack’s cheek. “If he’s saying that, jump on the fun times. Jack is always thinking too much.”

Jack teased her pussy. She wanted to ride them both, so she shoved away the last bit of fear, warning what would happen if people found out. She’d be labeled a whore and the men would be strung up at worst, run out of town at best. They’d run together. She had enough in gold, silver and copper to fund it. Her big carriage would serve as a safe means of travel. They could go west and set up a ranch near a bigger town where people paid less attention and didn’t know every one of their neighbors. The three of them might even try to take their cattle along. She’d start a stampede if she had to, just to stay with them.

Stroking Jack’s cock, she guided him closer. Henry’s fingers teased her entrance and she pushed for more. As Jack filled her slowly, Henry tickled her clit and she relaxed. Being stretched mixed pleasure with an ache. She lifted since staying still would make her crazy. Henry leaned down and nibbled her breasts, spreading the pleasure, and her focus.

She stared into Jack’s eyes as she eased back. “More,” she said.

Jack shook his head. “Don’t rush it.”

“Enjoy it,” Henry said.

“I need more.” She scooted down and grabbed Jack’s arm.

Jack filled her and slipped in deeper this time.

She gasped and shuddered. “So good!”

Henry pinched her nipples and kissed her neck as Jack leaned down. He kissed her hard then his tongue filled her mouth.

She curled her tongue to his and wrapped an arm around each man’s neck. With both of them pressed to her, she felt safe and powerful. Right and rebellious. It was a dizzying new world, but she wanted to explore it all.

She rocked her hips to Jack as she released his mouth and kissed Henry, sliding her fingers down his body until they curled around his throbbing cock. Jack picked up speed and she matched him. It felt so natural, just like riding a horse.

Only she was being ridden this time. He hit parts of her no one had ever touched. The ache and stretching sensation were blotted out by pleasure as they played with her body.

Soon Henry would take her too.

“Plenty of time to have us both.” Henry brushed her hand away and bit one then the other of her nipples.

Bowing her back, she dug her nails into their strong shoulders as the pleasure built. There was ache behind it, but she wanted the exquisite release that was coming.

Jack held her hips and fucked her. Henry’s mouth ruled her breasts as his fingers teased her clit. She bucked as her tender flesh seemed to catch on fire. It was like a lightning strike deep inside her. Screaming, she felt Jack deep inside her.

A hoarse shout from Jack reassured her that he’d found her first time satisfactory as well. He thrust again and pulled from her. A line of fluid landed on her stomach as Henry settled on one side of her.

“You okay?” he asked.

She smiled as Jack flopped next to her on his back. “I’m perfect. No going back now.”

“Actually, odds are you won’t end up with child.” Henry leaned down and licked up the cream on her. “That stuff usually goes inside you.”

Nodding, she understood they were trying not to force her into marriage. “I’m not a virgin anymore. But I need both of you.” She turned her head and looked at Henry. She wouldn’t feel right until she’d had them both.


When she rolled over onto him, Henry knew exactly what she was after. A cat in heat wanting to get all the attention. It was a new power for her.

“Pace yourself, sweetheart. I won’t last long.” Henry saw the need in her eyes. “We’ve got plenty of time. I don’t ever want you to leave.”

She straddled him like a saddle and the feel of her silky thighs and wet pussy made him groan. He grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks, tilting her forward. “You want us both.”

“Yes,” she said.

“You belong to us both. Whatever the law says, you know the truth.” He rubbed his cock along her slit until she moaned and tried to take it into her.

He guided her down and let his fingers work at her rear entrance. There was surprise in her widening eyes, but the soft sounds coming from her throat encouraged him.

Jack moved behind her and Henry let him take over. Henry shifted his hands to her breasts and let her ride him. He lifted at a steady pace she could anticipate as she rocked her hips, altering the angle. Sometimes she slammed down on him hard. Other times she ground against him as their bodies met.

“You’re more spirited than any woman I’ve ever met,” he said.

She leaned down and kissed him. “I’m not sure I can take two this time.”

“Two?” he asked.

She nodded to Jack behind her. Henry smiled.

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