Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch (7 page)

Read Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch Online

Authors: Mallory Monroe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch
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grasped her by her arms.
“You don’t
accept anything.
You trust me.
And just like you told me to let you handle
your business, you let me handle mine.”

still sounded tough for Gemma to accept.
But she knew, if she wanted to be with Sal,
and she did
, she had to accept it.
She put her arms around him.
nodded her head.
“Okay,” she said.

smiled grandly and pulled her back into his arms.
“Oh, darling,” he said.
“You won’t be sorry.”

don’t know about that,” Gemma said.
sorry already.”

heart dropped.
He pulled back and looked
into her eyes.

“Dang, Sal, I’m kidding, all
Lighten up!”

laughed and began stepping into the tub.
“Why don’t you go round us up some food while I bathe?
That garage action worked up an appetite in

looked sidelong at him.
“Round up food?”
she asked, and started removing her robe.
“Are you out of your mind?
haven’t seen you all week.
You’d better
move your ass over and make room for mama.
We’re about to fuck the bubbles out of this bitch!”

laughed so hard he cried.
“Yes, ma’am,”
he said, making room.
This was the Gemma
he loved so completely.
unashamed to show her affection, and funny.
Always had that sharp wit.
was the woman he loved.
This was what he
was talking about!

if he though Gemma was playing, he was wrong.
She wanted that dick in her so bad she could feel it already.
That activity in the garage was good, and she
enjoyed it, but it wasn’t complete.
Nothing satisfied her sexual urges the way Sal’s dick did, and complete
satisfaction was what she was after.

sat down in the tub as she stood over him.
He was thrilled he wasn’t fooling with some kid, but had a real woman on
his hands, a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to go and get it
But when she sat in that tub,
with her back to his chest, he took over.

kissed her on her long, dark neck, and the side of her face, and he fondled her
She leaned back and lifted both
of her hands, wrapping them around his head, rubbing his thick, silky
Her backward movement alone caused
her breasts, to his pleasure, to take on that tautness he loved.

smiled as one of his hands left one of her breasts and began to fondle her clit
and rub her folds.
For the longest time
she enjoyed this massage.
But as his
dick began to expand and butt against her vagina, she took her hand and began
to massage him too.

it was Gemma’s time as far as Sal was concerned.
He wanted her to relax and appreciate every
inch of her body the way he appreciated it.
And it worked.
She leaned back
against him as his rubbing and fondling and kissing relaxed her almost to the
point of sleep.
Until he entered

was a slow entry, unlike the way he mouth-fucked her in the garage.
He guided his dick into her vagina and then
slowly, carefully, pushed it on in.
he pulled it out, and pushed it in again.
Out and in until he was steady, and was able to push in, and almost out,
in and almost out.
Gemma was, by now,
breathing heavily.
It was the feeling
that was getting to her.
That fullness
and hardness that overwhelmed her insides and kept expanding until it felt as
if it was stuck in her.

then he’d slide in and almost out again, sideswiping her sensitive walls, and
making her near cum the entire time.
This was how Sal always did her.
He made her feel as if she was floating, flying, fading in and out with
This was the best fuck she
could ever get, the kind Sal put on her.
She rubbed his hair, and leaned even further back against him, their
faces touching cheek-to-cheek, as he fucked her.

Sal, being Sal, wasn’t about to leave it there.
His gyrations inevitably increased.
But it was always just when Gemma’s body was begging for the increase.
This time was no exception.
Gemma was
begging for him to lay it on harder.
he did.
Harder and harder.
He pumped into her, pounded into her, until
it felt as if he was ripping through her body in a deliciously sensual
Every sensation she could feel, she
felt, as she screamed and lifted up and caused the water in that tub to start
splashing out.
She was cumming with a
She loved Sal, but to be able
to do her this way was priceless to her.
It had made her love him even more.

was loving her even more as he came too.
He thrashed into her and then, when he broke loose, he pushed in and
stayed in.
Deep down inside of her.
And the muscles of his arms began to vein,
his dick began to throb so hard that it felt as if he was going to explode, and
he began to tremble.
He poured and he
poured into her.
The water caught some,
but she caught most, making her so full that she tried to force him out of
She didn’t think she could take the
heightened feelings.
But she took
Like the woman Sal loved so
completely, she took it.
And when his
pouring had ceased, and all of their sensations had ebbed, he wrapped his arms
tighter around her, and pulled her even closer.

mine, you hear me,” he said to her in a sturdy, but emotional voice.

she felt the power of his body, and his tongue.
“I hear you,” she said.
mine too,” she added.


dinner, they watched a movie in bed.
was a repeat of the BBC production of Sherlock on public television, with
Benedict Cumberbatch playing the famed detective.
But although Gemma was all into it, Sal
wasn’t feeling it.
He fell asleep within
minutes of the opening scenes.

first Gemma lay there, and continued to watch the movie, but then she found
herself watching Sal.
She fingered his
hair out of his gorgeous face and watched him as he slept.
He was such a complex man, she thought.
Strong and tough, a loudmouth wise guy in so
many ways, but so vulnerable too.
him wasn’t ever going to be as simple as loving him.
And Gemma realized it.
Every time they were together, she was
realizing it more.
She used to dream of
such a simple love affair.
She used to
dream of meeting this great looking professional black man, who treated her
like a queen, and who gave her cute little black kids and that perfect black
Instead she got Sal Luca, a
straight-up gangster if she was to tell the truth of it, who was Italian and
brash and who would probably give her almost as much pain as he gave her
But there it was.
No simple boyfriend for her.
No simple life for her.
She was still coming to terms with it, she
knew, as she looked at him.

then she thought about what he said too.
He said their relationship wasn’t easy for him either.
He had to give up a lot to be with her, not
least of which his numerous females.
what if he couldn’t do it?
What if, one
of those lonely nights in Seattle, he gave in?
Just as the fact that if she didn’t accept his “other business”
interests it would be a deal-breaker for him, his going back to his old ways
would be a deal-breaker for her.
meant, she thought warily, their young relationship was nowhere near where it
needed to be.
They were still, in a lot
of ways, on shaky ground.
They were
both, in a very specific way, sizing up the distance.

she realized she wasn’t helping to make it any easier by constantly thinking
about it, she turned her attention back to the television.
Sal eventually woke back up and pulled her
into his arms again, and he started watching the telecast too.
But it was still too boring for him.
He fell asleep again.

he woke back up, the show, thankfully, was going off.
“The things you like to watch,” he said as he
shook his head.

do you mean?
That was one of the best
Sherlock Holmes I’ve seen since Jeremy Brett.”

he is,” Sal said.
Then he took the
remote and turned the television off.
turned on his side, toward Gemma.
I have you all to myself again.”

smiled, turning on her side and facing him too.
“You always had me all to yourself, and you know it.”

But he could tell she had
something on her mind.
“Out with it,
What is it?”

started to say nothing, but she knew that wouldn’t be true.
“My parents, Sal,” she said, and he dropped
his head.


want to meet you.”

I want to meet them.
And I will.”

They think I haven’t introduced
you to them because I’m ashamed of you.”

not about that.”

they don’t know that, Sal.”

going to meet, all right?
But not now.”

Gemma couldn’t let it go the way she had in the past.
If they weren’t asking about him, then it
would be different.
She wouldn’t mind
But they were asking.
“Why not, Sal?” she asked.
“You were the one who told me I should tell
them we were dating.
They ask to meet
you, then you suddenly don’t want to do it.
Yeah, our relationship isn’t perfect.
Yes, it’s been a little shaky sometimes and off and on, I’ll admit that.
And I’ll admit my part in that.
But it’s back on now.
And we’re both hopeful.

won’t be any breaking up, if that’s what you mean.
But that has nothing to do with your

it does, Sal!
never slept with a man, and was serious about
a man, who I didn’t introduce to them.”
Then she looked at him.
She knew
it would hit a nerve, but it needed to be said.
“I went and saw your father,” she said.

hit a nerve.
“My old man had no say,
none, in this relationship!”

“What are you talking
My parents won’t have any say in
this relationship either.”


yeah, right
They won’t.
My parents never had any say in any of my relationships.”

respect them?” Sal asked her.

course I respect them,” Gemma replied.

respect their opinion?”

what in the world does that have to do with anything?”

my question.
Do you respect their

I love them.
Yes, I respect their

Then Sal looked at her.
“What if they hate me?”

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