Royal Secrets (2 page)

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Authors: Traci Hunter Abramson

Tags: #Royal Target, #lds, #LDS suspense, #hagardy, #deseret book, #mormon, #Betsy Brannon Green, #Fiction, #Romance, #secret, #covenant, #adventure, #clean, #Contemporary Romance, #Jennie Hansen, #Saint Squad

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“Are you going to tell me what really happened between you and Prince Garrett?”

Sarcasm coated Janessa’s voice. “You mean you don’t believe everything you read in the tabloids?”

“You know I never read those things.” Alora’s eyebrows lifted inquisitively, only a trace of sadness visible in her eyes. “But I’m not buying the story I read in the newspaper about you knowing him for two years. My guess is some kind of undercover op.”

Janessa shook her head. “You know I can neither confirm nor deny such an assumption.”

“Of course not,” Alora said cryptically. “Then tell me how things are now.”

“Great! I love him. He loves me. We’re planning our happily ever after.”

“Can you really be sure there will be a happily ever after?” Alora asked gently. “I thought you of all people would never settle for less than a temple marriage.”

Something flashed in Janessa’s eyes but was quickly gone. She drew a deep breath and said simply, “I can only tell you that when I prayed about marrying Garrett, the only answer I received was yes.”

Alora studied her, knowing that Janessa was holding something back. When she didn’t offer any more details, Alora gave her a tentative smile. “Then I will wish you every happiness. Still, I wish I were showing up at the temple instead of a cathedral to see you marry.”

“I know.” Janessa nodded in understanding and promptly changed the subject. “Tell me, how are you holding up?”

Alora looked down at the ground. “Okay.”

Janessa didn’t say anything. She simply stared until Alora looked up and their eyes met.

Alora let out a sigh. “Okay, so things are difficult.”

“Talk to me.”

She shrugged her narrow shoulders and then gestured with her left hand where a ring still occupied her finger. “Giancarlo still has nightmares about fires. Dante doesn’t even remember Carlo, and I don’t know how to begin to make up for the fact that they have to grow up without a father.” A sigh escaped her. “I go to church on Sundays, and they can hardly sit through sacrament meeting. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.”

“You’ve always said how important it is to you for your kids to learn to love the gospel. I know it may not always feel like it, but you’re giving them that.” Janessa reached out and put her hand on Alora’s arm. “You really are doing a wonderful job with both of your boys.”

Alora shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. She hated that even after all of this time, her emotions were always so close to the surface.

“You are,” Janessa repeated. “But maybe it’s time for a change of scenery.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have an idea I wanted to run past you, one I hope will help both of us.”

Alora looked at her, her interest piqued. “I’m listening.”

* * *

Prince Stefano Fortier of Meridia emerged from the back of the limousine, followed by his younger brother, Prince Garrett. Cameras began flashing immediately, but neither man noticed. They had never known a time when the paparazzi hadn’t been part of their lives. Both men assumed the press followed them because of their titles. Neither understood that they were the type of men that fairytales were built on: tall and dark, with chiseled features that often graced the covers of magazines.

Stefano took a step forward and waited as Garrett turned to offer a hand to his fiancée, Janessa Rogers. He could feel the media’s attention shift to the young couple. Garrett and Janessa were a modern-day fairytale, one on which the media often speculated. The public would never know, of course, that the engagement had started out as a publicity stunt. Nor would the information ever be revealed that Janessa was a CIA operative who had come to Meridia to help protect the royal family.

Secrets of the past would be kept, only adding to the intrigue of the romance between his brother and the vibrant, red-haired beauty who had captured his heart. Witnessing them together was like seeing magic, something intangible that was almost too good to be real.

Garrett and Janessa’s wedding wouldn’t take place until next year, but today his country was celebrating another royal marriage, that of his cousin Philippe and his longtime girlfriend, Elaina.

Stefano turned as their limousine pulled away and another arrived carrying his parents. Additional security personnel scurried into position before King Eduard and Queen Marta joined their family on the sidewalk outside of Meridia’s National Cathedral.

Cameras continued to flash as the family began their procession toward the massive church built of native stone and impressive stained glass. The heavy wooden doors were already open, the church’s air conditioning competing against the humid July weather. The royal family followed an usher to a pew at the front of the church, the heavy doors closed, and within seconds, the wedding march began.

Stefano stood with the rest of the congregation and watched as Elaina’s father escorted her down the aisle. Her dress was modern, the edge of her veil skimming her bare shoulders, her nose slightly upturned as though she too had already adopted Philippe’s superiority complex. How different the two families were, Stefano thought. His father had taught him and Garrett to serve. His Uncle Elam’s family expected to be served.

Stefano had no doubt that his brother’s wedding would look and feel completely different from this stiffly formal affair they were currently attending. Janessa’s dress would certainly be more conservative than Elaina’s, since Garrett and Janessa would be privately married first in the Mormon temple. Then, following the laws of their land, they would have a second ceremony in this very church.

Stefano didn’t understand Garrett and Janessa’s insistence on a temple wedding, but apparently, it was important to Mormons, or Latter-day Saints as they liked to be called. Then again, he couldn’t claim to comprehend much about his brother’s new religion. Garrett had definitely changed a lot over the past few months, and Stefano could admit that he had never seen his brother happier. Janessa seemed to bring out the best in him, and Stefano was willing to entertain the idea that Garrett’s newfound faith played a part in his contentment.

Although Garrett and Janessa would have both been happy to bypass the large public wedding, personally, Stefano was glad they weren’t limiting themselves to the temple ceremony. If he had his way, the public would remain unaware that his brother had joined the LDS Church until long after he and Janessa married.

Chapter 2

Two men stood in the shadows of the church as the bride and groom pulled away in the limousine that would transport them to their reception. The taller of the two lowered his voice and kept his eyes on the people mulling near the church entrance. “Ambrose has arrived.”

Warily, the older man watched King Eduard and Queen Marta make their way out to their waiting limo. Guards flanked the royal couple, and from the right angle, at least one sniper could be seen on the roof across the street to protect against any unforeseen threat. He spoke in hushed tones when he asked, “Are you sure this is going to work? Bringing in someone who dines with terrorists on a regular basis seems risky to me.”

“He’s the best at what he does, and we need him. Neither of us knows how to make a precision bomb that can go undetected by security sweeps.”

“I still don’t know about this.”

“It’s very simple. If we let things go as they are, the Americans will be running this country and the monarchy will be little more than puppets on a string.” His voice was dark and passionate. “This is the only way. This monarchy is dying, and it’s up to us to make sure we’re in control when the last drop of blood is shed.”

* * *

Stefano moved through the crowd at the reception, greeting guests smoothly and listening to snippets of the conversations around him. As expected at such an event, the women seemed content to discuss fashion and the men seemed unable to digress from politics.

The latest political topics appeared to center on his father’s recent decision to refuse to allow a local company to harvest the oil discovered in their territorial waters. As the president of Meridia’s environmental agency, Stefano agreed with his father’s decision completely. In fact, he had encouraged it.

Offshore drilling was risky, especially in the area where the oil deposits had been discovered. A single spill could instantly ruin Meridia’s tourism industry, and the payoff simply wasn’t worth the risk. Besides, the royal family solely owned and operated the oil industry in the northern region of the country. The company interested in drilling offshore was run by a group of local businessmen in partnership with Caspian Oil, a Libyan-based company.

A study of Caspian Oil’s past ventures had raised concerns that the company would put profits before the safety and welfare of the environment and Meridia’s citizens. Those concerns had ultimately resulted in the denial of their drilling plans. Shortly after the denial was issued, Meridia’s ruling council had enacted laws to prohibit such ventures in the future.

“Prince Stefano, it’s been a long time.” Jacques Neuville reached out and shook Stefano’s hand.

“Yes, it has. How have you been?” Stefano kept his voice polite and managed to gloss over his dislike for his former college classmate. They had both pursued their undergraduate degrees in petroleum engineering, but their views always seemed to be polar opposites, especially regarding the ever difficult topic of balancing economic progress with environmental protection. Not surprisingly, Jacques had aligned himself with Caspian Oil in their pursuit of offshore drilling.

“I am doing well. My wife and I just had our second child a few months ago, and business is booming.”

“Are you still working with oil pipelines?”

He nodded. “My company mainly works with the pipelines in France and Italy. Of course, we had hoped to expand into Meridia if the offshore drilling had been approved.” He shrugged casually. “But since that didn’t happen, I’m making do with other options.”

“It’s always good to have multiple options,” Stefano said mildly. “Give my best to your family.”

“I will.”

Stefano started through the crowd once more, this time only making it a few feet before the reigning archbishop greeted him. The archbishop was still dressed in his traditional black robes, a heavy gold cross hanging around his neck and coming to rest on his protruding stomach. Round-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, the dark eyes behind those glasses always serious.

“Prince Stefano. It is such an honor to be here with all your family for such a joyous occasion.”

Stefano nodded. “Thank you for performing the ceremony today, Archbishop Leone. It was lovely.”

“It is always a privilege.” He motioned to Garrett across the room. “Has your brother set a wedding date yet?”

“They mentioned next summer,” Stefano said vaguely. “I’m sure you’ll be among the first to know when they’re ready to finalize their plans.”

“I’ll look forward to assisting them,” Archbishop Leone said graciously. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“You too.” Stefano shifted away from the crowd until he managed to find a quiet corner. He wasn’t there thirty seconds before his brother stepped beside him, his company smile pasted on his face. Garrett lowered his voice and asked, “Is it time to leave yet? I don’t think I can handle getting cornered by our new cousin-in-law again.”

“Was she fishing for invitations?”

“You could say that.” Garrett gave a slight nod. “She doesn’t seem to understand that even though Philippe wears the title of prince, he has never assumed any family responsibility to warrant his inclusion in state affairs. He never even served in the military.”

“I don’t think she cares about his responsibilities. She just wants the perks.”

“Including frequent invitations to the palace and unlimited access to the chateau in Bellamo,” Garrett said with a hint of frustration.

“In other words, she wants to use our homes as her vacation spots.”

“I think if we gave her the chance, she’d move in permanently,” Garrett muttered.

Stefano nodded in agreement. “Unfortunately, Philippe hasn’t always been much better.” Then his attention shifted across the room, and his eyes lit with humor. “Face it, Garrett. Not everyone can be as fortunate as you.”

Garrett turned, and his smile was instant and genuine when he saw Janessa moving through the crowd toward him. Her hair flowed loosely over her shoulders, and her blue gown shimmered as she moved.

She returned his smile, and humor laced her voice as she addressed both men in Italian. “What are the two most handsome men doing standing in the corner of the room?”

“We were just waiting for you.” Garrett leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“Of course you were.” Janessa looked from Garrett to Stefano. “So what were you two so deep in conversation about?”

“Our new cousin-in-law wants to move in with us.”


“She mentioned that it might be prudent for her and Philippe to come live at the chateau until after we get married. After all, we don’t want to give the public the wrong impression.”

“She wants to be your chaperone?” Stefano asked before Janessa could respond. “You two aren’t even living in the same wing of the chateau. You’re in the family quarters, and Janessa stays in the guest quarters. Besides, I’m there as often as not.”

“I know, but I think she sees this as an opportunity to gain a foothold there.”

“Actually,” Janessa began tentatively. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have someone staying with us for now, especially if I had someone who would be willing to help with the wedding plans.”

Garrett looked at her, horrified. He lowered his voice and spoke in hushed tones. “Janessa, you can’t expect me to have my cousin and his new wife come live with us. Philippe has never been anything but a spoiled brat.”

“I don’t know Philippe well enough to have an opinion about him, but I wasn’t thinking about Philippe and Elaina.”

“Then who?”

“Alora DeSanto.”

“Your friend from Italy?”

Janessa nodded. “She’s incredibly organized, and I think the change would do her a lot of good. Besides, she’s an accountant by profession, so she wouldn’t have any trouble taking care of the business side of things.”

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