Rough Sex with My Werewolf Daddy (Family Sex/Taboo Sex)

Read Rough Sex with My Werewolf Daddy (Family Sex/Taboo Sex) Online

Authors: Jillian Cumming

Tags: #shapeshifter, #paranormal erotica, #camping, #age difference, #werewolf erotica, #mf sex, #stepfather, #taboo sex, #family sex, #monster cock, #werewolf sex, #stepdaughter, #stepfather and stepdaughter, #internal cumshot, #shifter sex

BOOK: Rough Sex with My Werewolf Daddy (Family Sex/Taboo Sex)
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Rough Sex
with My Werewolf Daddy

Jillian Cumming


Published by Jillian Cumming at


Copyright 2012 Jillian Cumming


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I tried
to stretch my legs as far as they would go. We’d been driving for
hours, and I was starting to feel the first few tremors of a
threatened cramp in my
calf. It also didn’t help that the air conditioning in the
car blew air only slightly colder than outside.

My dad
sat beside me. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead, one hand on
top of the wheel and the other on the shifter
. In the rear seat and on the roof were
all our camping supplies.

I had to
admit, I was much more excited about going camping with my dad for
the weekend than I cared to admit
to him.

“Daddy?” I
asked. Since he was actually my stepfather, I usually just called
him by his name, but right then I was feeling particularly

He took his
eyes off the road for a moment to glance at me before saying,
“Yeah, Sophie?”

“Are we almost
there? I feel like I’m sweating through my shorts, here,” I said,
smiling at him.

He glanced down
at my legs as I mentioned shorts. I had on a tight pair of
short-shorts. When I saw his eyes linger on my legs for a moment, I
felt an inner heat swell inside that made me get wet in another

Trying to
take my mind off the thought, I glanced at his strong arm as he
adjusted his grip on the shifter. “There’s hardly even a mark!” I

“Yeah, the doc
said I’d have a huge scar. He was completely baffled.”

A month
earlier, he’d been attacked by some big dog or wolf that had bitten
his arm. He said he’d barely managed to get away. Reaching out, I
ran my finger along what little scarring there was.
He’s so
, I thought. I
sucked in a breath as I felt myself get wetter. I had to shift
around in my seat.

“Don’t get your
panties in a bunch,” he said, seeing my discomfort and
misinterpreting it, “We’ll be there in a few minutes. I can see the
sign for the entrance already. You’re going to love this campsite.
I wish I’d taken you before you started college.”

okay,” I said, trying to banish thoughts of whether or not he
thought I was pretty, whether he got hard thinking about me,
“Better late than never.”

Splaying his
fingers out, he turned the wheel and we moved from the nice, smooth
highway to the bumpy gravel road leading to the campsite. The
vibrations weren’t helping matters. I grabbed onto the armrest as
the vibrations translated to tingles of pleasure in my moist

practically jumped out of the car when he pulled to a stop. There
was no one else there
It made sense; camping season was pretty much over. Besides, it was
nice to have the run of the place.

“And we won’t
even have to worry about light,” he said, pulling some stuff off
the roof, “Gonna be a nice full moon!”

I said. He looked at me and smiled. I was suddenly and painfully
aware of just how short my shorts were, and in my mind, I kept
asking myself whether he thought my breasts were nice

wrong?” He said, a frown of concern crossing his, now that I really
looked, strong and handsome features. I could tell now why my mom
liked him so much.

“No... It’s
fine. Just a little chilly is all. Girls and the cold, you

It wasn’t
long before he had the two personal tents set up, and a tepee of
firewood in a stone pit. It really was starting to feel a little
chilly, and I wanted him to get the fire going. I glanced over at
him. He was staring into the sky, and his lips were slowly pulling
back from his teeth as though he fought against something painful

over, I put my hand on his arm. He was incredibly hot now, like
feverishly hot.

“Daddy! Are you

It was like
he’d been far away, and I’d dragged him from that place. He looked
at me and I felt the blood drain from my face, feeling more
frightened than ever in my life. After a moment, his features
softened and I felt the fear evaporate slowly.

“Yeah, just a
little warm. I thought I could see the moon coming over the
treetops, and I just couldn’t keep myself from watching, you

I nodded and
mumbled a, “Yeah,” even though I really didn’t know.

As the shadows
began stretching from the trees, he got the fire going and we sat
beside each other on the soft ground.

He told a joke
and I reached out to put my hand on his thigh. I overextended and
my hand landed on his cock. I felt it jump at my touch before I
yanked my hand away.

“Sorry,” I

He smiled and
we kept going as though nothing had happened. Everything was going
fine until it started getting truly dark out.

The light of
the moon hit him and he fell to the ground, rolling and writhing. I
screamed, standing up. I didn’t know what to do; I thought he must
be having a heart attack. I reached for my phone, but there was no

His cries of
pain began to rumble in his throat, and I thought I could see his
bones shifting beneath his skin.

Then his
skin cracked open and thick tufts of black hair burst from the
rents. I wanted to run, but my feet wouldn’t obey.

When he
opened his eyes and looked at me, I saw that they had turned
yellow. Huge fangs shot from his gums as his snout elongated. His
clothes tore as his muscles bulged outwards. When he stood, the
tatters fell from his body.

“Daddy?” I
said. It wasn’t him anymore, though. It was some kind of werewolf,
and his eyes fixed on my soft flesh with a hunger that made my
knees tremble.

I turned
to run away into the woods, to see if there were other campers. But
it was too late. He leapt, slamming me down to the ground with his
enormous bulk. A shock of panic ripped through me as all the air
left my body.

He lifted
himself off me after grabbing the back of my neck in a tight grip,
and I pulled in a grateful lungful of air.

Then he picked
me up by the neck and slammed me down hard enough to knock that
from me, too.

Stop!” I cried as he lifted me up a few feet, ready to smash me
down again.

Miraculously, he simply dropped me down. I turned over onto
my back. His hulking shoulders lifted and fell with his breaths,
which misted the air. His lips were pulled back in a snarl.
Is this really my

That’s when I
saw his cock, thick and heavy, hanging between his legs. His pants
had torn off, too. There was no convenient strip of cloth left like
in the movies. Despite my terror, my wetness from earlier

wondered why he wasn’t killing me. When I looked down and saw the
torn shreds of my shirt, I knew. My cleavage was completely
exposed. He started getting hard, the monster between his legs
slowly straightening from his body.

I do make him hard!
Was all I could think.

Shifting, I
went onto my knees in front of him. With a snarl, he lashed out
with the back of one massive, clawed hand, catching my shoulder. I
fell to the ground, that whole side of my body numb.

With my
good hand, I reached behind my back and undid my bra. I pulled
that, along with the remains of my shirt, from my body. When I went
back onto my knees, my firm tits and their hard nipples displayed,
he didn’t hit me again. Instead, his cock finished hardening. I
looked at the bulging veins around the shaft, the drop of clear
precum already trembling at the tip, and I felt the heat of want in
my pussy get hotter.

Reaching out
slowly with one hand, treating him like the wild beast he was, I
moved to grab his cock. He watched my fingers warily. When my
fingers brushed his flesh, I gasped. He was still so hot. I
couldn’t believe how hot and hard my daddy’s cock was. And it was
all because of me.

I let my
fingers move around his shaft, trying to grab him. He was so thick
that my fingertips couldn’t touch around his girth.

Feeling had
returned to my other side. Lifting my hand up, I spat into my palm.
Starting to stroke him, I reached up until my other palm pressed
against the head of his huge cock. I moved this hand in slow
circles, letting the spit lubricate the movement.

He snorted, and
I felt him harden even more for a moment.

“It’s so big,
daddy...” I said.

When I
made eye contact, he changed. He grabbed me with one hand around
the neck and again slammed me to the ground, this time on my back.
His fingers squeezed around my windpipe, and soon black dots
shifted across my eyes. I felt his other hand roughly grab one of
my tits, the claws digging into the firm flesh. I felt one of his
claws play along my areola, making me wince at the

Grunting, he
straddled my body and went down to his knees. His big cock slapped
down between my tits, and I felt the wetness of his precum on my
neck. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head forward so that my chin
almost touched my chest. I had only a moment to open my mouth
before he jammed the head of his cock between my lips.

My lips could
hardly contain his girth as he tried to push more and more of his
length into my mouth. I hungrily ran my tongue around his shaft,
swallowing every bit of precum that leaked out of him, trying to
suck more out any time I had the breath.

I felt so hot
and wet between the legs. I wanted to touch myself, to shove my
fingers under my shorts and feel my wetness. But my arms were
pinned under his legs. My hips started grinding against the ground
of their own volition while I simultaneously gagged on his

started running out the corners of my eyes as he urged another half
inch into me. My fingers dug futilely at the ground. I wanted him
inside my pussy so badly. I tried to take more of his cock, but the
angle my neck was at wouldn’t let me. Gobs of my spit hung from his
shaft as he pulled it out a little and shoved it back

go of my neck, he reached behind himself. My body tightened as I
felt his claws run up my thigh. The pain was so much that I could
barely keep myself from clamping my teeth down onto his throbbing
I heard a tearing
noise and desperately hoped it was my shorts.

His fingers
clamped down onto my thigh so hard that I screamed, or tried to at
least. It came out as a gargle as his cock pushed into my

The fingers
gripping my thigh slowly relaxed. They trailed up between my thighs
and I felt his thick fingers rub at my pussy. I moaned again as the
nerves in my clit lit up. He started getting mad then, trying to
feel the bare flesh of my shaved pussy but being stifled by my
shorts and panties.

With a
roar, he shot to his feet. A long line of spit still hung from the
tip of his cock
to my
lips. It broke as he took a step back. I looked down at myself. My
thigh was bloody from where he’d cut it. My nipple hurt so much
when it was stiff, but I was so turned on that I couldn’t help

He ripped a
gash in my shorts and underwear with the claw on his thumb,
exposing my pussy to the cool night air. I saw his cock shiver as
he looked at my wet little slit, all shaved and waiting for him to
try and cram himself into my tight hole.

The monster ran
the ball of his thumb up my slit. He stared at the wetness it left
on him even as I shivered.

I realized I
was free, then. I tried to sit up, but he saw me and shoved me back
against the ground.

I did the
only thing I could think of; I lifted and spread my legs, holding
my knees with my arms. Grabbing the gash in my shorts, I tore at it
some more, making sure the hole was big enough so that he’d have no
trouble fucking me.

When he fell to
his knees between my legs, I started trembling. I felt my pussy
release my juices. I was so wet that I felt some run out of me and
down my ass.

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