Run with the Moon (13 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Run with the Moon
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“You wouldn’t be regardless,” Valen whispered. “I would—will—be here for you.”

Aaron shimmed a little closer. “Will you teach me more about sex? Are you going to stay with me in the village?”

Valen laughed, then said, “Yes to the first, definitely. Most definitely.” He squeezed Aaron’s butt. “Staying in the village, I don’t know. There’s the issue of clothing. I’m supposed to be finding my own territory and establishing my pack. I have two members now.”


Valen nodded at him. “Rivvie, and you.”

“I’m not a shifter,” Aaron protested. “I’m—”

“Mine,” Valen rumbled before kissing Aaron again. He also ran his hand down to cup Aaron’s bulging cock through his pants.

Aaron was dimly aware of being moved, shuffled backwards. Then his back was against something hard and lumpy—a tree, he realized as Valen began nibbling along his jaw.

Valen kept up the pressure on Aaron’s dick, too, rubbing, squeezing, providing friction. When he began to work Aaron’s pants open, Aaron tipped his head back, panting, so close to release already that he should have been embarrassed. He wasn’t.

“You have a pretty dick, honey,” Valen said right before he fisted it. “Very pretty.” He raked his teeth over one of Aaron’s nipples through his thin shirt.

“Oh, gods, Valen, do that again!” Aaron grabbed onto Valen’s shoulders. “Please!”

Valen did something better. He bit Aaron’s nipple, not hard at first. Then he increased the pressure, biting until Aaron moaned and begged for more.

His other nipple was pinched and plucked. The pleasure was almost too much. Valen had his mouth on the right one, his fingers on the left, and his other hand jacking Aaron’s cock.

Aaron keened as his balls shot his cum out through his dick.

Valen dropped to his knees, moaning as he caught the second shot of seed in his mouth.

Aaron could do nothing other than writhe and try to breathe. When he finally calmed, he opened his eyes and saw Rivvie standing a few yards behind Valen, holding the leather satchel.

Valen turned his head and unless Aaron was hearing wrong, he growled at his brother, sounding like a wolf and nothing like a man.

Rivvie cackled and seemed unbothered by Valen’s pique.

Valen stood slowly, dragging his body against Aaron’s. Then he tucked Aaron’s cock away and fastened his pants.

“Don’t be mad at me, Val. I think it’s cute how you two can’t be alone without humping.”

Valen mouthed ‘sorry’ to Aaron then dropped a quick kiss on his lips. He turned around. “Rivvie, stop talking unless you’re going to say something that doesn’t embarrass Aaron.”

Rivvie sighed dramatically. “Man, I can’t say anything after this because he blushes all the time. It’s almost as cute as you two being all horny-gropey.”

“Can you still see the smoke?”

As soon as Valen asked the question, Rivvie’s amusement vanished. “Yes, I can. It’s growing fainter, though. Can’t smell it now.” He set the bag down. “Here comes Walter.”

Aaron knew he was going to blush all over the second his father looked at him. He smelled of sex and Valen’s lips were swollen and darker than usual. Walter wasn’t an idiot. He’d put one and one together and get two.

Valen also had an erection that was impossible to miss.

“Maybe you can put the leather bag over your, er, penis?” Aaron suggested.

Valen gestured for the bag.

Rivvie picked it up and tossed it to him.

“Thanks.” Valen slung it over one shoulder and ducked his head under the strap. The leather satchel covered his erection, much to Aaron’s relief. “Maybe I should invest in some clothes. Should have brought some when I left the pack, but that isn’t our way. I had to leave everything behind except for the gifts from the shaman and the alpha.” Valen fingered a necklace Aaron hadn’t noticed before then.

“How did I not see that?” He hefted the small pouch in his hand. “What’s in it?”

“You didn’t see it at first because it was dark out, and when morning came, we were busy. Then we parted.” Valen wrapped his hand around Aaron’s. “Today when I shifted, the pouch was on the back of my neck. It’d gotten turned around when I was a wolf.”

“How’s it big enough to go around your neck when you’re a wolf?” Aaron measured the leather thong holding the pouch. “It’s not wide enough to fit you then.”

Valen hitched one shoulder up. “Magic, I guess. Our shaman is very powerful.”

Aaron had heard that word before. “What’s a shaman?”

Valen explained briefly, then Walter was almost to them. He rode his own mount and led Aaron’s favorite, Tentin. Aaron couldn’t help noticing the flicker of awe that raced over Valen’s features when he looked at the horses.

“You can touch her,” Aaron offered, taking the reins from his father. “Tentin is gentle. She’s sure-footed and fast, too, but gentle is why I love her.”

“Can I pet her too?” Rivvie asked, warily stepping forward.

“Sure.” Aaron was bemused by the cautiousness and amazement these big men were exhibiting, although caution was proof of their wisdom. It wasn’t smart to be aggressive when facing an animal bigger than they were, especially when it was obvious that neither Rivvie nor Valen had any experience with horses.

“She’s a quarter horse-mustang mix, we think. She’s a liver chestnut, which is rare,” Aaron added as the brothers tentatively touched her neck. “Tentin likes to be scratched behind the ears, and stroked anywhere.”

Tentin nickered softly as if to agree with him.

Walter added, “She’s a bit of an attention lover, Tentin is. Wish we could breed her. We would, except that she never comes into season. Guess there’s only room for one beautiful mare like her in the world.”

Valen’s smile was so carefree it made Aaron’s chest ache with a resonating happiness. “Her hair is so soft,” Valen observed.

“And warm. Wow, she’s a powerful beast.” Rivvie fingered her mane. “I’m surprised she isn’t scared of us. A lot of other animals are. You won’t find any pet cats in our pack, and we don’t even eat them.”

“Some dogs, though,” Valen said. “Others are terrified of us even when we’re like this instead of wolves.”

“Tentin is smart, and very calm.” Aaron took a step then realized he’d dropped his cane at some point. “Oh, could you get that for me?” Bending down might not be the best thing for him to do if he wanted to be allowed to go with Valen and Rivvie. There was a chance he might not be able to stand back up.

Valen gave him a knowing look but didn’t say anything. He strode over to where the cane lay then picked it up and brought it to Aaron. “Do you need help getting up?”

“He does but he won’t say so,” Walter grumbled. “His knee could have used a few stitches. Would have gotten them too if Aaron hadn’t refused.”

“The last person who was stitched up by Vestus Luedke died from blood poisoning, Father. I’d rather have an ugly scar.” Aaron might have considered dying before, true enough. But he wouldn’t want to suffer for a week before passing. He was also trying to work out in his head if his down moods were based on something inside himself, or his preconceived notions about what would happen to him should his secret desires be discovered.

They were more than desires, he now knew. They were needs, and it was the way he was built. And maybe being different didn’t make him a freak. Maybe, like with Tentin, he could be special though not beautiful like she was. Kind and calm as she was, and accepting of himself.

Besides, Valen was like him, and there was an undeniable confidence and strength in Valen. Aaron wasn’t too sure about Rivvie, not where his interests lay or what he was truly like. Rivvie was loyal to Aaron, which counted for something.

“Are you going to let me help you up?”

Aaron blinked at Valen. He had a feeling that wasn’t the first time Valen had asked. “Sorry. My mind wandered.”

Valen winked at him and Aaron’s jaw dropped.

Which got him another wink and a pat on the butt.

Walter cleared his throat.

Valen smirked. “Sorry if it bothers you, Walter. Aaron is mine, and I intend to touch him often.”

Walter scrunched his nose up as he grimaced. “Just try not to be too grabby with him in front of me or Anita, please. It’d be similar to you seeing your parents getting, er, friendly.”

Rivvie made a gagging sound. “That’s disgusting

“Point taken.” Valen touched Aaron’s hip. “How do I help you up?”

Aaron liked that Valen could ask questions when he didn’t know how to do something. He talked Valen through the mounting, then beamed at him once seated properly in the saddle.

“Be careful, son,” Walter said. He looked as if he’d aged a few more years since their talk earlier.

Aaron nodded to his father then watched him turn his horse around and ride off.

Rivvie watched him, too. “He seems like a good father.”

Valen rested a hand on Rivvie’s arm then patted him. “So is ours, but all parents are fallible. They make mistakes and sometimes that means they say things they shouldn’t.”

Aaron wondered what that was about. He didn’t ask. If Valen wanted him to know, he’d tell Aaron. Or if Aaron couldn’t let go of his curiosity, he could at least wait to be nosey until Rivvie wasn’t listening in.

“We’ll stay on or near a pathway you can ride on,” Valen said. He stepped away from Tentin. “Perhaps it’d be best if we shifted in the forest, and you followed us after a minute or two. You said Tentin is calm. However, having two wolves appear right by her might be too much for her to handle.”

“Possibly,” Aaron agreed. He wanted to believe Tentin wouldn’t panic on him, though it wasn’t worth risking a broken neck over. “Okay. I’ll wait until you give me a sign.”

Rivvie started jogging off. “I’ll bark!”

Valen followed his brother, then passed him, both men running full out by the time they reached the forest.

Aaron turned Tentin away, lest she spotted them shifting. She’d surely smell the wolves in the forest, and after, when they came to the flat lands on the other side of it. At least they were skirting the mountain. Aaron didn’t know how, but he was certain they would. He’d never been out any farther than he’d gone the night he’d stolen Valen’s bag, so he was excited.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t worried for Valen and Rivvie. He hoped that nothing bad had happened to their father or former pack.
Maybe there was just a fire, or something was burned purposefully.


* * * *


Valen was impressed. Tentin hadn’t seemed bothered by their scent other than for a brief moment when she’d pawed at the ground and snorted. After that, she’d followed along unhesitatingly.

He was still careful to keep ahead of her, and when possible, downwind. After several hours, he figured they all needed a break, or at least Tentin and Aaron did. Valen could have run until he reached his father’s property. Fear that he was making a mistake in going back couldn’t be dismissed. However, he knew that if the fire was set by marauders—hard to imagine, but his mind kept going there—then he needed to return.

No one had ever attacked their pack, or any of the other shifters that he knew of. That didn’t mean that such a thing couldn’t happen, especially if other Human villages were struggling like Aaron’s was. Some people would believe it to be easier to take by force rather than ask for help.

After finding the scents surrounding Aaron’s village, then seeing the fire, Valen was inclined to believe that was the case now, though he hated to admit it. While shifters were fierce and strong, fire was an enemy they couldn’t win against if the circumstances were against them.

Around midday, Valen sent Rivvie to find them a meal then shifted and stepped onto the path Aaron was riding on. It wasn’t a true path, per se, just a less difficult area to ride through. They were almost through this part of the forest, and Valen wanted to check on Aaron.

Tentin neighed at him and tossed her head. Valen didn’t speak horse. She may have been greeting him or trying not to give in to her fear of him.

“Are we stopping?” Aaron asked. Sweat beaded his brow, giving his skin a glow. He leaned forward on Tentin’s neck.

“For a short amount of time, yes. You need to eat.” He walked to Tentin’s side to help Aaron get off the horse.

Aaron placed his smaller hand in Valen’s, and a second later, slid down into his arms. “Hi,” Aaron whispered, staring at Valen’s lips.

Valen was no fool. He slanted his mouth over Aaron’s and slipped his tongue past Aaron’s full lips.

Aaron moaned and clung to him in a way that made Valen feel as if he were the biggest, strongest alpha in the world. He cupped the back of Aaron’s head, and his bottom. He enjoyed being able to hold his lover immensely.

And Aaron certainly liked it, too. Aaron pressed closer to him. Valen thrust his tongue in more aggressively, need building in his groin.

Tentin neighed and shuffled back.

Aaron swayed, either startled by the horse or dazed by the kiss. Valen was going with the kiss. He stroked Aaron’s smooth cheek then ran his thumb over Aaron’s lips. “Sweet,” he found himself saying.

Aaron blushed adorably and looked down.

Valen tipped his chin up and took another kiss. “You don’t think you deserve compliments?”

“I—” Aaron gasped as Valen tweaked one of his nipples.

“Because you do.” Valen pinched again.

Aaron’s eyes widened and he pushed into the touch.

Valen twisted harder, gaging whether or not Aaron wanted more, wanted pain. Aaron had gotten off on having his arms pinned down when they’d been together that first time, Valen knew that much.

The direct approach seemed the best one. Valen added more pressure, tugging the nipple away from Aaron’s chest. “Do you like the pain?”

Aarons face turned red and he bit his bottom lip.

“There is no wrong answer, Aaron, unless it’s a lie.” Valen released Aaron’s chin and began giving his other nub the same treatment.

Aaron moaned, his eyes rolling before he closed them. “Yes,” he hissed. “And it isn’t pain, exactly.”

Valen’s entire body went tight with excitement. “It isn’t?” He pinched and twisted again.

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