Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story (17 page)

BOOK: Romeo and Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story
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“And I love you, my Romeo.”




Chapter Thirteen



The only place I kne
to take her that had a bed and
a TV was the back area of Friar Laurence’s
butcher shop
’s office.
I couldn

t possibly imagine taking her there.
I did the best thing I could.
I got us a
room at the nicest hotel in Times Square, the New York Marriott Marquis in the heart of everything
If we were going to start to live our life out in the open, this was as good a spot as any to spend our first night.

It cost a lot of money
, but
once again, I knew a guy who owed me a favor. What can I say? A lot of guys owed me favors? I got a real good deal and that was where we went, once we left Liberty Island and came back to Verona.

f you

going to go
, go
big. Go big on the first night you spend the rest of your life with somebody. You got it. Start it right.
And a luxury suite at the nicest hotel in the most famous city in the world is a nice place to start.

We had
<"> a huge room with amazing sleeping quarters.
This was
first full night together. I wanted to do this right

When we
got to the roo
m, it was almost daylight. We
specifically for a vampire suite. Vampire suites
are suites that have no windows, are very vampire friendly, in regard to a nice jug of the finest blood in the mini-bar for just about ten times what it’s worth

This was going to be the way it was
from here on out.
No sunlight and human blood.
I needed to be sensitive to that. I never imagined in my wildest dreams
that I would feel sympathetic toward a vampire. This ha
been a miracle. Venus, the love Goddess
clearly given this gift to us. Or maybe there

t an
ything cosmic about it. It could just be that
when you met the right person
everything just fit right and everything

Maybe that is how you know. Nothing cosmic
actually happens. It is
just the natural order
falling into place.
Maybe I
being naïve, but I think the world
ready for a love like this.

I carried Juliet into our royal suite fit for kings. The color scheme to the room was pink with glimpse of light blue.
It was a beaut
iful sight indeed. The backdrop

s beauty
into radiance.
I laid her
the light pink bedspread. She looked amazing. Her eyes had never appeared more beautiful.

grabbed me and pulled me close to her. Then she
pinned me to the bed
and said, “Are you for real?” she said in a way that was not
and sasize="+0">,
but more like speak now
or forever hold your peace. She wanted to know i
I was just wasting her time.

“I’m all about us
, no matter what! This
is who I am. This is all I want

Juliet held her breath and said, “We are really doing this. I can’t believe it. I mean…this is what I want from the depths of my soul. I just can’t believe it has already started.”

“Where does your family think you are today?” I asked, concerned.

“I texted Martha and told her I was going to be staying at my cousin’s. I texted my cousin and gave her the heads’ up.”

“Does she know who you are with?”

“Of course not. How about you? Does anyone know you’re here?”

“I trusted one person. He didn’t like it. But I know I can trust him with more than my life.”

Juliet looked at me and said, “Let me guess. Mercutio?”

“He would be the one,” I said.

“What does he think?”

“I was only able to talk to him briefly when we stopped at the gas station.”

“I didn’t see you talk to anyone,” Juliet said.

“I’m pretty slick with the phone,” I said. The truth was, when she slipped into the women’s restroom when the taxi driver had to stop for gas, I took the time to give Mercutio a buzz.

“Well, what does he think?” Juliet asked.

“He thinks we’re freaking crazy,” I said.

“We are kind of crazy, aren’t we,” Juliet said, smiling at me. She was too adorable. I leaned in and kissed her as we lay on the bed. Juliet returned my passion with forceful kisses of her own. We began
rolling around
kissing on the bed. I could feel Juli
et trembling.

“You’re trembling,”
I said.


m so happy,” Juliet answered.

“A type of happy that makes you chilly
?” I asked

“No, a kind of happiness that makes me feel vulnerable

“Let me warn you,”
I said. “This is real. I’m not turning into a pumpkin at midnight. I’m here {. Int to stay.”
I turned Juliet on her back and we both slid in underneath the covers.
We were both fully clothed
except for both of
us taking off our shoes as we en
tered the room.

I smothered her with my body
and be
gan removing my clothes.

“I don

t know if getting na
ked will keep me from trembling,
” Juliet said.

“You’ve got to trust me,

I said.

I began removing Juliet

s sweater and she kicked off her jeans. We were both completely
naked, except for we both had our
ear on.

I placed Juliet on top
of my bare body and allowed our
skin to touch and to rub. Our skin began heating up as it rubbed together.

“I feel warmer,
” Juliet said.

Juliet and I began to kiss pa
and we held each other. We consumed one another. We were no longer two people. We were whole.

I don

t think I fell asleep until noon. Juliet fell asleep shortly before I did and I sat there starin
g at her beautiful, sweet face, dreaming of a better
, until I fell asleep myself



Chapter Fourteen



I woke up hours later and it was still daylight so I knew I had only been asleep for a couple of hours. I laid in my bed and held Juliet’s body close to mine. I smelled the back of her neck and loved her with every bit of me. As I held her,
I began to
feel nervous
about what we
were planning to do later that night.

“Are you awake?” a voice below my chin asked.

“I am,” I answered.

released my caress and she turned over onto her back.
Her hair
spread across the pillow behind her. She couldn

t have looked more beautiful even if she tried. She was the image of radiance.
I was going to lay it all on the line for her today. I was certain about how I felt toward her. I
not certain how both of our families are going to take
the announcement

I stroked Juliet

s hair as I gazed into her eyes. There is
purity about her that I c

t quite put my finger on it. I ha
never loved like this before. It didn

t make a damn lick of sense.

I think there is a part of every man that
if he had the fortune of meeting his soul
he one true person only he should be with

I think there

s something
deep rooted
that is in every man
hat he would fight for her love at all costs.

looked at me and said,
“Is this the part where you tell me it

s to

“Not a chance, sw
” I said.
“You’ve got me mistaken for someone else.”

She smiled at me and I felt her trust warm in me.

“Today is about you and me
. You just need to make sure your family
is at Central Park at the south
st entrance. It is right behind a statue of a couple of eagles
mauling a ram
It is right
behind that statue
. Tell them to follow the white decoration toward the

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