ROMANCE: The French Billionaire (A Dark New Adult Billionaire Romance) (Billionaire Romance,Contemporary Romance,Untamed Billionaire,Short Stories) (12 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: The French Billionaire (A Dark New Adult Billionaire Romance) (Billionaire Romance,Contemporary Romance,Untamed Billionaire,Short Stories)
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Chapter 6

“Wake up, sleepyhead. I ordered room service,” Xander said, opening the curtains.

“Ughhh, it’s too bright. And too loud,” Mia said. Her head was throbbing from all the alcohol. She sat up slowly, and opened her eyes to a massive buffet on a tray table next to her. There were scrambled eggs, fresh orange juice, and big, fluffy pancakes.

“I hope you like it,” Xander said, looking uncharacteristically nervous.

“Of course I like it!” Mia said. “This is the perfect hangover cure. That’s very sweet of you, Xander. Thank you.”

“I went and talked to the chef downstairs and asked him to make you the perfect Sunday morning breakfast. He’s done some of the food for Will Golden events in the past. He’s really very good.”

“Wait,” Mia said. “How are you not in a hungover!? How did you have the energy to get up and talk to the chef? I don’t think we even fell asleep until after two last night.”

“Well, you were too drunk to realize, but I was drinking water in between the wine and the shots. I assumed you were doing the same, but clearly I was wrong.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been that drunk. Clearly, my partying skills are a little rusty.”

Xander laughed at her, though not unkindly. “Come on, eat your breakfast and get dressed. I have another surprise for you this afternoon.”

Mia was starting to wonder if she should go through with Lillian’s plan. Sure, Xander had done some horrible things, but he also seemed like he was incredibly lonely and sad, and she didn’t want to make that worse. Plus, he was treating her like a princess and she couldn’t remember the last time any man had done that for her.


Xander’s surprise turned out to be that he actually owned a small island off the coast of Southampton. They walked over to a pier from the hotel, where Xander had chartered a boat to take them over to see it.

“I wasn’t even going to show you this originally, because I think it kind of makes me seem like a pompous asshole. But my family’s owned this island for generations. My great-grandfather built a little beach house over here almost a hundred years ago, and the land’s just been passed down through the family. It’s my favorite place in the world,” he said.

The boat ride took about twenty minutes, and if the breakfast hadn’t cured Mia’s hangover, this certainly did. The wind blew through Mia’s hair and hit her in the face, making her feel strangely alive in a way that was rare for her. They got off the boat and found themselves on a small beach surrounded by trees. There was a path up off of the beach that lead to a small, but charming little house.

“Come inside,” Xander said. “I want to show you around.”

The house was just as inviting on the inside as it was on the outside. There was a cute little living room with cozy couches and family photos hanging on the wall. Directly across from that, there was a small kitchen with pale yellow tiling. There was a small spiral staircase that led directly above them to a second floor.

“Come on,” Xander said, taking Mia’s hand, and gently leading her up the stairs. “I want to show you the bedroom.”

They sat down on a large bed in a room with sloping ceilings and floral decor. “So,” Xander said. “Last night was pretty incredible.”

“I had a lot of fun,” Mia said. “But I’m not sure it was the best idea. I mean, you’re my boss. I feel like that’s probably breaking some sort of rule.” Better to break it off now, she thought, than make the situation any more complicated than it needs to be.

But then, Xander grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

“How could this be wrong? This feels more right to me than anything I’ve done in a long time,” he murmured, sweetly.

He kissed her, more softly, romantically, than he had before. And Mia decided to stop resisting. She started to kiss him back, and let her hand traveled on his firm muscles. Both of them grinned as she stopped on the bulging piece in between his thigh.

“See how it wants you?” Xander uttered in a very alluring way. Immediately, he pinned her to the wall as he peeled off her clothes. “Please, let me touch you now, Sarah. I want you to make love to me without the alcohol’s influence,” he pleaded.

“O-okay,” she breathed weakly, and soon enough, Alexander’s skillful hand was wandering all over her body again.

“Crazy, isn’t it? I don’t know what you’ve done to me. You are completely bewitching me, Sarah,” he said, and bit her earlobe softly. This sends a strange sensation to her. Suddenly, she wanted to please him.

Cautiously, Mia maneuvered him, and pressed him on the wall instead. She got on her knees, and pulled down his shorts. Alexander gazed at her in anticipation as she grasped her sized. Then, she sheeted her teeth with her lips and put him in her mouth.

“Ah, baby,” he grumbled, appreciatively. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” he uttered, clutching her hair to get a better view.

Though a bit inexperienced when it comes to this part, Mia was satisfied to see him howling with pleasure. For her, he wasn’t the typical CEO of the company, but an ordinary man, who sincerely wanted to make love to her. She continued to please him, pushing him deep down her throat.

“Argh!” Xander grunted wildly. “Come here,” he said, and pulled her up. He shifted her swiftly on the bed, then spreads her legs apart. Then, he kneeled down beside the mattress, and licked her sweet and soft private part. “Beautiful,” he whispered appreciatively. 

Mia squirmed as he inserts his tongue skillfully inside her. All the blood in her veins runs wildly, as if he is sending out some fire to boil them.

“Hmm..” Alexander said, maliciously. “Now, tell me it wasn’t right, honey. I am willing to stop,” he teased her.

Mia knew she couldn’t afford to let him stop from whatever he was doing right now. She completely burnt in glorious pain, and aching madly for his wonderful assault once again.

“No,” she protested. “Do whatever you wish to my body, Xander,” she urged him, guiding his hand to touch her breasts.

“Damn, it’s my pleasure to do that,” he replied, climbing hungrily on top of her.

Mia spreads her legs more to give him an easier access, and eagerly, he sinks his penis deliciously inside her.

…” Mia gasped, willingly accepting his intrusion.

“You’re so wet already,” he commented, smooching her neck while caressing her nipples. “Looks like you do want me too,” he smiled.

“Yes… I want you…” she admitted helplessly.


And as if it’s his cue, Xander started to thrust greedily, pushing himself in and out of Mia’s perilously addicting flower. The bed’s distracting screeching sounds spiced up their hunger for each other.

“I want to take you from behind,” Xander said in a firm tone after a while. “Turn around,” he ordered, and Mia obeyed him readily.

In no time, Xander was hitting on her once again. Mia was surprised to feel his fullness even more. She never thought that this position can actually give her more pleasure.

she cried in sweet agony. She pushes her hips harder to match with his speed.

“Damn, baby,” Xander growled, squeezing both the cheeks of her behind. “You seem to enjoy this as much as I do,” he commented again as he dig deeper and tougher.

“Yes…” she panted. “Hit me harder,” she requested.


Then, Mia moaned unexpectedly as he smashed her delicious spot, which made her legs tremble hysterically. They both knew that both of them are coming closer, so without any hesitations, they boosted their speed to gratify each other’s senses.

Alexander and Mia called out each other’s name as they burst into extreme climax, and with one final blow, they exchanged the fruit of their sweet orgasms and fell down, panting and gasping for breath.



              Two hours later, Mia rolled over and gently touched Xander’s shoulder, waking him up from his nap. “We should probably head back to the city soon,” she said.

,” he groaned. “Back to reality.” He sat up slowly. Mia admired his abs, and his nice strong arms. She wondered when he ever found the time to work out. They both got up and slowly started to dress and pack up their things.
“I’ll call the boat, and I’ll have my driver meet us at the dock in Southampton.”
Mia wondered if she would ever have a romantic weekend this perfect again. She went over to Xander, and reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you,” she said. Then, she picked up her bag and headed down the stairs and out to meet the boat.


Chapter 7

When they were sitting in the car on their way back into the city, Xander was uncharacteristically quiet. He just took her hand and smiled.

After twenty minutes of companionable silence, Mia said, “I’m so sad that this weekend had to end. I could not have imagined anything better.”
“Maybe it doesn’t have to…” Xander said after a while, looking rather mischievous.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Hey, can you get off on the next exit? And pull into the motel right off the highway.”

Mia laughed. “You’re not serious!”

“Sarah, I am as serious as I’ve ever been in my entire life,” he said, but he couldn’t contain his smile.

They got to the motel and checked into the first available room. Xander pressed her up against the door as soon as it was shut, kissing her with an aggressiveness Mia hadn’t yet seen in him. He started unbuttoning her shirt, and she pushed him back onto the bed.

“If this is the last time…” she said, uncertainly.
“It won’t be,” he replied. “But if it is, we better make it good, then.”


Mia woke up sometime later that evening, noticing that it was pouring rain outside. She decided that when she got back to the city, she would call Lillian and cancel the revenge plan. It wasn’t fair to Xander, or to her. She didn’t want to break his heart, no matter what horrible things he’d done in the past. After all, it wasn’t like she’d never made a mistake in her life, and she certainly wouldn’t like to be punished in the way that Lillian wanted her to punish Xander. She also thought it might be a good idea for her to resign from her job. Even if Xander thought it wouldn’t be a problem, she was sure that sleeping with the boss might get her in trouble with Jayden. She also didn’t want to be the subject of office gossip. She wanted the connection between her and Xander to be something that stayed private and special, just for them to enjoy.

No matter how much she tried to deny it to herself, she was completely falling head over heels for Xander.
              She sat up and started looking for her clothes, but then she noticed that Xander was already dressed, with a very somber look on his face. “I think maybe you were right after all. This wasn’t a good idea,” he said.

“Wait, Xander, where is this coming from?” Mia’s stomach dropped. How could this be happening? What had changed? “I know this won’t be easy, but we’ll work it out. I’ll resign from Will Golden. I want to be with you. This weekend was so amazing. We can’t give up this easily!”

“Yes, we can,” Xander said, his eyes devoid of any emotion. He wasn’t making eye contact with her either, but rather looking past her out the window at the pouring rain. “In fact, I’ve written you a check for your service. Thank you for your… company this weekend.”

Mia noticed that there was a check for $25,000 on the nightstand next to her. “I hope you’ll be discreet about this whole affair,” Xander said. “I like to keep these things private.”
Mia stood up in an outrage. “Are you kidding me!? I don’t need your money! I thought you were genuinely interested in me and wanted to be with me. What about all of that stuff you said about me being one of the few people you could open up to? It really didn’t seem like you were making all of that up.”

“You were just what I wanted this weekend. I would really prefer it if you would just take the payment, as a thank you from me, and we’ll keep everything between us. I really shouldn’t be sleeping with secretaries, anyway.”

“Fine,” Mia said. “I’ll leave. And I’ll stay quiet. But I’m not taking your money. I’m not some sort of prostitute,” she hissed. “I deserve to be treated better than that.”

She put her dress back on, and grabbed all of her things, and without another word, or a glance back at Xander, she walked straight out of the motel.

“Where’s the nearest bus station?” she asked the concierge. A cab back to Manhattan from here would be way too expensive. She would wait for hours in the pouring rain if she had to.


Chapter 8

Mia woke up the next morning feeling completely exhausted. She had waited forty five minutes in the rain for the bus, and then the bus ride itself had taken almost three hours. She had been crying the entire time, and the other passengers kept asking her if she was okay, and handing her tissues. When she got home, she was completely drained that she passed out right away.

She still hadn’t resigned from her job at Will Golden, so she still had to go into the office. She decided to put on a brave face and tough it out for another week or two. She would feel bad leaving Jayden hanging after he’d searched so hard to find a new secretary. She put on her favorite blouse and pencil skirt, put her hair up in a bun, and went to catch the train.

When she got into the office, the first thing she noticed was that there was an enormous bouquet of flowers on her desk. In fact, it was so big it was covering up everything else on the desk, and you couldn’t even see in the window to Jayden’s office, which was right behind it.

Mia was so excited.
Xander must have had a change of heart after all,
she thought.

She was still angry with him, of course, but she knew he struggled with relationships, and decided immediately that she would give him a second chance. They would work everything out, she knew they could do it.

Mia’s coworkers were crowding around her desk now, asking her who the flowers were from, and what the occasion was.

“I don’t know,” Mia said, trying to be coy. “Let’s find out.” She opened the card attached to the vase, expecting to see a heartfelt note from Xander, but instead they were from.. Jayden?



Please enjoy these flowers
I had an absolutely wonderful time with you at the party on Friday night. I would love to spend more time with you (outside the office!) again soon.




Mia’s anger towards Xander flared right back up again. She’d been so stupid to think that he would really want to apologize. Really, she’d been stupid for falling for him in the first place. She’d heard of everything that he’d done to Lillian. She should have known better.

Just then, Jayden came walking around the corner. “I hope you like your flowers, Sarah,” he beamed at her.

Mia forced her face into a smile. “I love them! You are so sweet. Thank you very much.”

Even more people started to gather around, wanting to catch a bit of the gossip. Why was Jayden so interested in his secretary? Mia then realized that Alexander was standing towards the back of the crowd, watching her like a hawk. She got a chill, and realized that she was sweating bullets.

“Sarah, I know this is very soon, and you are my secretary and everything,” Jayden said. “But I had a lovely time dancing with you at the party on Friday night. You are such a wonderful, kind person, you are very fun to talk to, and of course, you are beautiful. I was wondering if you would come out on an official date with me. I would love for you to be my girlfriend. I can always find another secretary, but it’s very difficult to find someone as wonderful as you to have in my personal life. Please say yes.”

Mia was completely taken aback. She had not expected this at all. She had thought that Jayden was just being friendly to her because he was her boss, not because he was interested in her. But then again, he was fun, nice, easygoing, the complete opposite of Xander, and he was cute in that golden boy sort of way.

Everyone was staring at her now, and Jayden was starting to look worried. She was completely aware of Xander’s eyes on her, scrutinizing her. She would have to make a decision right now.

“Yes,” she said, not totally aware of what she was doing. “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.” The entire room burst into animated conversation. She smiled at Jayden, then looked briefly over at Xander, who was walking away, and shaking his head in obvious remorse.


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