Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: A Duchess in Distress (Historical Regency Romance Duke) (Rake Duke Arranged Marriage Short Stories) (18 page)

BOOK: Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: A Duchess in Distress (Historical Regency Romance Duke) (Rake Duke Arranged Marriage Short Stories)
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Rescued from a Rake – A Regency Romance

Alice Ashmeer and her friends, Georgina and Sophia, were sitting on the terrace at the rear of Stanley Manor, a large house belonging to Lord Ashmeer. The house had extensive grounds and included a lake that Lord Ashmeer used infrequently for fishing.

''It's such a lovely day. Do you think we dare go for a swim?'' Alice asked her two closest friends.

''It really is the most tediously hot day. What do you say, Georgina?'' asked Sophia.

''Yes, lets. It was so much fun when we swam last year. The lake was so cool and there's never anybody around to see us. Come on, let's be daring,'' Georgina said.

''How long has your family owned Stanley Manor?'' Georgina asked Alice as they walked over the lawn towards the lake.

''About two hundred years,'' Alice replied. ''My father hates the place. He says it costs far too much to maintain.''

''But your father is the richest man in the county. Surely a few pounds for maintenance is of no consequence to him?'' Sophia butted in.

''He is indeed rich beyond belief, but he is what people in this part of England call, tight. He keeps his fingers firmly on his money,'' Alice said.

''Yes, that's how people get rich, by not spending anything. My father is rich but not nearly as rich as your father is. In fact, in comparison, I would say we are really rather poor,'' Sophia complained.

The other two laughed at Sophia. They both knew her father was rich enough to own a three thousand hectare estate.

''I do so like your dress, Alice. You look prettier than ever in pink. Your father may be the richest man in the county, but my dear, you are the most beautiful woman in the county. You could have any man you want,'' Georgina said.

''Nonsense. You two are more beautiful,'' said Alice.

When they reached the lake, they walked along the shore and stopped at a wooded area.

''I do hope nobody sees us. It really isn't lady like to swim,” Sophia said.

''Well, I don't care. I'm going in naked this time,'' Georgina announced.

''But you can't, what if somebody sees you?'' Sophia asked, horrified at the idea.

''There is nobody here. And so what if somebody sees me. I'm just a woman, not a monster.''

''Then let's all swim without clothes. It'll be so daring and so much fun. Swimming in undergarments is so heavy. Last year, I was almost pulled to the bottom,'' Alice concluded.

Alice and Georgina went behind a tree and began to take off their clothes. Sophia looked around nervously, sure someone would see them. When Alice emerged, she walked to the water’s edge and tip-toed into to the refreshing water.

Sophia looked at her and was instantly envious of Alice's body. Her legs were long and slender, her buttocks small and soft and her breasts perfectly formed. Sophia would have swapped her red hair and blue eyes for Alice's blonde curls and emerald green eyes, in an instant.

Sophia turned to see where Georgina was. When she saw her, she was surprised by the size of her breasts. Sophia, Alice and Georgina were neighbors in the high society life of Northampton, and they had grown up together. But they hadn't seen each other naked for many years. Every time they swam, they had worn some sort of garment.

''Georgina, you are a very wholesome woman,'' Sophia said. Georgina smiled and ran into the water. Sophia hung around at the water’s edge as Alice and Georgina walked out into the water. When the water reached their thighs, they both dived and swam off into the middle of the lake.

''Look at her. She is too afraid to take off her clothes,'' Georgina said as she and Alice trod water.

''I really don't know why. She has a stunning figure,'' Alice said. ''Sophia, come on. The water's lovely,'' she shouted.

Eventually Sophia disappeared behind a tree and emerged with her arms folded across her breasts. She skipped into the water as fast as she could, and as soon as it was deep enough, submerged her body from sight. When she reached the others she was quite out of breath.

''It's very cold, indeed,'' she said gasping.

The other two looked at each other and rolled their eyes in a display of irony. They continued their conversation, still treading water in the middle of the lake.

“What would you do now, if a man came along and took our clothes?'' Alice asked.

''Oh, that thought is too horrible to contemplate,'' Sophia said.

''I would chase him,'' Georgina said.

''But there would be a horrible scandal. You can't run around naked,'' Sophia observed.

''It would be a very difficult situation wouldn't it. Although it isn't very far back to the house. I think we would have to tear a branch full of leaves from a tree and walk behind until we got close enough to run inside and get some clothes,'' Alice ventured.

''As we are talking about daring activities, I have a suggestion. When we were on the terrace a few minutes ago, I told Alice she was beautiful, and she told you and I, Sophia, that we were more beautiful. Let's find out who is the most beautiful,'' Georgina said.

Sophia looked puzzled. '' But how do you want to do that?''

Georgina explained. ''There is a ball next week at the Ferguson's. Let's see which of us can fill our dance cards the fastest. The first one to get it filled, we will call the most beautiful of us, and there will be no more dispute.''

''Georgina you are an absolute genius. What fun it will be,'' Alice said as she let herself sink under the water.

The man watching from the far bank wasn't interested in stealing their clothes, but he was interested in seeing them leave the water.


''You have such soft hair, Miss Alice,'' the lady's maid said, as she poured a jug of warm water over her. Eleanor was a plump lady in her sixties. She had long gray hair tied in a bun. It made her look strict, but she was in fact, the friendliest soul imaginable. Alice's mother had chosen her to be Alice's ladies maid because she had years of experience. She trusted Eleanor to temper her daughter’s youthful urges in choice of clothing.

''And you are the kindest maid I could ever have wished for,'' Alice replied. ''How long have you been at Stanley Hall, Eleanor?''

''Oh, a lot of years, Miss. Let me see, you were born, twenty two years ago and I was here many years before that. I'm afraid to say I can remember Stanley Hall when your grandfather was alive.''

''So you must have been a lady's maid to my grandmother.''

''Yes, I was. I was very young and quite frightened of your grandmother. Your mother brought her own lady's maid when she married your father, and, after your poor grandmother died, I became a house maid. That is, until you came of age. I was so pleased your mother asked me to be your maid. You are turning into the most beautiful young lady in England.''

''Eleanor, you are very good at exaggerating, I must say. On the subject of beauty, I have a bet with Miss Georgina and Miss Sophia, this evening. We are going to see who can fill their dance cards the fastest. Who does, will become the undisputed beauty among us.''

''That sound like great fun, Miss. I am sure you will win. You are so much more beautiful than they are. Now let's get you out of the bath and into a gown fit for a Queen.''

Eleanor held out an enormous towel and wrapped Alice in it as she stepped out of the water. ''Which gown do you want to wear this evening, Miss?''

''It is awful, but I can't decide. I suppose if I showed a little décolleté, I may have more of a chance of winning our little competition, but, on the other hand, I don't want to appear too vulgar.''

''How about this one?'' Eleanor said, holding up a white gown with hundreds of roses embroidered into it. ''It's a lovely color for a fresh young lady and I think it is daring enough, without being overly so.''

''Excellent choice, thank you.''

After Alice dressed, Eleanor stood back and looked at her. ''I am proud of you, Miss Alice. You are tall and blonde and your features are finer than any porcelain money can buy. You have a lovely figure and enough bust to attract any gentleman's roving eye. You are a credit to your mother and father. Whoever marries you, will be the luckiest man in the world.''

''Alice, are you ready yet? Why does it always take an eternity for you ladies to get ready?'' Lord Ashmeer asked his daughter.

''Because, father, we are gentle creatures that need nurturing, like flowers. You do want us to look our best don't you?''

''I suppose so, now where on earth is your mother? This eternal waiting is becoming quite intolerable.''

''Father, why are you so impatient. What's the matter?'' Alice asked.

''I want to get the best seat at the card table. If she doesn't hurry up, I will be doomed to sit next to the door and have to listen to all that ridiculous music.''

''That ridiculous music, father, is modern. All young people like it.''

''Well, to me it's just a blessed din. Ah, here she is. Finally, woman, please do hurry yourself,'' he barked at his wife.

''Jeremy are you talking to me? If so then kindly do not refer to me as 'woman'. Women work in factories. I am a lady and don't you forget it.''

Lord Ashmeer felt himself suitably chastised and they left for the ball.



As soon as the Ashmeers arrived, Georgina came running up to Alice. ''I already have two dances in my card, only another six and you'll have to call me beautiful all your life,'' she said.

''What are you girls up to, whispering like that,'' Lady Ashmeer inquired.

''Nothing, mother, just a little friendly rivalry.''

''Well make sure you behave with a little decorum, we have a reputation to keep. Now please excuse me, I want to speak to Lady Hanley.''

''So, please tell me, who you have on your card?'' Alice asked.

''Now that would be telling,'' Georgina said secretively.

Alice looked at Georgina. She wasn't as tall as Alice and she was dark. Her brown eyes often looked sad. Georgina had lost her mother in a dreadful riding accident and she had never really recovered from the loss. Her father was heartbroken, and almost never left the house. But Georgina was plucky, and Alice always enjoyed her practical jokes immensely. Georgina was also sought after by a number of extremely rich suitors, none of who appealed to her.

''Here's Sophia, let's see how she is faring?'' Georgina said.

''And how many of the dashing gentlemen have you managed to snare so far this evening?'' Georgina asked. Sophia had red hair and pale skin and was probably the least attractive of the three. Nonetheless, she wasn't plain and could quite easily hold her own in the evening’s competition.

''Three, so far,'' Sophia replied enthusiastically

Alice felt quite dejected. Her father had been right, they had spent far too long getting ready, and now she was behind. ''Then, please excuse me, dear friends, for I shall have to make haste,'' Alice said as she walked away towards a group of handsome looking young men. One of whom she knew.

''Charles,'' she whispered, ''can I talk to you.'' Charles Argyle was the twenty year old son of Lord and Lady Argyle, the Ashmeer's neighbors. Charles and Alice had often played together by the lake when Georgina and Sophia were not available. He was tall and had jet black hair. He had inherited his rugged looks from his father who was a renowned naval officer.

''Alice. You look lovely. What can I do for you?''

''Thank you, Charles, for you kind compliment. I need your help. You see I have a wager with my friends. The first to fill their dance card shall forever be known as the most beautiful among us.''

''There is no doubt in my mind that you are by far the most beautiful. Which renders your wager quite pointless as far as I can see.''

''No, Charles. That's just your very kind opinion. But I am quite desperate to win, if I may be honest with you. Please introduce me to some of your friends.''

''Of course, I shall. We can't have you being beaten, can we?''

Charles introduced Alice to five of his friends and they all asked her to reserve a place for them in her schedule. Alice was quite elated. She was surely going to win.

The ball was a splendid affair. The Ferguson's were very wealthy and they had just built a new ball room. This was its grand opening. It had six enormous chandeliers, three down each side of the room. The tea and card rooms were the most luxurious on the ball circuit, and the orchestra had their own balcony.

As Alice glanced around, there seemed to be no shortage of suitors, but she knew precious few of them, and without being introduced it was not the place of a lady to talk to a gentleman. To Alice's horror, Georgina raised six fingers when she caught Alice's eye, and a few moments later, she read Sophia's lips as she said seven.

Alice had made up her mind.

''Excuse me, sir. I know it is certainly not my place to address a gentleman without an introduction, but I find myself in a slightly awkward situation.''

''Then prey tell, what can be so awkward that it brings you to leave the well-trodden path of social etiquette?'' The man Alice had addressed was the most handsome man at the ball. He was tall and dark, and his eyes instantly drew Alice's attention. She had never seen such beautiful blue eyes. His face was thin and his features fine, a most aristocratic and trustworthy individual, Alice concluded.

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