Rules about Lily (8 page)

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Authors: Angelina Fayrene

BOOK: Rules about Lily
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Her dilemma now was in getting out of the house without anybody else seeing her. How mortifying that Ava would catch her in bed with Jared, people did this sort of thing all the time without getting caught and now Ava was under the impression that she and Jared would marry. She would have to talk to her and set the situation straight. Which was what? That she was willing to sleep with Jared but not willing to marry him, she didn’t want Ava thinking that she was a hussy.

The sound of the water being turned off had Lily hurrying out of bed and scrambling into her rumbled clothes. She had on her dress but was unable to don any underwear; Jared had torn it to useless pieces and later stuffed it into the pocket of her skirt. He exited the bathroom and stopped to stare at the sight she made in her rumpled clothes and ruffled hair and was turned on all over again. He had made love to her four times since the elm tree last night and he wondered at the possibility of it all, no man should be able to rise to the occasion again and no woman had ever made him want to try. Lily did nothing but stand there and it made him want to drag her back to bed and keep her there until neither of them was able to move, but she was sure to be sore and looked like she would bolt if he came any closer. He had to remember that it was not only her first time having sex but it was the first morning after that as well and being caught by Ava hadn’t helped either.

“I’ve got to get home, I’ve been in these clothes since yesterday and you’ve got a long day ahead of you.”

Jared stared at her; she was acting like they were supposed to go on as if nothing had happened between them.

“Like hell, I’ll go get the truck and I take you back to your place and help you pack up your thing to bring them here.”

“What are you talking about? You have a date with Celeste and I have a day date with Brian.” She walked sideways until she was two feet away from the door and wondered if she would make it through.

              “Like hell” he said again. “I’m not going to continue with this charade and you sure as hell are not going to be taking yourself or my baby on a date with that asshole” He looked fully prepared to lock her in the room if she disagreed.

“OK, how about a compromise. I’ll break the date with Brian until I fine out if I’m pregnant but I refuse to move in and shack up with you. Deal?”

“I don’t have to worry about Brian then because I know you’re pregnant and I’m willing to wait until we’re married before you move in. But...” Lily looked at him expectantly.

“I’m not willing to go back, now that we’ve made love I don’t intend to sleep without you, so if you’re uncomfortable with the foot traffic that goes on here we’ll sleep at your place. Thank God your have a king size bed. Deal?”

“Deal?” They shook hands and Jared kept hold of her hand, stroking the softness of her palm. “Now go home and take a nap, you look tired and I have plans for you tonight.”

Her body heated at the glint in his eye and she remembered for an instant how it was between them and blushed at the memory. His sexy chuckle told her that he knew what she was thinking and he released her hand to turn her around and gently pushed her out the bedroom door.

Lily left the main house and hurried home, which was saying a lot because every muscle in her body was sore. Well used in an activity that was strange to her. She longed for a hot bath and a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep and when she woke up she would figure out exactly what happen and how it got out of hand so fast.









Chapter 18


Lily woke up as the midday sun shone through the curtain into her eyes, a kaleidoscope of light danced behind her eyelids and she turned away from the intruder with a smile. She felt wonderful. She and Jared were lovers and she was in love with him. Now all she had to do was face a ranch full of guests and staff and not make a fool of herself and there was the very real problem of making Jared fall in love with her. She knew that Jared loved her, he always had but she wanted him in love with her.

They cared for each other and had dynamic sex, but was that enough to change her plans and to forget the fact that when Jared went looking for a wife he never once considered her as a possible choice. The bright light of day intruded again and Lily looked at the clock, it was 1 o’clock in the afternoon. She bolted off and the bed and hurried into the shower, she had wasted an entire morning.

Being late to work was one thing but this was ridiculous, it was also a little strange that no one had come looking for her. She was out the door and on her way to the main house in thirty minutes. The first person she saw as she entered the house was Bella, who upon seeing her quickly put down the platter she was carrying and folded Lily into a huge hug, rocking her from side to side as if she was a lost child that had finally been recovered, Bella planted a loud kiss to her cheek and finally let her go, but stood there grinning.

“Bella, are you ok?”

“I couldn’t be better my sweet.” Still she stood there smiling at Lily.

“I thought that everyone would be at the dining hall having lunch. Where is everybody?” The place looked very different from the night before. All the everyday decorative pieces hung or lay where they always had and the decorations that were installed for the guests were absent. You couldn’t tell that only hours ago that place looked more like a hotel than a home.

“Everyone is gone or they will be soon.  Young Mr. Jared he said it is all over, that he has found his bride and there is to be no more looking. Lily felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“Did he happen to mention who this bride was?” He really wouldn’t do this while she slept, would he? Bella chuckled and winked at her.

“As if you didn’t know. I am so happy for you my darling. Ms Ava said too that there was a baby on the way, this ranch been too long without a baby running around. I hope its twins.”

Lily’s voice quivered with embarrassment and anger. “There is no baby Bella, at least I don’t think so and Jared did ask me to marry him but I haven’t told him yes and it’s looking like I never will.” She softened her voice at the confused look in Bella’s eyes.

“Where is he Bella, I need to talk to him now.”  She pointed in the direction of Jared’s office.

“Thank you Bella and don’t worry, everything will be ok.” Lily headed off in the direction Bella had pointed and took deep cleansing breaths. She would need to be in control of herself or things would get broken, possibly Jared’s head.  Jared was on the phone with his back to the door as Lily entered; he swung around to stare at her and his eyes lit up as she approached him. Even though she was angry she was happy to see him and his obvious pleasure in seeing her all about evaporated her anger. Almost.

He disconnected the call about a minute later and came around the desk to wrap her in his arms. She sidestepped at the last moment and his hands dropped to his sides. It didn’t take him long to realize that she was angry.

“Talk to me honey, what’s wrong?” His voice was cautiously patient.

“Where are all the women that were here last night?”

“I sent them home”


“What do you mean why; there wasn’t any reason for them to be here any longer. We’re getting married, remember?” It was a statement with no real question to it.

“I remember you asking but I don’t remember saying yes.”

“What the hell is going on here Lily? Why wouldn’t we get married?” He was getting mad as well.

“What don’t you tell me why we should get married?” She had stepped towards him and was poking him in the chest with her newly manicured fingertip.

“I can’t believe you even have to ask that after last night.” He said incredulously.

“That was sex Jared, great sex but you have had women before and I don’t think there has ever been a proposal, so why now.” By now Jared had
captured her hand and held it to his chest.

“You could be pregnant.”

“I might not be.”

“Everybody at the ranch knows about last night.”

“I had planned on moving”

“I took your virginity”

“I gave it to”

“You belong to me damnit, why are you doing this?” His voice dropped to a confused whisper. Jared’s chest squeezed painfully, he was afraid he was going to lose her and nothing he was saying was making a lick of difference. Something very much like panic was setting in.

“I’m not a part of the ranch Jared, I’m a woman and I want what every woman wants. I think that marrying me is the most convenient thing for you to do and neither one of us should ever settle, not in this.” Tears slid down her hot cheeks and Lily pulled at the hand that Jared held captive. Jared just held on tighter.

“I can’t l
et you go Lily” He whispered. “I need you too much. I didn’t think of you as a bride because I saw getting married as a life-changing event, something to endure. You are as natural to me as breathing and the thought of my life without you is unbearable. Stay and help me breath Lily. I don’t think I can do it without you. To say I love you seems so insubstantial compared to how I feel about you.”

Lily was crying profusely now and Jared tried to kiss the tears as they fell.

“Say it anyway.”

“I love you Lily, I always have and after twenty-two years it seems like I always will.” He released her but kept a hold of her hand and slid to one knee.

“Lily Waters you have been the underlying strength in me for almost all my life. You have held me with love and patience and humor and friendship and I could never be whole without you. Will you marry me?” This time he waited for an answer.

“Of course I will Jared but if this is a dream don’t ever wake me up.” He slipped
an antique platinum band with a marquis cut emerald onto her left hand and Lily recognized it as Ava’s.  He stood and took her lips with his for the first of many passionate kisses, neither one of them raised their heads as the rest of the household whooped and hollered.










Lily sat on a rocking chair on the pristine white wrap around porch of the ranch. She and Ava laughed as they watched Jared in the front yard as he pointed out animals to the little boy perched on his shoulders. Three years into their marriage and Lily thanked god everyday that she and Jared had worked out the way they did. He was right of course, nine months to the day from the first time they made love James Edward Maguire was born, perfect and healthy and very much loved.

Lily’s hand caressed her protruding stomach. The proof of this child was also no surprise; Jared knew that she existed from the moment of her conception. In a little over a month their daughter would join the family.

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