Room Service (3 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Stark

BOOK: Room Service
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‘You can help me if you like,’ he said with a sexy half-smile, as though he did this all the time.

Though she tried her best to saunter, erotically, towards to Jace, Natasha’s body seemed to have had lost its ability to read her brain’s commands, and as a result she stubbed her toe on the corner of the bed.


‘Are you okay?’

She winced, pressed the robe tighter against her chest and nodded.

Jace’s gaze softened before he reached for Natasha’s hand and tugged her closer. The touch of his warm skin made Natasha’s stomach flip.

He ran gentle fingers lightly over her chin and then stroked her cheek with his thumb, his brows furrowing slightly. ‘If I’m moving too fast, let me know.’

Natasha closed her eyes and enjoyed the way Jace’s touch lingered lightly on her jaw before trailing down the curve of her neck. She re-opened them when he squeezed her hand in his.

His blue eyes appeared darker in the dimly lit room and she immediately likened them to the ocean — deep and endless.

Without warning, Jace pressed Natasha’s hand against his hard crotch and she felt a sharp thrill shoot through her veins.

Oh… hello…

‘The zip goes down,’ he said in a ragged breath, letting out a low laugh.

Heart racing madly, she nodded, letting her eyes slide down his tanned, broad chest, pausing to linger on the hard flat belly and the thin trail of hair that disappeared beneath the waist of his pants. Natasha’s fingers trembled as they clutched the zipper. Apart from the pictures found in the human biology books she’d studied while completing her high-school certificate in her early twenties, she’d never seen a naked man in the flesh before. Now, here she was, with her hand on a stranger’s crotch. As she tugged the zipper down, Natasha’s fingers brushed against the stiff bulge in Jace’s pants. She gasped and drew her hand back, her pulse notching up another gear.

Jace responded with a soft groan that made Natasha’s legs quiver.

He smiled softly, touched Natasha’s face again, and then slid an arm around her waist, to draw her against the firm planes of his body. His brows knotted slightly and he shook his head as he gazed down at her.

‘If you weren’t a writer of erotic fiction, I’d think you were a virgin,
Miss Raven
.’ He shook his head again before tugging on her arm and lowering his hot lips to her pulsing wrist. ‘But that’s crazy,’ he breathed against her skin.

Panic seized Natasha’s heart. Jace could see the phony through her façade.

‘How did you know what I wrote?’

He stared at her, expressionless, for a long moment before he laughed and pointed to the lanyard resting on the bed.

Natasha laughed a deep throaty laugh, attempting to sound as sexy as her lanyard promised. But the crease in Jace’s brow deepened.

This called for drastic measures.

Without second-guessing, Natasha drew back enough to let the robe slip between them, where it fell into a satiny pile on the floor. She’d read enough of her sister’s sex scenes to allow for a little bit of fakery.

She pressed herself flush against him so that her hard nipples grazed his bare chest, and was rewarded when Jace sucked in a short, sharp breath and stared down at her with a burning heat in his eyes.

‘Still think I’m the innocent?’ she said, in a low, throaty voice.

Jace smiled softly and shook his head before he bent to press his warm lips against hers.

‘My pants,’ he rasped, between kisses, his tongue gently probing her mouth open. She moaned and eagerly accepted him in while hooking her fingers around the waist of his pants and tugging them down over his hips.

Natasha gasped into Jace’s eager mouth when she felt the hard, hot heat of his cock against her stomach.

He smiled against her lips, no doubt pleased with her reaction.

How was that huge, rock-solid thing going to fit inside her down there?

‘On the bed,’ he murmured, between panting breaths.

The backs of her thighs hit the bed and she surrendered herself by falling back against the mattress while he knelt over her and continued to kiss and tongue her ear, neck, collarbones and then breasts. When his warm lips closed over first one nipple and then the other, she had to clench the sheets between her fists and twist them so as to keep the growing heat between her legs at bay. Instinct urged her to raise her hips and seek out his hardness, and when she did Jace groaned and pressed himself against her before pulling away just as suddenly.

‘Not yet,’ he said, drawing back to stare down into her eyes. His lips were swollen and his face flushed, his eyes hooded with desire.

Natasha shut her eyes and couldn’t help but arch her body again. She wanted those lips on her breasts again and she wanted his hands everywhere, especially between her legs.

‘You’re allowed to touch
, you know,’ Jace murmured into her ear, and Natasha could have kissed him for reminding her of what she was actually doing here. She was supposed to be learning, taking it all in and storing it inside her mind for later.

‘And you’re allowed to look at me, too,’ he added.

Natasha opened her eyes, and, ever so slowly, dragged her gaze from Jace’s face to explore his naked and very hot body.

Half-way down, she paused and swallowed thickly as she took a good look at her first in–the-flesh cock. Her face burned with heat, and a tiny bit of shame, as she studied it. Though she so desperately wanted to reach out and touch it, Natasha couldn’t block out the wheezy voice of Father Glen, as he bellowed ‘Whore!’ ‘Strumpet!’

But she shook the ugly, wrinkled man free from her head, and fixed her eyes on Jace’s beautiful face, on the want and need she read there in his eyes.

You are Natasha Raven, erotic romance writer extraordinaire, and a beautiful man has just asked you to touch him

‘What would you like me to do?’ Natasha asked, licking her lips and dragging her gaze down to his cock and back up again, giving him what she hoped would be sexy dark eyes filled with desire. ‘What do you like?’

His chest rose and fell with short, sharp breaths and his cock jumped at her words.

‘I like this,’ he said, taking her hand and wrapping it around his hard length. Natasha shuddered with pleasure and instinctively crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together.

With their eyes locked and his warm hand over hers, Jace started to move her tightly fisted hand up and down his shaft, his ragged breath matching each quick thrust. Then he closed his eyes, his thick dark lashes brushing against perfectly sculpted cheekbones, and let out a soft moan.

Oh God, oh God, oh God…

Natasha had never before seen a sight so beautiful, so beautiful she almost couldn’t breathe. Her own breath started to come out in quick little rasps as the heat in her body quickened. She was losing control.

‘That’s enough,’ Jace breathed, stilling her hand with his.

While he caught his breath he stared down at her.

‘Okay beautiful Natasha, your turn. What do

Natasha’s heart raced. She was really doing this. She was in bed with a man — a stranger who was willing to share himself with her in the most intimate way. And he wasn’t
her. He was asking her what

Use this opportunity. Think of all the things you’ve wanted to try

A shiver of excitement shook her naked body. Though there were many things she wanted to try, one particular idea excited her the most.


Natasha had always loved reading oral sex scenes and this was her one chance to know what it felt like to pleasure a man with her mouth. But what would Jace think of her?

Who cares? You’ll most likely never see him again after tonight. You’ve come this far! Go with it!

‘Can I put my mouth…’ she swallowed thickly as she felt him harden to iron in her fist, ‘… here,’ she gave him a gentle squeeze, ‘instead of my hand.’

He let out a ragged sigh and stared at her for what seemed a long time before he rolled onto his back. ‘Okay,’ he breathed. ‘But not for long.’ A grin erased his intense frown. ‘Unless you want to meet one-second Samuel.’

A giggle tickled Natasha’s throat. She would’ve liked to have jotted down Jace’s quip for later use in one of her manuscripts, but the mere act of walking to the desk would have had her orgasming the entire way she was so on edge.

Kneeling over him, Natasha’s lower belly quivered as Jace’s dark blue eyes drank up seemingly every inch of her body. He was staring up at her like she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and when his eyes roved to the place between her legs, her entire body jumped with a jolt of desire she’d never known before now.

Still, as sexually arousing as this moment was, Natasha suddenly wished she knew more about Jace. Though she had never allowed herself to get close to a man in real life, her books were filled with romance. In Natasha’s romantic fantasies, the couple always shared hearts before sharing their bodies.

‘Wait. What’s your last name?’

Jace swallowed thickly, smiled and frowned at the same time before breathing out, ‘Branson.’

‘What star sign are you?’

Jace remained silent for a long time, catching his breath, before he said, ‘Leo,’ amusement sparkling in his eyes.

Natasha chewed on her bottom lip. Was a surname and star-sign enough? Could she really be this intimate with somebody she hardly knew? A Jace Branson who was born in either July or August?

He grinned. ‘Let me guess, you’re Aries?’ When she nodded in surprise, he licked his lips. ‘Hmmm… two fire signs.’

‘Explosive sex… apparently.’ Natasha put a hand to her lips and felt her entire face blush.

Noooo… I did not just say that!

Jace laughed out loud, the sound melting through Natasha’s tightly strung nerves and bringing forth a giggle to her lips. She collapsed against the mattress in a near on fit, unable to stop laughing, until she noticed that Jace had grown quiet and was now staring at her with seductively hooded eyes.

He leaned in and buried his face in her hair.

‘Forget the blowjob, I want you right now, Natasha,’ he said, his voice hot and gravelly against her neck, before resting his hands on her hips and lifting her up and over so that she straddled him.

‘Wait,’ she said, between breaths. Her entire body began to tremble, as though it were winter and not summer. Could she really go through with this? Could she really give herself to this man?

‘Hey, are you okay?’ Something about the gentle tone in Jace’s voice made her throat tighten.

‘Am I going too fast?’ He tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and sighed. ‘We can stop if you like. Get to know each other instead.’

Natasha looked deep into his eyes. She wanted to nod her head and say ‘yes.’ She wanted to get up and make some strong coffee and talk the night away, to get to know the real Jace before she took him inside the one place she had never taken anybody before. But she didn’t have all night.
Tomorrow morning
she had to speak in front of hundreds of other women about something she knew nothing about.

You can learn about it tonight - right now. Your only chance. It’s now or never

‘No, Jace. I want to do this.’ She gently caressed his cheek - the skin prickly where he’d shaved, and through chattering teeth, whispered, ‘I want you.’

Jace sucked in a sharp breath, lifted Natasha, and gently rolled over so that he was now on top. He bent his lips to hers, caressing her mouth like it was something precious, like his tongue was the key to her treasure, unlocking the secret door she’d so carefully guarded all her life. As the kiss deepened, Natasha’s doubt and resistance melted away.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ Jace breathed into her ear as he kissed his way down her neck and positioned his body between her legs. His hard cock brush against the inside of her thigh, causing her hips to rise up in knee-jerk response.

Jace kissed her forehead and raised himself, his biceps and forearms cording.

Natasha wound her fingers through his hair and waited, her brain wincing for the pain she might feel, but her body pulsing with the need to feel him against her and inside her.

He entered her slowly and with care.

Natasha cried out and dug her nails into his shoulders.

‘You’re tight,’ Jace said with a grimace, his desire laden eyes widening as he stared down at her. Concern and perhaps confusion knotted his brow and he made to pull out, but Natasha found the small of his back and pressed him against her.

‘It’s okay,’ she murmured. ‘It’s a good pain. Keep going.’

As though in reflex, he entered her fully, but paused and blinked down at her.

‘You’re a virgin?’ he whispered between breaths. He made to pull away but she raised her hips and drew her arms tightly around his waist. By now the pain was a mere tingling burn and the urge to continue what they had begun consumed her. She wanted him thrusting in and out of her, slow, then fast. She wanted to look up into his face and watch his pleasure. And suddenly, none of this had anything to do with tomorrow’s workshop.

‘Please keep going,’ she whispered while running her hands up and down his back. But his eyes widened and he shook his head. Gritting his teeth, Jace eased out of her and rolled onto his back.

Side by side, naked, they lay in silence, catching their breaths.

Why did he stop? Is a thirty-something virgin so off-putting?

Natasha had never felt so empty inside, both physically and emotionally. Tears pooled in her eyes, blurring the ceiling.

‘You’re a virgin?’ Jace sighed deeply beside her. ‘You’re a virgin and a writer of erotic fiction?’

Shame consumed Natasha’s body in a fiery flush of heat. A lone tear slid half way down her cheek before it dripped into her ear.

‘People write crime novels all the time and they don’t go around murdering people,’ she said between shuddering breaths, a slow anger growing inside of her.

‘I know, but…’ He rolled onto his side and rested his weight on his elbow. ‘I thought you were… I don’t know…’

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