Roses & Thorns (5 page)

Read Roses & Thorns Online

Authors: Tish Thawer

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance, #New Adult, #Short Stories (Single Author)

BOOK: Roses & Thorns
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Making Plans



After Rose and I had got
past the initial informatory part of our conversation, which included me giving her the fake last name
I used, and my estimated age, we ordered and then just sat
staring at one another. She was the most beautiful thing that I'd ever laid eyes on, and the moment I caught the scent of her
, I had to dig my nails into my thighs under the table in an effort to keep from drifting.

I would love nothing more than to bed this gorgeous woman tonight, but
since that
was never going to happen, I thought it best to change the subject...quick.

"So tell me more about yourself. What does your family do?"

I listened as Rose talked lovingly about her mother and father, sharing stories from her youth
picture of
perfect family life. The
was great and
we both enjoyed our meals, even though it was a bit of a struggle getting that steak down
. I
t had been so long since I'd had to fake my way through an actual meal,
but all in all things were going great.

As we finished our meal
I asked,
I wondered if
like to take a walk with me after dinner?
I have something that I'd like to show you just around the corner.

"Sure. That sounds great."

s I laid the
money for the bill and tip on the table, I
made sure that I was in complete control before reaching for Rose's hand for a second time. Again, she didn't hesitate to take mine in return
. We walked out of the restaurant like a couple who'd been together for a
long time.
It felt
and perfect

"I thought we could walk around the block
and head to the
festival in the park
going on tonight."

"Oh, that
right. The movie festival. I love those. I wonder what's playing?"

I had already known what was playing
and as cliché as it was...I was interested to see what her
reaction would be to
"I believe it's Dracula."

"Awesome! That's one of my favorites."

Damn, this girl just keeps getting better and better.

As we strolled
around the block
e casually chatted about the town and how she had lived
here her whole life.
we reached the park
we wove our way through the crowd and settled ourselves on a bench that was towards the back of the viewing area under one of the massive
maple trees. "Will this be okay? Can you see the screen from here?" I asked.

"Yes. It's perfect." And with that, she slid closer to me and I put my arm around her shoulders. It was that simple. Being with her felt so easy, and one-hundred percent right.
s the perfect night.
We sat in silence as we watched the rest of Dracula under the full moon.

"I can't tell you how great this night has been for me." I tried not to sound like a complete lame-ass, but it was the truth. I hadn't experienced this kind of emotion in a long time, and I was pretty impressed with myself for keeping my drifting at bay throughout the evening. But...that all changed when she faced me and slipped her hand up
around my neck a
s she leaned in to place her lips gently on mine.

I closed my eyes after making sure that hers were closed as well, and let the sensation of her soft lips penetrate my brain. I knew that anyone walk
ing by right now
would see the previously blonde guy suddenly sitting here
now with
dark brown hair, but honestly...I could
care less.

Since Rose had initiated the kiss, I let her control the intensity. It was sweet and gentle, but had the makings of something that could turn fierce in a heartbeat. I never wanted
to end. But as she
pulled back, I had to use all my willpower to blank out my emotions to make sure she found me drifted back to my normal coloring.

"That wa
s for t
he perfect evening." She
smiled and shyly ducked her hea
d as she reached for her purse and started to stand.

I wanted so much to pull her back down onto my lap and kiss her senseless, but I was
happy with how things were going tonight
I didn't want to risk ruining anything. "
ou're right
has been
. So, I
was wondering if you'd be open to making plans for later this week?"
Please say yes.

love nothing more."

* * * * *



He's the One



Christian and I
parted ways
after reaching
our cars
and sharing a
few more delicious kisses, I couldn't wait to get home
see if Mom was waiting up for me. I had to talk to her and see if the feelings I was experiencing w
the same as what she
felt after meeting Dad. Because honestly, I don't think I had
felt this way before.

I knew it had been
kind of bold
me to lean
n and kiss him first
, but I just couldn't resist. The whole evening had been
so amazing
sitting there in his arms at the park, I
really did have the overwhelming feeling that we'd
been together for years.
So...I did it. I leaned in and gently
laced my lips to his
, and

As I pu
lled the car into the garage,
I noticed a warm light radiating from the den
Yes, Mom's still awake.
tiptoeing in my open-toed shoes through the de
covered grass
, I opened the back door and put my things down just as Mom stuck her head into the kitchen.

" was it?" she asked
, n
ot even bothering with
any small talk

"Heaven. It was absolute heaven.
Mom, h
s sooooo nice
and gorgeous
and it felt like we'd known each other forever. I can't even explain it." I continued to gush
my feelings as we headed back towards the den.
I flopped
down onto the sofa
and m
et my mom's smile with one of my own. "I can honestly say that I've never been this happy in my life."

"Well, that's saying a lot, because as your mother, I can remember plenty of times
've been
extremely happy." She continued to smile as she made her way to join me on the couch.
"I'm so
you feel there's a connection there, but just be careful not to get your hopes up too high. Everyone always puts their best foot forward on a first date, but
I say,
until you hit the three month mark you don't really know someone's true personality."

already made plan
to see each other again later this week. And if things continue to go like I think they will...not only
will we reach
three month mark,
I could see three years, easy!

Her eyes widened briefly and then a gentle
loving look settled on her face. "Rose, that
great. I'm truly happy for you, but again, please don't rush into anything, okay?"

"I promise I'll be careful
. But for the first time in a long time, Christian has given me something else to be excited about besides school. It feels good. But don't worry, i
t's not like we're gonna rush off and get married or anything.
pushed off
from the couch and began to make my way out of the den. "I love you, Mom. I'm gonna head to bed and hopefully have some
dreams about Christian."

She cu
her hands over her ears
hook her head. "TMI, TMI." Smiling as she followed me out of the den
she continued,
Alright. Sleep well,
tomorrow be ready to work. We're sta
rting that project in your room, rememb

"Are you seriously going to paint my ceiling black?"

"Yes. Yes I am. It
for a specific purpose though, so just keep your eye rolls to a minimum and wait and see
what I have planned. You're going to
love it, I'm sure."

Laughing, I waved my hand over my head as I headed down the hall. I wasn't kidding about wanting to have some good dreams about Christian, but what I
to do was get upstairs, change into my pajamas, crawl in
and give Christian a call. Our date may have been over
, but he'd made sure to tell me
that because of his work schedule
up all night
. So
we had made plans for me to call him as soon as I got settled at home.
nd since
there was no way that I'd be getting h
im out of my head
anytime soon
, I figured I could spend the rest of my night talking to the man
who would be inspiring m
dreams instead.

* * * * *



Mom's Project



After spending
a couple of
hours talking to Christi
I finally reached the point of exhaustion. He must have heard it in my voice because he said, "I
can tell you're getting tired. Wh
y don't you lay that beautiful head down and get some rest
I'll call you after dark tomorrow, because during the day, I'm dead to the world.
Goodnight, Rose. Sweet dreams."

boy, did I have some sweet dreams. Christian and I in Paris looking at the lights of the Eifel tower. Christian and I kissing outside
of a
Scottish castle. Christian and I
riding in a gondola in Venice. I didn't want to leave this
dreamscape, but with Mom rummaging around outside my bedroom door,
fanciful dreams were
put to an end. As I
, all I could think about
that I would be seeing Christian in just one more day.
Thank g
od for small miracles.

"Good morning," Mom announced as she cracked open my bedroom door.
I sat
ropping myself
on the pillow
watched her as she dragged so
me supplies in w
ith her. Black paint, rollers, drop-cloths, and a large bag from the
metaphysical store in town. Now
I was getting nervous
Mom's project was about to hit full-swing.

"So we're really doing this

painting the ceiling's
not all!"

"Oh goody...there's more." I rolled my eyes and gave her a goofy smile. "Would you like to elaborate?"

"Of course." After setting down her supplies, she spun around in a circle, her arms held wide. "We're going to create a nighttime wonderland."

I watched
around with her beautiful smile and sparkling eyes,
I just couldn't say no. I loved when Mom got one of her crafty ideas, but I wasn't exactly following what she had in mind. "W
to elaborate...more?"

She took
a seat on my bed
e going to paint your ceiling black
and then hang these beautiful crystals from it." She dug out a handful of crystal stars and moons in all sizes and colors and laid them
my bed
. Then
ith a spark of wonder in her voice
, “It will be beautiful
and you’ll feel like you’re sleeping under the twinkling stars every night

I lifted one of the crystals in my hand and let in dangle in the sunlight. The rainbow it cast onto my wall was stunning, but I wasn't convinced it would have the same effect at night. But knowing my mother as I did, there would be no stopping her. "Cool idea. Let me get dressed and we can get started."

"I'll head down and make us some breakfast first, okay?" She breezed out of my bedroom, not waiting for a reply.

As I headed towards my bathroom, I noticed the little red light on my cell was blinking. I had a message. I felt the butterflies starting to stir again
as I grabbed the phone
I hope it's a message from Christian.
And it was. He had sent me a text just before dawn that read, "Thinking of you. Talk to you soon. Have a good day at school tomorrow, and call me as soon as the sun goes down. Love, Christian."

Love, Christian.
I can't tell you how long I star
ed at that phrase. Feeling suddenly energized, I threw on my artsy coveralls and put my hair up in a quick pony
, and then jogged down the stairs. "Smells good, Mom."

"I made cinnamon toast, bacon
and eggs." She smiled as she sat the plate in front of me and then grabbed one of her own, piled high with the same yummy goodness. "So, I heard you on the phone last night. Just couldn't get enough of Christian from your date
I take it?"

I wiggled my eyebrows at her as I took a bite out of my toast.

She laugh
ed and shook
her head. "Oh...young love. I remember it well."

We continued talking about boys and the gushy feelings they gave us while we finished breakfast
and then headed back to my room to start painting.

had taken us most of the day just to paint the ceiling.
cause it was a
particularly large
room, but because we sucked at painting. I kept hitting the walls and having to do touch-ups, and even though Mom was in awesome shape, we had to take a lot of breaks because our arms
kept getting
tired from painting above our heads.
Eventually we finished and decided we would head out for a late lunch while the paint dried
. So
after we both showered and attempted to
wash off
the black specks t
hat decorated our hair and skin, we headed to the local pizza place.

s we were seated in our booth, I heard a familiar voice. "Hey guys, can we
join you?" Jillian and her mom
Adrienne were walking towards us.

," my mom an

Jillian and
I had been best friends
since we
were little.
She had moved here from Arizona when she was six
and we'd become best friends
on her
first day
school. We'd grown up together, enjoying the same things until
the end of
junior high. That's when I became extremely
focused on my school work, and
she became a volleyball queen. We
remained best friends and had always supported each
other in everything that we did, and right now,
I couldn't
wait to tell her about my date with Christian.

"I was so glad when you called, Loraine. Jillian and I were just watching movies to pass the day,
was a great reason to take a break and get out of the house," Adrienne said.

"Of course. I figured if we were go
ing to
be enjoying pizza and
, you two should join us."

I hadn't known Mom had called them, but it didn't surprise me. She knew me so well. So, for the next hour
I gush
to my best friend and her mom about the amazing guy I had just met
and how I couldn't wait for our next date. They
at all the romantic details
and loved the idea of watching a movie in the park while being wrapped in his arms. "He sounds just about perfect," Adrienne said.

"He is...I'm
sure of it." I
laughed and continued to answer her questions with a huge smile
on my face
, but suddenly I noticed that
Jill was
quieter than usual
. I didn't ask her about it
because I didn't want to upset
or embarrass
I figured that she was
a little jealous
of all my "Christian talk."
She wa
s used to being the center of attention, so ins
tead of talking about Christian
, I directed the conversation to Mom and Adrienne and began to stuff myself with pizza.

"Well, I think our paint should be dry by now. It was nice to see
ing you guys.
" Mom
waved goodbye as I slide out of the booth.

Feeling a little disappointed at Jill's reaction,
all I said was
"Bye," and then followed Mom out the
. We drove home in silence and then headed back up to my room to finish our project without conversation.

"Okay, are you ready to starting hanging your
moons and s
tars?" Mom's tone was casual, but I could tell there was something on her mind.

"Did you notice how Jill got all quiet when I
talking about Christian?"

Sighing, Mom stopped spreading the crystals on my bed, and just looked at me. "
Yes, I did.
I think she
s a little
jealous. Are you okay?"

"Yes and no.
I just expected her to be happier for me.
I don't want anything to come between me and Jill, but I'm not going to stop seeing Christian just
because she's feeling insecure or
upset that for once she's not the center of attention

A loving smile spread across Mom
, and
she stood up and hugged me. "When you choose a man over your best friend
it can be a scary thing. But, it is also the first sign that
may, in fact,
the start
a serious relationship

I melted against her and felt the sting of tears that were threatening to spill, so I closed my eyes. "Thanks, Mom. I love Jillian, but for the first time in my life, I feel like everything else needs t
o come second, including her.
I'm falling hard for
and thanks for not making me feel
silly a
bout it."

You're welcome, sweetie, and
I'm so happy for you. Now let's make some magic." She pulled away from our hug and brushed her thumb gently over my cheek before moving towards my dresser to grab a sack full of small silver hooks. "You stand on your bed, and I'll hand you a hook. Just screw them in
and then I'll give you a crystal."

It took us over an hour to get all of them strung
, which ended up being perfect timing
, as the sun had finally gone down
. "Are you ready for this? It's going to be amazing," Mom said.

I wasn't
convinced, but as soon as I lay
down on my bed, Mom
opened the curtai
ns to let the moonlight flow in
and I was speechless. She’d been right. I
as I watched the beautiful little stars an
d moons twinkle and spin right
in my very own room.
"Oh, Mom. It's beautiful." I lunged off the bed
into her arms
"I love it. I absolutely love it."

"I'm so glad. And, I love you
too. I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming
and I feel like this is just the start of
some pretty magical things that will be happening in your life."

"I think you're right."

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