Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Ruby Ink (Clairmont Series Novel Book 1)
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“I don’t know. Maybe. Like I said, Troy doesn’t confide much to me these days.”

“Maybe I can talk to him about that…
,” he said, wondering if Chloe Pike had an end game or she was just playing one. Aaron refocused. At the moment, Honor was waiting for Aaron’s blanks to be filled in, not Troy’s. “Anyway… Well, you know part of my parole requires employment. I have sixty days to find something, and I’ve already burned four of them. So there’s something I need to work on.”

“I’m glad you brought it up.”

“Are you? It should be fun, having every door in Nickel Springs slammed in my face. That’s why I’ve been thinking that starting over somewhere else might not be the worst idea in the world.”

Honor’s head shook more adamantly with each word. “No… no way! You’re right, Aaron. It’s not going to be easy. People will judge. But you know as well as I do, your record will follow no matter where you go. So explain how it would be better to start over without a support system like your family?”

“It might not be easier for me, but it would be for you guys.” He stopped there. Short of vanishing in the middle of the night, it was the biggest out Aaron could give her. Maybe she should grab it.



“No… and I don’t want to discuss it again. Got it? This is home. This is where you belong.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said, hearing a tone that the younger sister he’d left behind hadn’t yet discovered.

“In fact, if you’re willing to accept a little help… Well, that’s part of the reason I came home.”

Aaron sat taller on the stool. He wasn’t too sure he was going to like what came next. It had the distinct smell of charity.

“You know I’m doing pretty decently with my catering business. Maybe even a little better than decent. We talked about that when I visited, right?”

“Yeah, it was a safe subject. Not too personal, nothing that would agitate the inmate. I figured you’d studied the ‘how to speak to a prisoner handbook’ cover to cover.”

“Something like that. Anyway, things have gotten so good that I’ve expanded my business. In addition to private parties, I’ve taken on a new venture—an inn at the far end of Butterfield Lake.”

“An inn?” He said it so softly Aaron barely heard his own voice. “The old Rose Arch Inn?” And in his head, there it was. The private beach he and Ruby had frequented until winter and Aaron’s covert life had driven them out.

“Aaron… Are you listening?”

He realized his focus was lost, having floated to some aimless spot in the next room.

“Sorry. It, uh… it reminded me of something. But yeah, I’m listening.” He cleared his throat, trying to dislodge the memories. “Go on.
Honor’s Guests
is doing great. I can’t tell you how proud I am of that. But if, um… if you’re about to offer me a job… I did kitchen time on the inside. If you want lousy boiled potatoes for four-hundred, I can help you out. After that… not so much.”

“Uh, no. I’ve got the cooking part under control. I actually have a staff now.”

“Really? Wow, things are good. Still, I don’t know if me working for you is the best idea.”

“I knew you’d say that. It doesn’t make me totally unhappy, Aaron. I’m glad to see that independent streak of yours is alive and well. This job isn’t with
Honor’s Guests
. It’s at the Rose Arch.”

Aaron sat stiffly on the stool, praying she didn’t ask why he’d stopped breathing.

“Actually, it’s not the Rose Arch Inn anymore. They’re calling it Abstract Enchantment. Isn’t that pretty?”

Nod… just nod….
Aaron forced his head to bob.

“The place is owned by Windamere. It’s a massive hotel conglomerate. They own properties everywhere, but they’re expanding into the boutique end of the business. Abstract Enchantment is a trial venue.”

“Trial venue,” he parroted.

“Aaron, are you all right?”

He felt Honor touch his arm, the muscle mercilessly rigid.

“What’s wrong?”

He needed to get it together. He couldn’t let Honor see this. He sure as fuck didn’t want to explain it. Aaron removed his arm from his sister’s hold. He grappled for an association that didn’t center on Ruby. “Uh, yeah… fine. The place Pop used to oversee.”
That’s it. Give it context… NOT the place that belonged to Ruby and me…
“Still adjusting to real-world things… places… memories, that’s all.”

“The old Rose Arch, it’s the kind of property Windamere looks for. They’ve done most of the renovations. And, well, the other day, at your, uh… homecoming…” Honor was always good at finding sweet ways around direct prison references. “That day, there was a man here.”

“The suit you were talking to.”

“You noticed him?”

“Hard to miss. His
fine attire
had to cost more than your car.”

“Stefan’s more than his clothes, Aaron.”

There was a definite shift in her tone. He treaded carefully. “Stefan, huh?”

“He’s European—though he’s lived in the states for years. He’s in charge of Abstract Enchantment.”

“Abstract Enchantment,” he said, trying to connect the name to the place in his head.

“Right. I said that. I think it’s trendy—chic.”

“I think it sounds like something kinky has invaded Nickel Springs.”

“No, not at all. Think more sophisticated romance with a modern edge. Part of the project is promoting a boutique inn with a European motif. Don’t judge. Wait until you see what they’ve done with the place. You won’t recognize it.”

That would be a miracle…
“Why would I be seeing any of it?”

“Because tomorrow you have a meeting there with Stefan.”

“Okay, whoa. Back the truck up. I don’t know a damn thing about romantic inns—European or straw bed.”

“He knows that. I told you, Stefan’s a good guy. Look, you have a business degree. You know Nickel Springs. You’ve worked plenty of construction, and you did help get my business off the ground.”

“Come on, Honor. I helped you deliver hot hor d’oeuvres to the rotary club Christmas party and a few weddings.”

“Regardless,” she said, her chin tipping higher, “it was enough to get your foot in the door.”

“Yes, but does he know…?”

“Stefan knows that you were…”

“In prison. Say it, Honor.”

She was Clairmont—or at least Evie—stubborn. “Publically out of reach,” she said, folding her arms. “And the first thing Stefan insisted on was
knowing a single detail. He said if you were starting a new future, it would be his starting point as well. In fact, he was quite insistent.”

“And when did you tell him all this, over drinks—or someplace more intimate?”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m just trying to figure how this fits together. Obviously, you know the guy well enough to have invited him to your brother’s
coming out.”

“True. I had every intention of introducing you the other day. Stefan was very open to the idea—which I think goes to show you how nonjudgmental he is. But then you disappeared… went to take shower.”

Aaron shuffled on the bar stool like a kid in the timeout corner. He hopped off. Now he felt like he was lying to her. “Uh, yeah, sorry about that.”

“I couldn’t find you, and Stefan had to get going. I saw him today at lunch. He said he’d be willing to talk to you about a job.”

Aaron had walked to the far side of the kitchen island, his arms pressing into the granite. “Cut to the chase, Honor. Is this guy like your boyfriend… are you sleeping with him?”


“It’s a fair question. Business associates don’t extend those kinds of favors. Sounds like this guy’s got a lot riding on his Abstract Enchantment venture. Why would he take a risk on me? Especially not knowing if I was in for grand theft auto, or…” Aaron didn’t finish the thought, still stymied by his crime. “So what’s the deal between the two of you?”

She looked startled. She looked like he wasn’t supposed to have figured that much out. “We’re not… Well, it started out…” She stood, arms still folded. “It’s complicated.”

“I have time.”

Honor sat again, her fair-eyed gaze taking a serious inventory of his. “Stefan and I have a lot of business dealings. Windamere, thanks to Stefan, is in the process of signing Honor’s Guests to handle the food for the new inn. And…”

“And…?” he said warily.

“And we do have a separate deal going. One where Stefan would personally invest in Honor’s Guests. I won’t lie—it would be a huge boost for me. The kind of investment a small business like mine dreams about.”

“Okay, so I’m still not hearing the part where this Stefan owes you a favor. What else?”

“Well, lunches, they have gotten more…
. And I admit, he’s charming… good looking. But Stefan’s also very professional.”

“Does that mean you’re only screwing around when you’re both off the clock?”

“I…” She stopped, the blue of her eyes darkening as they narrowed. “I don’t see how any of that is your concern.”

“If I were your average brother, someone who didn’t have to report to his parole officer, you might be right. But think about it, Honor. You got something going with this guy—whatever it is. For you, I hope it matches the smile on your face when I saw you talking to him. If he’s what you want, if this Stefan treats you good… Fine. But if it all went south tomorrow… Well, your shiny Euro-suit might not think twice about throwin’ my ass under the bus for his trouble. Could be I’m paranoid. But if not, if I get fingered for some wrongdoing at a job… That kind of parole breach, it’s five years, automatic.”

She was quiet for moment. “I didn’t think about that.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to. What can I tell you? Serious time being
publically out of reach
will make you look before you leap.”

“But Stefan wouldn’t do that. I know him well enough to know that.”

“Do you?”

She hesitated again. “Look, I didn’t start this conversation with the intention of discussing my sex life with my brother…” They looked anywhere but at each other. “But if it makes you keep that appointment tomorrow, I haven’t slept with Stefan.”

“But you’re thinking about it.”

“I’m thinking getting you a good job is my number-one priority.”

“More so than any romantic interest you have in this guy?”

“Enough so that I don’t mind promising if you keep the meeting, take the job, my relationship with Stefan will stay strictly business. This is too important to me.”

That was Honor, always putting herself second to whatever any brother needed. It pissed Aaron off that circumstances had proven he needed the most. He sighed. “What’s the job? Construction… plumbing… grounds work, I can handle any of it.”

“Not exactly.” Her brow crinkled. “Stefan’s looking for an assistant manager to oversee the last of the building projects for Abstract Enchantment. Then he needs somebody he can transition into helping run the place.”

“You’re kidding?” Aaron said, fully expecting a bottom rung on any job ladder.

“I’m not. And I did a damn good job of convincing him you’re the right guy. So will you meet with him?”

“If you tell me the truth about one thing.”

She nodded.

“How do you really feel about him? Would you be passing up the great love of your life so your jailbird brother gets a shot at redemption? Because if that’s the case,” Aaron said, his arms grazing empty air, “…Pass.”

“The truth, huh?” She sat back down on the bar stool. “Fair enough. The truth is that Stefan is an interesting man. Compared to the usual fare in Nickel Springs… Well, he’s more intriguing than Marty who owns the NASCAR memorabilia shop and smarter than Trevor Dotson… maybe I mentioned him?”

“The adjunct professor at the university. You dated him years three and four,” Aaron said, tracking time the only way he could on the inside. “Didn’t work out?”

“Nice guy. Not the right guy.”

“Okay, then let’s get to the real question. How does Stefan stack up to Rowen?” At the mention of Rowen Pratt’s name, Honor’s eyes grew teary. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to make her cry.

“It’s tough for any man to live up to a ghost,” she whispered. “Don’t you think?”

Aaron didn’t know what to say to that. His mind flashed to a vivid scene: The news of Rowen’s death, full military honor guard, a folded flag being handed to his sister. Aaron couldn’t imagine what was flashing through hers. Maybe they’d had their own lakefront beach somewhere. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought him up, mentioned his name.”

“Why? It’s not going to make Rowen any less dead.” Delicate on the outside, her grittiness ran deep. It had seen her through her fiancé’s funeral and her own brother’s messed up life. “Really, it’s fine, Aaron. I get the question. Things with Stefan… well, they haven’t taken that kind of romantic turn—not yet.”

“Are you positive?”

“For a while I did think there was more. You know, a look that lingers for a second too long, maybe a hand grazing my arm in a way that doesn’t say ‘strictly business…’ But Stefan’s never even asked me out for coffee, not unless it was to discuss how many entrées he wants on the dinner menu.”

“So what? Is he nuts or gay?” Aaron was being completely contradictory, but now he disliked the slick suit for not taking a romantic interest in his sister. Honor laughed. At least he’d reversed the frown.

“Look, Stefan’s an unusual…” She shrugged. “
addition to Nickel Springs. Let’s leave it at that.”

Aaron wished he could read her better, but he didn’t possess that kind of connection. Not like Jake, who seemed able to read Honor’s mind. He supposed it was the twin thing they did have in common. Aaron was left to draw his own conclusions. His sister appeared to trust Stefan. And it could be that Aaron was too jaded to judge. Besides, if he took the job—which he did need—he’d have a chance to form a real opinion about the benevolent Stefan. If Honor was right, and the guy was heaven sent, he could quit—for his sister’s sake. With that plan in mind, Aaron slowly exhaled. “What time’s the meeting?”

The blindfold was a necessity, a basic prop that enhanced imagination. And silk ties that bound her wrists to the wrought-iron bedframe… Well, that was an award for good behavior. He’d left the leather cuffs back in the city. Stefan didn’t mind, on occasion, rewarding good behavior. From his looming position, he observed Vanessa’s delicate wrists. Even so, they looked red and a little raw. But she’d submitted willingly, not even hinting at any safety word.

That’s what Stefan loved most about Vanessa—not that he really loved anything at all. Despite their intense business dealings, this was a unique interpersonal relationship—nothing more. Consensual kink wasn’t always how things happened between them. But admittedly, Stefan’s found sexual moments like these to be most satisfying.

He was awed by their ability to remain on the same page, keep priorities in order. Right now he was truly awed by Vanessa’s ability not to come—just as he’d instructed. Straddling her, Stefan glanced at his Oyster Bracelet Rolex. He did have an early meeting the next morning. He looked back at Vanessa. Her devil-red hair fanned the pillow in some come-fuck-me fashion, teeth sinking into a pouty lower lip. What was it about redheads? They always heightened his urge to play. Her chin was tipped slightly… listening… waiting… anticipating.

Stefan’s gaze combed her upper half, which took a while since Vanessa stood nearly six-feet tall. Languishing breaths rose and fell from her torso. Small breasts but huge, currently erect, nipples, told Stefan he had her at the brink, and he marveled at her anticipation. Then he checked his watch again. Reality said it was time to move things along. His hand slid between her legs, cupping her damp mound as she responded, urging her whole body into the palm of his hand. Amazing what you could tell about a person and never look them in the eye.

“Are… are you still waiting?” she said.

“Did I say to speak?”

A wary swallow bobbed through her throat, and he smiled.

Admittedly, Stefan liked that too. “Are you new? This happens when I say—not a moment before.” Stefan needed her at his mercy. It was what he desired most—obedience and control. And not just in this room, but in every part of his life. Vanessa’s pink tongue flicked over her lips. Hunger. An unfilled yearning—mental and physical—it was a hard thing to resist. From beneath Stefan’s restraint, she wiggled a bit, tugging at the ties. It was a moot point. Yet these tiny acts of confinement made his cock rock hard. Stefan stroked himself, breathing deep, imagining how he would fuck her after he’d prevailed to the point of complete satisfaction.

Stefan arched over her, whispering, “Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you, Ness. Right here, right now. Or,” he said, un-straddling her, “I can go downstairs and have a cigarette and whoever’s passing through Nickel Spring’s quiet streets.” While his cock couldn’t be harder, his tone had turned to disinterest. It added a verbal torment to the physical ones, rendering her desire more acute. “I could leave you here, all those little unsatisfied needs devouring you for the rest of the night.”

She squirmed. Her mouth bent to a frown. On a different occasion, Vanessa had broken the rules of submission and it pissed him off good. He’d left her in this position—just facedown. The maid had found her the next morning.

“You… you wouldn’t?” she said huskily.

“Wouldn’t I?” But instead, his hand dipped into a bucket. There was a rattling chime of ice as Stefan withdrew a cube. Vanessa shuddered, her entire body wrenching in reply. Stefan safely assumed four out of five senses were about to fall to his domain.

With a precise course in mind, a cold nugget traced her body. The warmth of his mouth was a contrast as he followed the chilled curves, his teeth nipping at her ivory flesh every so often. Off-balance was a plus. “Or… it can go another way,” he said. “Do you think that should happen, Ness? Do you think you’ve been a good enough girl? Have you earned pleasure from me? I’m not convinced,” he said, outlining the curve of her breasts with the cube.” Vanessa had a weakness for extremes, and he knew the potential of this particular effect.

As the ice and his mouth reached her inner thighs, she trembled and her back arched slightly. “I…” He watched her stomach heave again. She was concerned about saying the wrong thing—it was the error that led to punishment.

“If you want it, beg. Do that, Ness. Beg,” he said, asking for a reaction that was completely opposed to her everyday personality. Finished with the ice, Stefan scored a rim shot, tossing it back into the bucket. She turned toward the sound but was caught off guard as he thrust two fingers deep inside her—a sudden but enticing intrusion. In one smooth motion, his thumb slid slightly upward, making more intimate contact. She moaned—a purely needy sound. Since Vanessa arrived from the city and the role play began, Stefan had driven her to this precipice a half-dozen times. He wished he’d brought more tantalizing props. As it was, they’d have to work with what was
on hand
. Another achy noise vibrated from her throat, her rib cage rising with expectation. She was nearly there—a cue to retreat. “Nothing. You get nothing until I know you want it as much as your next breath.” Stefan arched a brow. He considered that thought sometimes—the extremes of these activities and how far he could push her. “Tell me, Ness—what you want… how you want it… details.” He watched her breathe deep, her tits tilting higher.

“Everything… For you to fuck me so hard I forget… who I am… where I am… For you to fuck me until I beg you to stop.”

He smiled. In no board meeting, surrounded by a table full of men in suits, would Vanessa ever submit to such indulgent control. It made this behavior that much more gratifying. “It could be I’m not that interested,” he challenged. “Maybe I found someone more willing to play your part. Young, impressionable girls—of age of course—the right ones are eager to do whatever I ask.”

Her head cocked and her pale brow furrowed. Initially, Vanessa was such a willing participant. Now, he wondered if the thrill had faded. Their last few encounters featured common—albeit aggressive—sex.

“There’s no one else,” she said in a stronger voice. “Your better half, she’d never offer herself to you, not like this.”

She’d deviated from her role, and he lurched forward, her jaw pinching in his grip. “What did you say to me?”

“Nothing,” she quickly corrected. “I… it’s just… “

Stefan drew over her, hissing in Vanessa’s ear. “Have you forgotten the rules?” His arms reached, adding to the pressure of the wrist-binding ties. “In this bed, you’ll do as I say… what I demand.” Her head nodded timidly. “If I say, you’ll suck on my cock until it explodes inside your mouth… that’s what will happen.” He made his point, moving forward and bracing his arms on the bedframe while Vanessa took his stiff cock in her mouth. He closed his eyes, his dominant mood giving way to pure pleasure. “That’s it, Ness. Now you’re earning some points. Christ, you suck dick better than you run a board meeting.”

This was the beauty of a purely sexual relationship. Many things about Vanessa amazed him, but none more so than her willingness to participate. Even in a traditional relationship that enjoyed a setting like this, most women thrived on the emotion of the experience. Men, for most of his miserable lot, did not. Vanessa was the rare exception. He felt himself reach a fine, lingering edge of pleasure and stopped, withdrawing from her mouth. Reaching for the nightstand drawer, he extracted a cylinder-shaped case. There was an audible click as he opened it. In response, she writhed under him. “I suppose you thought I’d had no time to bring any toys from the city.”

Her head jerked up off the pillow, and her legs spread willingly. Naturally, she was careful not to smile. “Please… yes,” she said, the tone obedient.

The flip of a switch and the soft motorized hum resulted in a needy gasp, a slight grimace overtaking Vanessa’s full lips. “View this temptation as a toast to our Abstract Enchantment’s maiden vogue. I bet it’s been a good long time since you took a maiden voyage, huh, Ness? Fucked your fair lot along the way. Did you want any of them as much as this?”

“No, not like this,” she said. “Not like you.”

“And what else is it you’d like, Ness?” Stefan worked from the top down, the tool set on low as her nipples did the non-verbal begging. Her teeth dug so hard into her lower lip he thought it might bleed while her hands gripped rigidly around the ties. She teetered between frustration and pleasure. The device skated in small circles around her breasts, ducking lower, just past the flat of her belly button. Fantasy said you could make a woman come this way, just by tantalizing her breasts. But Stefan knew it was bullshit. Aiding his effort, while the vibrator gently tempted her, his other hand moved more aggressively between Vanessa’s legs.

She writhed in unison with the sensations. But bound wrists and darkness put Vanessa where he wanted her—under his control. “No, not so fast. Not yet, pet,” he said, his gaze absorbing the tension-filled view. The vibrator inched lower. Soft but definitely there strokes moved to thick folds of skin that protected his main target—female parts, with which he was intimately acquainted. Rushing would do no good. The goal wasn’t simply to make her come, but hear her insist that he was the only man who could deliver her to such a state.

“Stefan… can… could I ask something of you?

He snickered. “I’ll allow it.”

“Would… would you kiss me—please?”

It startled him and his gaze jerked to her face. “Kiss you?” Stefan pressed the vibrator to the inner fold, purposely staying slightly off target. Vanessa’s hold strained. He could see it. She wanted to grab his hand and aim the tool right where she wanted it. “Why the hell would I kiss you?”

“Because it’s… ” Her blindfolded head motioned toward his mechanical dare. “Because I think it would pleasure you. Especially since touch is so out of the question.” Vanessa wiggled her fingers, a reminder that he dominated most of her resources.

He backed off the vibrator. He thought about it. Kissing was usually not a staple of their trysts. “You’re not without a point. That mouth… on my dick… Maybe it has earned you a little something.” He leaned over, kissing her. Their mouths and tongues met like their bodies soon would—the moment she begged him for it. Normally, one kiss would be the limit, maybe two. But something was different.

Vanessa didn’t back off the exchange or wait for him to encourage more. Instead, she drew him in with the kiss—which was interesting since she only had her mouth to work with, a leg tangled around his. “More… please,” she softly uttered.

And instead of submission, Stefan sensed passion—some kind of fucking desire that didn’t complement this scenario. Kissing shouldn’t cause a spark—not for her. Definitely not for them. He stopped. “Enough.”

Her mouth seemed to ache for more as he withdrew, Stefan startling as she asked, “Undo the ties…

“What? No. You’ll stay that way as long as it suits me—and it does. ”

“Please, Stefan. I… I’ll make touching you worth it—I swear.”

“Swear, do you?” Yet he found himself doing the unthinkable, leaning in to kiss her again—it did seem to drive her mad. Hell, maybe she’d read some pedestrian romance novel, inciting the bizarre kissing scene. “Touch me how? Details…”

“I want…” The words were breathy… shredded. “I just want to touch you while you make me come… while you fuck me.” There was defeat in her voice.

He smiled wide, studying her taut body, her wanton submissive state. “The blindfold stays on… period.” She nodded, licking her lips, her breasts pressing into him. He unknotted the ties, Vanessa hands rubbing fast over each wrist before reaching for him. But Stefan ducked away, tossing the vibrator aside. “The kissing your mouth part is over.” He shoved her legs farther apart, deciding to cut to the chase, wanting to get away from her mouth. For this much, he appreciated Vanessa’s tight Brazilian bikini wax. While he would have taken his time with the vibrator, teased her mercilessly, his mouth met with a clit that throbbed beneath his tongue, Stefan employing simple but direct pressure. The fingertips of her hand grasped his head, Vanessa’s whole body thrusting into him.

“Jesus, Stefan,” she said, words fading into basic bed-talk as she tumbled into a thunderous climax. It was followed by exhausted breaths and a sheet clutched in her free hand—a death-grip of exhausted passion. It annoyed him that she’d been allowed that comfort. She should have been hanging onto the opposing sensation of cold wrought iron. It was what he liked, whether delivering pain or pleasure. Stefan’s gaze traveled to her face, surprised to see they were making eye contact.

“You bitch. I told you not to take off the blindfold.” She blinked at him, green cat’s eyes batting at his angry expression. She’d broken the rules. She’d disobeyed. All of it weakened his control. There was only one remedy. “Can’t follow the rules, Ness. Suffice it to say you won’t be watching—or enjoying—the rest.” As if she weighed nothing, Stefan grabbed her around the waist and flipped her over.

“Stefan… wait, I—”

Whether she simply understood his anger or that he always got his way, Vanessa succumbed to his demand and shuffled to her knees. His body covered over hers, their damp skin meeting. He nipped at the back of her ear. “You’re lucky I don’t fucking tie you back up.” He was done with pleasure on Vanessa’s part and thrust his cock hard into her. Aside from his earned pleasure, fucking her with indifference would remind Vanessa that emotions were not part of this game.

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